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Learned Scribe

163 Posts

Posted - 20 Jul 2014 :  05:32:40  Show Profile Send Berkthgar a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Just finished the latest in the drizzt and companions saga : night of the hunter.
It was , personally, a thrill seeing all my favourite companions back at it again.

But the formula was the same.

The drow want drizzt. An overplayed scenario in my opinion. Why does it always have to be about drizzt being haunted by his past.

Even some of the characters in the book also expressed some form of incredulity at the fact drizzt was still the main focus.

Entreri is no longer entreri.
He has compassion now. Not the Same entreri from halflings Gem days.

However it was an exciting read!

Please share your thoughts

Also I had a question or two.

Matron mothe quenthel had been killed by drizzt?? How was she alive in this book I was confused.

Also. What were the shadow creatures the companions encountered in streams of silver when they arrived in mithril hall?

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.
Drizzt Do'Urden”

Senior Scribe

489 Posts

Posted - 20 Jul 2014 :  14:40:41  Show Profile Send Lilianviaten a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I know the answer to your first question. Quenthel was brought back in Elaine Cunningham's "Starlight & Shadows" trilogy. I won't tell you how, because those are some of the best books ever written in the FR setting, and I would recommend that you read them. Also, reading them will help you to appreciate the importance of Shakti Hunzrin being mentioned. She is a major antagonist in the S&S books, and this is the first time she's been mentioned in years.

Also, if you recall the ending, Entreri is still very much himself. Not completely evil anymore, but still a killer first and a foremost.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 20 Jul 2014 :  15:57:09  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's a fun read, but I couldn't help but think the title should have been "Siege of Darkness II, Part 1". Still a fun read if you're a Drizzt fan. :)

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage
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Kris the Grey
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Jul 2014 :  16:44:33  Show Profile Send Kris the Grey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
While I will admit there were certain re-used plot points to some degree, I actually not only didn't mind that fact, but relished it.

I thought the seeming Ed/Bob plan of bringing things Realms back full circle to just about where they left off in the 1370's from a story sense, while preserving the changes inflicted by the passage of time, was nicely furthered by the plot of this book. I also treasured, as I did in Ed's latest book, the return of an assortment of the old classic characters (even Yvonnel Baenre to some degree) updated to a new present timeline Realms. If this is how the next several books play out, and if the FR 5E Sourcebook starts us off in a world so set, then count me satisfied.

Kris the Grey - Member in Good Standing of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, the Arcane Guild of Silverymoon, and the Connecticut Bar Association
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 20 Jul 2014 :  18:12:59  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yvonnel Baenre was always one of my favorite bad guys. Interesting to see her "return" in a sort of way. I'm curious if Gromph's daughter is going to have the spirit of the original old hag in it. It'd almost fit with all the Chosen born during that era. Lolth's Eternal Servant indeed. hehe
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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 20 Jul 2014 :  19:10:41  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kris the Grey

While I will admit there were certain re-used plot points to some degree, I actually not only didn't mind that fact, but relished it.

I thought the seeming Ed/Bob plan of bringing things Realms back full circle to just about where they left off in the 1370's from a story sense, while preserving the changes inflicted by the passage of time, was nicely furthered by the plot of this book. I also treasured, as I did in Ed's latest book, the return of an assortment of the old classic characters (even Yvonnel Baenre to some degree) updated to a new present timeline Realms. If this is how the next several books play out, and if the FR 5E Sourcebook starts us off in a world so set, then count me satisfied.

This. As far as the Drow wanting Drizzt, while to us it seems overused, I think for them to just leave him alone would be equally boring. He's essentially given the middle finger to Lolth, and I don't see them ignoring that.
I think the plotline would be easier for us as readers to stomach if there were more than one or two major stories focused on the Drow that didn't involve a Drizzt hunt.
For all the population of Drow Hunting Drizzt, it's really a small percentage compared to how many other things must be going on that we don't read about.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  00:20:28  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delwa

I think the plotline would be easier for us as readers to stomach if there were more than one or two major stories focused on the Drow that didn't involve a Drizzt hunt.
For all the population of Drow Hunting Drizzt, it's really a small percentage compared to how many other things must be going on that we don't read about.

Indeed. Bring back Eilistraee and Vhaeraun. The drow are really monotone with only Drizzt and Lolth and her n-th plan to dominate everything.

Basically all my interest in this race went away with the two siblings

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Learned Scribe

163 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  00:25:49  Show Profile Send Berkthgar a Private Message  Reply with Quote

what i discerned was that the lady of chaos somewhat assisted drizzt in all his antics.

As well as meiliki..despite the two godesses are polar opposites , i feel as though they made some pact haha, meilki wanting drizzt alive but lloth wanting drizzt leaving chaos in his wake, inadvertrntly of course.

