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 Who in Sembia would be like Ovar
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Learned Scribe

101 Posts

Posted - 23 Apr 2012 :  15:36:41  Show Profile  Visit EltonJ's Homepage Send EltonJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I'm planning on using the Maze of Zayene series in my campaign (published by Necromancer Games and now Frog God games). Particularly in prelude to Cimbar's invasion of that land (Cimbar is particularly a not very nice city state when you screw over it's finances with debt). The new Maze of Zayene series is written by Rob Kuntz.

The first: [url=]Prisoners of the Maze[/url] deals with the PCs being hired to slay King Ovar the Mad Tyrant. However, the PCs are accosted by the dreaded mage Zayene (who in personality is probably more loyal to the king than anything else); and transported to his maze.

At some point, the heroes have to find a way out of his maze, and the clues point to traveling to outer planes. The dimensions are: Enot's Realm (Mountains), Ba'al's Pinnacle (Desert), Poharn's Realm (Ice), and finally the Happy Hunting Grounds (Forest). After the group escapes, they go face Ovar and Zayene.


Kendrick "the Tall" Selkirk is the group's target. Zayene is a powerful wizard that is nearly on par with Manshoon and Khelben Blackstaff. Kendrick isn't mad, but Cimbar is beholden to his government (in the Forgotten Realms, National debts are not an illusion like they are here in this world.) As a prelude to invasion, Cimbar sends assassins or heroes to destabilize the Plutocrats that rule Sembia. While the other groups might have an easy time to kill all the other plutocrats, Kendrick deserves special attention.

Cimbar sends classed heroes instead, who are carefully told that Kendrick "the Tall" is mad. Convinced they are killing a wicked, mad leader the group faces Kendrick when Zayene comes in and teleports them to his maze.

What do you guys think?
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