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Learned Scribe
315 Posts |
Posted - 23 Feb 2012 : 02:07:50
This is the first time I have considered buying a Realms product novel or otherwise since 4e Campaign guide. |
Tarlyn Embersun |
Chosen of Moradin
Master of Realmslore
1120 Posts |
Posted - 23 Feb 2012 : 12:15:49
quote: Originally posted by Brimstone
So the troll is pulling the cart, that the Drow in the pointy hat is wearing. Some crazy human is trying to rob them. Must be Mirt!

Brimstone!!!! It´s difficult to remove coffee spots from the screen, aye?  |
Dwarf, DM, husband, and proud of this! :P
twitter: @yuripeixoto Facebook: yuri.peixoto |
Great Reader
2165 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 22:10:31
quote: Originally posted by Tarlyn
This is the first time I have considered buying a Realms product novel or otherwise since 4e Campaign guide.
Since the Grand History for me... as I think I've already mentioned in this scroll... and I'm definitely buying this one. At least twice. I do like the cover, but I think my favourite FR logo is still the original... although I do like the new one as well as the 3.x version. |
Playing in the Realms since the Old Grey Box (1987)... and *still* having fun with material published before 2008, despite the NDA'd lore.
If it's comparable in power with non-magical abilities, it's not magic. |
Great Reader
2165 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 22:12:24
quote: Originally posted by Markustay
I like the concept, but that creature needs something - it looks like a cross between an ogre and a troll.
And for some reason, it reminds me of the old Volo's covers (something BAD about to happen), which is a good thing.
{crossing my fingers}
Haven't you ever heard of trogres before?  |
Playing in the Realms since the Old Grey Box (1987)... and *still* having fun with material published before 2008, despite the NDA'd lore.
If it's comparable in power with non-magical abilities, it's not magic. |
Matt James
Forgotten Realms Game Designer
918 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 22:19:35
TROGRES! I'll draft something up for giggles when I find a moment. |
Great Reader
2165 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 22:36:05
quote: Originally posted by Matt James
TROGRES! I'll draft something up for giggles when I find a moment.
W00T! Now, a point to consider... I think there may be two different sorts of trogre... the greater, pictured in the cover art being discussed, is a troll-ogre crossbreed... the lesser, and more common, is a troglodyte-ogre crossbreed. |
Playing in the Realms since the Old Grey Box (1987)... and *still* having fun with material published before 2008, despite the NDA'd lore.
If it's comparable in power with non-magical abilities, it's not magic. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 23:18:24
Thanks for all the info, everyone. The announcement of this product is what has suddenly renewed my interest in the Realms after being unimpressed with Spellplague era stuff. Can't wait to get a copy. |
Learned Scribe
270 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2012 : 20:17:55
Hi! I really really liked the cover. But can anyone tell me what's going to be in the book exactly? I'm excited about this already! |
Great Reader
3807 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2012 : 20:21:34
This is what they said at the D&DXP:
quote: "We have Elminster's Forgotten Realms in Quarter 4. We basically went to Ed and said hey, why don't you take all your campaign notes, all the information you've been putting together for your FR campaign and lets compile it into a book. Show us the realms as you've developed it in your campaign setting and lets get that to everybody. It's our celebration of the Forgotten Realms and pulling back the curtain to show you what the designer of the campaign setting has done."
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. |
Learned Scribe
270 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2012 : 20:32:44
That quote is just delicious! So the book is going to be mainly lore and ideas, characters, places and stuff like that right? |
Great Reader
3807 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2012 : 20:35:30
Yes, I think so as well. |
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. |
Great Reader
3308 Posts |
Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 23:16:03
quote: The FORGOTTEN REALMS is the most successful and widely known DUNGEONS & DRAGONS campaign setting ever created, and it owes its existence to creator Ed Greenwood.
