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 City of the Spider queen to Pathfinder (Workshop)
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2014 :  08:53:44  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I am currently running city of the spiderqueen converted over to pathfinder, however i have found the conversion has thrown many of the challenge ratings for encounters out of whack.

I have a party of five, on the Medium exp track consisting of:

Knight Commander Ashelyn Tyrandelane, Deathslayer of the Aster (halfelf paladin 11)
Treygyn Blackmore, Dawnbringer of Lathander (Chondathan Human Cleric/Radiant Servant 11)
Throlian 'Skyfaller' Ruadeth (Moonelf Wizard/Olingisir 11)
Sammy 'Littlefoot' 'Snack' Pendragon, of the Harpers (Strongheart Halfling Bard 11)
Elspeth Moonsong, ranger of sehanine moonbow (Chondathan Human Ranger 10)
'Clank' (Sammy's Shield Guardian)

NPC's have had their encounter levels reduced, All the drow now have much lower Spell resistances (7+character level as opposed to 11+character level).

Undead have taken a nerf to their hit dice, but in exchange get hit points depending on charisma (and can be critted!)

Changes to Smite evil, and conversely - Smite good - make combats incredulously dangerous for both sides.

... here is a conundrum.

I feel that in order to bring the encounters up to the challenge ratings that were originally intended, there would be 3 ways to approach spiderqueen with a pathfinder group (without breaking the player wealth to experiance ratio too badly)

... the first is to do it with a 9th level pathfinder party.

... the Second is to level every NPC in the game up by 1 level.

... the third is to bring the challenges back up to their intended rateings, by adding more creatures to each fight.

As it stands, for me, it is too late to drop the level of the party by 1, and re-working all the NPC's is necessary anyway to convert the module to pathfinder (so adding another level is not difficult). The problem with upleveling all the NPC's however is then bringing up their own wealth levels and throwing new considerations into the mix.

For example, upleveling a Szithmorcane Sentry would give them each a second attack. however as their main strategy is Spring attack, they would not benefit from this. The additional bonuses gained from leveling them up would not serve to noticably make the encounter itself much different. However, adding an additional Szith Morcane Sentry to the fight would.

However this becomes a problem in, Say, the S5 Barracks fight (or the Web team fight in S2 of Szith Morcane)

in S5 when the barracks is on alert there are 7 sentries (9 if the two sentries in S4 see the players coming and flee to a better position), a Captain and a Quth Maren.

upon calculating this Fights new CR against the CR it was originally intended to have i came up 9600 experiance points short on budget. This would mean adding a whopping 5 Sentries to the encounter (dragging out the time taken to conduct the fight) or throwing in a 9th level NPC (perhaps a cleric of Kiaransalee, or an Arcane Guard) to bring it in line.

The trouble with this though, is suddenly there are 5 more +1 Mithril chainshirts, +1 Bucklers or whatever have you laying about waiting to be stuffed into a bag of holding and sold at Auction in waterdeep.

... so i was thinking of implementing the somewhat Cheesy, but understandable, 'Drow craft' (Underdark p.68) magic property to all the weapons and armour, so that it falls appart under the light of the sun and only have Value to underground merchants.

My party recently engaged and slaughtered the Maurhezi in its lair within the Dordrien crypts. The Paladin unleashed a Smite evil full attack upon the creature, slaying it instantly. As a result, she leveled up to level 11 (they have also been galavanting around the Dales and Waterdeep on sidequests)... according to pathfinder, she can now bestow her Smite on all friendlys within 10 Feet of her - granting them +6 to hit, and +22 Damage on their first attack against an evil foe (+11 every round there after), overcoming all damage reduction.

I cannot help but feel this 'Breaks' city of the spider queen.

As a counter catch, there is a Gargantuan Fiendish spider with Smite also in the S2 Chasm which in CotsQ has 24 HD. This would mean it deals an additional 24 Damage on a hit.

Looking up the Gargantuan Spider from Pathfinder (A Goliath Tarantula) its HD drops to 10 which balances it out to +10 damage instead, +20 on the first hit. Additionally, Smite 'Good' does not seem to require a Target. Simply Smite all Good.

Re-statting the drow sentries has lead me to give each type a different Variant class from the Advanced players guide.. Sentry 3 i gave the Archer type, Sentry 2 i kept as pure fighter, Sentry 1 i gave 'Cave Stalker' which was especially meant for Drow.

In addition i took the Arachnomancer PrC from Underdark and simplified its core concepts into a 'Subschool' for Drow Wizards.. giving them speak with spiders, adding their level to saves against poison, and the ability to add the Spider-magic spell list to their own book as they gain levels.

as i implement / change more things ill update this as the campaign chugs along.

However i would love to hear if any of you have already converted CoTsQ to Pathfinder , what challenges you faced, and what pitfalls to look out for.

- Fend

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2014 :  16:58:31  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Diversifying the sentries and using Arachnomancer are good ideas.

No, I never converted CotSQ to Pathfinder, but I toyed with the adventure a bit.

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2014 :  18:00:53  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just finished messing around with the Web Team in S2.

After adapting them for Pathfinder, i was able to add 2 Sentrys to the web team and give them all a Riding Gecko (which has spider climb racial).

In addition i chose to make the acompanying spellguard my Arachnomancer variant, and was able to also afford him 2 Ogre spiders.

The Captain got the 'Weapon Master' fighter subclass as he seems fond of spinning around a double sword.

.. I have had trouble 'grasping' the Web Combat concept in the book. Climbing the web to engage intruders to the city seems suicidal at best (as the sentrys strengths are in their spring attacks).

to counter this i thought the Geckos would make the web teams role as a Rapid Response unit 'Viable' as the Geckos can either run up the non-stick web sheets or up the Chasm wall itself.

Given that they are drow, i imagine they will use their lizards to keep out of range and harass the intruders with ranged fire.

I did consider giving them all riding spiders but figured it would be too 'cliche'.

I Seriously do not think the party will set foot on the web. Many of them are heavily Armored, and the thought of climbing a web down into a 600 foot deep chasm would make them literally say 'To the hells with that'. It is far more likely that they will use Clairaudience or Prying eyes to scout out the Chasm, before Teleporting to a prime location and storming it.

With that said, the Geckos are now thus even more handy - as the Web Team can patrol the Chasm at speed. That and the mental image of the Web Team Thundering onto the Scene mounted on their Cave lizards is just Sexy.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 13 Apr 2014 :  16:39:24  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I never could keep up with 3E prestige classes or even a fraction of the rules. Weren't the wizards from Szith Morcane really deadly as they were able to sling 2 spells a round with haste? Maybe that's too deadly, but I'd certainly consider it for the the more powerful ones so it's more of a challenge.

There were feats for doing such a thing in one of the Goodman Games products. Castle Whiterock maybe? There were a pair of feats that lowered level req. for quickened spells if I recall that made a drow encounter VERY deadly.

Edited by - Eilserus on 13 Apr 2014 16:40:50
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2014 :  18:35:16  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hrmmm Update then!

@ Eliserus - yeah they used to be deadly.. now they have not posed any real threat.

Drow sentrys with the Cave Stalker subclass are proving to be completely ineffective and unchallenging.
Drow sentrys with the Archer subclass ive had to modify to be able to shoot on lizardback, but are proving memorable (as they often run across the other chasm side fireing arrows across at the players)
Drow sentrys with mithril breastplates and glaives are proving to be Absolutely nasty, the players just hit and Cleared S4 where they fought somewhere in the vicinity of 11 'Naginatta warriors', and they seemed to have alot of fun and were challenged. even without their potions of bullstrength (which they didnt get to drink).

The Captain weapon masters were innefective - mostly as they both had been forced into melee with the AC 34 Cleric..

Spellguard (Evoker) did some damage, but was not a challenge.

Arachnomancer was very memorable! summoning an Ogre Spider (pathfinder) and commanding it to Grapple the party wizard (as he could speak with spiders) proved very unexpected.

Ive moved now into Arcane Guards.. which have levels in Fighter and Wizard, and wield spiked chains... but they dont have enough levels in either to be frightening (and with the low 7 foot ceilings flying and chaining is out)

the riding Geckos were VERY cool. The Fight with the Webteam in S1 went Amazingly memorably... the Drow came in increasing numbers each round, skittering along ceilings/walls or just headlong. Backed up by the Arachnomancer, Huge spiders and finally - near the end - the Arachnomancer used magehand to tug the web strands to Call the Colossal Fiendish Spider to join the Frey!

The party won ofcourse. but it was pretty epic.. Though the wizards are hardly as deadly as theyre old reputation.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2014 :  20:14:44  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wish I knew more about 3E and Pathfinder rules but my knowledge there is very limited. :(

If they are face rolling encounters, you could try adding a bit of fodder in them so the drow get off an extra round or two of attacks before being engaged.
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2014 :  07:02:06  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh no no.. its not that they are facerolling encounters.

In S1 - i added a porcupine trap to up the CR to meet with Pathfinders CR (as NPC CR's dropped by 1 for creatures without racial hit die). 6d6 damage and 1 Wyvern poisoned arrow which struck a random player. The Wyvern poison arrow hit randomly, the Cleric and failed to get through his barkskin. The other arrows riddled the party ranger down to half health. THEN one of the players, who owned a shield golem, commanded it to 'drop' into combat (as the entry to the room was a 20 foot shaft)... what he forgot to notice was the Injured Ranger was directly down the hole. The Golem then landed on her for 12 d6 damage! She only lived because i rolled bad. As for the drow in the encounter, they were relativly facerolled yes.

In S2 - The webteam fight was not a faceroll really. The Ranger ran out of arrows, the Bard ran low on music, the Wizard got fairly beat up and ran low on spells (this was his 5th encounter for the day) and the Cleric was still alright - but as it was only late afternoon he knew he would be 13 hours away from getting more spells so he fought concervativly with his magics. Afterwards they needed to rest.

In S4 - They were fully rested and went into a CR 13 encounter off the bat with 11 naginatta warriors, 1 scout and a captain. The Bards shield golem was destroyed in a hail of 8 spring attacks.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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United Kingdom
9 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2014 :  14:01:36  Show Profile Send Monkeyofficeboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
See I am watching this with interest. I got CotSQ some years ago as a present from my brother, and although I read it and thought it looked cool, I have never had a chance to run it. Now I have Pathfinder it is one of the things I have considered running with PF, and so I am really interested in your conversion work Fendrikor.
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2014 :  18:01:45  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The first thing i recommend is to re-calculate the challenge ratings Monkeyofficeboy! as the NPC's are lower level in PF, it throws the encounters out of whack. that and haste isnt what it used to be.

:) ALSO the Roper is MUCH more powerful (the one in D9) than the one in 3.5, just be aware of its deadlyness (and i recommend it engaging the players in D8.. the Jergal statue room).

The Ghost of Lady Quallem in the first few rooms is MUCH more powerful than she used to be...

The Slay Living Trap door Trap deals only Damage, not insta-kill... so bare that in mind. OH and it has an Automatic Reset... so thats 12d6 damage each time the door is touched.

Ironically, Keep in mind how difficult it is to Bash in a Chained shut Stone door ... the Entry to the Crypt has given my party pause Twice now.

The First time not even a Troll (one of the players) could force it open. In the end they resorted to Stoneshape.

In order to up the challenge rating of the fight with the Spider kissers hiding in D13, I would consider having them Join the Areneas - then have Tierak Morcane Flee the battle if it goes poorly, before cowering in the final chamber and attempting to manipulate them into entering into an alliance with her to put her back into power (like Solom Nedrazek' desires when they meet him later in).

