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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:06:07  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You can get two rings of Gaxx by pickpocketing Kangaxx while his circle is still blue, right before the battle begins......

I think I'm too smart for my own good.

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:17:30  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ezindir the dark

Okey, how about this: What if someone cut of your legs so taht you could not walk and had to go on adventure in a wheelchair? Wouldent you be whiny?
And anyway she never complaied to me, so stopp complaining, if she complained, you probably threated her wrong.

As said beforehand, loosing wings when you still have legs isn't as bad loosing legs when you don't have wings. I would be sad at first if I lost my legs, but then I would get on with my life because moaning about the loss sure wouldn't get them back and help my situation.

And I did treat her the right way cos she ended up declaring her love to me (aaawwwww), sadly she was as easy as a high school girl on prom night

Viconia took some effort to bag though. Now that's a girl

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:27:54  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
High School Girls on Prom night? I wonder what forbidden lore Cherrn has hidden in the bowels of his memory.......Truly nothing that should be discussed with anyone under the age of 21....

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:43:06  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lol Shadowlord, stay a week with the caliph in Calimport and you will know what I am talking about

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:47:54  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I make it a habit not to slum in Calimport, but I may just take you up on that offer......

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  23:10:53  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Personally I prefer Athkathla. It's just *soooo* fun to go about killing those annoyign little Cowled Wizards. Good practice as well.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2004 :  08:09:50  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cherrn

Originally posted by Ezindir the dark

Okey, how about this: What if someone cut of your legs so taht you could not walk and had to go on adventure in a wheelchair? Wouldent you be whiny?
And anyway she never complaied to me, so stopp complaining, if she complained, you probably threated her wrong.

As said beforehand, loosing wings when you still have legs isn't as bad loosing legs when you don't have wings. I would be sad at first if I lost my legs, but then I would get on with my life because moaning about the loss sure wouldn't get them back and help my situation.

And I did treat her the right way cos she ended up declaring her love to me (aaawwwww), sadly she was as easy as a high school girl on prom night

Viconia took some effort to bag though. Now that's a girl

An she just complains a little becouse she dosent have anywhere too go and she dont know what to do with her life.

Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun .
- Check out my bio, majore update
- The Wanderers Quest

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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2004 :  11:17:19  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Meeeeee... you're not foolin' me!

I still think that she's just a whiny little bitch. But shel a Mage/Cleirc, (and good aligned) therefore usefull to keep around.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2004 :  11:29:28  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I give up, you humans will never understand .
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2004 :  11:46:44  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The fact that I claim to be a human does not nessecarily mean that I am one. I just... think myself to be one.

I no longer remember what I am...

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2004 :  21:05:10  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That must be depressing..... I for one, have never in my 2 millenia of life even mistaken myself for anything other than a drow.....

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 23 Jan 2004 :  10:29:08  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Did anybody ever steal your soul?

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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