This 160-page hardcover book describes the campaign setting as it lives and breathes in the imagination of its creator. Through the alter ego of Elminster, Archmage of Shadowdale, Ed Greenwood presents the Realms as a setting where companies of crazed adventurers are born and have rich lives, and where they get to call the shots. In this book, Ed presents a world where friendships are forged, endless intrigues unfold, and heroes wage war against the monstrous inhabitants of famous dungeons and untamed wildernesses.
For the FORGOTTEN REALMS fan, this book provides a rare glimpse into the setting as imagined by its creator, with new information on its visible and clandestine rulers, various merchant and trade princes, the churches and mercenary companies of the Realms, renown magic-users and secret societies, adventuring companies, and the web of alliances and enmities that connect them. The book is aimed at all Forgotten Realms enthusiasts, including players of every edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game.
It sounds wonderful (apart from, y'know, that bit). |
Mace Hammerhand
Great Reader
2296 Posts |
Posted - 09 Mar 2012 : 00:24:55
A question I put forth a few pages ago: Will Ed have "final cut" on what goes into the book? I just don't want any nasty surprises a la GHotR jumping at me... |
Mace's not so gentle gamer's journal My rants were harmless compared to this, beware! |
Realms Explorer extraordinaire
15724 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2012 : 17:31:41
Everything Ed writes has to go through the publisher FIRST before printing, which means they always have 'final say'.
This is not just FR/WotC - this is considered 'industry standard' (in case someone thought I was doing an anti-WotC snipe again). Paizo, I am sure, does exactly the same thing with any of their published material.
And I don't think Brian had any idea they were going to use his excellent resource to usher-in the Realms' "death knell". I have no idea if that would have altered his decision (not that they actually needed his permission to re-print material they already owned).
I think they might use it to introduce the 5e Realms, but that would all depend upon how they plan on supporting the timeline (I'm still trying to wrap my head around the 'support for all eras' thing - it doesn't sound ANY different then the material they are currently producing for 4e).
I will buy this product, and probably the comics, if I like them. Thats what it comes down to doesn't it? We buy what we like? I don't buy things (anymore) just because some company or author I like produced it, or because I like(d) the subject-matter (in this case, The Realms).
Publish something people want, and people will buy it. The paradigm is very simple to follow. |
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone
Edited by - Markustay on 10 Mar 2012 17:32:39 |
2 Posts |
Posted - 21 Mar 2012 : 21:02:28
I'm beyond excited for this book, and I'm very hopeful that this will re-conjure that flavor of the good ol' Realms (pre 3.0). I'm certainly going to get it! | |
Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader
2717 Posts |
Posted - 21 Mar 2012 : 22:09:47
quote: Originally posted by Nicholas_Trandahl
I'm beyond excited for this book, ...
I’m hoping to get more NPCs in the vein of what’s in the Volo’s Guides; NPCs I can read the description for and then inhabit at the gaming table right away or write fan fiction about. |
Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver). |
Great Reader
2950 Posts |
Posted - 22 Mar 2012 : 09:30:45
I must admit that I hope for the opposite of the Volo approach. I hope its an overview of geography, races, history etc. with less view from below. In other words a main Campaign Setting book. And personally I really hope it is far from the 3ed (and even too a degree2nd ed) feel, but as I have no knowledge of how the Realms originally "felt" I can only wait and see. |
No Canon, more stories, more Realms. |
Great Reader
2165 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 00:35:34
quote: Originally posted by Faraer
quote: The FORGOTTEN REALMS is the most successful and widely known DUNGEONS & DRAGONS campaign setting ever created, and it owes its existence to creator Ed Greenwood.
This 160-page hardcover book describes the campaign setting as it lives and breathes in the imagination of its creator. Through the alter ego of Elminster, Archmage of Shadowdale, Ed Greenwood presents the Realms as a setting where companies of crazed adventurers are born and have rich lives, and where they get to call the shots. In this book, Ed presents a world where friendships are forged, endless intrigues unfold, and heroes wage war against the monstrous inhabitants of famous dungeons and untamed wildernesses.
