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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2004 :  23:14:11  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Coool..Never really played with Yoshimo becouse he betrays you. I would tought, becouse he is the only not multi or dual classed theif.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  20:09:59  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Alsmost good enough a reason to make the Ptrotagonist (sp?) a Thief himself.

Hmmm... I actaully never tried that...

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  20:56:28  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I did it once. A halfling assasin. I became guildmaster for the shadowthiefs, instead of Mae'war(or somthing).

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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  21:23:05  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's Mae'var, and you can raise so much gold that way.

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  21:23:43  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Started as true nutral but ended up as lawful evil, elf(of course) kenai

I sctually managed to keep my F/M Chaotic Good even after "Irenicus' Hell"

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  21:51:00  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well know it is posibble, but blackrazor and escaping the effects of the selfish demon or somthing is worth it.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:18:01  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yup, and though good has more "depth" as some people put it, being an evil drow assassin is just cool.

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  00:18:32  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can never really make myself play *Evil* characters. Shure- I might be prone to bursts of insanity, where I run around in town, and blow up everyone in sight, but I'm not *EVIL* is the way that I'd knowingly *hurt* a man... err... ... ... atleast... ... ... err... ... ... Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-TAT'S all folks!

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  01:30:12  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I believe that you are the definition of a hypocrite, Forgotten One

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  12:26:23  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can fel one of those abrupt moments of insanity coming over me again... (I'm not Evil! I'm NOT!!! *Bu-hu*)

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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25 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  13:20:53  Show Profile  Visit Feawen's Homepage Send Feawen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Most annoying: Anomen
Most useless: Nalia, Valygar, Keldorn (i always make him go home lol)
Most irritating: Haer'Dalis, Edwin
Worst voice: Imoen
Most freaky: Mazzy, Cernd

Best humor: Minsc and Boo
Best personality: Jan
Best voice: Viconia
Best romance: Aerie
Most useful: Korgan
Most evil: Korgan
Character which i keep for no apparent reason: Jaheria

-=Current Character: Iyanden, Chaotic Neutral Elven Swashbuckler=-

Edited by - Feawen on 19 Jan 2004 13:22:32
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  13:42:31  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Feawen

Most annoying: Anomen
Most useless: Nalia, Valygar, Keldorn (i always make him go home lol)
Most irritating: Haer'Dalis, Edwin
Worst voice: Imoen
Most freaky: Mazzy, Cernd

Best humor: Minsc and Boo
Best personality: Jan
Best voice: Viconia
Best romance: Aerie
Most useful: Korgan
Most evil: Korgan
Character which i keep for no apparent reason: Jaheria

You have, apparently, gotten everything up-side-down.
First Issue:
Most useless: KELDORN???
What on earth are you thinking about? First of all; He is the only one that can use the most powerful weapon in the game. ('cept for rouges, etc in ToB), and hes Got True Seeing (0 casting time), and Dispel Magic (Great Spells!). And if you have his family sword in one of his weapon slots hi still has that "Hit-me-and-take-5-magic-damage-shield", and hes a good Crossbowman as well.
Secon Issue:
Are you NUTS!? She's COMPLETELY USELESS!!! She's a sucky fighter, that can hardly use any weapons at all. Hes shapeshifting abilities are barelųy usefull when fighting Thugs, and her spells are too few, thenks to her useless Multi-classed Fighter. She's also a bitch, and she only causes problems thanks to the fact that she is cursed.
Third Issue:
KORGAN!? Hes a bloody psychopath! The first thing I do when I see him is kill him off, so that I can sell his neat axe for 450g. And hes Evil. Evil is a bad thing.
Fourth Issue:
Anomen is the most annoying? Hah!! Aerie is the most annoying, with her neverending "MY wings, my wings! Feel sorry for me! You all suck! Earth Sucks! Life Sucks! I was so much better then you, but Now I'm just as pathetic as YOU ARE! YOU ARE ALL BITCHES, AND YOU HAVE NO SYMPATHI FOR ME!!! THE WORLD IS A HORRIBLE PLACE!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! DON'T SAY THAT I NEED TO PULL MYSELF TOGETHER!!!! YOU SELFISH BITCHES!!!" is, definentally, the most annoying aspect of the game.
Fifth Issue:
Aerie...? Best Romance...? [Mentioned above]
Sixth Issue:
Jan? Best Personality!? HAHAHA! Jan is a raving madman, with no though for anybody other than himself. And on top of that hes pretty useless as well, despite his 'weaponry'.
SEventh Issue:
*sigh*.... you know what? I Give up. You must be deluded or something. You think that all the selfish, and insane characters are, in reality, godo guys, and you find the Good and decent ones, with Nice personalities to be annoying.