ALSo in the link above, which leads to salvatores book store , why is the companions one book in the sundering category. Which other authors wrote the companions?
I went directly from the companions to night of hunter.

Gosh i feel ignorant sticking to books written only by salvatore

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.
Drizzt Do'Urden”
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Great Reader

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Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  00:40:27  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
''The Companions'' is part of the Sundering series, but AFAIK only Salvatore writes about them and Drizzt.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  03:54:52  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lilianviaten

I know the answer to your first question. Quenthel was brought back in Elaine Cunningham's "Starlight & Shadows" trilogy. I won't tell you how, because those are some of the best books ever written in the FR setting, and I would recommend that you read them.

Highly subjective. I've rarely stopped reading a Realms novel, but I couldn't get through the third book in the series, mainly because of the time difference between the releases. But honestly I wasn't all that into the second book either.

This makes me wonder if I should give it a try as an audiobook. I couldn't get through A Game of Thrones a few years ago either. But I totally got engrossed in it once I picked up the audiobook version.

Edited by - Caolin on 21 Jul 2014 04:01:27
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Senior Scribe

489 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  05:37:23  Show Profile Send Lilianviaten a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khanio07

what i discerned was that the lady of chaos somewhat assisted drizzt in all his antics.

As well as meiliki..despite the two godesses are polar opposites , i feel as though they made some pact haha, meilki wanting drizzt alive but lloth wanting drizzt leaving chaos in his wake, inadvertrntly of course.

ALSo in the link above, which leads to salvatores book store , why is the companions one book in the sundering category. Which other authors wrote the companions?
I went directly from the companions to night of hunter.

Gosh i feel ignorant sticking to books written only by salvatore

PLEASE don't limit yourself to only RA Salvatore books.

There are many things in Salvatore's books that you will appreciate more fully if you read other FR novels. The Companions of the Hall are strictly RAS characters, but other characters like Quenthel, Gromph, Alustriel, etc. have been used by other writers.

The Neverwinter series is the best example of this. RAS does a great job with the Shades, Thayans, Aboleths, and Devils, but so have multiple other authors. I would use RAS as a springboard to delve deeper into these groups. Now that you have a basic understanding, read Paul Kemp's novels about the Shadovar. Read Richard Lee Byers' portrayal of Szass Tam and the Thayans. Read Bruce Cordell's depiction of the Abolethic Sovereignty. Read Erin Evans's take on the intrigue in the Nine Hells.

Additionally, think of the settings and events. Salvatore portrays Luskan well, but I think the Shadowbane novels take Luskan to a whole other level of creepy. Same thing goes for any location. Try reading the War of the Spider Queen novels. Giving 6 different writers a crack at drow, demons, the Abyss, and the Underdark was a great idea, and they each brought something unique. I love RAS, but his books only tell part of the story. There's a lot of interesting stuff going on in Faerun outside his novels.
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Learned Scribe

163 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  10:12:42  Show Profile Send Berkthgar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Am i the only one that grew fond of drizzt n pals by listening to audiobooks? I do not know where my brother got the audiobooks, But i have listened to 90% of the drizzt trilogies via audiobook. Man, it brought the books to life !
This is what i am talking about, the same thing i listened too.

Omygod, i loved these voices, nostalgia makes me wanna cry , such great memories

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.
Drizzt Do'Urden”
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Learned Scribe

246 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  15:03:09  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delwa
This. As far as the Drow wanting Drizzt, while to us it seems overused, I think for them to just leave him alone would be equally boring. He's essentially given the middle finger to Lolth, and I don't see them ignoring that.

The worshippers of Vhaeraun and Eilistraee have also given Lolth the middle finger, and they do a lot more to actively oppose Lolth than Drizzt, who's always been happy to mind his own business in the North unless the spider-worshippers specifically came looking for him and the people he cares about. I'd find it a lot more realistic that instead of focusing on Drizzt yet again when the Sundering starts, Lolth wants to prevent the re-emergence of Vhaeraun and Eilistraee. Those two and their worshippers are the ones capable of causing her damage, in both the divine and material planes.

I think the plotline would be easier for us as readers to stomach if there were more than one or two major stories focused on the Drow that didn't involve a Drizzt hunt. For all the population of Drow Hunting Drizzt, it's really a small percentage compared to how many other things must be going on that we don't read about.

Well, I for one would rather not see even more stories involving the drow, either as antagonists or protagonists. In 3e, there was the six-book War of the Spider Queen series and the big City of the Spider Queen adventure, and now Salvatore is writing about them yet again. For me, that's quite enough. I'd much prefer to see Wizards focus on other villainous groups in novels and other products. At least the starting big FR adventure for 5e involves the Cult of the Dragon rather than the drow.
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  15:54:15  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, there can be stories that don't revolve around drow, but still have them in. For example one could have a follower of Eilistraee as part/backup for the main cast.

