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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 12 May 2014 :  08:16:23  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What a thrilling battle!

What happened to Randal?

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 12 May 2014 :  09:35:50  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
:) Im glad you liked it!

Randal was injured in his battle with Zeddar, only tunfers arrival saved his life (The person playing Tunfer had the forthought to cast 'Status' on Randal, finished fighting Suztam (who was being played by my guest Co-DM), one full heal spell later and a few buffs - and Randal got the upperhand on Zeddar... the build i made for him was literally a Critical hit God. Critting on a 17-20 with a flameing burst Flametongue, randal scored not one, but 3 crits on Zeddar.

Tunfer then threw up Repulsion to keep Ripper at Bay, which gave Randal somewhere 'safe' to retreat too in the subsiquent fight (and helped the Cavlary retreat through the Repulsion field).

In the aftermath he regrouped with any and all survivors of the decimated army atop the Hillfort and proclaimed Victory, but at such great cost it grieved him. He then vowed Revenge.

In the following days this will happen as a result of the battle:

- Randal will call the Dales council early on Tunfer and Harndarrs urging, given Velasta forshadowing a'greater revenance to come which will engulf all the dales in a tide of death and blood'
- In addition Randal wants to use the council to ask Mistledale and Shadowdale for help while it recovers.
- Randal reluctantly, on Tunfers advice, calls a meeting of the Small council of Daggerdale to declare a state of war and Levy an army of conscripts for the protection of Daggerdale.
- Dawnmaster Harndarr asks the players to deliver a message to The Wizard Lord Malthir of hillsfar, coupled with a large sum of money to hire a private army of Redplume mercinarys.
- Remenants of the 1st and 2nd Freedom Rider divisions are merged with the still largely intact 3rd (which was not at the battle).

- Szith Morcane falls into a state of Anarchy. Tooman Thendrik insights a rebellion against Dorinas regime but is driven into hideing.
- Dorina has all remaining guards loyal to her brought to her chambers, where between her and her Vampire guards they are forcefully turned into vampires or spawns and unleashed upon the populace.
- She then seals Szith Morcane off from the surface world with stoneshape (as no one can escape through the gate either).
- In the carnage and rioting, 40% of the population is killed, 40% are spawned and 20% remain alive either in hideing (Toomans cult at the Shrine, Laralla in her nook and the Merchants at the Bazzar hiding out in a warehouse) or have been kept as food for the vampires.
- Dorina is enacting her mothers will. Hold for as long as possible. Her new plan is to make a nest of Vampires which will only grow with each Attack from the surface until it itself is an army in its own right, one she will release in a plague upon the surface world. Additionally, she re-animates the Colossal fiendish Spider as a Wraith Spider and orders it to attack 'anyone' on the web... as Vampires can spider climb up the walls or just travel in mist form.
- Szith Morcane is now a place of horror and death. Woe betide any who decend into its depths.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  08:30:53  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just obtained a copy of the Spiral of Manzessine! ... I will DEFINANTLY include this :D thankyou!!!

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 18 May 2014 :  18:03:15  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The party donated 20,000 gold peices to Lord Randal to help arm and feed the militia through winter... also THEY opted (before hardnarr even got a chance to) to donate money to help buy an army of mercinarys from Hillsfar (I estimate it will net them 200 redplumes, with their own food supplies for about 6 months for 10,000)

They were very supportive of Randal raising a militia and calling the Dales council early. The Idea was, if they warn their neighbors maybe they can all coordinate a defence plan.

Randal was hesitant to do this, as he figured Archendale will try to dominate the whole prospect of coordinating a joint military effort.

They then sat and ate a heroes feast with Randal, Tunfer and all the other important NPC's before heading back to Szith Morcane.

not much got done admitantly this time... they retraced all their previous steps to make sure nothing had changed and nothing would jump them from behind.

I had Dorina go mad and turn on her people after a failed insurection by Tooman. I realised she couldnt make Spawns so quickly with her vampires (they need coffins first) so i her turn the Vampire nobles loose on the population and dominate the remaining guards / spellguard.

The Spawns have not reanimated yet, so ive decided that Dorina thought ahead and had made a couple more vampires earlier on (say, 4 sentrys and a lone spellguard)

Those in the town who are not dead, have been dominated by the vampires to build coffins out of Zhurkwood stalks. The party scried drow servitors lineing up pale bodies on the street sides, while others were fashioning crude coffins under the watchful gaze of the vampire guards.

They explored the bazzar and found a lone dead drow their with its brains extracted (forshadowing the Spiral of Mensazzine coming up), then met with the Duergar merchants hiding out in a warehouse (which they broke into by hacking off the barring. They killed most of the spiders big enough to threaten them) and struck a deal with them to get them to the Deepwastes in exchange for some magical Brik-a-brak they found/stole (i just gave the Illithids inventory to them).

They then rolled well on gather information to learn about seeing Tooman slink back into his Shrine to hide, after he left most of the cult to die in the insurrection.

They made short work of the Black 'Guard' Puddings in the warehouse, Overcame the Greater Glyph and blew the door appart to face Tooman and his pet Slimes / Roper.

I put the oozes in the pool, and they made a Cardinal mistake - telling me 'Acid conducts electricity better than water' and dumping 3 Ball lightenings into it... Ochre Jellys split when exposed to lightening (without taking damage)... as such, 3 Ochre Jellys became 6 before they shut the spell off!

The Roper almost pulled the Wizard into the Acid pool, but flamestrike severed the Ropes and killed all the Jellys constricting him (he was resistant to fire at the time).

Tooman hulked up with all his Buffs and threw dispel magic at the Cleric (who had freedom of movment to protect himself from the Roper's grapple) only to realise the Cleric had Spell immunity, Dispel (among others) up, shortly before the Party Bard Silenced him. Tooman then ran into melee with the wizard, only to be blasted backwards into his own Acid pool by a Ring of the Ram.

He died silently being disolved and eaten by not just the pool but his own jellys!

Tooman cast forbiddance on the chamber earlier which kept the party outside, bar for the cleric who weathered the worst of it turn after turn while he cudgeled all the remaining jellys to death. The Wizard and bard quickly realised the Roper was vulnrable to fire, and used a combination of Assay Resitance, maximised Scorching rays and Flameing Arrows to lay the beast low with great efficiency (given a Pathfinder roper has 162 odd hp, SR 27 and AC 27 - no easy feat!)

The cleric then nabbed the two clay pitchers full of treasure off the altar and fled.

RIP Tooman...

All that is left now is Suztam, Dorina, Laralaa, Dessa Sik' Morcane and Alissanra Morcane.

