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Great Reader

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Posted - 29 Jun 2014 :  21:17:27  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hello fellow scribes!

I'm starting this thread to get a discussion going about the final installment of the Realms' 'SUPER' adventure called Anauroch: Empire of Shade in which the protagonists attempt to stop the Shadovar from destroying the Weave. If you've run the adventure, share with us your experiences in both the strengths and weaknesses of the adventure and how you've made the adventure better. If there are any errors you've come across (mechanical OR within the Lore), share those as well.

Further, how did your player's overcome some of the more difficult obstacles such as not having access to weave-based magic. Did you incorporate things from the Sandstorm supplement? If so, what and how did it work? What was your player's character level? Did you run it as a stand-alone or did you run the other two adventures (Cormyr: tearing of the weave and Shadowdale: scouring of the land)?

Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 Jun 2014 :  10:56:43  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I ran the other two adventures first but my players were barely out of Windsong Tower when the group broke up.

We were experimenting with gestalt rules at the time and so the magic-users had other skills to fall back on in the desert. I was planning on using a couple of elements from Sandstorm but I can't recall what my plan was as I no longer have my notes.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 30 Jun 2014 :  15:37:31  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

I ran the other two adventures first but my players were barely out of Windsong Tower when the group broke up.

We were experimenting with gestalt rules at the time and so the magic-users had other skills to fall back on in the desert. I was planning on using a couple of elements from Sandstorm but I can't recall what my plan was as I no longer have my notes.

Thanks for the response. I know what you mean about groups splitting, the original group that started out the Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave adventure had two other people that, for various reasons, had other priorities than gaming (which I don't blame). One of the characters, the cleric of Lathander, has remained as a NPC that sort of hangs around the group for healing and what not. I do believe that he'll have a stronger involvement with this last adventure because of his anger towards Shar, the Shadovar, and wanting to bring 'the light' to these people.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 30 Jun 2014 :  17:21:52  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Meet the Characters

Our group is comprised of a fairly unique demographic of characters. We have two (well, 3 including the NPC cleric) character that have started from the get-go.

• A Wychlaran from Rasheman (Female Rashemi Sorcerer 9/ Hathran 4) named Navarra Silifrey who's tapped into her fey ancestry (by way of taking Fey Heritage feats). She also is carrying pretty much every piece of consumable magic items found from the first two adventures. This includes over 10 wands, half a dozen potions, and the Ten Veils (a magical item set the previous DM created for her which includes the Veil of Storms, Burning Veil, Veil of Whispers, Veil of Echoes, etc. First showing up in Cormyr on a soul-searching journey to figure out her "place" within the world (as some Wychlaran are encouraged to do) she gets caught up in the beginning of the Cormyr adventure, finding out that the plot of Shar runs much deeper and might have serious repercussions even for her Sisters and nation of Rasheman far to the East. She has such made it her personal mission to see the Shades defeated and the Weave protected.

• The daredevil archer Morn Beskash (Male Chondathan Scout / Ranger / Peerless Archer) was the son of a prominent family that was in charge of a smaller, less known hamlet in the Dalelands called Thistledale. He was involved with the saving of Cormyr and defeating the Shar incursion in the Vast Swamp. He later returned to help the people of the Dales during the Zhent occupation, a difficult position since he had been wanted for the murder of his parents and the burning down of the hamlet of Thistledale. It later came to light that it was actually the work of Zhentarim Skymages who attacked the town under the cover of night and invisibility while Morn was out on patrol while the Zhentarim had spies within the Dales misdirect the people into accusing Morn for the offense. Having since redeemed his name, he's out now to settle the score and see the completion of this mission.

• A member of the Circle of Shadowdale, Phelan Kell (Chondathan Druid of Silvanus 13) got involved with helping the underground movement of Daleland people against Zhentarim forces. Their attacks on the Dales also included the woods and forests that surrounded the area. Sworn to protect nature as a druid, his involvement with defeating the Zhents was significant. One such encounter was defeating the Cyricist Frostbite in single combat, thus relinquishing the power back to Cooteu and gaining the support of both the Wolves AND Druids of Shadowdale.

• One of Lathander's faithful, Cryde Olvordan (Male Chondathan cleric 5/ Morninglord of Lathander 8) he became caught up in the action quite early. As a resident of Wheloon he was anxious to repel the forces of Shar and close the gate to the Plane of Shadow in the Vast Swamp. Ruining Shar's machinations at every turn has delighted him greatly. Further finding out that the deeper plot revolves around the Shadovar, one of the Lathanderit'e hated rivals, has put him on a crusade to finally bring them down.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 30 Jun 2014 :  18:32:38  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, that's recasting the name Phelan Kell quite a lot! That's like making a friendly, jovial rogue named Darth Vader.

His liking for wolves is appropriate, though.

On a related note, that's a trilogy I need to replace... Been wanting to read those, again. That and the Warrior trilogy.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 30 Jun 2014 18:33:44
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Great Reader

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Posted - 30 Jun 2014 :  20:06:41  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Wow, that's recasting the name Phelan Kell quite a lot! That's like making a friendly, jovial rogue named Darth Vader.

