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Posted - 18 Jun 2016 :  06:16:44  Show Profile  Visit ywhtptgtfo's Homepage Send ywhtptgtfo a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Yes, I've read the wiki page that a bunch of deities and regions were brought back. But is there any lore book that describes this RSE in detail?


71 Posts

Posted - 18 Jun 2016 :  10:33:08  Show Profile Send BrianDavion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
afraid not, it;s described somewhat in the sundering novel series. (as the name implies) but apparently hardly covers everything. the sword coast adventurer's guide also covers some of it. what we REALLY need is a FRCS for 5th edition :(
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Posted - 18 Jun 2016 :  13:41:44  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ywhtptgtfo

Yes, I've read the wiki page that a bunch of deities and regions were brought back. But is there any lore book that describes this RSE in detail?

I've summarized most of the changes here:

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 18 Jun 2016 13:41:57
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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  19:31:34  Show Profile Send moonbeast a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The lore, origins, and history of SpongeBob Squarepants is better explained than the FR Sundering.

WotC did a terrible job, sad but true.
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Posted - 19 Jun 2016 :  23:21:20  Show Profile Send BrianDavion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
WOTC's horriable job can be best explained by the lack of a forgotten realms campaign setting to give us all a complete picture, however I've gradually come to realize this may actually be intentional. 4th edition forgotten realms has it's fans, some of thje ideas people may have actually liked. by being vague WOTC can actually give individual people flexability to decide what the state of the realms is. not saying it's a good idea, but I suspect WOTC is so afraid of another "4th edition realms fiasco" they're trying to have their cake and eat it too
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Posted - 20 Jun 2016 :  04:06:01  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BrianDavion

WOTC's horriable job can be best explained by the lack of a forgotten realms campaign setting to give us all a complete picture, however I've gradually come to realize this may actually be intentional. 4th edition forgotten realms has it's fans, some of thje ideas people may have actually liked. by being vague WOTC can actually give individual people flexability to decide what the state of the realms is. not saying it's a good idea, but I suspect WOTC is so afraid of another "4th edition realms fiasco" they're trying to have their cake and eat it too

That's probably true, but the SCAG has enough updates (although not detailed) about the pantheon and the lands to invalidate a lot of the stuff that came with 4e. I mean, they even go out of their way to say stuff like "elves, dwarves, and sages say that X has returned to how it was a century ago".

WotC has tried to not be as rigid as they were before, when it comes to canon, but you can tell that they are distancing themselves from 4e and the 4e FR.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Posted - 23 Jun 2016 :  20:18:22  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The closest we have is the Sword Coast Adventurers' Guide. I'm thrilled the gods are back, but the best explanation we have for that is "Ao did it".

Sweet water and light laughter
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
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Posted - 23 Jun 2016 :  22:32:53  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

but the best explanation we have for that is "Ao did it".

It's not quite that simple. I think it was in a 2012 interview (and a couple of tidbits thereafter) when Ed said that since the Tablets of Fate were destroyed at the end of the Godswar, Ao's separation of Abeir & Toril was slowly unraveling. Tiny parts of the two worlds were switching with each other. The Spellplague sped up this process.

In 1479 DR, Ao informed the gods that he was reforming the Tablets of Fate but didn't tell them what that would mean for them, which is why the gods all started creating Chosen, to give themselves elite mortal agents to work their wills on Faerun in order to have an edge when the Tablets were completed.

The process was complete by 1487 DR and this is where explanation is lacking because the resurrection of many the gods was left deliberately vague by WotC to deem whether they were popular enough with players to deserve getting writeups in future products.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

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Posted - 23 Jun 2016 :  22:51:54  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

but the best explanation we have for that is "Ao did it".

It's not quite that simple. I think it was in a 2012 interview (and a couple of tidbits thereafter) when Ed said that since the Tablets of Fate were destroyed at the end of the Godswar, Ao's separation of Abeir & Toril was slowly unraveling. Tiny parts of the two worlds were switching with each other. The Spellplague sped up this process.

In 1479 DR, Ao informed the gods that he was reforming the Tablets of Fate but didn't tell them what that would mean for them, which is why the gods all started creating Chosen, to give themselves elite mortal agents to work their wills on Faerun in order to have an edge when the Tablets were completed.

The process was complete by 1487 DR and this is where explanation is lacking because the resurrection of many the gods was left deliberately vague by WotC to deem whether they were popular enough with players to deserve getting writeups in future products.