The Maurhezi at the end of the Crypts is too easy to kill if the party has a Paladin. If they dont however the Maurhezi is a fine encounter but you need to play it to the hilt. Infact, its good to remember that a paladin at level 10 can Smite a foe for his Charisma bonus extra to hit, and can add his level to his Damage... and this lasts till the end of the combat. Since the Dungeon has alot of 'Solo monsters' Paladins make easy work of them (but not Lady Quallem, as she is only Lawful neutral!). And at level 10 they can do this 4 x per day 'Whilst' using another ability (which reminds me of the Kensai class) instead of Paladin mount to infuse their weapon with stuff like Flameing burst, Holy, Keen, brilliant energy... etc.

THE COLOSSAL FIENDISH SPIDER IN S1 <<<---- This is important.

DO NOT just convert the Colossal fiendish Spider from the Book across! It will be WAY too powerful when it gets the fiendish template.

Instead, i took the Colossal Tarantula from the Bestiary - Changed it into a 'Hairy Cave Spider', and change it back into a Web spinner. Its much more balanced.

Thus far thats all i can think of.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 16 Apr 2014 18:06:08
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Great Reader

2131 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2014 :  18:18:15  Show Profile  Visit Hawkins's Homepage Send Hawkins a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Have you considered just adding one (or two) of the simple templates to opponents to buff up their CR?

Errant d20 Designer - My Blog (last updated January 06, 2016)

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back. --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

"Mmm, not the darkness," Myrin murmured. "Don't cast it there." --Erik Scott de Bie, Shadowbane

* My character sheets (PFRPG, 3.5, and AE versions; not viewable in Internet Explorer)
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document (PFRPG OGL Rules)
* The Hypertext d20 SRD (3.5 OGL Rules)
* 3.5 D&D Archives

My game design work:
* Heroes of the Jade Oath (PFRPG, conversion; Rite Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 1: Cantrips & Orisons (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 2: 1st-Level Spells (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Martial Arts Guidebook (forthcoming) (PFRPG, designer; Rite Publishing)
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
149 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2014 :  22:51:37  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Fendrikor, glad to hear your CotSQ campaign is under way.

As you may recall I have recently run a pathfinder version of the campaign and in the process converted the stats too. If you are interested I could pass them on to you (and any other who are interested)? The stats are currently in a 142 page (512 KB) word document but I could always post the stats here for all to see (not sure what policy is on that) if that is too unwieldy.

As a taster I'll post my Szith Morcane Sentries for your consideration.

Szith Morcane Sentries

Szith Morcane Sentry 1 CR 4
These humanoids have black skin and white hair. They are slightly shorter and slimmer than humans. They wear thin, silvery chain shirts with white tabards over them, each emblazoned with leering black skulls. In their hands they carry hand crossbows and rapiers.
Male drow fighter 5 (mobile)
CE Medium-size humanoid (elf)
Init +2 (+2 dex); Senses; Perception +6
Languages Drow Sign, Elven, Goblin, Undercommon.
Aura none
AC 20; touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+2 dex, +1 dodge, +5 armour, +2 shield)
hp as per encounter +5 (5d10+5 plus 5fc)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 [+2 vs enchantment; +1 vs paralysis, slow and entanglement];
Resist none
DR none; Immune sleep; SR 11
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 rapier +11 (1d6+5/18-20)
Melee Masterwork dagger +10 (1d6+4/19-20)
Ranged Masterwork hand crossbow +7 (1d4 plus poison/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft.
Special Actions Spring Attack
Spell-like abilities (CL 5th; Concentration +5)
1/day – dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Alertness, Dodge, MobilityB, Spring AttackB, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (rapier)B
Skills (20/20 Skill points) Acrobatics +7(5), Climb +11(5), Escape Artist +4(0) Knowledge (Underdark[Deep Wastes] local) +3(1), Intimidate +5(2), Perception +6(2), Sense Motive +3(1), Stealth +8(4); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
SQ armour training 1, agility +1, drow traits, poison use, weapon training 1 (light blades)
Possessions +1 mithral shirt, +1 buckler, +1 rapier, 2 potions of spider climb, potion of cure light wounds, potion of Jump, masterwork hand crossbow, 20 bolts, 1d6-3 doses of drow poison, 10/20/30/40sp, 5/10/15/20/25/30gp, 1/2/3/4pp, 1/2/3(50%) agate/freshwater pearls/Obsidian/Tiger Eye (10gp each)
Age 124; Height 5’4” Weight 129lbs Eyes Red Skin Black Hair White Deity Lolth Region Deep Wastes
Drow Traits
-Superior Darkvision: Drow can see in the dark up to 120ft.
-Drow Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
-Keen Senses: Drow receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
-Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
-Spell-Like Abilities: Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, darkness and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.
-Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
-Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
-Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.
Armour Training (Ex): The Szith Morcane Sentries emphasise mobility in their training highly, this means the Armour check penalty is reduced by 1 and Max dex bonus is increased by 1 for any armour they wear. In addition, they can move at their normal speed even when wearing Medium Armour.
Agility (Ex): The Szith Morcane Sentries have conditioned themselves against effects that may hamper their movements, gaining a +1 bonus on their saves against paralysis, slow and entanglement effects.
Weapon Training (Ex): These Guards of Szith Morcane are trained to their strengths, focusing especially in attacking on the move, giving them a +1 bonus to attack, damage and CMD checks against disarm or sunder attempts when they move at least 5ft prior to attacking.

Szith Morcane Sentry 2 CR 4
These humanoids have black skin and white hair. They are slightly shorter and slimmer than humans. They wear thin, silvery breastplate with white tabards over them, each emblazoned with leering black skulls. In their hands they carry a glaive.
Male drow fighter 5 (polearm master)
CE Medium-size humanoid (elf)
Init +2 (+2 dex); Senses; Perception +4
Languages Drow Sign, Elven, Goblin, Undercommon.
Aura none
AC 19; touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+2 dex, +1 dodge, +6 armour)
hp as per encounter +5 (5d10+5 plus 5fc)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 [+2 vs enchantment]
Resist none
DR none; Immune sleep; SR 11
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee Masterwork glaive +11 (1d10+7/x3)
Melee Masterwork short sword +9 (1d6+3/19-20)
Ranged Light Crossbow +7 (1d8 plus poison/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft.
Special Actions pole fighting, steadfast pike +1, spring attack
Spell-like abilities (CL 5th; Concentration +5)
1/day – dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Power AttackB, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (glaive)B, Weapon Specialisation(glaive)
Skills (20/20 Skill points) Acrobatics +4(5)*, Climb +8(5)*, Knowledge (Underdark[Deep Wastes] local) +3(1), Intimidate +6(3), Perception +4(2), Sense Motive +0(0) Stealth +3(4)*; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
*Includes -3 armour check penalty
SQ drow traits, poison use, polearm training 1
Possessions Masterwork Mithral Breastplate, Masterwork Glaive, Masterwork Short Sword, light Crossbow, 20 bolts, potion of Bull's Strength, 1d6-3 doses of drow poison, 10/20/30/40sp, 5/10/15/20/25/30gp, 1/2/34pp, 1/2/3(50%) agate/freshwater pearls/Obsidian/Tiger Eye (10gp each)
Age 124; Height 5’4” Weight 129lbs Eyes Red Skin Black Hair White Deity Lolth Region Deep Wastes
Drow Traits
-Superior Darkvision: Drow can see in the dark up to 120ft.
-Drow Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
-Keen Senses: Drow receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
-Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
-Spell-Like Abilities: Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, darkness and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.
-Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
-Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
-Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.
Pole Fighting (Ex): Trained to use polearms in the cramped quarters of the Underdark, theses Szith Morcane sentries are skilled at fighting adjacent enemies by shortening their grip. This results in a -4 penalty to attack nearby foes. This can be changed as an immediate action.
Polearm Training (Ex): Theses Guards of Szith Morcane are trained to their strengths, focusing especially in certain Polearms and Spears. Giving them a +1 bonus to attack, damage and CMD checks against disarm or sunder attempts from these groups.
Steadfast Pike (Ex): These Szith Morcane Sentries emphasise keeping their enemy at bay, this means attack rolls they get +1 on attacks rolls when readied against a charge or on attacks of opportunity.

Szith Morcane Sentry 3 CR 4
These humanoids have black skin and white hair. They are slightly shorter and slimmer than humans. They wear thin, silvery chain shirts with white tabards over them, each emblazoned with leering black skulls. In their hands they carry composite shortbows.
Male drow fighter 5 (cavern sniper)
CE Medium-size humanoid (elf)
Init +3 (+3 dex); Senses; Perception +5
Languages Drow Sign, Elven, Goblin, Undercommon.
Aura none
AC 18; touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 dex, +5 armour)
hp as per encounter +5 (5d10+5 plus 5fc)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 [+2 vs enchantment]
Resist none
DR none; Immune sleep; SR 11
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee Short sword +7 (1d6+2/19-20)
Ranged Masterwork composite shortbow +12 (1d6+6/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft.
Special Actions Imbued shot
Spell-like abilities (CL 5th; Concentration +5)
1/day – dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 20
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise ShotB, Weapon Focus (shortbow), Weapon Specialisation (shortbow).
Skills (20/20 Skill points) Acrobatics +8(5), Climb +10(5), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6(1), Knowledge (Underdark[Deep Wastes] local) +3(1), Perception +5(3), Stealth +16(+18 sniping)(5); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
SQ armour training 1, drow traits, poison use, quick and deadly, silent shooter +2, sniper training +2 (bows)
Possessions +1 Mithral Shirt, Short Sword, Masterwork Composite Shortbow(+2 Str), 25 +1 Arrows, Cloak of Elvenkind, potion of Spider Climb, 1d6-1 doses of drow poison, 10/20/30/40sp, 5/10/15/20/25/30gp, 1/2/34pp, 1/2/3(50%) agate/freshwater pearls/Obsidian/Tiger Eye (10gp each)
Age 124; Height 5’4” Weight 129lbs Eyes Red Skin Black Hair White Deity Lolth Region Deep Wastes
Drow Traits
-Superior Darkvision: Drow can see in the dark up to 120ft.
-Drow Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
-Keen Senses: Drow receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
-Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
-Spell-Like Abilities: Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, darkness and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.
-Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
-Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
-Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.
Armour Training (Ex): The Szith Morcane Sentries emphasise mobility in their training highly, this means the Armour check penalty is reduced by 1 and Max dex bonus is increased by 1 for any armour they wear. In addition, they can move at their normal speed even when wearing Medium Armour.
Imbued Shot (Su): The Szith Morcane Sentries capitalize on harassing their opponents withranged attacks imbued with their spell-like abilities. To this end they have develiped the ability to imbue their arrows or bolts with the effect of one of the drow faerie fire, darkness, or deeper darkness spell-like abilities (provided they have access to the ability) as a swift action. When such an arrow or bolt is fired, the spell's area is centered where the arrow or bolt lands. If the target of the attack has a space larger than 5 feet, the Szith Morcane Sentry can choose which square of the creature's space is the center of the spell-like ability's effect, as long as that square is within line of sight of the sentry. The Szith Morcane sentry can instead choose to target a single square within line of sight with an imbued arrow or bolt, and uses that square as the center of the spell-like ability's area of effect on a hit (AC 5). The arrow must be fired during the round it was imbued, or the spell-like ability is wasted. If the arrow or bolt misses, the use of the spell-like ability is wasted.
Silent Shooter (Ex): These Szith Morcane Sentries focus on surprising their opponents from the shadows. They gain a +2 bonus on Stealth checks made when loading a bow or crossbow, poisoning ammunition, and making sniping attempts.
Quick and Deadly (Ex): These Szith Morcane Sentries have practiced the art of getting quietly within range of their targets to weaken them with poison. This means they can move at full speed while using Stealth at no penalty and can apply poison to a single arrow or crossbow bolt as a swift action.
Sniper Training (Ex): These Guards of Szith Morcane are trained to their strengths, focusing especially with bows, gaining a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.

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Edited by - Eli the Tanner on 16 Apr 2014 22:55:11
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 17 Apr 2014 :  14:22:54  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mm mine came up much the same as yours!