His liking for wolves is appropriate, though.

On a related note, that's a trilogy I need to replace... Been wanting to read those, again. That and the Warrior trilogy.

Heh, it wasn't until much later than I learned that he took the name from some BattleTech lore. Not that I mind, I have no real connection to the character so it passed by me quite easily.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36845 Posts

Posted - 30 Jun 2014 :  21:08:21  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Wow, that's recasting the name Phelan Kell quite a lot! That's like making a friendly, jovial rogue named Darth Vader.

His liking for wolves is appropriate, though.

On a related note, that's a trilogy I need to replace... Been wanting to read those, again. That and the Warrior trilogy.

Heh, it wasn't until much later than I learned that he took the name from some BattleTech lore. Not that I mind, I have no real connection to the character so it passed by me quite easily.

And it's not a name that's distinctively non-Realmsish, either, so that helps make it less noticeable. I believe both the first and last name are Celtic in origin.

For one of my Lords of Waterdeep articles, I full-on brought over a Davion MechWarrior... But I left the BattleTech part out of his "official" write-up -- I noted that it was my particular vision for him, but the actual write-up leaves his background open. He has amnesia, with only a tattoo, vague memories, and a dislike of fire tying him to the BattleTech setting. And he was physically based on a BattleTech character, which is what inspired that background.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Great Reader

4454 Posts

Posted - 01 Jul 2014 :  16:05:27  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Diffan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Wow, that's recasting the name Phelan Kell quite a lot! That's like making a friendly, jovial rogue named Darth Vader.

His liking for wolves is appropriate, though.

On a related note, that's a trilogy I need to replace... Been wanting to read those, again. That and the Warrior trilogy.

Heh, it wasn't until much later than I learned that he took the name from some BattleTech lore. Not that I mind, I have no real connection to the character so it passed by me quite easily.

And it's not a name that's distinctively non-Realmsish, either, so that helps make it less noticeable. I believe both the first and last name are Celtic in origin.

very true.

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

For one of my Lords of Waterdeep articles, I full-on brought over a Davion MechWarrior... But I left the BattleTech part out of his "official" write-up -- I noted that it was my particular vision for him, but the actual write-up leaves his background open. He has amnesia, with only a tattoo, vague memories, and a dislike of fire tying him to the BattleTech setting. And he was physically based on a BattleTech character, which is what inspired that background.

That's cool. I love grabbing inspiration from other settings and even other media outlets for Forgotten Realms characters. I based one such guy off of the Hessian from the Sleepy Hollow (1999) film with Johnny Depp. The character was once a general for Impiltur's armies and was framed for taking the crown princesses's.......virtue. On the run, he became a sell sword all throughout the shining south. An expert horseman, he wielded a flaming longsword and caustic hand-axe into battle. He was a pretty fun character to role-play.
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Great Reader

4454 Posts

Posted - 04 Jul 2016 :  19:02:12  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So after a long hiatus on this particular adventure I was able to get a copy for a relatively cheap price of $39.99 with free shipping on eBay and thus, restarted the adventure. The cast has changed slightly, with Morn (the Scout), Cryde the cleric of Lathander, and Navarra remaining the same but adding in two new faces.

First Phelan Kell has decided to remain with the Wolves of Shadowdale as their leader. This introduced the new character Draeon, a human duskblade mercenary from Waterdeep who studied under the tutelage of many wizards in Blackstaff tower and has been inducted into the Grey Hands. Upon the attacks of the Shades and the battles in Evereska he followed along with the Waterdhavian army to supply relief. He survived the countless battles with Phaerimm, Beholders, and later Shades to help Evereska in their time of need.

Hearing about the Zhentarim attacks in Shadowdale, he sprang at the change to lend them aid too (for the right price) and lent his services however he got held up in Myth Drannor as Winter came hard upon the land. He resided there and help those elves with reestablishing the city and making it safer. When the "Heroes of Shadowdale" came to Myth Drannor to follow leads against the Shadovar and to return Ary'velahr'kerym to the Coronal Miritar, Draeon jumped at the chance to follow them into battle. With the decision of their friend to join the Circle of Druids, they accepted his request.

The second face is another mercenary from the demon lands of Vaasa, a warblade named Zoryn. Traveling the land in search of glory and to show off his unusual combat skills he found himself outside the town of Shadowdale before the Zhentarim attacks. Though he had no allegiance to the townsfolk of the Dales, the idea of turning the tide from such a formidable foe would surely earn him honor and glory. After the Zhent defeat he followed the Heroes of Shadowdale because he knew where ever they went, adventure was sure to follow. Later the group saw him and questioned his loyalty, to which he deferred to their better judgement about him. The group decided that they'd need all the strength and power they could muster if they wanted to take down the Shades.

Edited by - Diffan on 04 Jul 2016 19:03:26
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