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 What types of Ghost are there in Faerun?
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Master of Realmslore

1268 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2015 :  15:47:19  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
This question popped into my head while reading Spellstorm. Without leaving any spoilers, it's mentioned that a particular character is a Weave Ghost.
I did some Googling and came up with nothing.
Has a Weave Ghost been given a stat block in any particular edition? What, if anything, makes them statistically different from a basic ghost?
I'm open to speculative answers as well as concrete, "their stats are in X book of Y edition" replies.

And to throw the rope a little wider, what types of Ghosts are there in Faerun?

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2015 :  16:48:24  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
All the regular types, plus watchghosts and spectral harpists. And wizshades, from Spelljammer -- Ed seems to have a fondness for those, because they've popped up in his material a time or two.

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Master of Realmslore

1268 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2015 :  17:00:29  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Looking at the Wizshade's stat block, I can see why. They sound devilishly fun to tinker with.

I guess I didn't mention it in my original post. Part of the reason I'm looking into this is I have a PC that died rather violently in one of my sessions about a year ago. Given the manner of his death was due to betrayal, it makes most sense for him to come back as a Revenant, but I'm also wanting to see if I can find a ghost or something more obscure to wreck havoc with.

But the original inspiration for my query was the book, and that one character being mentioned as a Weave Ghost. What would make a weave ghost different from other spirits? It's mentioned that Elminster can command and enslave the character because she's a Weave Ghost, but he chooses not to.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 23 Aug 2015 :  17:04:30  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As for Weave Ghosts, which I am quite unfamiliar with... Just going with the name, what I'd expect from Ed, and what we've seen with other Weave oddities...

I'd start with the spectral harpist as a baseline. Remove being tied to a place and some of the Harper flavor, and instead tie them to the Weave and amp up the magical abilities -- maybe some sort of negating power mixed in, and the ability to add metamagic feats at will, without changing the spell level. And of course the automatic immunity to some select spells, and automatic reloading of others -- that also seems to be something Ed likes.

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