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 3.5 map of Waterdeep
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Charles Rampant

United Kingdom
7 Posts

Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  14:23:17  Show Profile Send Charles Rampant a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hey there,

I'm hoping that people can direct me in the direction of a large and high resolution version of the 3.5 Waterdeep: City of Splendors map:

This version is what I want, but it is far too low resolution to be printable at the scale that I need. In short, I want to have a poster on the wall, with the players able to scribble on it during the campaign (I'll probably put a thin sheet of perspex over it to aid this).

I tried printing out the individual map tiles from Realmshelps:, but it seems that the maps are very slightly out-of-scale to each other, meaning that roads and buildings don't line up correctly. I could try correcting this in GIMP, but I was hoping that someone knew of a link to a correct version, to avoid what would probably be quite an annoying task.

I know of the huge version from this website's map page, but I'm not a fan of it for printing out - it is not as attractive as this map, and it doesn't have the labels (C78, etc) that I'm intending on leaning on for my own notes and for player handouts.

Any help that people can offer would be great!

Edited by - Charles Rampant on 20 Jun 2016 14:28:21

Xnella Moonblade-Thann
Learned Scribe

234 Posts

Posted - 06 Jul 2016 :  00:20:39  Show Profile Send Xnella Moonblade-Thann a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have a map of Waterdeep that is a .pdf file...I don't know the scale offhand, but I can look it up. It has multiple layers that can be hidden or unhidden, depending on what layer(s) you want shown...I do believe it has marked locations.

[Edit]: It does have locations marked, and selecting them in the sidebar of the .pdf allows you to be moved to that location...but other than the building's outlines, the rest of that space is up to you. It is (counting the border of the page) 84.86 inches wide by 109.86 inches tall...plenty big enough to be printed out on paper at nearly any resolution you'd like.

[Edit 2]: I have uploaded the .pdf file of the map to my account...if any of you have an account there (it's free for your basic account, but you need an account to download files from that site). The link is:

"Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet." - traditional elven farewell

Please forgive any spelling and grammer errors, as my android touch-screen phone has no spellchecker. If I do make a grammer mistake, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

New laptop, still trying to sort my "scrolls" on its shelves...and when will this cursed thing stop doing things I tell it not to?

Edited by - Xnella Moonblade-Thann on 06 Jul 2016 02:48:21
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Learned Scribe

315 Posts

Posted - 06 Jul 2016 :  03:28:08  Show Profile  Visit Rymac's Homepage Send Rymac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's very nice. Thank you for sharing Xnella!

- Ryan
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