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 Full Map from Volo's Guide to Cormyr
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17 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  01:13:25  Show Profile Send Chambers a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Greetings fellow scribes.

As the title above suggests I'm looking for information about the maps that are in Volo's Guide to Cormyr. I like the style of the mini-maps and would like to have a larger version that showed all of the Forest Kingdom at once. The way that the mini-maps are presented seem to imply that they were merely different portions of one larger map.

As I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, has anyone been able to rundown the source map for that book? I've browsed through the excellent Looking for All about Cormyr scroll but haven't found it yet, if it exists.

Edited by - Chambers on 04 Oct 2012 01:14:33

The Sage
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Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  02:22:57  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've yet to find them readily available anywhere online. So I've had to do the next best thing and scan the maps, and then make them larger via the nifty digital scanner sitting on my desktop. Surprisingly, they've lost little in the way of resolution, and the detail is still largely maintained.

It's a process I'd recommend for anyone with an interest in such matter. Technology pending, of course.

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Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  02:56:05  Show Profile Send Chambers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've done something similar. Here's a picture of my work so far. Map

I'm not looking to enlarge the individual maps but combine them into one larger map. Ideally there's the original map out there somewhere.

Edited by - Chambers on 04 Oct 2012 02:57:13
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  07:11:02  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Like this?

Too bad photobucket drops so much resolution - the original file is much better.

EDIT: LOL... I just realized I must have auto-cropped on the wrong layer - I lost a lot of the background map. All the Volo/Cormyr ones are there, though.

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Edited by - Markustay on 04 Oct 2012 16:51:55
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17 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  15:28:18  Show Profile Send Chambers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Excellent! Your photoshopping skills are superior to mine (still using Paint Shop Pro 7). Thanks for sharing your work.

I'm still interested to know if anyone has seen or knows of the original map.
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  16:26:03  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, I know, but the news isn't good, Chambers.
The original map has never been published. Ed made the originals of all the Volo's maps at home, literally "cut-and-paste" (back then, home computers were still rare and expensive things) and photocopy.
Ed's process went like this:
He drew a frame, and cut out the framed panel with an X-acto knife. He photocopied some of the TSR map symbols from the "turnover packets" of the day, provided to freelancers (e.g. the ovals for settlements, lettering for names). He cut out those copies, assembled them and taped them ("balls" of Magic Mending Tape on the backsides of paper, not on the front where photocopying will "catch" them) to blank white paper, put them behind the frames, photocopied the results, then hand drew any missing elements onto the copies, then photocopied the result, and then sent those copies to TSR via Fed Ex. They then redid camera-ready versions of every "area detail map" that ended up getting used in the published book.
So there's no published "master map" that precisely matches the scale and detail of those Volo's maps. Sorry.
Ed does have mockups, but he made them the same way you could: photocopy Volo's pages, then cut and overlap and tape the copies into a mishmash assemblage that will have gaps (parts of the country that didn't get covered in the Volo's maps).
So there you have it.
P.S. And that's how Ed did forty or fifty mini-maps in one week. While holding down a day job with a 100-mile-one-way commute. Not as impressive as in these days of mapping and painting programs with multiple layers, but...impressive nonetheless.

Edited by - The Hooded One on 04 Oct 2012 16:31:55
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17 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2012 :  17:55:32  Show Profile Send Chambers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
@The Hooded One

Thanks for sharing that; it sounds like it was indeed a lot of work. I had my suspicions that the 'original' map wasn't available as I spent a fair amount of time searching and couldn't find any references or discussion about it.
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9 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2015 :  03:15:47  Show Profile Send Drexlorn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry for the thread necro but is it not this map one made wth the Volo guide ?

It looks pretty similar and in color. Is it 2E or newer ?

Fan made or inside some official product ?
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Garen Thal
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Posted - 04 Feb 2015 :  10:50:23  Show Profile  Visit Garen Thal's Homepage Send Garen Thal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Drexlorn

Sorry for the thread necro but is it not this map one made wth the Volo guide ?

It looks pretty similar and in color. Is it 2E or newer ?

Fan made or inside some official product ?

The color map through that link is almost definitely from the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas. The black and white map is from the Comryr supplement, and not as detailed as the closer maps from Volo's Guide to Cormyr.

Edited by - Garen Thal on 04 Feb 2015 10:50:44
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Posted - 04 Feb 2015 :  13:51:29  Show Profile Send Drexlorn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Strange because the color one seems to fit volo guide small towns layout). Do we talk about the brown atlas book?

Edited by - Drexlorn on 04 Feb 2015 13:53:20
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Feb 2015 :  16:20:04  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Interactive Atlas takes every map made before, I think, 2002 and amalgamates them.

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49 Posts

Posted - 09 Feb 2015 :  10:41:07  Show Profile  Visit Raelan's Homepage Send Raelan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The color map through that link is almost definitely from the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas.

While I don't actually have the map viewer from the FR Interactive Atlas installed, I do have the map files from my copy of the CD. Not sure if the appearance is any different between using the map viewer or using Campaign Cartographer 3, but, if not, then that's actually not from the FR Interactive Atlas. It does look like it was done in Campaign Cartographer, though.

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Edited by - Raelan on 09 Feb 2015 10:41:48
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