Suztam has fled to Cormanthor, after all he 'is' secretly a spiderkisser.

Dorina is waiting in her lair in House Morcane with her two Drider Vampire pets (i think she will need them...)

Laralla has noticed the party are in the city and is following them stealthily, she intends to follow until they reach house Morcane and make another offer to Kill Dorina with them. If they accept she will tell them about the Forbiddance effect and suggest the Source stems from their shrine to Kiaransalee (just an easy duex ex machina/mission to make it interesting)

Dessa is still alive and suffering. She will also offer to help them Kill Dorina if they rescue her before pursueing her own agenda again.

Alissanra is a true horror in Pathfinder... I feel asif the combat with her may well be the deadliest experiance for them thus far.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 19 May 2014 :  09:02:34  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Who's Alisanra Morcane?

And a nice battle, heh!

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 19 May 2014 :  09:45:35  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Without my module book on me to reference, im sure i just mis-spelled her name. But she is the Keening spirit of the old High priestess of Lolth who still haunts the Temple above house Morcane.

If House Morcane is given another day, 1/4 of the dead population will begin to rise as Spawns... another 1/4 per day there after. She will rebuild an army more horrible than the one she just unleashed. And the Dalelands will know death...

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 24 May 2014 :  17:56:49  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another Update.

After destroying Tooman and all the guardians at his Shrine to Ghaundaur in the Bazzar level, the group honored their deal with the Duergar to escort them through Szith Morcane to the 'Deep gate' in exchange for some magical Brik-a-brak.

They encountered and did battle with some Vampire Guards on watch. They quickly overcame two of the Vampiric sentries before the third, a Spellguard fled in bad form to warn the rest.

Next, while walking down a thoroughfare lined with ritually shrouded bodies awaiting burial they were set upon by a much larger Vampire patrol. The spellguards coordinated their spells to maximum effect on the party cleric of Lathander, but he was an undead slaying Machine. Vampires were reduced to fire and Ash wherever he directed his attacks while the Wizard and Bard picked off those who survived his Onslaught.

The Duergar were typically sour company, Rude to a fault, impatient as hell, disinterested in helping unless it meant violently beating something weaker than themselves and eager to get out of the city with as little cost to themselves as possible. By the time the party reached the Gates (keeping away from the Lake for fear something was living in it... and they would be correct in thinking this! theres ALWAYS something horrible living in an underground lake) the Duergar gave them a magical great axe and some assorted Scrolls (after the bard, swinging the gate keys, told them he wouldnt let them out unless they coughed up more).

They then systematically took the time to Gather all the Bodies they could find on the Streets of the city, takeing an hour to heap and Burn them. Most of those who had been dominated by the Vampires were now Trapped, and watched on with scrutiny from the many alley ways and ledges beyond the parys considerable light radius (120 feet i think). One crazed drow male ran to stop them burning the bodies, for fear they would Anger the White Banshee. Raving that the Yathrinshee Dorina would be Angered greatly. But he was seen off by the Bard who told him to 'go back to your home' with the insinuation being 'or else'.

Heading down to the House Morcane they walked strait into the forbiddance effect (Which brutalised the Wizards hitpoints) before being Set upon by two Vampire nobleguards and two skinless Quthmarens. It took them a couple rounds to pull down the Forbiddance, but once it was down the Cleric charged in and oblitterated both Quthmarens with Greater turning before using 'Sun Scepter' to beat the high AC's of the Nobleguards (32 at this stage thanks to House Morcanes Unhallow) defeating both within a round of eachother.

Next they found Dessa, Chained up for vampire food. She Raved about her Bloodlust and insatiable hatred for Dorina, but also made it clear she hated the players only marginally less for being born on the surface world. IT took them a while to figure out if they should trust her, eventually using Discern lies to see that if they returned her to power in Szith Morcane, if she would honor the old compact between Shadowdale and Szithmorcane to keep the Dordrien crypts sealed. She Spat saying there was nothing she wanted in the Dayblasted lands above, her hatred was reserved for the Kiaransaleens dwelling bellow in deep Maerimydra. Which was true enough, even if she was planning to betray them as soon as she had used them to her own ends. In exchange for her freedom, a weapon, some Armor and healing they could have the honor of following her to the Matron Mothers inner sanctum where she would take her vengence, and her rightful seat back.

They found Dessa to be Uncompromising, Agressive, Demanding, Tempremental, Unruly, Psychotic and Violent in the extreme. She literally Staked a Vampire with the haft of a Great Axe they gave her, before ripping its head clean off with her bare hands.... And that was the first thing they saw her do after unshackling her. With Dessa leading the way they stormed the temple of Kiaransalee and Butchered the Drider Vampires and remaining Noble guard who dwelled there in. Clearing the final approach to Dorina's lair.

Suddenly they realised, at Dessa's blistering pace (only stopping to scream at the cleric to heal her Wounds, then call him 'Kiv Wael' behind his back, meaning Surface fool) that they would be unable to stop to ransack room of their valuables along the way. They were running low on spells (having fought 6 battles since they last rested) and knew that if they let Dessa run off ahead to her possible death, she may end up as another Undead monster for them to fight later (a frightening prospect given her Brutal prowess was somewhat scary to watch. I described her as an exceedingly brutal female body builder who was uncharacteristically deliberate in her actions for a drow, Lacking any grace or Finess. She was Pure Brutality manifest. Dessa Smash!) Worse, if they went with her they may not get to loot at all! as once she was restored as Matron Mother, would looting House Morcane be considered a 'Just' act? They figured it would not, but they would have to deal with their decision.

Thus they followed Dessa to the final chambers. The Fight with Dessa herself largely went well (or as well as a single monster fight can go for a cleric of equal level or lower to the party!), I changed 'Giant Vermin' into 'Create Giant Wraith Vermin' just to add abit more flavor to the fight, thus she had 3 Large Wraith Spiders with her. They mostly kept Dessa Distracted.

The Cleric meanwhile Dimension doored to the top of the Pillar of Stone (To smack Dorina in her Smug face while she lounged in her throne) only to fall through it right into her Bladebarrier effect! She then went all out on him with Divine power... but i did not roll a single dice over 5! despite him being prone, and on low health! The Clerics reaction? He cast heal on her, Smashing down 60 of her HP. While he was grabbing her, She Grabbed onto him and bestowed upon him 'Deaths Kiss', a terrible wrongness flooded over him as the Blade barrier kept slashing at him and he was forced to withdraw... when he tried to heal himself, He Inflicted 30 damage to himself in the process! (as it makes positive energy harm the recipient). This kept him out of melee for much of the battle.