Except i factored in the Buff items (spider climb , Bullstrength) into their Stats with *'s next to them and notes of how much to 'buff down' if unprepared... namely because my party has a Radiant Servant in its midst and have a very big light radius. And most of them are heavily armored, and their scout cant see in the dark (as she is human).

So i figure the Sentries have time to prepare. otherwise :)

I also noticed you noticed also about the change in SR. Pleb drow no longer have their old high SR's.

but which drow have you considered to be Highborn?

My highborn list thus far is...

Velina and Velasta
Both the Drow Captains in the barracks
Only the named wizards including Solom Nedrazek
NOT Larala.
Tierak Morcane (or as i call her... Tie rack)
Dorina and Zedarr
The Vampire noble guards
NOT Tooman.
The other Morcane house survivor who was being used for Vampire food.
And the Yathrin Banshee in the Temple of Lolth.

I have been considering Axeing all the Wizards Except Solom and Suztam from the highborn list.

And the noble guards, but i want to make them more of a threat.

How did you convert over the Quth Marens Eli?? :)

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Eli the Tanner
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Posted - 17 Apr 2014 :  17:28:59  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good idea about including the buff options. I only included those for boss characters mostly. I think the lower SR is a nice touch by pathfinder. It means the party spellcasters can still be effective and reserves higher SR for the noble drow fights.

With regards to the Noble drow I have much the same as you...with the general rule that drow with surnames are most lkely to be noble. So any drow without surnames I tended to make non-noble. Only Susztam Mar-Shinn and Solom Ned'razak did I consider noble wizards. I was undecided about Tooman but eventually chose to make him a noble of one of the six old fallen merchant houses, hence the shrine of Ghaundaur (S16) in the bazaar level.

The exceptions to these were the noble guards and captains as you stated, which I also made noble. Larala may well have been from a reputable family of the underdark but as she is a half-drow it didn't affect her stats really.

I kept the Quth-Maren stats much the same as the 3.5 ones but incorperated the channel energy rules into their abilities (along with Command Undead). They tended to work as good support monsters and are still very tough (high hp, fast healing, can heal undead, gaze) in a fight. I'll post them here for your consideration:

Quth-Maren CR 7
Although this creature appears to have the overall shape and stature of a drow, no shred of skin or hair is visible on its body – just gleaming muscles slowly oozing blood. Its eyes watch without blinking and its fists constantly clench and unclench as if it can't wait to pound something with them.
CE Medium-size undead
Init +1 (+1 dex); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21
Languages Abyssal, Elven, Undercommon
Aura none
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)
hp hp as per encounter (10d8+20); fast healing 4
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +9
Defensive Abilities caustic blood, channel resistance +2; SR none
DR none; Immune acid, undead traits, ; Resist electricity 10, fire 10
Weaknesses none
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 Slams +11 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 acid)
Ranged Spit blood +8 touch (2d6 plus 2 splash, acid)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks channel negative energy (3d6, Will DC 14) 5/day, horrifying gaze (cower, Will DC 17), power attack, spit blood
Str 16, Dex 13, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 21
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Command Undead, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam).
Skills (50/50 Skill Points) Climb +16(10), Intimidate +15(10), Knowledge (religion) +14(10), Perception +21(10), Sense Motive +4(0), Stealth +18(10); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth, +4 Perception
SQ caustic blood, undead traits
Possessions none
Channel Energy (Su): As a Quth-Maren was an evil cleric in life it can release a 30ft wave of unholy power as a 5th level cleric. Five times a day they can channel negative energy that deals 3d6 damage (DC 14 half) to living creatures or heals undead for the same amount.
Horrifying Gaze (Su): A living creature within 30ft that meets a Quth-Maren's deathless gaze must make a Will save DC 17 or cower in fear (lose dex bonus to AC, unable to act, any foe gets +2 to attack)
Spit Blood (Ex): As a Standard action, every 1d4 rounds a Quth-Maren can spit a glob of its acidic blood as a grenade-like weapon attack. With a successful ranged touch attack against the target the glob deals 2d6 points of acid damage on a direct hit and 2 points of acid damage to all within 5ft of where it lands. This attack has a range increment of 10ft
Caustic Blood (Ex): A Quth-Maren's Natural attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of acid damage. Any creature striking the Quth-Maren with natural weapons or unarmed strikes also takes 1d6 acid damage.

If there are any other stats you would like then ask away. I've converted them all the way up to Irae (who i made into Yathrinshee).

P.S. Your smite evil problem isn't too bad (I had a paladin in my group too) as the Aura of Justice ability will use up more smite charges (half of them at level 11) and they all have to be used within 1 turn. So only 1 or 2 fights at most will get to make use of it. But they'll need them against stuff like the Web team anyhow.

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Posted - 18 Apr 2014 :  14:36:24  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My rule of thumb would be - if the drow has a name, he's noble and highborn, except perhaps Tooman (wtf kind of a name is that?!).

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 18 Apr 2014 :  16:40:25  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mmmm... My quth marens stats are the same.

But i gave it the 'rebuke undead' feat, so it could use channel energy to shephard other dead things (in this case Wraith spiders)

I then dropped its acid spit from d4 rounds to every round and gave them the ability to be a horrible ranged monster if the party was flying or on the walls.

Subsiquently i describe my Quth marens are constantly drowning in a chunky black Ichor that runs from their chins and down their chests while their eyes are wide, lidless and white. Their skin glistens wet with exposed muscle and wet blood. The noises they make are wet sucking gurgles and sputters.

The Banshee of Alissanra Morcane is Brutal converted to Pathfinder - as Wail of the Banshee now quite literally deals 120 damage.

I turned Zeddar into a strait Anti-paladin instead of whatever mix of bad classes he was.

HOUSE MORCANE , to bring up an interesting encounter topic.

Thus far i have 4 Quth Maren and 2 Vampire noble guard engaging the players in the entry.

They meet with Dessa Sik Morcane - who when armed will join them until they defeat Dorina (or for one day) before she loses control and attempts to slaughter them.

If Velina and Velasta are alive both of them are in the temple with the Drider Vampires and the sole remaining vampire noble guard.

If Velina is dead, Velasta and Zedarr will be here. If all of them are dead (due to the illfated Raiding / strike team missions) then no one is here.

But i am concerned about Dorina's ability to hold her own in the final chamber.

I was considering bumping up the challenge as solo monster fights dont seem to work out too well.

If Solom Nedrazek makes a deal with the players i will have him take down the forbiddance effect on House morcane. He has no love for Dorina, so im considering having him also step into the final fight (but he may outshine the players so i want to avoid this)

Larala is also keen on seeing Dorina dead. She joined in the fight on the Webteam by attacking an Arachnomancer for the party - only to cop a lightening bolt to the face when they saw what she was... She ofcourse fled (uninjured too!). She was surprised later when one of the players Dimension doored back to the Guard chamber with the remains of his Shield Golem (so he could leave it somewhere relatively cleared) only to find Larala scavenging over the dead drow guards there for supplies. Laralla couldnt speak common, and the party member (a halfling bard) couldnt speak undercommon so there was a tense stand off (with lots of random eye blinking and paranoia) before Larala burst into laughter licked a knife and said something in drow before feretting away back into the webs. suffice to say the halfling player said to me 'Ok. So either im about to have the Strangest sexual experiance of my life - Or i just lucked out of a bad situation'

She is rather unhinged. lol.

What were your Stats for the Drow Slavers ?

Additionally - how did you bump the fight up at the Bazzar? I was considering adding a second illithid. Or giving it some Ogre thralls atleast.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 18 Apr 2014 17:28:57
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Apr 2014 :  18:53:40  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Ran an encounter in the Inverted tower that involved 9 Drow Arcane Guards after the conversion to patfinder... and my god did they suck.

3 were on watch when the party entered the tower, they saw the party light sources (despite them going invisibile) prepared lightening, fly and all sorts of spells.... and were dead by the begining of the second round of combat. All i can say is Contagious Flame and casting Enlarge person on an Archer with inspire courage + a badge of valor ... for +7 to hit, and +7 damage just in bard buffs ontop of a bow that now deals 2d6 damage base.

on the 3rd round, 6 more errupted into the room swinging chains and flinging spells.

Four of them gathered around the party mage - span up their chains - passed their arcane spell failure checks - and volleyed 12 Magic missiles into him...only to realise he had Nezrams Sapphire screen of shielding cast... which they were not familiar with... which also duplicates the effects of a shield spell. So no magic missiles hit.

3 of them died in one round. The remaining three Fled back to the barracks and barred the door... which got busted open.. and subsiquently all three were brutally put to the sword.

Alot of Scrying went on... Solom Nedrazek watched with a raised eyebrow and some hidden concern as the party slew all the tower guards in less than a minute.

Definantly considering a parlay.

BEFORE they decided to storm the inverted tower, i kicked things up a notch in the Barracks.

They spent an exessivly long time killing / looting / searching / re-searching / interrogating / fighting / procrastinating there that Velina was able to assemble the Strike team and launch a counter attack.

What resulted was an awesome combat... i had to upscale it to include 2 Arcane guards (which i forgot to remove from the Tower >_< oops!), 20 Warriors, 2 Quth Maren and Velina. The Arcane guards did significantly better here in a ranged support roll (for around 3 rounds) before wading into melee with truestrike cast and actually doing some damage.

The Quth Marens realised quickly, my version of them anyway, that Touch was the best way to hurt the party frontliner (its cleric) and started just vomiting on him after 2 rounds of trying to wail on him.

The Drow plebs, were surprisingly useful for chaff fodder. I dont think any of them scored a single hit, but faerie fire and flanking bonuses were not too bad... Also, the thickest cluster of plebs almost always drew the attention of the party casters (takein their focus off velina for a turn).

Suffice to say they were utlimately victorious, it was a struggle with alot of epic moments. Finally, Velina Deathknelled one of her own people to get a power boost - cast Curse and wade in to go toe to toe with the party Cleric. That didnt work. So in a last ditch effort to she screamed 'Oh if i die, your coming with me! But unlike me, your never coming back!' and tried to cast Slay living... but failed and was subsiquently ran through.

Everything else they did on the surface after these 2 encounters is really just flavor from my own campaign and not really coverable under module content. But for those who are interested:

- I brought in a Zhent plot a couple sessions prior involving a small hamlet called Caer Garrion. The Zhents teamed up with a double agent for the Eldreth Veluuthra who was aiming to Screw the zhents over and depopulate the village so the EV could loot it for supplies. He did this by growing Night twist over the course of 100 days on a hilltop overlooking the hamlet, the twist sang when it hit maturity driving the people mad with grief. the Ear-plugged Zhent slavers then swept in and carted the people all off. The players arrived the next day hunting for a missing harper agent (one of the players) finding him in the lockup, not suffering any ill effects (as he spent the evening unconcious so he couldnt warn the villagers. The EV agents had him framed). Long story short, they found the double agent and drove him off, slew the night twist, Went after the Zhent slavers and after an epic battle in which they teleported RIGHT into their camp, while the Northmen were eating breakfast - Slaughtered them all and did battle with a skymage (who got away).

- Subsiquently tonight when they returned to town after poking around dordrien, a Zhent assasin had been setting up a perfect plan to kill off the party. Finding their favored haunt, the Teshford arms inn. The Assasin Poisoned the clerics horse 'Breygore' (which the cleric had to heal), poisoned the wine (which they avoided drinking because of the price) and finally dropped a Cloud kill spell on the second story. All while disguised as the serving boy 'jhonny' (he was a halfling).

- Daggerfalls went into high alert. The Bard, who was very drunk after spending the night performing and drinking heavily at the Redrock tavern tried to break a window but he was too uncoordinated to even roll the DC 5 to succede... on two rolls. He THEN had to drunkenly fumble through his backpack for a neutralize poison potion while choking on cloudkill. But he had to search the room for it, as he didnt remember how he had gotten there! The Cleric took con damage trying to rescue patrons before the cloud kill got them. He got one, but he died in his arms - only to spend 'Breath of Life' on him to bring him back from the dead.