You need professional care.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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25 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  14:40:16  Show Profile  Visit Feawen's Homepage Send Feawen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I had keldorn in the most useless category because i let him go home to his family most of the time....i am well aware of how GOOD he is. He was in my last party.

As for Jaheria, i never said she was some sort of Uber character...i just said i kept her for no apparent for her being a bitch, well all you have to do, is not keep her :) i assume you are familiar with the reform party function?

Jan is essentially insane - that makes him funny. almost as funny as minsc. I dont use him in my party that often, but he's hilarous BECAUSE he's basically insane. Not to mention the crazy items he came up with. Hence best personality :) *ALL* of the NPC's bar Jan and Minsc had boring or annoying personailities. They added a good deal of humor.

Korgan being psycopathic- he's a chaotic evil beserker...what did you expect? large donations to temples? many acts of helping the poor? people praising him in the streets? Korgan as the hero of trademeet?

how could you not see anomen as THE most annoying character?..everything about him annoyed me. PLUS he is the ONLY option for a female character romance, which is pretty sad.

Aerie as the best romance...why? easiness..the romances are an optional more concerned with other aspects of the game so romances are really not that important to me. Still, your telling me youd rather waste your time with viconia trying to change her, or doing god knows what to get the romance with jaheria happening

Also, why do aligments bother you so much?...obviously evil is bad....but what do you do? only select NPC's with a lawful good alignment? do you ALWAYS play as a paladin?....remember one of the great strength's of BG2 is its diversity. i LIKE having a party with good, neutral and evil alignments. Having evil (or slightly evil) characters adds an extra dimension to the game which i enjoy.

The last party i used had ONE evil character. My PC was true neutral, i had minsc, imoen, korgan, keldorn, aerie. TWO had lawful good alignments. I am not biased towards any alignment at all, in fact true neutral is always my favourite alignment. I DO NOT favour one particular NPC over any other. I never said that i find ALL of the "good and decent" characters to be annoying. I just found Anomen irritating as hell, and i didnt have much use for Nalia or Valygar. ( I have already stated that usually i complete the "keldorn's family" quest. However, i dont mind using him at all. I dont rule out using him because he has a lawful good alignment.

In the same vein, i do not naturally favour evil characters. I have never used a completley evil party, and have never played as a chaotic evil character, the most "evil" alignment i used was lawful evil. ONCE. I used NEUTRAL EVIL ONCE.

That you can jump to all of the conculsions that you did so quickly is certainly disturbing.

If anything your responses indicate that YOU are in DIRE need of professional care. Taking a discussion about characters in a computer game so personally would indicate you have SEVERE problems. I am not deluded in any way, shape or form.

-=Current Character: Iyanden, Chaotic Neutral Elven Swashbuckler=-

Edited by - Feawen on 19 Jan 2004 14:57:19
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  15:00:31  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OFCOURSE I am In need of professional care!

assume you are familiar with the reform party function?