Dorina spent the rest of it soaking damage, healing herself and enjoying the benefits of her spell immunity (Dispel Magic, Silence and Scorching Ray). She lashed out with Dominate person a few times, but the party (and the presence of the bard) were all far too strong willed (even Dessa, with +11 will). Finally Dessa lost her patience (having hurled 2 javelins of lightening into the frey, almost hitting the group cleric in the process) and charged into the Blade barrier. She Critted Dorina with her Greataxe for x3, knocking her down to next to nothing before the party finished the Vampire Priestess with a Ring of the Ram (Blasting her into her own blade barrier to grim effect!)

In the Aftermath Dessa once again demanded to be healed. But no sooner had they done so, she turned on them and they were forced to kill her while she howled about refusing to be indebted to scum such as they.

They found Dorinas Coffin, and overcame the Copper Bandings around it by Heating them up with Heat Metal, and Chilling them Rapidly with Chill Metal. The End result was a very loud series of Buckling Snaps. They then Blasted the Coffin Lid free with their Ring of the Ram again (setting off the Blade barrier Trap, which the cleric then lept through) before Ending Dorina in the usual fashion of Stakeing, Decapitation and Annointing her with holy water.

They found the Letter from 'Mother', which they loved, and the Map of the Deepwastes... Realising they had about 50-60 days to get their affairs in order before needing to travel to Maerimydra and end Stop Irae's Greater Revenance.

They then went on a Foray around the House stakeing the Vampire Sentries and Spell Guards in their Coffins (i put one in each spider leg exit chamber). The Cleric Disected a Drider and learned the Hard way about where the 'two hearts' on a Drider Vampire were located.

They then went up into the old Temple of Lolth but decided not to touch anything, as they were out of spells and fatigued from fighting all day. So they ended the Session by Teleporting to daggerfalls once more.


This Concludes Chapter 1 of City of the Spiderqueen. With Szith Morcane destroyed, Daggerdale is essentially safe for now from Drow attacks (atleast for now!) The party have set themselves the task of helping Randal Morn ready the Dalelands for the comeing Terror. They want to clear the Constables tower, Gain the deed to castle Enneth and Rebuild it, And secure a military and trade agreement with the city of Hillsfar.

Its quickly turning into Kingdom building. But I cannot say this is unwelcome :)

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 24 May 2014 18:09:13
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 08 Jun 2014 :  15:46:19  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
little update for anyone who reads this,

The group took 2 days of downtime after defeating Dorina. It had been tough tearing down Szith morcane, and Daggerdale had suffered the loss of Cold springs, and the near destruction of its army later at Tethyamar side in the process. Regardless, it was now the time for celebration, and to bury the dead.

On the 10th of Uktar, market day, Lord Randal Morn declared victory over the drow to the assembled masses and bid everyone revel and be merry. He commemorated those who had died, gave notable NPC's who fought at Tethyamar side their dues, and finally honored the players with gifts from house Morns treasury in thanks for going above and beyond the call.

He gave the Bard 'The Battlehorn of Merrydale' (An Iron Horn of Valhalla that calls spectral fighters), to the Wizard 'The Ring of the Dark Forest' (a ring of wizardy I, with the ability to grant the wearer Tree-step at will (personal) and Trackless step), and finally to the Cleric a joint gift from both the church of Lathander and the Morns, an Enchanted holysymbol (Phylactary of positive energy channeling) and permission to found a new Asterknight Chapter house in daggerdale, with him as its Grand Dawn knight (he has leadership as a feat, so this was in planning for a while).

After they potted around, celebrated and crafted, until the Bard caught wind that something was a miss as he had not received word from a harper friend out in the wilderness for many days. He consulted with the mage who did some scrying, finding her and her cadre of rangers had been captured by Frost giants in the Deserts mouth mountains! Wasting no time they preppared for a rescue mission.

But something went wrong during teleportation and they ended up in the wilderness of the Tarkhen hills, 30 feet up in the air. no sooner had they recovered from falling through the tree canopy, were they set upon by a white dragon, which just so happened to be hunting in those parts. The battle was short and brutal, as they managed to pump out 200 points of damage in less than 2 rounds of combat!

They had no time to track down its lair, so after savlaging scales, claws and wing membrane for various crafting endevours they tried teleporting again. This time with more sucess.

They found the harper rangers miserable and disheveled. many had been taken to Sacrifice to the 'Mountain Gods'. Apparently the harpers had found that Zhent agents were arming and organising the small orc tribes in the mountains, but when they planned to do the same with the Giant tribes they struck only to be defeated and captured. The Zhent envoys however were all killed in the process however. so it was a piers victory.

The party then busted out of the icy pit the Giants had left the harpers to languish in and took on an entire camp of 8 frost giants! Clever planning, mobility and spellcraft saw them win the day. but there was no time to loot the bodies, as the harpers urged them to rescue their friends who had been taken up the mountain only a few hours prior.

Up the mountain they found an extinct volcano, and after traveling through a fissure and heading down an old lava tube they found a large sacrificial altar chamber where the giant cheif and his lackeys were busy makeing offerings (inlcuding living harper agents). Fighting broke out right away as the giants lumbered across the icy bridge spanning a 500 foot deep chasm cutting the chamber in half.

After an epic fight, the party bard met his end - bullrushed into the chasm by an angry giant before falling into a fast moving shallow stream far bellow, his body washed away into the depths.

The Giant Cheif was consumed by a Destruction spell and the sacrifices rescued... they learned that the Red Gods were actually an entire family of Red Dragons living in the old Volcano, and that the Giants had been delivering food and Treasure to the Dragons on the Behest of a man known as the 'Prophet', lest the Volcano errupt and destroy their people.

Stoneshapeing the tunnel deeper shut, they decided they would need to ressurect the Bard ASAP... with his knowledge of Geography and Dungeoneering, the Wizard realised the Stream probably would probably exit the mountain at some point with the Bards corpse... if he hadnt snagged on something...

With the sun setting, their spells exhausted and the weather closing in outside the volcano, they needed to figure out a way off the mountain.. As resting RIGHT next to a dragon lair was going to be the least safe place for them to be.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Great Reader

2446 Posts

Posted - 08 Jun 2014 :  19:48:59  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fendrikor

Changes to Smite evil, and conversely - Smite good - make combats incredulously dangerous for both sides.


Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.
Yeah, there's always risk of SAN damage with this clusterfluffle.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 13 Jun 2014 :  15:13:25  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
>.> whats SAN?