- The party wizard (who was a diviner) noticed the party was being watched quite abit that day. though he only found out one of the viewers, a sallow skinned, black lip-sticked, dark eyed, dark haired, Cleric of some sort in a Ram-horned helmet. The party cleric had a fetish for collecting holy symbols - which were now being used to scry on him by his enemies. He blaimed himself for what happened at the Teshford Arms.

- They also found out that after Coldsprings had been sacked by the drow, lord randal morn had caved to pressure from Tunfer and the Council to send a contingent of volunteer freedom riders to the Dordrien crypts to help launch an offensive against the Accursed drow. The party was outraged, believing it would be a total slaughter and waste of life! Randal assured them sending the Men was how they did things around these parts - Daggerfolk dont put much faith in strangers, let alone adventurers. Randal believed the best defence, was a strong offence - and that any thing he could do to 'assure' their sucess in the crypts would better spent at the forefront of the fighting, than in another disastrous defence. the party did not agree with this however, believing that their numbers would count for nothing in the crypt. Even if they did manage to safely navigate down the Sheet Webs and aid them on the other levels of Szith morcane they would simply be outclassed by the opposition.

- In desperation, after the Teshford Incident, the Cleric decided (since the bard and wizard were desperately in need of rest) to ride hard without them to Dordrien. His Horse was shod with the Horsehoes of Zephyr - so he could get there, riding at speed in about an Hour and 20 minutes.

- WORSE, at 5 am - game wise - the Cult of the Dragon is going to make an appearance on the scene (alot is coinciding in one night by total random happenstance).. 2 Medusa agents are going to hit the Temple of Lathanders light in the dead of night, break in and go hunting for a Relic the players have hidden there. They will cause alot of strife in the attempt. To their benefit, the town will be on alert - so many of the temple guards will be bolstering the townguards. The Fighters themselves have fly potions and will be dropping in on the temple from out of the night. Originally i had them backed up by a Cleric but instead i will simply have her 'act from afar' in a very Bane fashion rather than be overt about her involvment. The Medusai will make short work of any low level dawnbringers they find - possibly before they can even scream. Though they have no idea where the Relic is hidden, they intend to interrogate the high priest while he is resting and there for not likely to have any spells.

- Also for any who know about it, in Lady Quallems tomb - one of the corpses Curses its looter to be 'devoured by deamons in seven days hence' ... :) That day is tommorow for one of my players. He is totally paranoid as to what will become of him... Im actually tempted to throw in some ACTUAL deamons to eat him. But the curse holds no power so ah well... perhaps his fears could conjur up a deamon of their own? or perhaps it could be more subtle? *rubs hands together evilly* what would you do? Run it as it says - or come up with something nefarious?

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 19 Apr 2014 18:54:27
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Apr 2014 :  15:04:59  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fendrikor

Mmmm... My quth marens stats are the same.

Looks like we're syncing up on quite a few...something about great minds comes to mind.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

But i gave it the 'rebuke undead' feat, so it could use channel energy to shephard other dead things (in this case Wraith spiders)

I did too, in pathfinder the Command Undead feat lets the quth-maren do that.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

I then dropped its acid spit from d4 rounds to every round and gave them the ability to be a horrible ranged monster if the party was flying or on the walls.

That's quite a good idea. When there was more than one quth-maren I found the d4 rounds balanced out but indivdually they could struggle against a large party.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

The Banshee of Alissanra Morcane is Brutal converted to Pathfinder - as Wail of the Banshee now quite literally deals 120 damage.

I turned Zeddar into a strait Anti-paladin instead of whatever mix of bad classes he was.

I changed the keening spirit into a ghost variant...which is also very deadly under the pathfinder rules, she was dealing 12d6 damage touch attacks. Taharak later on was a real threat too thanks to this.

Anti-paladin is much better idea than blackguard in my opinion though the sneak attack was a nice touch so i kept some of the rogue levels.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

HOUSE MORCANE , to bring up an interesting encounter topic.

Thus far i have 4 Quth Maren and 2 Vampire noble guard engaging the players in the entry.

They meet with Dessa Sik Morcane - who when armed will join them until they defeat Dorina (or for one day) before she loses control and attempts to slaughter them.

If Velina and Velasta are alive both of them are in the temple with the Drider Vampires and the sole remaining vampire noble guard.

If Velina is dead, Velasta and Zedarr will be here. If all of them are dead (due to the illfated Raiding / strike team missions) then no one is here.

But i am concerned about Dorina's ability to hold her own in the final chamber.

I was considering bumping up the challenge as solo monster fights dont seem to work out too well.

In my campaign, the attack on House Morcane became a rapdily escalating fight that once velina/velasta and zedarr had arrived the party was quite depleted. Don't underestimate the potency of the well-placed use of the vampire's dominate person power.

Ater battling through House Morcane, the confontation with Dorina was on more even terms. I gave the group a time limit to get in there and face her.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

If Solom Nedrazek makes a deal with the players i will have him take down the forbiddance effect on House morcane. He has no love for Dorina, so im considering having him also step into the final fight (but he may outshine the players so i want to avoid this)

This also happened in my camapign, the party made a deal with Solom who wanted to use the group to take control of Sith Morcane. He turned up and agreed to supress the forbiddance wards (temporarily) so that the group could get in and take her down. This put the pressure on the group to get in there and take her down quickly. I also lent the party a few Inverted Tower wizards to supplenement their depleted spellcasting.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

What were your Stats for the Drow Slavers ?

Here they are as per requested.

Slave Overseer CR 8
These humanoids have black skin and white hair. They are slightly shorter and slimmer than humans. They wear blackened chainmail and sport numerous cruel scars. In their hands they carry hand crossbows and rapiers.
Male drow rogue (thug) 5/fighter 4
CE Medium-size humanoid (elf)
Init +3 (+3 dex); Senses; Perception +9
Languages Common, Drow Sign, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Undercommon.
Aura none
AC 25; touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+3 dex, +1 dodge, +8 armour, +3 shield)
hp as per encounter +9 (5d8+10 plus 4d10+8 plus 5fc)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 [+2 vs enchantment; +1 vs fear];
Resist none
DR none; Immune sleep; SR 15
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 Rapier +12/+7 (1d6+5/18-20, +4 to confirm)
Melee +1 Rapier +12/+7 (2d6+5/18-20, +4 to confirm) with Vital Strike
Ranged Hand Crossbow +10 (1d4 plus poison/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft.
Special Actions Sneak Attack, Spring Attack, Vital Strike
Spell-like abilities (CL 9th; Concentration +9)
1/day – dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 22
Feats Blooded, Dodge, Critical FocusB, Mobility, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus(Rapier)B, Weapon Specialisation(Rapier)B.
Skills (57/57 Skill Points) Appraise +9(5), Bluff +8(5) Climb +10(9)*, Diplomacy +4(1), Linguistics +9(5), Gather Information +8(5), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5(1), Knowledge (Underdark[Deep Wastes] local) +5(1), Intimidate +11(9), Perception +9(2), Sense Motive +9(5), Stealth +7(5)*, Swim +4(3)*; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
*Includes -4 Armour Check Penalty
SQ armour training 1, bravery +1, brutal Beating, drow traits, evasion, frightening, poison use, rogue talenrs (finesse rogue, resiliency), Sneak Attack +3d6, uncanny dodge.
Possessions +2 Chainmail, +1 Large Steel Shield, +1 Rapier, Cloak of Resistance +1, Slippers of Spider Climbing, potion of truth, Hand crossbow, 20 bolts, 1d4 doses of drow poison, Key to the Iron Gate at S19, 40sp, 10gp, 10pp, 3 Azurite(10gp each)
Age 124; Height 5’4” Weight 129lbs Eyes Red Skin Black Hair White Deity Lolth Region Deep Wastes
Drow Traits
-Superior Darkvision: Drow can see in the dark up to 120ft.
-Drow Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
-Keen Senses: Drow receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
-Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
-Spell-Like Abilities: Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, darkness and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.
-Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
-Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
-Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.
Armour Training (Ex): A Slave Overseer emphasises mobility in their training highly, this means the Armour check penalty is reduced by 1 and Max dex bonus is increased by 1 for any armour they wear. In addition, they can move at their normal speed even when wearing Medium Armour.
Bravery (Ex): The Slave Overseers have conditioned themselves against fighting strange creatures, gaining a +1 bonus on their Will saves against fear affects.
Brutal Beating (Ex): A Slave Overseer can forgo 1d6 of their sneak attack damage in order to make the target sickened for 2 rounds.
Evasion (Ex): A Slave Overseer can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor.
Frightening (Ex): A Slave Overseer causes the duration of their demoralising with an intimidate check to last a round longer. In addition, if a target is shaken for 4 rounds or more then he can make that target frightened instead.
Rogue Talents (Ex): A Slave Overseer has the following talents
-Finesse Rogue gains the Feat Weapon Finesse
-Resiliency 1/day may gain 5 temporary hit points for 1 minute as an immediate action when reduced below 0 hit points.
Sneak Attack (Ex): A Slave Overseer deals an extra 3d6 damage when attacking a flat-footed opponent.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Slave Overseer cannot be caught flat-footed any more, although a successful feint will still make them lose thier dex.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

Additionally - how did you bump the fight up at the Bazzar? I was considering adding a second illithid. Or giving it some Ogre thralls atleast.

Luckily the bazaar fight didn't come up but I had planned for the bazaar area to be a rapid response area. The kiaransaleean's kept that area under a tight reign to avoid any insurrection and keep watch on the few merchants who made their trade there. Any fight that broke out there was quickly backed up by the web team and then slave overseers with a squad of slaves.

Happy to help

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Apr 2014 :  21:43:15  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I like the Slave overseers and the Squad of Slaves idea. I will definantly keep this in mind! It may be a good place to write in Thulk, though he may just as easily be written in back in the slave area (as he should be keeping watch on the other slaves)

RIGHT NOW i am currently working on two things and i have until saturday to figure out how i am going to do them:

First, is retaliating to Velina's death. So i am assembling the strike team. Dorina has assesed that this party of adventurers has hit Szith Morcane twice in less than 12 hours, and during that time Slaughtered nearly all the best warriors they have to offer - Including all the sentries in the barracks, the entire web team and all the Arcane guards in the inverted tower. WORSE, they slew Velina and butchered a militia of 20 drow warriors sent with her (the raiding party was being assembled when the party struck Szith morcane again. Velina then decided to attack early and caught them after her scouts reported they were 'dawdling' in the barracks (they spent nearly 30 minutes in there!)).

This has left Dorina with very little in the way of defence. House morcane has its 3 Vampire nobles, 2 Drider Vampires and 2 remaining Quth maren. All the members of the Strike team are still alive.

During their strike on the barracks the party lost its Shield Guardian. Dorina was annoyed to here this was the only thing her warriors had managed to kill. Solom however took it as an opportunity, and after they dumped it up in the first guard watchpost prior to Velina's attack on them in the barracks, he took a peice of it to use for a scrying spell later.

This has paid off. When Dorina asked him to Scry on the groups location, he scried the shield gaurdian and found it laying in the snow infront of a temple of Lathander. Being a man of the world, he guessed correctly that the only possible towns to have a temple of that size were too far away and more than likely well defended.

Dorina realised sending the strike team out that way would be folly. On the surface, it was only just sunset. Solom also noted, as he was using Clairaudience at the time, that the party made extensive use of teleportation magic (not only to bypass their own wall of stone, but to teleport around Szith morcane, and it is what they used to exit the inverted tower. He saw this on two occasions, and is smart enough - being a wizard - to assume that it is likely that they will be coming back into the city in much the same way.