For the FORGOTTEN REALMS fan, this book provides a rare glimpse into the setting as imagined by its creator, with new information on its visible and clandestine rulers, various merchant and trade princes, the churches and mercenary companies of the Realms, renown magic-users and secret societies, adventuring companies, and the web of alliances and enmities that connect them. The book is aimed at all Forgotten Realms enthusiasts, including players of every edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game.
It sounds wonderful (apart from, y'know, that bit).
I completely agree... the only reaction I want to this product from someone whose introduction to the Realms was... well, recent... is, "WOW! Is this even the same world? I want more stuff like this!"
I'm a little disappointed in the page count. It only makes sense if they're reducing it to increase the number of volumes in the series...  |
Playing in the Realms since the Old Grey Box (1987)... and *still* having fun with material published before 2008, despite the NDA'd lore.
If it's comparable in power with non-magical abilities, it's not magic. |
Edited by - Jakk on 27 Mar 2012 00:38:45 |
Senior Scribe
628 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 14:53:32
quote: Originally posted by Jakk
quote: Originally posted by Faraer
quote: The FORGOTTEN REALMS is the most successful and widely known DUNGEONS & DRAGONS campaign setting ever created, and it owes its existence to creator Ed Greenwood.
This 160-page hardcover book describes the campaign setting as it lives and breathes in the imagination of its creator. Through the alter ego of Elminster, Archmage of Shadowdale, Ed Greenwood presents the Realms as a setting where companies of crazed adventurers are born and have rich lives, and where they get to call the shots. In this book, Ed presents a world where friendships are forged, endless intrigues unfold, and heroes wage war against the monstrous inhabitants of famous dungeons and untamed wildernesses.
For the FORGOTTEN REALMS fan, this book provides a rare glimpse into the setting as imagined by its creator, with new information on its visible and clandestine rulers, various merchant and trade princes, the churches and mercenary companies of the Realms, renown magic-users and secret societies, adventuring companies, and the web of alliances and enmities that connect them. The book is aimed at all Forgotten Realms enthusiasts, including players of every edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game.
It sounds wonderful (apart from, y'know, that bit).
I completely agree... the only reaction I want to this product from someone whose introduction to the Realms was... well, recent... is, "WOW! Is this even the same world? I want more stuff like this!"
I'm a little disappointed in the page count. It only makes sense if they're reducing it to increase the number of volumes in the series... 
I'm not disappointed in the page count. I believe the font size will be set to 'mouse'.
Okay I'm hoping they are using mouse font size. |
I hope Candlekeep continues to be the friendly forum of fellow Realms-lovers that it has always been, as we all go through this together. If you don’t want to move to the “new” Realms, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with either you or the “old” Realms. Goodness knows Candlekeep, and the hearts of its scribes, are both big enough to accommodate both. If we want them to be. (Strikes dramatic pose, raises sword to gleam in the sunset, and hopes breeches won’t fall down.) Enough for now. The Realms lives! I have spoken! Ale and light wines half price, served by a smiling Storm Silverhand fetchingly clad in thigh-high boots and naught else! Ahem . . So saith Ed. <snip> love to all, THO
Great Reader
7989 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 14:59:13
I must admit that as much as I'd want Volo to write such a thing, I'd have to utterly reject any "plausible" explanations offering how that lovably pernacious little rapscallion vegabond could have possibly survived into the 4E Realms setting (let alone how he'd survive until next Tuesday afternoon). There are thresholds of unbelievability which even fantasy fiction should never attempt to exceed.
Lacking precocious spritely Volo, narrative by crusty cantankerous nasty old Elminstergrogface will just have to suffice, I suppose.
But why not Moneylender Mirt's Highly Unofficial Guide to Investments and Spending on the Sword Coast or somesuch? |
[/Ayrik] |
Edited by - Ayrik on 27 Mar 2012 15:48:56 |
Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader
2717 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 16:27:33
quote: Originally posted by Ayrik
I must admit that as much as I'd want Volo to write such a thing, I'd have to utterly reject any "plausible" explanations offering how that lovably pernacious little rapscallion vegabond could have possibly survived into the 4E Realms setting...