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

189 Posts

Posted - 26 Jun 2014 :  09:20:24  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The party has just completed Szith Morcane. Upon discovering they have several tendays of space before needing to stop 'Mother' (Irae) and her Great Revenance they have opted to sort out several minor surface plothooks... Ironically, they have no shortage of Dragons to slay...

Current Quest hooks:

- The Destroyers Progeny - the players have found the home of a large family of Red Dragons living in an extinct volcano in the deserts mouth mountains. Realising this could only end badly for daggerdale when the Draconic young mature and look for lairs, they have taken it upon themselves to slay the Dragons... due to their busy schedual however lord Randal has put out the call for Dragonslayers. The group (currently of 3) will attempt this with the calling in of 3 casual 'Red shirt' players to act as a meaty buffer.

- The Constables Tower - the group has yet to find the source of the wild magical storm ripping appart and rebuilding the towers interior in a constant cycle. It is also thought to be haunted by the Shadow Lich, Gothyl, a creature of incredulous power bound to the Sword of the Dales, a fabled blade of great power.

- Stone Dead - The party have researched a remedy for an NPC's petrification requiring fresh basilisk blood. The only trouble is, the nearest basilisks known to exist in these parts do so in the Anauroch desert! They are planning an expedition to the Small Zhent opperated trading post of Addas Babbar where they hope they can find a Bedine Desert guide to tell them where they can find Basilisks. Though they could simply use a Stone to Flesh spell, they do not want any harm to come to this NPC. and thus, they are willing to take the self planned long road.

- Squatters - The party will learn shortly that a large force of surviving Goblinoids and Giants who fled from a previous large battle the party played out have taken up residence in the shell of Castle Enneth. Rangers from Shadowdale, headed north along the Tethyamar trail to help sure up the Dale against its northern enemies are already at the Castle attempting to drive them out... But against so many Bugbears and Giants they will need some help.

- The Sublime Chord - Much of Rystall wood (border forest) is in the hands of either Fey, Orcs or worse. But the Fallen City of Yrrlancel, a great enclave in the bramches of a colossal tree, is said to be in the hands of a very old and terrible dragon. recently, the partys Olin Gisir learned that the great tree was grown by an ancient sect of green elves known as tree singers who drew their magics from the 'Sublime Chord'. The party Bard took intense interest in this, and now an expedition has been planned in colaberation with the elves of Tachepp to drive out the dragon and reclaim their ancestral secrets.

- The Sacred One - Somewhere between Daggerdale and Battledale in a withered stretch of Cormanthor Forest on the banks of the river Ashaba dwells a Green Dracolich called Azuraphax. Recently Azuraphax was sent to destroy a relic in posession of the party, which was created at the very founding of the cult of the dragon, symbolising the first defeat of Samaster by the harpers and an Avatar of Lathander. But the Dracolich failed. Now the party are hunting down its lair in the hopes of destroying the Dracoliches phylactery. In the interests of keeping the campaign arch short (so they can get back to the City of the Spiderqueen faster)it will be there... but it wont be unprotected...

- Zhents in Tethyamar - 'Many Boffin's died' to bring word to Lord Randal Morn that a Zhentarim outpost had been seeded somewhere in the Mines of Tethyamar up in the Deserts mouth mountains. Recent theorys place it not far from the Black Road which cuts through the Mountains. Recent arming of the highland Orc tribes, and attempts to unite the Giant Clans has lead to speculation that the Zhents are planning something nefarious. Some heavily encoded Cyphers, discovered by the players but as yet un-deciphered may provide more clues to the Zhents motives which are as yet, still cloudy and uncertain.


Sammy 'Snack' Pendragon, The Song of the North (Strongheart Halfling Bard 13)

Dawnmaster Treygyn Blackmore, The Lion of Lathander (Chondathan Human Cleric of Lathander / Radiant Servant 13)

Throlian 'Skyfaller' Ruadeth, The Dragon (Moonelf Diviner / Olingisir 13)


Sammy - Thrown down a 500 foot chasm by a frost giant. (Ressurected)
Treygyn - Disintegrated by the Archmage of Szith Morcane (Ressurected)
Throlian - Death by Banshee (Breath of Lifed)


Cordell Shadowblade - Beblith Poison, but was later eaten by a Maurhezi 'Soul Eater' Deamon who 'became him'...


Knight Commander Ashelyn Tyrandelane, Deathslayer of the Aster - Recalled to Shadowdale on her Brothers Deathbed.

Freyja Norn - Fell in love, now wintering in Cormyr with her new girlfriend.

Arrk the Troll - Left behind in Undermountain, now a Bouncer at Black Tankard Tavern in Skullport.


Guard Captain Mestin 'Troll' Durmack - Obliterated by the Dracolich Azuraphax.

Captain Ariton Delmis - Died in the battle for Tethyamar Side.

Lady Merideth of Dree - Died in the battle for Cold Springs.

Father Pavel of Lathander - Petrified by Corinye the Medusa.

Kesselara Redraven - Petrified by Kathala the Medusa.


They believe the Great Revenance will hit Battledale first, and as such, Want to decend down to Maerimydra via Haptooth Hill (instead of takeing the long treck from Szith Morcane)

This is good, in essence, due to the unexpectedly large amount of Surface content i need to run through and solves the issue of the group out-leveling the module through my own created content.

They think themselves 'mighty'.


It is the 12th of Uktar. Irae is about to Strike back for the destruction of Szith Morcane. The Time is nigh for Vengence!

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 26 Jun 2014 09:39:42
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 27 Jun 2014 :  00:24:19  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I like that your group decided to travel across the surface lands, that journey is going to be chock-full of realmsian adventures. I suggest you crack open Volo's Guide to the Dalelands to get a real tast of the Dalelands. Have some Black Boot Stout waiting for them when they arrive in Ashabenford and the Stuffed Turkey Pie at The Watchful Eye Inn must be tried by all who visit Essembra.

My group considered taking some of the alternate routes into the Deep Wastes with the Shadowdale connection being their biggest temptation. Alas, the 'better the devil you know' line of thought made them choose the mapped route from the campaign. It was a shame, as my favourite times as a DM are when they decide to go off-piste. Luckily we had a number of side adventures that let some of them explore the dalelands more...most notably a trip to deepingdale that involved losing an eye, vhaeraunian drow, a swan-boat ride along the Ashaba, a creepy trek through the Darkwatch, and a late-night seduction in Highmoon's Silver Shield Inn.

The Dalelands is like a never-ending feast of plots and hidden gems where each dale is another course to sample and explore.