To this end, i am considering assembling the strike team and using it instead as a replacment response force for the web team - stationed at the entry point to house Morcane. Both the vampire nobleguards here meanwhile are withdrawn to Dorina's chambers. (My party is not depleting seemingly at all... they work so well together its uncanny. Though the Paladin has quit the campaign due to us running a session without her, and her rage quitting over it. And the Ranger were are not sure if he intends to stay just yet).

If the party teleports into the inverted tower, Solom will not immediatly notify anyone of their arrival... as he wants to talk to them first.

In the tower i am thinking that Solom pulls his two un-assigned apprentices into own private quaters (again to compensate for pathfinder reducing his challenge rating).

If they visit the Nycaloth room first, he will send one of his apprentices instead to fetch them... thus exposing himself to less risk.

Alternatively in House Morcane i am considering the following...

If the party attack the city - Move the Drider vampires to the first chamber to back up the 2 Vampire nobleguards protecting it.

Place the Strike team in the temple of Kiaransalee and have them attempt to stop the party there with the help of the 1 remaining vampire noble guard (to equalise the CR loss from pathfinder)

This way House Morcane turns into a 3 Tier Encounter zone... The plebs out the front, then the meeting with Dessa, THEN the encounter with the Strike Team (possibly with Dessa Sik'Morcane helping the party), then the final fight with Dorina... in which Dessa turns on the party aswell realising it is her only chance to weaken them and take a shot at Dorina all at the same time to restore house Morcane.

This is the ideal anyway.

If this prooves too dificult for the party, Solom can then send both his apprentices in during the fight in the Temple. I think i will use your race against time option, and give the party 15 minutes to fight their way to Dorina (1 minute for each of his levels).

THAT AND... if they dont speak to Solom, i can have Larala give them information and possibly join in their efforts. If they can convince her too, she will join them in killing Dorina.

How did Larala go in your campaign Eli?

The Second thing i am working on is inconsequential really to the Module content - more so involving Daggerdales reactions to the third drow raid.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 21 Apr 2014 21:52:42
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Eli the Tanner
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Posted - 25 Apr 2014 :  15:45:08  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sounds like you've got a good hold on the drow responses, keeping the drow tactics intelligent is key, I found, to any encounters with them.

Funnily enough Larala didn't actually come up in my campaign directly as my group were determined to 'sever the head' rather than exploring the cavern. A bold strategy inspired by the group's paladin who had some rather rarified therories on warfare.

Larala adopted something of a Gollum-esque role for the later campaign. After the group toppled Dorina and the kiaransaleeans in Szith Morcane, Larala came to believe that they were agents of Lolth sent to sweep away the Kiaransalee heretics and cleanse Lolth's domain for her return. To this end she followed the adventurers, using her formidable stealth capabilities to stay out of sight and occassionaly aiding the group. Though she only rendered aid when she was sure she wouldn't be noticed.

She operated as guiding hand in the Underdark at times and was a kind of deus ex machina for when certain fortuitous 'coincidences' helped the group out of a sticky situations. She became something of an Unseen Patron to the group.

Larala Dumian, Patron of Adventurers CR 12
This deformed humanoid crouches in the darkness before you, whispering quietly to herself. Her skin is completely black and her canine teeth are long and sharp. Her limbs and digits are unnaturally long, and tufts of coarse, black hair cover her body. Most strikingly her large and multifaceted eyes peer at you furtively. She seems to blend into the darkness around her and but for her whispers she moves with an unnatural quiet.
Female half-drow rogue (sanctified rogueUC) 7/fang of Lolth 6
CE Medium-size humanoid (elf)
Init +9 (+5 dex, +4 improved intiative); Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +22 (+25 vs traps)
Languages Drow Sign, Elven, Undercommon.
Aura none
AC 23; touch 17, flat-footed 17 (+5 dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +4 armour, +1 deflection)
hp 98 (7d8+14 plus 6d8+12 plus 7fc)
Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +4 [+2 vs enchantment];
Resist none
DR none; Immune sleep; SR none
Weakness light blindness
Speed 30ft. (6 squares); Climb 20ft (4 squares); Fly 60ft (good)
Melee +1 keen Scimitar +11/+6 (1d6+2/15-20) and
Bite +5 (1d6+1)
Ranged by weapon/spell +13
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5ft.
Special Actions Sneak Attack +6d6
Spell-like abilities (CL 13th; Concentration +15)
3/day – summon swarm (unavailable due to Lolth's Silence)
1/day – dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 6, Cha 14
Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD 25
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Exile's PathARG, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Stealthy.
Skills (105/105 Skill Points) Acrobatics +23(13), Climb +27(13), Disable Device +17(13), Escape Artist +23(13), Fly +9(0), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +15(11), Perception +22[+25 vs traps](13), Sense Motive +6(3), Stealth +33(13), Use Magic Device +18(13)*; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb, +2 Perception
*Due to Lolth's Silence Larala lacks some of the Fang of Lolth benefits
SQ divine purpose, drow traits, evasion, natural armour, poison use, rogue talents (fast stealth, rogue crawl, slow reactions), skill bonuses, spider bite, spider vision, trapfinding +3, trap sense +2.
Possessions +1 keen Scimitar, +1 Improved Shadow Studded Leather, Fang Scarab(fused to her neck), Winged Boots, Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of resistance +1, Wand of Magic Missles(1st level caster, DC 20 Use Magic Device required to use), potion of cure light wounds, 30sp, 20gp, 8pp, 3 pieces of Obsidian(10gp each)
Age 92; Height 5’5” Weight 129lbs Eyes Red Skin Black Hair White Deity Lolth Region Deep Wastes
Half-Drow Traits
-Drow-Blooded Some half-elves born of drow parents exhibit more drow traits than others—particularly many of the physical features of the drow—and have darkvision 60 feet and light blindness. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision racial trait.
-Drow Magic A few half-elves with drow ancestry exhibit the innate magic of that race. Half-elves with this trait have drow blood somewhere in their background, and can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each once per day, using the half-elf's character level as the caster level for these spell-like abilities. This racial trait replaces the adaptability and multitalented racial traits.
-Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
-Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
-Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Divine Purpose (Su): Larala was favoured by Lolth, granting her a special blessing and shoring up some of her weaknesses. She gains a +1 sacred bonus on Fortitude and Will saving throws.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
Evasion (Ex): Larala can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor.
Rogue Talents (Ex): Larala has the following rogue talents
-Fast Stealth Larala may move normal speed while using stealth
-Rogue Crawl Larala may move at half-speed whilst prone
-Slow Reactions Opponents struck by Larala's sneak attack cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Climb Speed 20 Feet (Ex) : A fang of Lolth can climb walls and ceilings at a speed of 20 feet, just like the
monstrous spider she's slowly becoming.
This ability grants her a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.
Natural Armor +2 (Ex): Larala's skin has toughened, granting her a +2 natural armor bonus.
Skill Bonuses (Ex and Su): As an extraordinary ability, the fang of Lolth gains a +2 competence bonus on Climb and Jump checks.
In addition, the whispers of Lolth provide her with subconscious hints about how magic works, giving her a +4 insight bonus on Use Magic Device checks. This bonus is a supernatural ability. Due to Lolth's Silence Larala no longer receives these whispers.
Sneak Attack +6d6 (Ex): Larala deals an extra 6d6 damage when attacking a flat-footed opponent.
Spider Bite (Ex): The fang of Lolth can unhinge her jaw and bite with her razor-sharp teeth as an attack action. Her bite is a natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage if she is Medium-size, or 1d4 points of damage if she is Small.
This attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the fang of Lolth's foe. If she uses a full attack action, she can make normal weapon attacks and use her bite as a secondary natural attack at the standard
-5 penalty.
Spider Vision (Ex) : A fang of Lolth gains increased visual acuity in the form of a +4 competence bonus on both Spot and Search checks. She also gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If she already has darkvision as a class feature or racial ability, the ranges do not stack.
Summon Swarm (Sp)*: Three times a day, a fang of Lolth can summon and direct an army of normal
spiders to do her bidding. This ability works exactly like a summon swarm spell cast by a druid of a level equal to the character's fang of Lolth level, except that the swarm is always composed of spiders. The fang of Lolth can spend a move-equivalent action to direct the swarm, which moves at a speed of 30 feet.
Trapfinding (Ex): Larala adds half their rogue level to perception checks made to locate traps and Disable Device checks. They can also disable magic traps.
Trap Sense (Ex): Larala has a +2 bonus to reflex saves AC made to avoid traps.
*Note: Because of Lolth's Silence, Larala lacks some of the standard abilities of a Fang of Lolth

Hope this helps you.

The fallout in Dagger Falls is a very interesting aspect to playout and I did a few side missions related to it with my group. One of which was when the group decided to enlist the aid of other dales and convinced Lord Randal Morn and Lorn Mourngrym Amcathra to call and emergency Dales Council. The next council is scheduled to be in Daggerdale anyway according to the FRCS p118.

As Midwinter had not arrived yet they held the emergency Dales Council on the Feast of the Moon with a reduced number or representatives. The main topic and purpose of the meeting was to address the Drow threat. Only 6 out the 10 potential members turned up, with the others either lacking an immediate interest or busy with other affairs....especially as they were due to meet on Midwinter anyway.

Those representatives in attendace were: Archendale, Battledale, Daggerdale, Deepingdale, Mistledale, and Shadowdale.

Each had a vested interest in dealing with the drow and their own ways of tackling the problem. 2 group members were allowed to be present with Randal Morn to operate as advisors/bodyguards during the meeting whilst the rest of the group gathered info behind the scene and tried to tip things in Daggerdale's favour with other members.

It was a very Game of Thrones-like affair that got the characters involved with the Dalelands politics and intrigue. It was a bit of shame when they had to return to the main quest. I can send more details on the Dales Council if you are interested.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Apr 2014 :  17:57:40  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I love Larala's write-up, I always found her a very intriguing character. Do you think she's as insane as the book seems to suggest?

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 27 Apr 2014 :  19:00:39  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
They decided to fight solom.

My god.

Empowered chain lightening hit them turn 1 for 78 damage each.

Next twinned lightening bolt with quickened agnazzars scorcher.

He summoned a god damn landshark!

Later In the fight i disintegrated the cleric for 30d6 damage...

They killed him in the end, gorilly blasting solom appart with a 'kamae-amae-haaa!' Style ball lightening.

More updates to come... and yes council info would be grand :)

Randals men are outmatched and outclassed here..

But he hasnt resorted to convening a council just yet...

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 27 Apr 2014 19:01:28
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 02 May 2014 :  08:21:55  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zireael

I love Larala's write-up, I always found her a very intriguing character. Do you think she's as insane as the book seems to suggest?

Thanks Zireael, she is very fun character to roleplay too. I'd say she is certainly unhinged but not completely insane (at least for now). She has relied on and lived with the incessant whispers of Lolth for a long time and that removal has made her very paranoid. However Larala is not unintelligent and her exposed mental state as made her much more sensitive to any perceived (or real) threat. Slowly she is turning more and more insane but has a clear objective in the destruction of the Kiaransaleeans. Calculating, unpredictable and highly dangerous, she doesn't believe in coincidences. Everything could be a sign, test or portent of Lolth that will lead to her return and sometimes she almost believes she hears Lolth whisper back.

Originally posted by Fendrikor

They decided to fight solom.

My god.

Empowered chain lightening hit them turn 1 for 78 damage each.

Next twinned lightening bolt with quickened agnazzars scorcher.

He summoned a god damn landshark!

Later In the fight i disintegrated the cleric for 30d6 damage...

They killed him in the end, gorilly blasting solom appart with a 'kamae-amae-haaa!' Style ball lightening.

More updates to come... and yes council info would be grand :)

Randals men are outmatched and outclassed here..

But he hasnt resorted to convening a council just yet...

Solom is a powerhouse and in my campaign he (apparently) took over Szith Morcane after the group left.

