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Master of Realmslore
United Kingdom
1155 Posts |
Posted - 06 Feb 2015 : 16:40:18
I've been running games of Pathfinder for a group of friends for about a year and a half. One of those friends, who has GM'd for Paranoia and Dark Heresy, wants to run a Forgotten Realms Campaign.
He's listened in awe at my descriptions (some would say lectures) of FR lore and really wanted to try it out but didn't want to run a game with too many of the standard fantasy tropes. He wanted the game to be detailed and a bit grimdark (that's his style) and leaped upon the chance to run a game set in the Hordelands and Western Shou Lung, revolving around Ambuchar Devayam's invasion.
I will be the only PC in this game and I've given him the help I can with mechanics for running a solo game and as much relevant info as I can about the area and time period but because I'm the only player we both feel it would be inappropriate to discuss any plot details with each other.
Therefore, I'm asking people here to help him out by talking about their opinions on how the setting at that time and in that area should feel; what he should aim for (without too many specifics if possible) in terms of plot development; and any advice that they can give him about running a solo campaign.
When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.
Head admin of the FR wiki: |
Arian Dynas
36 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2015 : 03:10:09
Well, I'm not too familiar with the area personally, but as I recall, there was a sourcebook (or was it a box?) associated with the area that he might look into. Also, there's the obvious Mongolian influences he can draw from, so he might want to read up on Genghis Khan a bit. |
Great Reader
2449 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2015 : 12:43:11
Just about the only info on Ambuchar is in the The Horde boxed set. He's said there to be a Shou lich, formerly the emperor of Shou Lung. He's taken over Solon for two reasons: 1) use it as a springboard to conquer Ra-Khati (and use RK as a base to invade Shou Lung), and 2) dig it up in search of Imaskari artifacts. He's working the people to death and then raising them as zombies.
So your friend has a number of angles for the campaign. Finding Imaskari magic before Ambuchar's teams do, or stealing it from them before it reaches the lich, and then keeping it out of the lich's hands. Helping the people survive, whether that's leading a rebellion or an exodus. Killing the lich, obviously, though that's for someone very high level.
All of it would be set in a town set in foothills of great mountains, with ever-present winds coming off the desert. Streets sanding up, people huddling in their homes or shuffling about to work, zombies and other undead ever-present. Sounds like a nightmare town to me. Have fun.  |
Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be... Sigh... And now 4e as well. |
Master of Realmslore
United Kingdom
1155 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2015 : 13:59:33
He does know Tan Chin/Ambuchar Devayam's background already, though I haven't passed on all of the lore regarding Solon, his conflict with Ra-Khati, the Dowagu, the Mark of Tan Chin or Anok-Imaskar.
My character is a raumviran Golden Way caravan guard from Almorel who was disappointed to have not fought in the Horde War but his duties take him to a town that gets overrun by Devayam's undead forces. Currently, he has to survive a three-day journey through the wilderness of Shou Lung's western borderlands, dodging the local hazards and fauna while still trying to stay ahead of the undead army.
If that helps... |
When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.
Head admin of the FR wiki: |
Great Reader
2460 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2015 : 18:16:27
There isn't much about those areas, other than in "The Horde" sourcebook. But you may want to consider the Great Dale or Thesk - they are more "Faerunian", yet are on the relevant roads. There are both Thayan and Zhent interests. Not as much grimdark, but inevitable conspiray and backstabbing. If "the worse, the better", a port town means there are also pirates... and everything is worse with pirates.  And of course, GM can drop in Shou expatriates and/or Horde stragglers if he wants them. |
People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch |
Master of Realmslore
United Kingdom
1155 Posts |
Posted - 08 Feb 2015 : 21:04:11
I got the distinct impression that he didn't want to stray too far from Shou Lung or the Raurin desert. I'll see what he thinks about a move to the west, at least temporarily. The Unapproachable East is one of the more interesting Realms in my opinion.
I'd still appreciate more suggestions regarding the character of the proposed campaign though. |
When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.
Head admin of the FR wiki: |
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