A little note for one of your subplots is that Kurgoth Hellspawn seems to have some connection with the Mines of Tethyamar (half his forces are stationed there according to the campaign) so it might be a good place to do some forshadowing/background work on the Conquerer of Maerimydra. I ran a side mission regarding that, so I can give you more ideas/thoughts on it if you fancy.

P.S. You killed a lot of dear dear NPC's you monster!

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 28 Jun 2014 :  18:58:18  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Already on it and Forshadowed myfriend ;)

Kurgoth is the King under the mountains, All the mountain tribes pay tribute to him - or Die squeeling under heel.

Recently he's invaded Maerimydra upon hearing the Drow were Weak and Lolth was dead - figuring an invasion of the Anauroch was fruitless and War with the humans would be endless (not that he wouldnt relish a good slaughtering of the lowlanders, but he would not be King under the mountain if he didnt understand the game of thrones!)

Working with the Zhents, who established Tethyamar Base - and a portal to Zhentil keep - in the Mines itself, he has commanded the surface tribes to wage a Great Raid into the Border forest to Flatten the Alliance between the remaining green elf decendants in Tachepp, and the Fey of Gabrenaels court (Shamelessly pilfered from Cyril Lockners work! the guys a genius)

The Zhents are logging in Snowmantle, and the Fey / Elf Alliance threatens to lay waste to their lumberyards there - stalling their ambitions to build a fleet to dominate the moonsea, and rebuild Zhentilkeep! With an Army of Orcs and Giants mobalizing in the hills, supplied and backed by the Zhents, War threatens to overwhelm the woodlands...

Worse, the presence of strong support for the EV - through their patsy, the newly appointed Bowchair, Anam, of Tachepp - and the strong anti human sentiments of the fey mean that they will be very unlikely to ask Daggerdale for help.

One of the players, a Moonelf named Throlian, is an Ambassador for the Daggerfolk - loyal friend and Court mage to Lord Randal Morn - and all around diplomatic disaster (he once tried to convince low level mercinarys in Waterdeep to travel... overland... to Daggerdale... in the hopes he could start a Gold rush. Thats over 1000 miles on foot through dangerous lands...)

He may be the only hope they have of getting attempting to Balm the situation... Worse though, Daggerdales army was shattered at the battle of Tethyamar side fighting off the hordes of Szith Morcane. Though a new army is being built up, and Armed with supplies (which are being bartered for currently in Hillsfar - mostly at the players expense... they sent Harndarr Orynn out there to do the talking as he is pretty buisness savvy) - Daggerdale may not even be able to render much assistance. The only hopes the players have of Shattering this Zhentish power plot, is finding Tethyamar base, and wipeing out the Zhents before their plans can come to fruition.

:) AND ... thanks to their harper friends (my games 'Boffin spys').. and Big name NPC lirella drumsinger, the hunt for Tethyamar base is now situated along the now disused and unpatrolled Blackroad region to Anauroch... Hopefully when they contact her next, she may have more information.

In Othernews however!


The decided to begin hunting for the Dracolich in Battledale. Using Greater Teleport they were shot - Ala stargate - across the dalelands to the Chapel of Lathanders Open hand. They saw Dracandros's tower from afar, visited the Hogs Head Tavern, got Harassed by Guard Sergeant Helm who 'on the authority of Lord Ilmeth of Essembra' demanded they pay a hefty fine for arriving in town without consulting the proper authorities... the party called bullshit, pulled out a bunch of big names, ran circles around him and left him slack jawed with nothing to say (i was so proud :))

Garnering some information from a saucy tavern trip (with plenty of Baldurs gate tavern music to boot!) they traveled north to a small village at the beginings of the Duathamper river called silverstreams (named for the Pyrite deposites often found in the river rocks). They visited a Hunters lodge and got word from a Local ranger named Ilinvir Farwanderer, that a blight had taken hold 8 or so miles down river and was spreading at a slow but terrible place killing off the rimwood in its path.

On the way Irae Tsarran sucessfully scried upon them and sent a Gelugon to wipe them out... in an Epic battle in the woods (which saw the Duathamper freeze over at one point!) they vanquished the Gelugon with the aid of a Celestial Dire Lion (as none could finish it with a spell with a good descriptor!). Irae was not pleased, especially since the party Diviner managed to succede in seeing THROUGH her own scrying sensor and getting a glimpse of their Pale Antagonist.

Next they arrived at the blight and discovered a dead Leucrotta. It has been dead for days, yet no insect would eat of its flesh. Ilinvir told them that the predators that ate the flesh of blight killed animals would invariably die aswell. It was killing the entire foodchain here.

Next they found something more disturbing... The cleric knew a contingent of Aster knights had been sent to hunt down the Dragon long ago when it was newly created. Here they found them. Massacred to a man, servants, horses and all in their camp. Disturbingly enough they found some had been not killed by a Dragon at all... but by Blades.

Burning the bodies they found a Gametrail and followed it north until sunset - finding the Dragons lair not far from it.... the ominous noise of chanting came from within. They dispatched two purple robed Sentries, bypassed a myriad of Glyphs of warding and other clever Traps, Ambushing and killing small gatherings of cultists as they went until finally they found the Chamber of Ascendance.

In it, the Dracoliches phylactary - a Floating adamantine box giving off a sickly green radioactive light - floated above a bubbling black lake of acid at the back of a cave filled with Cultists chanting 'Dooooooom... DOOOOOOOOOOMM.... All Praise... the SACRED ONE' etc. random cultist psychobabble.

They had learned by this stage the Cult leaders name was Naergoth, and his attendants name was Klaram.... The party went in guns blazing, catching the entire cult by surprise. In a Flash, Naergloth was blasted to Ash by a destruction spell, Klaram and a number of other cultists were shredded by chain lightening - and those who attempted to escape met their end by fireballs. All in less than 9 seconds.

Then the Phylactary pulsed animating all the Dead in the chamber, including several large Diprotodon-esq skeletons! But the Cleric Channeled energy, obliterating all the dead that he could reach. The rest finished off by the Wizard.

They then threw spells at the Phylactary - but Spell turning was in effect and they simply flew strait back. Calling upon his Arcane might the Wizard Attempted to wrestle with the spell turning field around the phylactary long enough for the cleric to cast Destruction. Which Split the box down the middle. A Black Delusory cloud Roiled out, taking the form of screaming souls, roaring dragons and things from a dark nightmare. Then, out of the Crack, a Green light spilled out illuminating the ceiling - out from it rose a Dark shadow in the shape of a dragon, its eyes Coal red. But it was too soon, it needed a body or else... it posessed the bones of a Huge Adult Green dragon strewn at the bottom of the acid pit , Reforming into a 'Forsaken' Proto-lich like form. As it rose up out of the Acid pool it was wracked with a storm of prismatic energies. Shadows whirred around it as it declared it would drag them all to their doom with it!