Well. Yes. I allways kill her, though. Don't know why. Just allways hated her. In BG1 I even killed her, then kicked her out of the party. (Thus keeping Khalid)

Korgan being psycopathic- he's a chaotic evil beserker...what did you expect? large donations to temples? many acts of helping the poor? people praising him in the streets? Korgan as the hero of trademeet?

And utterly useless.

Aerie as the best romance...why? easiness..the romances are an optional more concerned with other aspects of the game so romances are really not that important to me. Still, your telling me youd rather waste your time with viconia trying to change her, or doing god knows what to get the romance with jaheria happening

I don't care the least bit about romances. I rarely have Vionica in my party... when I play Chaotic Good. (Wich is what I generally do)

Also, why do aligments bother you so much?...obviously evil is bad....but what do you do? only select NPC's with a lawful good alignment? do you ALWAYS play as a paladin?....remember the strength of BG2 is its diversity. i LIKE having a party with good, neutral and evil alignments. Having evil (or slightly evil) characters adds an extra dimension to the game which i enjoy.

I never liked Paladins. They are nothing but religeous Zealots, who act before thinking. I enjoy having a party where the NPCs like eachoter. My "good only" party also proved to be incredible capable (despite it's lagre quantity of mages).

I had keldorn on the most useless because i let him go home to his family most of the time

That doesn't make him useless.

how could you not see anomen as THE most annoying character?..everything about him annoyed me. PLUS he is the ONLY option for a female character romance, which is pretty sad.

He never really gave me the oppertunity to get annoyed over him. Right after I got him he decited to go and kill evreyone in that estate over at the Bridge district, and later he got completely Chaotic Evil, and dedicated himself to wiping out the Order of the Most Radiant Heart.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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25 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  15:14:42  Show Profile  Visit Feawen's Homepage Send Feawen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
...believe it or not i havent played BG1 *hangs head in shame*
but im forking out the 12 bucks needed to buy it...

why do you have to kill jaheria to keep khalid? no doubt this has eluded me at 2.14am...

placing keldorn in the useless cateogory was somewhat...misguided. He's a great fighter - ill be the first one to say he's good. I only put him there due to the fact i usually let him have the happy ending...(for SoA), but sometimes i take him in my party, and when he's there he rocks.

I took anomen early on and it was a constant "what noble deeds are you going to do" sort of thing....just pissed me off, and come on you think the female characters would have gotten better options..they should have dropped the anomen romance in favour of haer'dails (who is less irritating)

I still like taking korgan as he is a decent fighter, but he is certainly not a must have. The only must have for me is Minsc.

-=Current Character: Iyanden, Chaotic Neutral Elven Swashbuckler=-
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  15:41:47  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How can you say Hear'Dalis is the most irratating?m He, Viconia and Aerie is the coolest in the hole game. And I killed Jaheira too, Whant to know why? Becouse shes a friggin harper... i HATEthem.. Friggin I am true netraul and kill both good and evil.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGG.. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. they really are a bunch of lawful good loser all of them. I even tried too kill Elmister, but it didnt work.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:17:56  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
be glad he didn't try [lol] to kill you.

The only must have for me is Minsc.

Yeah! Me too.

why do you have to kill jaheria to keep khalid?

They are, after all, married. If you kick one from the party the other will leave. But if you 'accidentally' manage to get one of the killed, and *then* kick them from the party the other one won't even flinch.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:34:12  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bah I would have killed him with one hit from my sword if he had not cheated.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:36:45  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well ofcourse you would! Hes just a level 50/50 Cleirc/Mage. I bet you could easily handle him, huh?

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:43:46  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I always hated Aerie, what a whiny elf she was. Always moan moan moan. I'll take Viconia over her any day of the week.

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:46:24  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You got too understand that it is terrible to lose your wings for an Avariel, the tought makes me wanna hide under a chair somwhere, man my rhymes are good.

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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:48:33  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Forgotten One

Well ofcourse you would! Hes just a level 50/50 Cleirc/Mage. I bet you could easily handle him, huh?