The Dales Council

This side adventure was partly orchestrated by the group when they were resting up and recruiting help in Shadowdale after they had defeated Dorina (a few deaths had occurred). They had gained renown for 'solving' the drow threat in Daggerdale but had also stumbled upon a troubling map and letter in the process. The rather 'big picture'-thinking paladin, had convinced the rest of the group that preparing the Dalelands for potential invasion was best so they used their newfound reputation to get an audience with Lord Mourngrym Acathra of Shadowdale and convinced him to help call an emergency Dales Council.

A tenday later, on the Feast of the Moon, delegates started arriving in Daggerdale for the Dales Council. During the festivities the characters had time to gather info on the various attendees and get a glimpse of what was to come. They would then feed some info back to Randal Morn to help during the negotiations.

Each representative was allowed to bring with them two 'advisors' to the meeting, which in reality doubled as both bodyguards and spies. The various Dales had different attitudes and intentions for the meeting. A brief description follows:

Archendale: The Black Sword. Aldulva Snowbrand (NG human male Wiz 10)
Arrogant. The swords do not like the idea of relying on adventurers but rather believe in a mercenary army….building on the Archenriders model, of course. Jalandyl was sent to keep an eye on the meeting by the Black Sword, Jalia Mossgreen. The Battle-Captain was sent to represent interests of the Red Sword, Dheren Ogresbane.
Aides: Jalandyl O'Stars (NG half-elf Ftr 11), Battle-Captain Gordon Stakaria (CN human male Clr 10 of Tempus)

Battledale: Lord of Battledale, War-Chancellor Ilmeth (LN male human Ftr 8/Chm 3 of Helm)
Grim and moody but fair. Since the attack by the drow on the Abbey of the Sword last year, Ilmeth knows, perhaps better than any of the others, the threat the drow pose. He begrudgingly accepts the counsel and help of adventurers but is looking for military aid. The idea of a dales army intrigues him but he is wary of giving Archendale too much control.
Aides: First Sword Jareth Berlisk the Mantled (CN male human Ftr 8/Chm 5 of Tempus), Rhannon (NG female human Rogue 8)

Daggerdale: Lord of Daggerdale, Randal Morn (NG male human Ftr 6/Rog 4)
Concerned. Encourages use of adventurers (the PC's) to find out the depth of the threat before continuing. A good ally of Mourngrym Amcathra.
Aides: 2 Characters of the group's choice. Tunfer the Stout or Shevaril Starcloak stand in if a character declines.

Deepingdale: Lord of Deepingdale, Theremen Ulath (NG male moon half-elf Ftr 7)
Optimistic. Welcomes elisstraeean drow and would like potent magic to defend his dale. Hope to learn more information before acting.
Aides: Teesha Than (Mnk 11/Exp 1), Hasicor Danali (Clr 9/Dis 3 of Oghma)

Mistledale: High Councillor, Haresk Malorn (LG male human Exp 6/Ftr2)
Quiet Merchant. Known most for his compassion and wisdom rather than his martial skill. Haresk worries that his Dale has failed to deal with the drow and is desperate to find and drive them away. Hopes to follow the lead of the more martial dales.
Aides: High Priest Nerval Watchwill (LG male human Clr 7 of Tyr), Councillor Targen Holdfast (NG male human Rgr 7)

Shadowdale: Lord of Shadowdale, Mourngrym Amcathra (NG male human Ftr 8)
Cautious. Since the disappearance of Elminster (re: Elminster in hell), Mourngrym has become more anxious about the drow but is loath to commit any military action against them as the drow have not attacked Shadowdale yet. Other dales like Battledale and mistledale are not happy about his stance. He is secretly aware of other threats that threaten the dales and holds back because of that, however he may be convinced by the heroes' information.
Merith has a strong dislike of the drow and personally offered to accompany Mounrngrym.
Aides: Knight of Myth Drannor Merith Strongbow (CG male elf Ftr 7/Wiz 7), Precepteress Eressa Ambergyles (NG female human Clr 9 of Tymora)

Randal Morn chaired the meeting by explaining why he had gathered his fellow lords under such haste and introduces the characters (or brings them in) to give their testimony of what they found in Szith Morcane. As deliberation the discussion operated in rounds with each delegate taking turns to state their point of view. These were punctuated by short recesses and votes during the meeting.

Round 1: Opening reactions.
Round 2: Proposals.
Round 3: Votes.
Round 4: Counter Proposals/amendments
Round 5: Final Vote

In each recess it was a chance for the characters to hone in on certain candidates or get into more 'personal' arguments. Various NPC's would approach the characters to strike deals like "My lord has some fine smiths in his employ, and is keen to help your group out…provided we can rely on Daggerdale's support too ;)"

Eventually the Council came a consensus on how they should deal with the drow threat. The options boiled down to:

Sending adventurers to investigate and deal with the drow threat.
-For: Shadowdale, Daggerdale
-Against: Battledale, Archendale
-Undecided: Mistledale, Deepingdale

Forming a Dalelands armed force to protect against the drow threat
-For: Battledale, Archendale
-Against: Shadowdale, Daggerdale
-Undecided: Mistledale, Deepingdale

Essentially the group had to come up with a majority council decision in whichever way they wanted it to, using whatever tactics they wanted. My group managed to get the former option but only on the proviso that the Dalelands force would be voted on in the larger meeting at Midwinter. This was very a roleplaying intensive scenario with lots of skills coming into play….even a little duel at one point. Especially as I had other plots and groups influencing things (red wizards, zhents, harpers, sembian merchants and more) each one having a hand in the scenario. Although we found it a welcome break from the intense dungeon crawling of the Underdark, I can imagine it might not be for everyone.

Spiral of Manzessine
Finally, there is an extra side adventure you may be interested in called Spiral of Manzessine which is specifically designed to be placed into the City of the Spider Queen. The adventure is based at a Illithid run prison called Manzessine (15 miles from Sith Mocane), which the characters are forced to detour to due to a cave-in. Given you are using the medium exp track it might be useful to add it in to give the group more experience (I ran the fast exp track and that didn't quite keep them on level)

The illithid in the Bazaar is supposed to be an envoy hoping to negotiate a new trade agreement with the kiaransaleeans like they had with the Lolthites. Also Quthnorak in Vournoth's Mire is suggested as being an escaped prisoner.

If you are interested in using it the adventure is in Dugeon #94. I wonder if I'm allowed to post an excerpt here?

P.S. Sorry for such a big post.

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Edited by - Eli the Tanner on 02 May 2014 08:24:37
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 02 May 2014 :  08:52:12  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, I didn't know about the Manzessine adventure, going to try to find something out about it on the net...

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 02 May 2014 :  13:08:52  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zireael

Wow, I didn't know about the Manzessine adventure, going to try to find something out about it on the net...

Paizo has a pdf for sale in their store if you fancy it. I already have a copy if you had any questions before buying/downloading it.

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Jeremy Grenemyer
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Posted - 04 May 2014 :  03:37:59  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zireael

Wow, I didn't know about the Manzessine adventure, going to try to find something out about it on the net...

It's a brilliant adventure, and a great addition to City of the Spider Queen.

Get your hands on a copy, if you can.

Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 May 2014 :  09:56:37  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mmm i will indeed pick it up if i can find it - looks like paying may be my only avenue.

I put forward the idea of a dales council to a meeting of important individuals (Tunfer the stout, Mestin 'Troll' Durmak, Captain Ariton of the 1st Riders, Mornmaster Harndarr Orynn and two of the players) but they managed to use high diplomacy skills to convince him 'not to call it just yet' as airing Daggerdales woes to its neighbors may find the news getting to Zhentilkeep first...

So far the course of action decided by my group will be to Clear Szith Morcane and then head back surface side to 'Secure the Dale' before heading deeper to find Maerimydra (some more urgency ill drop when they kill Dorina).

Currently they have a great many external concerns...

- The Sacred One, a Dracolich created by Cult of the Dragon schemeing to destroy the Blood of Lathander (which Randal only just found out was in Daggerfalls... admittedly he was pissed the players had brought a powerful enemy to his doorstep). they will more than likely move the Blood to Waterdeep... but this might just see the Dracolich 'Vent its Chagrin' on the town instead.

- Searching for the lost Greenelf city of Yrlaancel in border forest, so that they can find the fabled 'Hall of Echos'. The bard is intent upon learning the Sublime Chord Prestige class... rumor has it however that Yrlaancel is infested by Orcs who serve a Dragon.

- Hunting Zhents with Lirella Drumsinger in the Tarkhen hills, to find and put an end to the elusive 'Tethyamar Base' to wipe the Zhents out of their backyard for good.

- Clear the Constables tower of its Wild magic problem, earn a castle, possibly the sword of the dales.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  16:51:31  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hrmmm so i have been thinking.

Solom Nedrazzek, the Webteam and all the Sentries at the barracks have been slain. All the Arcane guards and Spellguards have perished, aswell as 20 of the warrior Militia and Velina.

It is as the point where Dorina would send out a strike team to take the players down while they rest. But they often Rest in Daggerfalls. Right now they are resting in Waterdeep!

Dorina knows they will not stop. Her mother has demanded that they fight till the last, and she intends to do just that - however she wants to reap as much destruction as possible.

Sitting back on the defencive with a dwindling force of guards will be tantamount to a slow eventual death.. so i am considering doing something else instead.

Amass an Army. and Lay waste to whoever resists my might. Also this will be a good excuse to try out DND next's mass combat formula (mixed with abit of heroes of battle for pep)

In the span of a single evening i could march an army into Daggerdale and lay waste to several villages. Perhaps even siege daggerfalls itself!

The reason i am considering Sallying forth is i feel Dorina is too agressive to simply wait like a spider in a Jar for her foes to come to her.

She is also fantatically devoted to Kiaransalee, those who die will rise again.

Thus i am considering this...

Amassing an Army of 50 warriors and conscripts, 3 Stone Giant slaves, 60 Goblins, 20 Bugbears, 5 Slave Drivers, Velasta, Zeddar and Ripper, Suztam Marshin and 20 Zombies (reanimated from dead drow in Szith Morcane)

My players have Garrisoned and fortified the Dordrien Crypts so far with a contingent of 30 Warriors (1st), 6 Clerics (2nd), 10 Riders (fighter 3), 3 Sergeants (fighter 3) and a Lieutenant named Aengrist (Fighter 6).

The first barricade is at the top of a 120 foot climb (DC 0). However light from the barricade only extends some 60 feet down the approach. *** Darkness will make short work of this.

The second Barricade is just behind the first at the former old stone wall (which the drow tunneled through).

And the Third has been rigged to also serve as a log trap, at the top of the stairs leading into Dordrien proper.

The drow will attack in waves as the tunnels are too narrow to use properly.

Kiaransaleen drow believe they will return from the dead to get vengance, so i imagine them to be a tad more reclace.

However they do oh so relish terror.

The Attack will begin with the zombies scaleing the ascent under cover of darkness and silence.

When the Daggermen catch wind something is wrong the Crypt comes on alert, as they fire wildly into the darkness with their bows When the first barricade looks to be overwhelmed they retreat to the second where more bowmen are waiting.

When the zombies numbers are wearing thin, they commit the Bugbears, burly shocktroopers who can fight well in close confines.

The second barricade holds temporarily, but with magical support from the drow is overwhelmed. The defenders fight a bloody retreat as a final defence is readied at the third barricade.

The remaining men ready their horses and retreat to daggerfalls, the last of them cutting the final barricade log trap to slow the bugbears.

The Drow then animate another 20 zombies and keep going, having lost 10 bugbears and 20 zombies for their efforts, the Dalers losing about 26 in return.

Word reaches daggerfalls around 9 pm of the drow advance, which has been anticipated, and an army of 60 men and 20 Riders (+ another 10 having made it back from Dordrien) are mustered to head to Tethyamar side, a village of around 200 people only 5 miles from Daggerfalls.

