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Senior Scribe
789 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2013 : 23:11:16
How vastly different do you think 4E would have been, if lantan had survived the spellplauge, how vastly different do you think the spread of Gond and the influence of things once magic had gone all haywire.
Master of Realmslore
1446 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2013 : 23:55:44
lantan, or a portion of it, is probably sitting beneath the ocean under some sort of shielding. like an atlantis. tsunami's have had to been a concern at one time, maybe they had some sort of backup plan that saved some of the population? |
Master of Realmslore
1446 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 00:10:02
You do make a good point now that I think about it. I almost wonder if the Spellplague reverted many places to persecuting spellcasters. It would be easy for common folks to lay the blame of a magical disaster at the feet of those who use magic. If magic use had a generation or two with a high distaste in users, it's possible Gond and other artificers had an influx of followers and those wishing to rely upon the mechanical. |
Senior Scribe
789 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 00:15:36
Well it is almost , it seems an excuse they got wiped out , so they would not have to explain why the technology would not have replaced magic and really alter faerun behavior. |
Realms Explorer extraordinaire
15724 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 00:42:20
I figure Lantan went to Abeir, where they spent the last century perfecting tech that was impossible on Toril, and they will return in 5e with Warp drives, blasters, and Battlestars. 
Or not..... |
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone
Master of Realmslore
1446 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 00:54:16
As long as there's a gnome chief engineer LaForge who targets Shade enclave with a transphasic torpedo.
I'm not sure how many folks have played Skyrim, but I really liked how the dwarven holds had those dwarven centurion and sphere warriors. I always pictured Lantan having constructs like that in plenty. |
Senior Scribe
789 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 01:05:29
That would explain how spelljammer is coming back. |
Master of Realmslore
1280 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 01:58:26
Thats actually not a bad idea. Lantan did have a spelljamming port during 2 and 3rd ed if I recall correctly. They might have launched several spelljamming craft as emergency vessels, with quite a few very knowledgable Lantanni elites.
Their return could spur a restoration of some of the submerged cities of Lantan. With the combined epic magi-tech of the spelljammers and the surviving underwater citydwellers they would pneumaticly rise their (upper) cities above the waves again. During sieges, storms or maintenance periods they can lower beneath the waves again if they so choose. |
My campaign sketches
Druidic Groves
Creature Feature: Giant Spiders |
Master of Realmslore
1446 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 02:09:58
Spelljamming is an excellent idea. Though with Lantan, I'd almost prefer it to be steam driven flying airships or some sort. Something like Count Duku's solar sailer ship would be cool. |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 03:51:59
quote: Originally posted by Bladewind
Thats actually not a bad idea. Lantan did have a spelljamming port during 2 and 3rd ed if I recall correctly. They might have launched several spelljamming craft as emergency vessels, with quite a few very knowledgable Lantanni elites.
Their return could spur a restoration of some of the submerged cities of Lantan. With the combined epic magi-tech of the spelljammers and the surviving underwater citydwellers they would pneumaticly rise their (upper) cities above the waves again. During sieges, storms or maintenance periods they can lower beneath the waves again if they so choose.
Realmspace says they have a spelljamming port. I don't know of any FR lore to back this up. |
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Great Reader
4458 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 06:20:38
In my Realms Lantan did survive and, like Eilserus said, is similar in style to Atlantis. I took elements of Atlantis and the video game Bio-Shock to make Lantan work. They used magic and artifacts to maintain life underwater. They adapted their sentient Gondsmen (basically Warforged) to the water and started using the wildlife in their technology. |
Master of Realmslore
1446 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 06:26:25
I wonder if a guy could fuse magi-tech with a Lantan aspect. I'm thinking of Final Fantasy 3 with Kefka and gang in this regard. Though I'm not sure the Lantan folks would drain an Esper like creature. Well, maybe some of them would. Course you could say they use magical creatures to do it, like medusa or umberhulks. |
Edited by - Eilserus on 05 Jul 2013 06:26:57 |
Senior Scribe
789 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 08:36:02
So long, farewell and tahnks for all the fish
*watches all the gnomes head towards space* |
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