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 Any current knowledge on the Imaskari?
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 13 Dec 2015 :  11:00:59  Show Profile Send Shadowsoul a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Any current knowledge on the Imaskari? I remember during 3rd edition there was a big thing about their comeback and leaving Deep Imaskar to return to the surface, but now all seems really quiet and downplayed. Even SCAG only gives a small paragraph.

“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”
#8213; J.R.R. Tolkien

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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
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Posted - 13 Dec 2015 :  11:32:59  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Imaskari don't have a presence on the Sword Coast or Moonsea so don't expect to hear anything else about them in the near future.

All we've got is the bit from the SCAG which says the survivors of High Imaskar have been pushed east into the desert.

As far as anyone's said, the Deep Imaskari are still in the Underdark, though at last report, Deep Imaskar itself was inside a plagueland.

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Edited by - hashimashadoo on 16 Dec 2015 16:23:53
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Senior Scribe

Czech Republic
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Posted - 13 Dec 2015 :  16:16:39  Show Profile  Visit Wrigley's Homepage Send Wrigley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In my realms Deep Imaskari looked around, once their seal was broken, and they will be influencing civil war in Thay. I haven't decided which side they will take but I believe it will not be Szass's. Otherwise they will be secretly trying to get back some property of Imaskari from the Purple Desert but maily not to get noticed by anyone.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Dec 2015 :  19:06:54  Show Profile Send deserk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wouldn't it be cool if the Imaskari partially made the Plains of the Purple Dust slightly more habitable? A slight de-desertification in portions of the desert. This was after all the beating heart of their empire once.

I also really hope the Durpari countries rise back from the sea. Maybe one of them could become vassals of the Imaskari, like in ancient times, along with maybe Ulgarth.

Needless to say, I really, really massively hope they make books that detail the rest of Faerun. The Western Heartlands, Dalelands, and the North are in my opinion the most overemphasized regions of FR, and the least that need we need to know more books about. Really especially want new books about the Cold Lands (Narfell, Damara, Impiltur and Sossal), Serpent Kingdoms (Chult, Lapaliiya, Samarach, Thindol, Tashalar), Shining South (Dambrath, Halruaa, Luiren, Great Rift, Shaar, Durpar, Estagund, Var the Golden, Ulgarth), Vilhon Reach (Turmish, Chondath, Ssespech, Free Cities), Old Empires (Chessenta, Unther, Mulhorand, Murghom, Semphar and now possibly Imaskari in the Purple Dust and what bits of Tymanther that remains) and the Unapproachable East (Thay, Aglarond, Thesk and the Great Dale) books. These are really cool areas that haven't really been given much attention whatsoever for decades, and some of them since first edition.
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Senior Scribe

Czech Republic
605 Posts

Posted - 19 Dec 2015 :  13:23:34  Show Profile  Visit Wrigley's Homepage Send Wrigley a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by deserk

Wouldn't it be cool if the Imaskari partially made the Plains of the Purple Dust slightly more habitable? A slight de-desertification in portions of the desert. This was after all the beating heart of their empire once.

I also really hope the Durpari countries rise back from the sea. Maybe one of them could become vassals of the Imaskari, like in ancient times, along with maybe Ulgarth.

As you are probably speaking about 4./5.edition this will be meaningless but in time before spellplague I do not believe that one city of Imaskari would like to summon wrath of Mulhorandi empire as I am sure they will react very fast on their discovery.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11927 Posts

Posted - 19 Dec 2015 :  14:23:32  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by deserk

Wouldn't it be cool if the Imaskari partially made the Plains of the Purple Dust slightly more habitable? A slight de-desertification in portions of the desert. This was after all the beating heart of their empire once.

I also really hope the Durpari countries rise back from the sea. Maybe one of them could become vassals of the Imaskari, like in ancient times, along with maybe Ulgarth.

Needless to say, I really, really massively hope they make books that detail the rest of Faerun. The Western Heartlands, Dalelands, and the North are in my opinion the most overemphasized regions of FR, and the least that need we need to know more books about. Really especially want new books about the Cold Lands (Narfell, Damara, Impiltur and Sossal), Serpent Kingdoms (Chult, Lapaliiya, Samarach, Thindol, Tashalar), Shining South (Dambrath, Halruaa, Luiren, Great Rift, Shaar, Durpar, Estagund, Var the Golden, Ulgarth), Vilhon Reach (Turmish, Chondath, Ssespech, Free Cities), Old Empires (Chessenta, Unther, Mulhorand, Murghom, Semphar and now possibly Imaskari in the Purple Dust and what bits of Tymanther that remains) and the Unapproachable East (Thay, Aglarond, Thesk and the Great Dale) books. These are really cool areas that haven't really been given much attention whatsoever for decades, and some of them since first edition.

No more "de-desertification". The empire of Shade did it (which I was fine with). Now, the Shaar is being restored by the sundering (which again I'm fine with, since I hated the Shaar as a desert). The plains of purple dust should remain a desert, and not only that a screwy desert plagued with magical ruins.

On the idea of the Imaskari heading south, now that I'd have no problem with. In fact if some of the Imaskari were to head into Zakhara, that would also be of interest.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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