If battles could be both Short and Epic. This would surely fit that bill. The Dracolich was hurled with a blood curdling roar back into its phylactary which then blew appart sending chunks of Adamantine in all directions - including the clerics shoulder (like a bullet) - and ruptured the caverns support pillars. They then fled the cavern as it caved in behind them, fleeing into the deeper tunnels to discover the Dracoliches Hoard Room! x3 CR 15 Dragon Treasure? yes please.

:) Eli, tell me about how you forshadowed Kurgoth?

and yes. I will kill many more.... for Harndarr Orynn is being chased by the Revenant of Velasta Tsarran as we speak (whome he slew in the battle of Tethyamar side)... his caravan of 30 freedom riders and wagons laden with trade goods and loot are braving the northern roads to hillsfar... Im still wondering if she actually would have the power to murder him in his sleep. Given Treygyn slew Velina's revenant in 2 rounds flat... and it caught him by surprise! (He used a Sunmace spell... which is similar to a mace of disruption).

Randal would be attacked by Zedars revenant! Given Zeddar was slain at the battle of Tethyamar side with Randal Morn in personal combat! now that would be a scary thought.... but were it not for Irae having him and Dorina Ressurected... Im thinking they should make a re-appearance in Battledale, given the Hap Tooth Hill Entrance will be the primary invasion route for the Revenance and all... should really begin preparing for that eventuality.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 28 Jun 2014 19:06:39
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 04 Jul 2014 :  16:28:52  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello there Fendrikor,

It sounds like you have quite a few plates spinning already...lovely stuff. It also sounds like you're starting to introduce the Cult of the Dragon and the Rage of Dragons events....I'm currently running a post-city of the spider queen adventure during the same time period. Have you got an over-arching plot in store for your players in that regard?

As for the foreshadowing, it was quite a delve into the background of the politics behind the rise of Kurgoth Hellspawn.
Tethyamar, Zhents & Hellspawn
After the group defeated Dorina T'sarran and ended the immediate threat to Daggerdale, they decided to take a good tenday to recuperate, craft items, take on hirelings, research and scout routes to Maerimydra, etc. During this period as the group came to understand the scale of the danger that faced them, the paladin (and a veteran of civil wars in Tethyr), decided to forge a different path than the others. He chose to stay behind and prepare the surface lands for possible invasion.

Gathering troops and loyal followers to his cause he helped call the dales council, fortify the villages of Daggerdale and find help wherever he such help came in the form of the dwarf, Thoric Brightblade, a wayward son of the brightblade clan who desired to reclaim Tethyamar. The dwarf convinced Lucan the paladin to help oust the Zhents that had taken over one of Tethyamar's upper fortresses. Gathering a crack squad the paladin, infiltrated they fortress and learned that the Zhents were make deals with the fiendish denizens that now ruled Tethyamar.

These tiefling and fiendish emisarries were led by a fiendish ogre called Goluz who represented someone known only as Hellspawn. Lucan and Thoric learnt that the Zhent Commander, Kara Chermosk, had hoped to renew an alliance with the fiendish denizens of Tethyamar and was hoping this 'Hellspawn' faction would work with them.

The denizens of Tethyamar seemed to pay homage to a creature called Tarkomong, the self-styled lord of tethyamar. For some reason Tarkomang had rebuffed the Zhents but Kara had manage to forge a loose alliance with Goluz as the Hellspawn faction had apparently recently broke away from Tarkomang's authority....though an agent of Tarkomang still kept tabs on these negotiations, the tiefling monk Rekart.

Suffice to say, events imploded when the group was discovered by the Zhents and they were nearly defeated. Only the diplomacy of the paladin, Lucan kept them alive as he played to Kara's unusual sense of honour. Kara realised too many dead were piling up and agreed to settle the battle with a champion from each side....Goluz vs Lucan!

The battle was fast, furious and very nearly a mutual k.o. but in the end Lucan barely won out. Kara bound by her word, agreed to let the group leave...albeit not by the way they came in. The Zhents had found a dwarven portal on the lower levels and were more than happy for the 'captives' to test it for them...especially as they had a dwarf in the group. Under the supervision of the Zhentarim skymage, Xandos, of course.

Kurgoth Hellspawn's Keep
After bypassing a crafty dwarven puzzle, they managed to unlock the Tethyamar earth node which allowed travel between the the disparate areas of the mines. However this is where Goluz's lieutenant, Tsurk, showed her true colours and decided to use the earth node to flee with the others back to the Keep of Kurgoth Hellspawn to report Goluz's death. This is when Tarkomang's spy Rekart introduced himself and agreed to aid the group in escaping the mines...and dealing with Hellspawn's minions. Traversing the earth node system, Lucan, Xandos, Rekart and Thoric plunged into Blackrock Gate, a place used as a crossroads in the mines.

The keep used to be a dwarven watchpost that controlled an ancient earth node but had been partially destroyed when fire giants diverted a magma flow through the middle of it. Fighting their way through, ogres, goblins, fire giants and even the odd red dragon. They reached the throne room of the keep. Here they learnt that the previous king of the fire giants had kept the giants safe by paying tribute and 'bending the knee' to Tarkomang as all did in Tethyamar.

However, the proud fire giants had ever-chafed under this vicarious submission and the king conspired to change this. Making a pact with the balor demon, Badrazal, he offered his only son, Kurgoth, in exchange for the means to break free of Tarkomang's power. Over the years Badrazal, advised the king and helped him bring many clans under his sway, including ogre mages and many of Tarkomang's goblins.

Decades later Kurgoth though returned, cursing and binding his father and seizing the mantle of leadership from him. Kurgoth promised to unshackle the chains of the past and lead all who followed to glory and wealth, he had powerful demonic allies under his sway, the right of rulership and an ever growing horde of followers...all it took was word from Badrazal...word of a drow archmage seeking an army...and of a silenced city.

Into fire
Since Kurgoth had left he had kept a sizable number of forces to guard the keep still, all under the control of his sister (a runecaster of Kossuth), who was the one that had helped Kurgoth return to the keep without being noticed. This adventure ran alongside the main quest and did not mention the drow city that Kurgoth had gone to destroy, it took a little while before the group pooled their notes together to figure out all the connections.

