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 Summon Undead Vampire
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Learned Scribe

157 Posts

Posted - 03 Jun 2013 :  14:29:56  Show Profile  Visit Saxmilian's Homepage Send Saxmilian a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Anyone had a player want to summon a Vampire, then have said vampire turn him into a vampire? The vampire vanishes before the spell ends so would he gain control over the player or would the player become a free-willed vampire. Sadly the player don't care to serve so long as he gets the power.

Master of Realmslore

1280 Posts

Posted - 03 Jun 2013 :  15:07:06  Show Profile Send Bladewind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am not aware of a spell that can summon vampires, only vampire spawn can be summoned to do a casters bidding for a few rounds per casting of Summon Undead V. So your player is either cheating unless you are allowing a more powerful Summon Undead spell to be cast than the current limit of summon undead V (PGtF).

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Learned Scribe

147 Posts

Posted - 03 Jun 2013 :  15:12:00  Show Profile Send Ze a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You mean that the vampire vanishes _when_ the spell ends, don't you?

First, I think the player is walking on a thin line there - summoned creatures are not perfectly dominated, they are just compelled to obey their summoner's orders. Given that the relation between master and thrall is a very intimate binding, the vampire in case could be reluctant, and might try to subvert his summoner's commands (f.i. he could suck the PC until his CON hits 1 and then energy-drain him, or along that line).

Another thing that comes to my mind is that even his the PC's plan is successful, then you'll have a vampire dwelling on another plane who is now perfectly aware he has a thrall on the Prime, and will do what he can to take advantage of the PC's servitude.
The point is not that the player don't care to serve - it's that you as a DM should have him learn that serving can spoil the fun of gaming, IMHO.

What about the other players, what do they think?

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Learned Scribe

147 Posts

Posted - 03 Jun 2013 :  15:13:43  Show Profile Send Ze a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bladewind, you are right, but the PC has possibly developed his own Summon Vampire.

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