Tethyamar sides militia (22 people of varied level) is rallied and the town bells rung. At around Midnight the Drow arrive, lighting up all the defenders along the pallisade wall with Faerie fire before fireing a volley of darkness enchanted crossbolts.

The Giants work like massive seige engines, hurling ripped up boulders from the craggy land at the Gates, walls and into the town itself.

The Zombies and Goblins swarm in to swamp the muddy ditch before the walls.

The Cavlary, hidden in the woods, attempt to engage the Giants.

Randal morn himself will find Zeddar in the fighting and go one on one with him, while Tunfer the Stout and Velasta, being the most powerful clerics on the field will duke it out aswell.

Suztam Marshin 'would' normally go head to head with Shevaril starcloak, but in my gameworld she is wintering in Cormyr with one of the players who left the campaign, with a second player filling her role as court wizard to Randal.

I am considering letting my players take command of the army of daggerdale in its efforts to defend Tethyamar side from the Drow attack - as the players themselves will be in Waterdeep when this happens.

Such is the windfall for their decision to stay elsewhere.

Any thoughts or considerations?

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  16:56:36  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can also have Tunfer cast Sending to get the players back to daggerdale post haste and participate in the defence. Which would be equally cool.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 09 May 2014 :  13:52:10  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The battle of dagger falls sounds like a really fun idea and a very reasonable response for Dorina. It should give the group a good incentive to look after Dagger Falls rather than hiding in Waterdeep as well as give them a test of haw far the kiaransaleeans are willing to go (nice forshadowing of the great revenance).

I ran a similar battle in my campaign using the Pathfinder Ultimate Campaign rules (they're available on if you want them). A horde of revenants emerged to attack dagger falls which included zhent and daggerdale revenants emerging from a graveyard outside town and even revenant dwarves from eagle's eyrie. The characters had to lead the defence of the town while others tried to destroy the negative energy orb in the undying temple.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 09 May 2014 :  16:20:06  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Its actually Tethyamar Side :) But i consider that the 'Osigiliath' to Daggerfalls 'Minas Tirith'

I just cant find a map of Tethyamar side for the life of me! though i know its in the interactive atlas.

I looked at the mass combat rules from both Heroes of battle (too convoluted) and pathfinder Masscombat (too see-sawy) but finally i saw a post on The Escapist regarding DND Next's mass combat system. And BAM.... It was all so simple.

A stand of 10 medium or smaller creatures uses the statistics of the majority creature it is made up of. Stands grouped together become units.

5 Large creatures (or men riding large creatures, such as horses) are a stand, 2 Huge creatures etc.

Anything larger or a hero on their own (like a wizard) becomes a Solo, though Solo's can join units.

A Solo fighting a Stand by itself suffers 1 attack for every creature in the stand, but if they fight as 'part' of a Stand, they only suffer one (but the stand they are with also does).

The only trouble i have had so far with this is the question of Casters. A Caster can cast 10 Spells a minute if going all out (not including meta magic quicken spells!) or failing that, Blast 10 charges from a wand. More than enough to Anihilate an army on their own. I guess the counter to this is 'makeing it safe to cast'. If a wizard on a good vantage point (up in the air with fly) begins fireballing the hell out of an enemy army, all the archers, wizards and clerics in that army will Zero in on them as a major threat and direct all efforts towards thi casters anihilation.

I still have not found a way around this yet. But im guessing the best way to deal with them is to Engage them with an enemy Solo monster.

Solo's versing Solo's fight out 10 rounds of combat before the battle progresses (with potential to kill anything around them to Collateral effect)

The fate of the battle is worked out at pivitol locations. In the battle of Tethyamar Side they are the Town barricades, the Hill fort, the West Wood and the Tethyamar Trail.

After running the preliminary battle Scenario i came up with this.


Randal Morn (12th Fighter / Rogue) is advancing through the forest with 6 Stands of Freedom Rider Cavlary (30 3rd level fighters) and Captain Ariton (6th level Fighter)

He moves headlong into a drow attempt to Flank tethyamar side with a force of 50 warriors lead by Zeddar Tsarran (12th Antipaladin), Zeddar also has Ripper.

The Drow have the advantage , as it is night time and they are fighting in the woods. This meant that the Drow could gain the AC bonus from the Trees (+1 or 2 Ac i forget), but the Cavlary could not. Additionally, the Drow can see in the dark and could see the Riders coming - Thus - the surprise round was spent Faerie Fireing and casting darkness. Followed quickly in round 1 by a volley of poisoned handcrossbow darts.

The Riders are Veterans of the Resistance, and solid fighters. but with the drow having such an advantage, it should be a hard fight. Captain Ariton Distracts Ripper, buying Randal time to fight Zeddar.

If they do somehow win this battle, Randal will Ride to help Tunfer at the Hillfort.

If Zeddar wins, his force will advance upon the Town before swinging over to attack the hillfort.



Tunfer will be situated on a Hillfort in the centre of the battlefield overlooking Tethyamar side. A crude construction designed to keep out Bandits and marauders until help arrives. the villagers flee into it before the battle begins, and the Militia (30 men with longbows) take positions on the Berm behind the Pallisades to lend supporting fire to wherever they can reach.

Unfortunantly, Suztam Mar'Shin is amazing... Using greater invisibility he drops into the fort, casts mirage Arcana to create what looks , smells and feels like a fire (shadow magic) catching on the main buildings of the fort. He then casts Confusion to start fights and sew fear. Then Mass suggestion to 'Flee the fort'

All the while the Goblins advance up the hillside under the cover of the darkness. In the chaos, the militia struggle to control the people and the gate is opened just enough for the goblins to begin slaughtering their way inside.

Tunfer sees through the ruse and casts True seeing. Spotting Suztam in amidst it all - they begin to duel aswell.

If Tunfer wins the fight, the militia will get the gates closed (as the walls take a DC 25 to climb) and will be able lend ranged fire support to other battles that might still be in media res.

If Suztam wins the fight, the Goblins slaughter most of the towns folk, keeping the rest as prisoners for their drow masters to have fun with later. They then occupy the fort and throw spears, objects, severed heads down upon any who may try to retake it from them. Suztam flys into the air, and will lend 'long range spell support' to any fights he can see still progressing.



The Zombies and Velasta march into the Town where they encounter a barricade spanning the Tethyamar trail between the Shrine of Chauntae and a Granary manned by Mornmaster Harndarr Orynn, a contingent of 12 Temple dawnbringers and 40 Foot Regulars. The Regulars are lead by Lt.Aengrist of the 2nd Cavlary (6th Fighter)

Boulders the size of rotund Halflings, illuminated with Faerie Fire leave flaming green and purple streaks through the night sky above, as the slave Stonegiants 200 feet away on the highground hurl rocks blindly at their light sources (I assumed the DC was 23 to hit a location due to distance... DC 33 to range the hillfort gate). Casualties are few, with more damage caused to homes and buildings around them.

Throwing Spears and Shortbows used by the Regulars initially have minimal effect upon the Advancing hordes, until Harndarr and the Dawnbringers begin oblitterating all the zombies that shamble up to the barricade. Things are looking good, until a lithe figure wrapped in pale shrouds emerges from the dwindling hordes to unleashe a crackling wave of Negative energy that kills most of the low ranking Dawnbringers and a large number of the regulars. Realising she is a power beyond the others to contend with, he orders the Surviving men to 'fall back to the second barricade' outfront the Talking Horse Inn.

Harndarr then goes toe to toe with Velasta amidst the withered corpses of both sides dead.

If Harndarr wins, he will race to the second barricade upon hearing the sounds of fighting and try to help Aengrist. If he survives that, he will then either help Tunfer at the fort, or go looking for randal.

If Velasta wins, she reanimates 10 dead dalers as zombies and moves to attack the second barricade or the Fort as needs must.

The Giants run out of rocks after the combat, and then stop to pile more rocks before begining to hurl them at the keep (which admittantly will be wildly inaccurate, but still scary)



Meanwhile at the Talking Horse, manned by a reserve contingent of 20 Regulars, Chief Thulk and 20 Bugbears come storming from the woodlands (sent wide to cut to off the armys retreat) and lay into the defenders.

If Aengrist arrives with the first barricade survivors in time to help, he will engage Thulk in personal combat.

If he can hold Thulk long enough, harndarr may arrive (if he kills velasta) to help him finish Thulk off. otherwise, things look Grimm for poor Aengrist!

If Aengrist wins, him and his men will hold their position until someone comes to get them.

If Thulk wins, he holds position and considers 'his lot done' for the evening.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 09 May 2014 16:20:37
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 10 May 2014 :  19:59:31  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OK... so the battle has just finished.

Here is how it played out...

Day: the 7th of Uktar, the season of death.
Time: just past midnight
weather: Light precipitation (snow)

The Prologue:

Thanks to the partys actions, a contingent of 40 men were stationed within the dordrien crypts as an early warning against drow attacks. only a handful escaped to warn Tethyamar side of the coming threat, an army of drow bent on retribution against Dales adventurers raiding into their enclave of Szith Morcane bellow (who were getting retribution also for the drow destruction of the village of Coldsprings!)

Lord Randal Morn promised the people of Tethyamar side that if any threat would befall them, he would ride out personally with the 1st Cavlary to see to the towns defence.
Counciler tunfer Stout, a retired cleric of Tyr, came out of retirement to fight along side his friend one last time when word came of just that.
Finally Dawnmaster Harndarr Orynn of the temple of Lathander had his political sights set on obtaining a council seat as the chair for Tethyamar side, Given its defenders had been moved to Dordrien (leaving it defenceless mind for its own militia), he promised the people of Tethyamar side that he would hire a mercinary army to defend them. not having had time to do this just yet, he instead demanded to be present on the battlefield when Randal March out.

Tunfer takes position with the militia in a hillfort overlooking the town itself. The Militia are poorly armored, most wearing nothing protective at all bar for what leathers they can salvage. Armed with handweapons of all descriptions and a stockpile of longbows.

Randal positions himself in the woodlands with the cavlary on the west flank, hopeing to engage the drow from the side. The Cavlary are mostly clad in chainmail and armed with spears and longswords, shields and fast daleland mares to ride upon.

Harndarr promises the people he will protect their homes and buisnesses, manning several peasant constructed barricades along the Tethyamar trail which runs through the town centre with a contingent of 60 regular infantrymen with broad shields, chainmail armor, spears, hand weapons of all kinds, some with shortbows or javelins for range.

The fighting:

Minute one - 3 Stonegiants on the hills to the east open fire on the town, focusing on the light sources at the barricades. The rocks are lit by faerie fire to help them range their shots (courtesy of their slave drivers). The Rocks cause extensive damage to the town, damaging the Granary and Shrine of Chauntae aswell as many houses. Casualties are light despite this.

Fire breaks out in the Hillfort overlooking Tethyamar side, fights break out and the 180 odd Sheltering townspeople there begin to panic. Tunfer (A 13th level Cleric of Tyr, trusted freind of Randal Morn and Council member for daggerfalls; described as a fit man in his 60's missing an eye. short in stature, but tall in presence his cape is made from the furs of a Grizzly bear. He wears comfortable fur lined studded leathers) attempts to restore order, sensing something is not right about the flame. His suspicions are raised more when full out panic breaks out and people begin behaving irationally, rushing the gate to escape. The Hillfort is held by 30 militia, mostly on the walls, but they are not enough to hold back the mob who open the gates only to let a waiting force of Goblins outside in. Fighting breaks out.