That was back in 2014, tho, right after the whole series was complete. The gods all got included (well, almost) in the SCAG anyway, so we're indeed stuck with ''Ao did it'' (or with ''it is not known how the gods are back'', which doesn't really change much).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 23 Jun 2016 22:57:18
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89 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2016 :  22:11:10  Show Profile  Visit ywhtptgtfo's Homepage Send ywhtptgtfo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So it's been 2 years since the RSE was announced but fairly little details was released. My assumption is that it's just some plot device to undo all those idiotic changes WotC made with 4ed FR and that they'd just want to shove this under a rug now.
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Posted - 03 Jul 2016 :  22:17:11  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ywhtptgtfo

So it's been 2 years since the RSE was announced but fairly little details was released. My assumption is that it's just some plot device to undo all those idiotic changes WotC made with 4ed FR and that they'd just want to shove this under a rug now.

It's actually been 4 years since the announcement. Your guess pretty much is what they stated in PR language (except that they didn't undo only 4e, but much of the ToT and of 3e as well).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 03 Jul 2016 22:17:36
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Posted - 04 Jul 2016 :  01:00:46  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not smart to reinforce edition barriers with cataclysmic RSEs.

I remember the days when TSR would put out new rules, new maps, new stuff - which sometimes conflicted with what was published before - and people simply took the new stuff in stride or ignored it. A common occurrence back in the day since hardly anyone could keep up with all the sourcebooks and materials anyhow. Just play with and enjoy what is presented or change it up as needed when it doesn't mesh neatly with what you've already played. Too bad the designers at Wizbro aren't as flexible with their material as any decent DM I've played with. I don't see it all being a Huge Big Deal, no need to dogmatically adhere to "bad" canon anyhow, those who do simply create and maintain great religious schisms which accomplish little more than promoting anger, lol.

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Posted - 05 Jul 2016 :  05:29:45  Show Profile Send Noobi-wan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A little more detailed information would be helpful. I feel I have alot of novels ahead of me to catch up on Lore.

Edited by - Noobi-wan on 05 Jul 2016 05:31:53
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Posted - 05 Jul 2016 :  21:07:26  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Noobi-wan

A little more detailed information would be helpful. I feel I have alot of novels ahead of me to catch up on Lore.

Novels won't get you very far, if you want to know what happened in the Sundering. The 6 books dedicated to the event only cover a narrow part of it. You will find more info and updates in form of lore tidbits in Ed's books (Spellstorm and Death Masks), and Erin Evans is doing the Azuth/Asmodeus storyline and has brought some focus on Tymanther/returned Old Empires. However, if you want an overview of the status quo, you're better off with reading the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (don't expect much of an explanation for the changes, tho). I've also posted a bullet point list of changes above in this thread.

The Drizzt books are pretty much their own story and are not really tied to the rest of the Realms, as far as I've seen.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 06 Jul 2016 00:05:57
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jul 2016 :  23:31:15  Show Profile Send Gyor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Sundering series mostly chronicles the War between Shade Empire (including Sembia, Shade, Sekkor, ect...) and those who oppose it, like Cormyr/MythDrannor/the Dales, ect...

The weird, but wonderful exception is The Reaver which focuses on more all the Great Rain and the Inner Sea regaining its boundaries (with a Nobanion cameo, and the Sentienial only touches on the war in a distant sort of way focusing more on the Great Rift and the return of Helm.
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Posted - 15 Aug 2016 :  10:41:08  Show Profile Send Kiaransalyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by moonbeast

The lore, origins, and history of SpongeBob Squarepants is better explained than the FR Sundering.

WotC did a terrible job, sad but true.

I'm not sure it's fair to say they did a terrible job. From my point of view a lot of changes from the edition that shall not be named were reversed. As this is what I wanted quite how they did it doesn't matter.

Of course, your point about how The Sundering came about from a Realms point of view is valid. Certainly we can speculate.

My personal feeling is that the relationship between a deity, its worshippers and clerics is reciprocal. The deity needs the worship, the worshippers need the deity. Perhaps some essence of the deity resided in its clerics and worshippers sufficient to form the seed of rebirth.

Obviously, in some cases, like Kiaransalee she simply re-appeared again, as only her name was removed.

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Ken: You from the States?
Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me.
Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass.
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Posted - 15 Aug 2016 :  10:57:21  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
They brought back a few regions they haven't covered in over a decade (just to ignore them some more). They brought back deities that, overall, we're a bit redundant. They brought back NPCs who's stories have been told and retold again again and again.

So, back to normal I guess.
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