Phew! Sorry for the long post, I just kept writing and then realised I would have to finish it or scrap it. Obviously lots of details are left a the correspondence between Kara and Scylla Darkhope, the mentions of the Nether Scrolls and the Denial of Mystryl, the construction of Granstone, the curse of Hellspawns' father and the wider Tarkomang plots.

Hope this gives soome food for thought.
-Eli the Tanner

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Jul 2014 :  18:47:51  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very, Very Nice :) If i dont say so myself. And please, call me Fend.

The cult of the dragon plotline bubbled up from including the 'Blood of Lathander' a relic i found in Volo's guide to the Dalelands.

One of the ways listed to destroy it was 'in the jaws of the worlds oldest dracolich' i just reworded this as 'in the jaws of a dracolich'

given the year of rogue dragons was coming up, and having read into it abit i noticed Sammaster was planning something big - i figured the scattered nature of the cult may lead to a group considering the 'existance' of the blood of lathander to be an affront all they believe in (given it was created when Sammaster was first defeated in battledale).

Thus, the cult did what it did best - Dupe a dragon into doing their dirty work, then offer it Dracolichdom after it had suffered mortal wounds in doing so.

Now that the Dragon has been defeated, both in DRACOLICH And FORSAKEN PROTOLICH form, and the entire cell responsible for the vengence attacks killed along with it, i dont think they will be seeing much of the cult... until the post campaign anyhow :)

On the topic of the Zhents, ive moved Tethyamar base to a high pass overlooking the blackroad. They use it to rotate the Garrison at Adas Babar and keep the Blackroad open via the bases portal to Zhentil keep, whilst negotiating with the local monsters to tap the mine for its wealth. On a totally unrelated plot, Kara Chermosk is playing 'host' to another Captain from Snowmantle who is tasked with attempting to mend broken ties with the highland orc and giant tribes in an effort to raise an army to push into Border forest from the west to take the pressure off opperations in teshendale. The Elves and Fey have brokered an alliance under the influence of Eldreth Veluuthra agents and as such have now assembled between them a powerful and diverse force based out of the last elven enclave of Tachepp ( i am using Cyril's version). Destroying Tachepp, is there for, the ultimate goal.

As for Hellspawn, he has been mentioned as being the king under the moutain. But i have not elaborated this plot what so ever.. they learned it from a harper agent they are on good terms with.

How much i want to delve into it.. im not so sure. But I LOVE the idea of the Teiflings and other hell spawned creatures in tethyamar base being associated with Kurgoth. This would be EXCELLENT forshadowing :) you have my thanks.

Still i am not sure how your party found tethyamar base difficult... it is hardly a challenge on paper, so i am guessing you scaled it all up?

I am considering having Miss 'Darkhope' pay a visit to Tethyamar base and take the tour ala 'Darth vader visiting the deathstar'. To ensure all opperations along the Teshfall pass and in the highlands are going swimmingly. Though i am not sure if she should remain there to see / fight the players.

OTHERWISE i am currently planning for another backstory continuation to the Kiaransalee 'Revenance' feel of the Campaign, in having stories and rumors begin to circulate that veterans of the battle of Tethyamar side are being murder... sometimes in their beds... sometimes at their posts... or having terrifying dreams that the drow they killed in battle stand back up again to stab them in the back... their eyes glowing a horrible blue.

Either way there are many drow the players have killed which would be eligable for revenance .. but i do not feel Kiaransalee would waste revenance upon those who stand no chance of getting vengence at all.

Ironically, after reading the Doom of the Daggerdale module i have found there is a tunnel to the underdark RIGHT underneath Daggerfalls. The party made great efforts to Hallow, stone shape and Ward the hell out of the Dordrien crypts (so much so, Lady Quallem cannot even re-manifest anymore!)

So entering through here would be a no.

however with their find the guilty power, the revenants that rise in Szith morcane could... technically... wander until they find the tunnels which lead up under Daggerfalls.

The Temple of Lathander is situated right above the tunnels, which connect to the crypt of Colderan morn.

One revenant has already come up this way to have vegence, Velina. The party cleric (who slew her) sleeps in the temple. But she found she could not enter its hallow. The Dracolich attack destroyed the temple hallow, and such a short time later she made her way up through the crypts and attacked him while he was recovering in his room.

HIS first thoughts were that something was wrong with the defences over at Dordrien, he hasnt thought twice about the temple being an entrance.

On the night of Vengence, the two captain revenants will come up through the crypts and attack him in his chambers too.

Should be amusing anyway :)

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Jul 2014 :  21:35:03  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Right - Update time:

The party have travelled to an abandoned silver mine in the Anauroch desert, in search of Basilisks. (both the Bard (Sammy) and the Wizard (Throlian) were petrified during the delve. but were fixed thanks to the survival of the Cleric (Treygyn))

They saw off my plans for a 'night of vengance' by figuring it out themselves. sadly my revenant captains were not able to leave the crypts - sealed in behind stoneshape, forbiddance and glyphs of warding.

Next they began preparing for a trip into borderforest to find the lost ruins of the elven city of Yrrlancel and slay the old dragon said to dwell there. They met with the leaders of the elf enclave of Tachepp to discuss acessing the ruins. Turned out the elves were also interested in the ruins, and thus, assigned a highly decorated commando (Captain Arnispar) and the first apprentice of their wizards tower (Adept Veraniaa) to tag along on a mission for the council.

Using a poem written about the city, recovered from the librarys in the wizards tower - they were able to use Greater teleport to get there.

Yrrlancel, turned out to be built into the bows of an immense tree. After circumventing some old wards, rifling through a ruined armory, Battling an advanced clay golem and slaughtering a pack of Orcs - they found an entry into the trunk of the tree. The NPC's, Veraniaa and Angallan split off from the main party here to conduct their mission elsewhere.

Within the tree, the Cleric was overwhelmed by a pack of greater shadows - prompting an emergency trip to Waterdeep to get him ressurected.

Returning afterwards, they scried upon the NPC's to find they had returned to Tachepp without them.. apparently having been unsuccesful in their mission, reporting something to their superiors of 'Fiends' having over run an Academy in the upper branches.

In an epic battle, they then slew the Old Fangdragon, Sevellatranath, who dwelled within the tree itself - before finding and freeing a Lilend Azata, trapped for 700 years in a hidden garden chamber deep within the trees heart. She warned that her kind had taught the elves of this place a chord of terrible power, called 'The Sublime Chord'. with it, they could manipulate reality through song - shape the weave - even drag outsiders into real space. The elves used it to create a weapon, called the Scourge, to use upon their enemies the drow - but the drow found out about it, infiltrated the city and corrupted it.. when the time came for the elves to use it to summon a storm of elementals upon a drow enclave nearby, instead, it became a gate to the hells, through which an army of fiends poured. The elves lost their finest warriors and mages stopping the incursion, and in the end, the Chord was used to remove the Academy from real space entirely - trapping the fiends within a demi plane, with the scourge.