Despite what WotSQ may lead to believe, there's much more about the Dark Maiden than simply going against Lolth. She and her people are trying to create their own place in the world and to work together with other races, after all. An adventure with an Eilistraeen travels together with other people would be very fitting and cool (especially considering that most of the presence they had was in novels aimed to get rid of them, and it didn't make them justice).

Not every tale with drow must involve the classic version of the race and be somehow tied with Lolth...

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 21 Jul 2014 15:57:24
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Master of Realmslore

1159 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  16:47:36  Show Profile  Visit Seethyr's Homepage Send Seethyr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khanio07

Entreri is no longer entreri.
He has compassion now. Not the Same entreri from halflings Gem days.

I get the feeling that RAS REALLY likes to write stories of redemption. Personally, that is one of my favorite type of story. I think that's why I love his books so much.

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Master of Realmslore

1714 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  18:01:51  Show Profile  Visit BEAST's Homepage Send BEAST a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khanio07

Am i the only one that grew fond of drizzt n pals by listening to audiobooks? I do not know where my brother got the audiobooks, But i have listened to 90% of the drizzt trilogies via audiobook. Man, it brought the books to life !
This is what i am talking about, the same thing i listened too.

Omygod, i loved these voices, nostalgia makes me wanna cry , such great memories

Meh, those narrators sound kinda weak. They're really not being melodramatic enough, for me. I'd like them to emphasize some words from time to time, like "ooze" and "muck" at the beginning of Shard. The're so monotone, it sounds like they're just collecting a paycheck.

I remember that the actor Peter McNichol voiced the original AudioBook for The Legacy back in the '90s, and he did an awesome job. He used different voices for the characters, and really got into it to create a sense of mood in various scenes. I think there where sound effects included, too.

"'You don't know my history,' he said dryly."
--Drizzt Do'Urden (The Pirate King, Part 1: Chapter 2)

<"Comprehensive Chronology of R.A. Salvatore Forgotten Realms Works">
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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  22:06:09  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Krafus

Originally posted by Delwa
This. As far as the Drow wanting Drizzt, while to us it seems overused, I think for them to just leave him alone would be equally boring. He's essentially given the middle finger to Lolth, and I don't see them ignoring that.

The worshippers of Vhaeraun and Eilistraee have also given Lolth the middle finger, and they do a lot more to actively oppose Lolth than Drizzt, who's always been happy to mind his own business in the North unless the spider-worshippers specifically came looking for him and the people he cares about. I'd find it a lot more realistic that instead of focusing on Drizzt yet again when the Sundering starts, Lolth wants to prevent the re-emergence of Vhaeraun and Eilistraee. Those two and their worshippers are the ones capable of causing her damage, in both the divine and material planes.

I think the plotline would be easier for us as readers to stomach if there were more than one or two major stories focused on the Drow that didn't involve a Drizzt hunt. For all the population of Drow Hunting Drizzt, it's really a small percentage compared to how many other things must be going on that we don't read about.

Well, I for one would rather not see even more stories involving the drow, either as antagonists or protagonists. In 3e, there was the six-book War of the Spider Queen series and the big City of the Spider Queen adventure, and now Salvatore is writing about them yet again. For me, that's quite enough. I'd much prefer to see Wizards focus on other villainous groups in novels and other products. At least the starting big FR adventure for 5e involves the Cult of the Dragon rather than the drow.

I don't necessarily strongly disagree with either sentiment there. On one hand, Drow are a cash cow. Almost every angst driven teen I've met loves them and buys anything Drow related. On the other hand, as you pointed out, Drow had their spotlight with the past D&D Encounters seasons. As far as adventures go, I do agree we've seen our share of Drow themes.
Novels, we've got one umpteen book long series, Elaine Cunningham's trilogy, and the War of the Spider Queen. What I'm asking for is something that hasn't been done yet. I want a novel (single or series) about Drow who aren't nobles (they aren't part of any major House) and isn't dominated by Lolth directly intervening or directing their every step. I want a novel about the Drow daughter of a merchant Drow in the city. A novel about a Drow warrior that isn't a prince or firstborn of his house, he's just a common Drow.
Something like that to give perspective on how different Drizzt, or Liriel or Jarlaxle are.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus

Edited by - Delwa on 21 Jul 2014 22:07:16
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Learned Scribe

163 Posts

Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  22:29:59  Show Profile Send Berkthgar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was startled when tousun killed his own wife. Treacherous dog.

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.
Drizzt Do'Urden”
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  03:22:49  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khanio07

I was startled when tousun killed his own wife. Treacherous dog.

meh......If all that was there is that He said he did it,than he had a chance of fibbing to protect himself as well as his daughter .....

