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 Red Wizard of Thay hierarchy command
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maltor ramus

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Posted - 24 Mar 2016 :  21:57:30  Show Profile Send maltor ramus a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
i play d&d for over 15years but it the first time the DM making is campaign around Thay we normaly play around Lake of steam or Sword coast.
so i started making a red wizard of Thay in 3.5 and was doing her backstory, i'm wondering about the chain of command. my red wizard is a conjurer so do i have to be "loyal" or follow direct order from the Zulkir of conjuration? or can she give her service to any of the 8 zulkirs?

Skilled Spell Strategist

11961 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2016 :  23:25:04  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Zulkir rules the school, which means he would control what access the lesser red wizard would have to resources of his school. However, nothing would prevent him from serving the Zulkir of enchantment if a request were made. If the Zulkir of Enchantment wanted him to assault members of the school of conjuration (including the Zulkir), he's free to do so. Of course, assaulting a red wizard in Thay is against the law, so if he were caught he would be killed (especially if he were attacking his own school, as no other Zulkir is going to stand up for him). But, if the Zulkir of Enchantment say hired your character to go clear out some goblins in the Sunrise Mountains, that would be perfectly fine. It may garner him some resentment in his own school.... or it actually may raise his notoriety... it would all depend on what he does and what the perception is of said event. Now, if the Zulkir of enchantment orders him to do something and the Zulkir of conjuration tells him to do something else contradictory..... he better be careful. The Zulkirs word is law.... unfortunately, that goes for EVERY Zulkir..... of course, if the Zulkir of Conjuration were to point out to his fellow Zulkirs that the Zulkir of Enchantment were planting spies in his school.... the other Zulkirs may ally and forcibly supplant the Zulkir of Enchantment.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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maltor ramus

12 Posts

Posted - 25 Mar 2016 :  04:27:38  Show Profile Send maltor ramus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for you the insight it help a lot
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