The city fell soon after to barbarian hordes from the mountains.

The party realised, this must have been the Academy that Captain Arnisspar and Veraniaa had been sent to find. Their thoughts on this were mixed. If the Scourge were to be reclaimed from the hellspawn and repaired, it could be used as a powerful weapon for the cause of good. But they had no idea what destruction it was capable of. Realising however that good intentions created the scourge, the feared that history would repeat itself - or worse - the Zhentarim, Shadovar or Eldreth Veluuthra may plot to claim it for themselves... if Daggerdale were to claim the scourge, it would almost certaintly mean war with the elves. the only safe course of action, would be to destroy it. Before the Elves could get to it.

The Lilend, impressed by the thoughtfulness of the group, planted the seed of the sublime chord into Sammys mind - so that he could use it to destroy the scourge. She then wished them luck, before departing the material plane. They decided to head up to the Academy at first light so that Treygyn could reset his spells with the sunrise.

Upon arriving they found the Academy to be gone, bar for a wierd pearly white bulge in reality shrouded in glowing green magics. Passing through the bubble was surprisingly easy. Within, they found the burnt out shell of the Academy - and the fiends that protected it. Thus far they have hacked their way through packs of Erinyes, Kytons and a room full of Osyluths... next session they will fight Gelugons and a Horned devil.

But worse... the elves will arrive.

A small but elite crew of elves sent to clear the Academy will arrive just as they are to make the crucial decision on what to do with the Scourge. But it wont be any ordinary pack of elves.

Throlians friend Alanhour, the Archmage will be there. He would definantly consider the scourge to be an Arcane Boon to the elven people.. a solution to their wars, and a means of detering any major power from thinking of attacking them.

Captain Arnisspar will be there aswell, he is a good soldier, who only understands war and has no love for the humans. Though he is no supporter of the EV, their influence has made him xenophobic in the extreme. however, he has fought along side the party and has through roleplay developed a grudging respect for them - and knows what they are capable of. If he had his way, he would not wish things to come to blood... but he will fight if he must.

Another, Saevall Calandra, is actually one of the EV's Bladelords. He will definantly feel the Scourge is by right, the property of the elves of Rystall wood. To see a human anywhere near the scourge would sicken him to his very core - he would be the prime antagonist in this situation. and would seek to manufacture a showdown for the future of rystalwood.

And finally, a drow hating ranger, used to also hunting Zhents, named Gilyrik - with no love for outlanders - will be present in the group.

The gut wrenching problem here will be the politics involved.

It will be interesting to see how it all pans out :)

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'

Edited by - Fendrikor on 21 Jul 2014 21:41:34
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 30 Jul 2014 :  10:52:44  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Its with some regret that i have closed the campaign.

The highlight of the campaign was the epic battle with Solom Nedrazzek. Everything else doesnt get talked about nearly asmuch as that fight.

Pathfinder simply became too unstable at level 14 to continue playing. It undercuts DM adjucation with its very clearly explained rules, i found rules lawyery players took full advantage of this. Left it very hard for me to make up or add things on the fly, without people pulling out rulebooks and telling me 'that the rules state...'

Ice wall is no longer worth casting.. ever really. Shape stone and Song bolt are broken.

At level 14 things were only ever hitting the party on natural 20s. In return, the players only ever failed to hit / make a save / or a skill check on a 1. And even then, skill checks do not always fail on a 1.

Pathfinder does nothing to discourage min maxing. infact, given how hard some monsters are for their level (such as ropers), the party became very hard to challenge.

It got to a point in the end, where as a dungeonmaster, it was no longer fun to play.

On the UPSIDE though, Faerun as a setting was very fun. Daggerdale is rich in NPC's, history, and adventure locations. As a DM i had no shortage of out of campaign plot hooks for the PC's to pursue - and they did so instead of doing chapter 2 (as they intended to use the HAP entry to do chapter 3... believing it would be far quicker)

In future i will be considering 5th editions approach to the game.

Signing off for now - Fendrikor.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 30 Jul 2014 :  15:23:06  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tethyamar is mapped out in the old Interactive Atlas CD?
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 01 Aug 2014 :  11:39:15  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Really sorry to hear that you've ended your campaign Fend, it sounded like you were really sinking your teeth into the plots and stories surrounding it.

At least you have likely helped an inspired many other DM's with your efforts. You've definitly given me lots of extra fuel for my campaign.

Good luck with whatever you decide to undertake.
-Eli the Tanner

Moderator of /r/Forgotten_Realms
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 05 Aug 2014 :  06:41:56  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well cheers anyway Eli for all the tips and encouragment :) Was good to know i wasnt the only one with crazy dreams of daggerdale.

Thanks to Cyril Lockner for his inspiring write ups of various small places that needed more life breathed into them within the Dale proper.

And thanks to the community for all the tid bits of input.

As for me, im going to hang up my dungeon master screen for abit and play some 5th edition as a Human Folk Hero Fighter from Shadowdale. See how it goes i spose.

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Mystic Lemur

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Posted - 15 Aug 2014 :  16:50:05  Show Profile Send Mystic Lemur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This makes me sad. You were my inspiration to finally be able to run this adventure using the PFRPG rules. I think I might have a better crop of players, so hopefully we won't come to the same end.

"What mattered our lives now, when our world had been torn from us? Folk wept, or drank, or stood staring out over the land, wondering what new horror each dawn would bring." -A review of the FRCG ;)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Oct 2014 :  11:42:24  Show Profile Send Fendrikor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just coming back to it - i think the biggest problem in the end, was that Pathfinder simply was too powerful and unstable for city of the spiderqueen.

The players were way too powerful and the game was way too rulesy.

Hope your campaign is going well Mystic Lemur :)

'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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Mystic Lemur

58 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2014 :  17:47:27  Show Profile Send Mystic Lemur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll let you know when we start it. Running them through Temple of Elemental Evil, but I let them level too fast, and I'm going to cut out a bit at the end and jump straight from finding the Orb to confronting the Avatar of Moander. The ones that live through that will get a little downtime before being summoned to help Randal Morn with his little drow problem.

"What mattered our lives now, when our world had been torn from us? Folk wept, or drank, or stood staring out over the land, wondering what new horror each dawn would bring." -A review of the FRCG ;)
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