Oh I think it's quite possible.
That said, when I say I hope Ed's book is written in the same vein as the Volo's Guides, I don't expect it to be by Volo himself.
Rather, I'd like several different voices. Or a brand new narrator.
Heck, make it his great, great granddaughter and change up the point of view. She doesn’t have to be a carbon copy of Volo.
Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver). |
Master of Realmslore
1296 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 16:35:32
Doesn't really matter how/if Volo survived to the 4th edition setting, as this book isn't written in the 4th edition setting, but in Ed's version of the Realms...and we're not sure what year Ed is up to, are we? |
Great Reader
7989 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 16:39:13
I am curious as to Volo's fate, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that he sired an ungodly number of illegitimate offspring. It'd even be interesting to follow his genealogy a bit and learn of the great (and not at all great) adventures of his great-great-grandchildren over the timejump interregnum. But even if Volo was declared a Chosen of Tymora or found himself imprisoned in some sort of century-long stasis or something, I just can't really accept his continued existence for so long while better men were burned into nonexistence by the unforgiving flames of Realms history.
A valid point about the timeframe of Ed's work being as yet undefined. Of course, if it's set too early in Dale Reckoning then it cannot really chronicle future canon with any real authority. The method described (and employed in other writings, such as Elminster's Ecologies) where the writing is submitted by "locals" somewhat resembles Volo's style and still allows for Elminster's overbearing censorship wise commentary to be asterisked within footnotes. |
[/Ayrik] |
Edited by - Ayrik on 27 Mar 2012 17:34:56 |
Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader
2717 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2012 : 17:50:19
quote: Originally posted by Seravin
Doesn't really matter how/if Volo survived to the 4th edition setting, as this book isn't written in the 4th edition setting, but in Ed's version of the Realms...and we're not sure what year Ed is up to, are we?
I suppose I was getting ahead of things there, wasn’t I? 
That said, I think if Ed’s work in this latest book is anything like what’s in his Eye on the Realms articles, we’ll get information (hopefully from an unreliable narrator, though if it’s literally Ed saying “This is how I did this” that’s OK too) that’s applicable up and down the timeline.
Ed starts several Eye articles with some version of “There have always been X in the Realms,” so I hope this latest book of his covers a lot of what those ‘have always beens’ are.
Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver). |
Learned Scribe
317 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:39:03
I may take a look at this. This would be my first Forgotten Realms book since I found out 4th edition was coming out.
John |
Long live Alias and Dragonbait! Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb the Realms need you more then ever!
On my word as a sage nothing within these pages is false, but not all of it may prove to be true. - Elminster of Shadowdale
The Old Grey Box gets better with age! |
Dalor Darden
Great Reader
4211 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:48:06
This is going to be a real book???
Like one in hand and not something broken into pieces and scattered across several "issues" of a "digital magazine" right? |
The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me! |
Great Reader
3807 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:57:54
quote: Originally posted by Dalor Darden
This is going to be a real book???
Like one in hand and not something broken into pieces and scattered across several "issues" of a "digital magazine" right?
Yes. |
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. |
Dalor Darden
Great Reader
4211 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 21:32:47
Did I miss the release date in this thread? What is the date/is there a date? |
The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me! |
Great Reader
3807 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 22:25:33
quote: Originally posted by Dalor Darden
Did I miss the release date in this thread? What is the date/is there a date?
10/16/2012 |
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. |
Great Reader
3308 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 01:30:11
New blurb:quote: The Forgotten Realms is one of the most popular fantasy role-playing settings for Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons ever. In October, fans will have a never-before-seen glimpse into the world with WotC’s Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster’s Forgotten Realm. Presented from the perspective of the "Archmage of Shadowdale," this 192-page hardcover book features notes, manuscripts, and maps never published before, as well as all-new material from Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms setting. The book is designed to give fans a view of the setting as envisioned by its creator, and includes new information about the rulers, organizations, and societies that inhabit it. The suggested retail price will be $39.95.
Topic  |