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit
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Learned Scribe

163 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  03:31:30  Show Profile Send Berkthgar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sfdragon

Originally posted by khanio07

I was startled when tousun killed his own wife. Treacherous dog.

meh......If all that was there is that He said he did it,than he had a chance of fibbing to protect himself as well as his daughter .....

Good point. Perhaps he did really change, but why go back to Menzo, makes no sense

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.
Drizzt Do'Urden”
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  05:56:50  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khanio07

Am i the only one that grew fond of drizzt n pals by listening to audiobooks? I do not know where my brother got the audiobooks, But i have listened to 90% of the drizzt trilogies via audiobook. Man, it brought the books to life !
This is what i am talking about, the same thing i listened too.

Omygod, i loved these voices, nostalgia makes me wanna cry , such great memories

Wow, those narrators are BOOOOORING!!! No way I would listen to those books. How can they get away with being so monotone? Maybe I'm spoiled by the Star Wars and GoT audiobooks where the narrators actually do different voices for each character. But geeez, way to skimp WoTC.
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Senior Scribe

382 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  06:48:29  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sfdragon

Originally posted by khanio07

I was startled when tousun killed his own wife. Treacherous dog.

meh......If all that was there is that He said he did it,than he had a chance of fibbing to protect himself as well as his daughter .....

FYI, this question is answered definitively in Rise of the King (Companions Codex II).
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Learned Scribe

163 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  09:52:26  Show Profile Send Berkthgar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Caolin

Originally posted by khanio07

Am i the only one that grew fond of drizzt n pals by listening to audiobooks? I do not know where my brother got the audiobooks, But i have listened to 90% of the drizzt trilogies via audiobook. Man, it brought the books to life !
This is what i am talking about, the same thing i listened too.

Omygod, i loved these voices, nostalgia makes me wanna cry , such great memories

Wow, those narrators are BOOOOORING!!! No way I would listen to those books. How can they get away with being so monotone? Maybe I'm spoiled by the Star Wars and GoT audiobooks where the narrators actually do different voices for each character. But geeez, way to skimp WoTC.

Omygod. I loved the fact that they were monotone. was soo gnarly. Like this was my childhood, be asleep but secretly listenjng to these gems of stories. I like multi voice.acting , but those narrators I showed were personally my favorite. Such a cool and geeky voice. Its an acquired taste

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.
Drizzt Do'Urden”
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  19:53:34  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khanio07

Originally posted by Caolin

Originally posted by khanio07

Am i the only one that grew fond of drizzt n pals by listening to audiobooks? I do not know where my brother got the audiobooks, But i have listened to 90% of the drizzt trilogies via audiobook. Man, it brought the books to life !
This is what i am talking about, the same thing i listened too.

Omygod, i loved these voices, nostalgia makes me wanna cry , such great memories

Wow, those narrators are BOOOOORING!!! No way I would listen to those books. How can they get away with being so monotone? Maybe I'm spoiled by the Star Wars and GoT audiobooks where the narrators actually do different voices for each character. But geeez, way to skimp WoTC.

Omygod. I loved the fact that they were monotone. was soo gnarly. Like this was my childhood, be asleep but secretly listenjng to these gems of stories. I like multi voice.acting , but those narrators I showed were personally my favorite. Such a cool and geeky voice. Its an acquired taste

Well I can see how you like it if you grew up listening to them. I love Supertramp but only because my Mom would play their records all the time when I was young. :)
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  19:58:32  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BenN

Originally posted by sfdragon

Originally posted by khanio07

I was startled when tousun killed his own wife. Treacherous dog.

meh......If all that was there is that He said he did it,than he had a chance of fibbing to protect himself as well as his daughter .....

FYI, this question is answered definitively in Rise of the King (Companions Codex II).

I'm sure it will be, but until I read it I'll never know.

Originally posted by khanio07

Originally posted by sfdragon

Originally posted by khanio07

I was startled when tousun killed his own wife. Treacherous dog.

meh......If all that was there is that He said he did it,than he had a chance of fibbing to protect himself as well as his daughter .....

Good point. Perhaps he did really change, but why go back to Menzo, makes no sense

actually it does. He didn't have a choice after the point where Xolorin found them in the underdark bringing them to gauntlygrym and House Bearne found them shortly after......

so when does rise of the king comeo ut

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit

Edited by - sfdragon on 22 Jul 2014 20:02:49
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Senior Scribe

382 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  22:46:34  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sfdragon
so when does rise of the king come out

August 6th I think.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  23:08:38  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
September 30 is what I've seen. Seen here:

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage
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Senior Scribe

382 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2014 :  23:24:05  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yup, you're right.
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