Tunfer uses true seeing to spot an Arrogant, impeccably dressed drow wreathed in black and grey robes and a cloak of Arachnidia. The Shadow Adept is named Suztam Marshin (12th Wizard), And he hovers above one of the keep towers grinning to himself as he reviews the chaos bellow. A battle of wills ensues, Tunfer trapping Suztam inside an Air Elemental and pummeling him with a spiritual hammer. Suztam however's defences were formidable, stoneskinned with greater invisibility and displacment. But Tunfer's true seeing saw through all the drows tricks. Suztam then summons his own shadow air elemental to combat the one assailing him, but Tunfer Banishes back from whence it came. Suztam then attempts to Dispel the Elemental, but Tunfers power is too strong. all the while Tunfers hammer chases Suztam through the whirlwind, smashing chunk after chunk from his stone skin.

(Casualties thus far: One dozen civilians, militia and goblins at the hillfort. A handful of regulars in Tethyamar side)

Minute 2:

Stones begin to rain down more accurately now upon the barricades, mercilessly pummeling down around the shrine of chauntae, a dozen Regulars had died or been injured in the fullisade. Now the streets were begining to fill with zombies shrouded in darkness. Lt.Aengrist (Fighter 7. A Bold young officer in the freedom riders, who believes the best defence is a strong offence) orders the men to fire at will, but Arrows and Javelins have little effect on the walking dead. They slowly shamble up to the barricade and attempt to clamber up it, but are met with stiff resistance as the Dalesmen hold their ground.

This is until part of the barricade is blasted appart in a collumn of pale fire, consumeing Zombie and Dalesman alike. This draws the attention of Dawnmaster Harndarr Orynn (Cleric 10. of the Temple of Lathanders light in Daggerfalls, described as a broad Sembian man with the blood of a dwarf in his veins, with a full red beard and the personality of an Ambitious, ruthlessly political visionary) who rushes to the barricade top to see a drow woman in pale white wrappings, and short white blonde hair framing an attractive round face set with piercing violent eyes, she would be pretty were her expression not twisted into an imperious sneer. He raises high his symbol to rebuke her from his presence, but she weathers the storm of magic unscathed - though the same is not said for a dozen or so nearby zombies.

The Men at the barricade press hard and break through the zombies. One runs at the Yathrinshee, but she but touches him and he begins to wither and die. She smiles and steps forth into the melee raising high her holysymbol and letting forth a pale green light. Everyone it touches withers and dies, screaming. Within moments the barricade is abandoned, those who are not dead - fleeing, dragging away the dieing with terror in their eyes. Only Lt. Aengrist and Tunfer stay and fight, Aengrist holding the barricade with what remains of his men who die all around him. It only spurs him to fight harder.

Harndarr meanwhile Jumps the barricade and goes toe to toe with the Priestess (whos name is Velasta, a 10th level cleric). She sizes him up and after exchanging a few lethal spells (which between Harndarr healing himself, and her spell resistance) do little to weaken eachother. She is wrathed in pale green flame which Burns the Mornmasters efforts to get near her with his mace. The Rocks continue to rain down around them from the Stonegiants, both Harndarr and Velasta are injured by flying debris as a result.

She forshadows that this is but a taste of the great revenance to come as the pair duel.

Meanwhile back at the Hillfort, Tunfer has the clear upperhand on Suztam. It appears everything the shadow adept attempts, Tunfer has a counter for. he becomes frustrated, turning his attentions upon the Militia with mass hold person. To Tunfers Horror he watches as man after man is paralysed mid swing to a halt only to be slaughtered by the goblins. 'No!' he Roars, Casting forth his holy symbol and dispelling the enchantment. But there are so few men left against so many. Many of the towns folk, who have not attempted to jump the hillfort walls to the hillside bellow to escape the fire consuming the central keep choose fight over flight and attempt to help their defenders, but their attacks are ineffective - getting more civilians killed. Militia on the walls rush down to reinforce the gate. The Goblin dead are many, but their confidence is boosted by the presence of their drow master.

( Casualties: At the Hillfort, 2 dozen militia. 3 dozen goblins. 2 dozen civilians. At the Barricade, 4 dozen regulars, one dozen zombies )

Minute 3:

Lord Randal Morn (The Ruler of Daggerdale, described as strong, smart, charismatic and practical. A 7th level fighter/5th level rogue) waits with 30 veteran freedom rider cavlary in the thick western woods. He hears the Horns being blown in the hill fort calling for support, he also sees the flames of the keep. There is no time to waste, Spurring their mounts forth the Cavlary ride through the woods to flank the Goblins... but are suddenly ambushed! A Superior force of 50 vicious drow warriors set upon them.

Faerie fire and Darkness engulf the entire collumn, followed by a flurry of crossbow bolts. Men and horses topple alike under the effects of drow knockout poison. The Men spur their horses to meet the threat under the barked orders of Captain Ariton (7th level fighter). His orders are cut short with a scream as he is taken from the Saddle by an immense, sleek black feline monster - vaulting from the underbrush to unhorse and dismember him. Randal meanwhile fights his way clear of the Melee and comes face to face with a Champion of pure evil, an Anti Paladin in razoed black fullplate. Zeddar Tsarran, Deaths pale hand (12th Anti-paladin). Randal quickly dismounts, drawing forth his flametongue Longsword, slashing it through the air to send a wave of flame at the Dark knight. He then quaffs a potion of haste. Zeddar snickers and moves in, his Direflail heads glowing blood red, moving with blurring speed aorund his body (think darthmauls lightsaber, versing Randal Morns amber 'Flame saber').

Within moments he beats Randal back and wounds him gravely. The Lord of Daggerdale forced to hit and run. But Zeddar has haste too, quaffing a potion of his own he keeps up. And the two begin to play a game of cat and mouse in the woodlands - leaving the screams of the dieing and the Clang of steel on steel behind.

Meanwhile at the Hillfort Suztam realises Randal is in trouble (thanks to having cast Status). He needs to Shut down suztam fast. with a Roar blasts him with searing light from his holy symbol, after which Suztam realises he has had enough. Cursing Tunfer for disrupting their plans, he proclaims that he will 'leave the kiaransalites to their doom!' and shadow jumps away.

Tunfer then tells the villagers to get back, commanding his Air elemental to sweep down and engage the Goblins still on the hillside. The Goblins, seeing the whirlwind baring down upon them flee in terror, trapping those in the gate house between the remaining militia, angry villagers and now Tunfer himself - who wades in roaring defiantly and swinging his hammer. The Goblins panic and fight for their lives but are swiftly overwhelmed.

Tunfer then takes to the skys with airwalk and rushes to Randals aid...

To even Aengrist's suprise, him and his remaining men manage to kill every zombie on the barricade, though all his men die or lay dieing in the process - he rushes through the breach to help Harndarr fight Velasta - but a jesture from the Yathrinshee stops him in place and he falls to his knees struggling to move his limbs.

Her and Harndarr then circle for a moment. the Rain of Boulders has stopped. They exchange some more dialogue as harndarr fishes for information, though she is happy to brag, as she anounces that she has no intentions of losing their little duel. And on the off chance that she does... she will come back to drag him screaming to her ladys dark domain. She muses over all the ways she could reanimate his remains and which he might enjoy the least. He roars and lays into her, but the fires still burn so he backs off. Praying to his diety to protect him from the cold flames that shroud her. She laughs, but is suddenly stabbed through the back. As she looks on surprised at the blade, she looks up to see Harndarr standing over her - his mace raised - 'come back from this' he says driving it down into her skull.

Velasta is no more.

Aengrist and Harndarr are the last two men standing on the barricade... but they can hear fighting deeper in the town. The Second barricade was under attack. There was no time to waste as the two made haste to get to the fight.

Meanwhile Tunfer arrives in the woods to see a terrible battle among the trees. Dead men and horses lay strewn about, but as do many dead drow. The Veteran freedom riders are armored and skilled in the saddle, but the drow have numbers, the advantage of the forest, and many spell like abilities. Despite this, they die by the dozen under the hooves and blades of the riders. Many drow resort to slitting the throats of sleeping soldiers and horses alike. Amongst it all, the terrible sleek monsterous displacerbeast flits through the carnage ripping appart anyone it comes into contact with.

Tunfer is concerned by this, but he needs to find Randal, focusing on Randals location in his mind flying to the edge of the battle and moving off between the trees - where he finds Randal and Zeddar Dueling on the banks of a frozen creek tributary. Randal strikes and Darts out of reach, but the Drow is not only skilled in the art of combat, but in high favor with his god. Crippling negative energy floods from Zeddar like a wave, seeing randle stagger and tumble into the snow. Suddenly Tunfers Spiritual hammer comes hurtling through the air, Striking Zeddar in the back of the helmet, toppling the Antipaladin into the Creekbed with a groan. But even on his back the Drow reaches out towards Tunfer and makes an action asif to pull him from the air. Tunfers airwalk faulters and he is thrown into a tree with a crunch.

Randal makes another quick slash and moves to Tunfers side, the Old Cleric healing Randal of his wounds with but a touch - even though his own are grievous. He then pulls himself to his feet as Zeddar comes charging in and the two duel... He very nearly overcomes tunfer with a flurry of swings, but the Old bear survives long enough for Randal to tumble behind Zeddar and Stab Flametongue through his crotch and into his thy. With a howl of Pain and a Groan Zeddar staggers backwards holding his groin, before toppling into the snow and passing out (only to bleed out next turn).

(Casulaties: The Hillfort, Six score goblins, 2 dozen Militia, 2 dozen civilians. The Barricades, four score regulars, 2 dozen zombies, Velasta. The Westwood, Three dozen Drow warriors, a dozen riders, Zeddar)

(Retreated: Sutztam )

(The Stone giants are pileing another stack of boulders to hurl)

Minute 4:

Harndarr and Aengrist arrive at the second barricade to see the men there being slaughtered by a pack of bugbears. The huge brutish goblinoids smashing through the regulars with brawn alone, leading them - a hulking brute who stood atop the barricade, hurling a broken warrior down over it. Aengrist and Harndarr realised there was nothing they could do to help, and realising the town was now completely undefended they rushed to the Hillfort to get reinforcments.

Tunfer and Randal meanwhile rush to help the remaining freedom Riders deal with the drow and the displacer beast (known as Ripper). The battle had devolved into a killing field. Bodies littered the forest floor, but after another solid minute of fighting it was down to but a handful of Riders, Tunfer and Randal surrounding Ripper... the drow either laying dead, dieing or fleeing for their evil lives into the woodlands. It would be a lie to say no riders fled, for many did. But here half a dozen still fought on.

Randal ordered them however to retreat back to the fort, leaving him and Tunfer alone with ripper for a short and Grizzly battle that ultimately saw the beast slain - but not without the loss of Tunfers Hand.

Tunfer sees it as a good sign despite this however, as he has lost an eye and a hand now - in the image of his diety Tyr.


The Bugbears loot the town with wild abandon, but are eventually driven out when the Militia archers remaining at the hillfort fire arrows into the town at them. The Bugbear Cheif, Thulk, decides at this point that the Masters are possibly dead - leading his kin off into the woods with what spoils they have to Start a life of Banditry.

The Stonegiants too realise things have quietened down. With their Drow overseers they wait for further orders. When none are forthcoming, the overseers turn upon eachother in argument - and in the chaos, the Stone Giants decide to make a bid for their freedom. Killing the slave drivers and fleeing towards the mountains.

Suztam watches the battle from high above the field and decides to abandon his people and flee to Cormanthor forest.

The Drow Army is almost entirely destroyed, with only a handful of drow warriors. Some decide to flee for Cormanthor forest, others to return to Szith Morcane to risk the wrath of the Matron Mother.

Any slaves they had left, who could, escaped into the wilderness.

The Army of Daggerdale however, only won a Piers victory. only 16 of the 60 Regulars holding the town survived the fighting, and 15 of the 30 Cavlarymen survived the fight in the woods. The Militia faired better, with 18 of their 30 militia surviving the melee at the Hillfort. Of the 182 civilians beside the militia, 160 survived.

It would be a great day of mourning. But the Drow had been stopped for now.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 10 May 2014 20:00:26
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