Do not underestiminate me, hes just a puny, old Harper. I will take him on one round with grater whirvelwind attack, he was alas standing next to me without any protection spells.

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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  17:00:27  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ezindir the dark

You got too understand that it is terrible to lose your wings for an Avariel, the tought makes me wanna hide under a chair somwhere, man my rhymes are good.

Yes but moaning all the time about the loss sure wont get those damn wings back now would it ?

I liked the little catfight Aerie and Viconia had, here off the top of my head:

Aerie: "whine whine, oh my wings, I lost them, whine whine, cheese with whine"

Viconia: "Then why don't you go jump off a cliff then ?"

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  17:33:33  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okey, how about this: What if someone cut of your legs so taht you could not walk and had to go on adventure in a wheelchair? Wouldent you be whiny?
And anyway she never complaied to me, so stopp complaining, if she complained, you probably threated her wrong.

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Edited by - Ezindir the dark on 19 Jan 2004 17:35:17
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  18:06:08  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ezindir the dark

Originally posted by Forgotten One

Well ofcourse you would! Hes just a level 50/50 Cleirc/Mage. I bet you could easily handle him, huh?

Do not underestiminate me, hes just a puny, old Harper. I will take him on one round with grater whirvelwind attack, he was alas standing next to me without any protection spells.

Hes probably got a Innate Immunity to +7 Weapons and less, anyway.
And 300 - 400 HP. Not to mention Magic Immunity. I bet that my mage could kill your character easily, so I do not dubt that the Most powerful creature in all of Faerūn could do it too.

Okey, how about this: What if someone cut of your legs so taht you could not walk and had to go on adventure in a wheelchair? Wouldent you be whiny?
And anyway she never complaied to me, so stopp complaining, if she complained, you probably threated her wrong.

Ehem. That isn't exactly the same thing. There are no other intelligent lifeforms that crawl around without feet. There are, though, ALOT of intelligent lifeforms that don't fly around with wings. And Wings are not a nesessity when you have feet, but FEET are a nesessity if you don't have wings, etc.

I treated her as well as she could possible have been treaetd, and I had 18 in charisma (Ring of Human Inflyence) and STILL she kept whining to me... maby it was 'cuz I was a Human, and not an Elf? Or just 'cuz she's a whiny, little, selfish, bitch?

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  19:26:57  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It was just a way to trie to make you human to understand how a Avariels feels about loosing their wings, okey?
And there is intelligent lifeform roling round on a wheelchair right here on earth. About the great insult agains my charackter: It would depend on you making yourself ready with spells before we fight or not, and how much hp do you have, I do seriusly dobht that you would make it.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  20:43:37  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Mage [Dual-Classed]
Level: 8/31

Strenght: 16 [21]
Dextreity: 18
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 3 [18]
(I knew very well wich Items I would aquire, so I prepared my stats for it.)

-Protection From Evil
-Immunity to Poison/Disease
-1 HP regenerated every 5 sec.

Hitpoints: 157
AC: -7
Lore: 103
Base THAC0: 13
THACO (With Staff of the Magi): 0
Number of Attacks, with Staff: 3

Magic: 25%
***Due to Final Quest***
Acid: 25%
Cold: 25%
Fire: 25%
Immunity to +1 Weapons and Weaker
***Due to Final Quest***

Quarter Staff: *****
Crossbow: ****
Two-Handed Weapon: **

---Saving Throws:
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 2 (-6)
Staff/Poison/Wand: -3 (-6)
Petrify/Plymorph: -1 (-6)
Breath Weapon: 1 (-6)
Spell: -2 (-6)

- Robe of Vecna
- Gridle of (frost?)-gigant Strenght [21 strenght]
- Boots of Speed
Weapon 1:
- Staff of Magi
Weapon 2:
- Crossbow of Searing
- Amulet of Power
Ring 1:
- Ring of Gaxx
Ring 2:
- Ring of Human Influence [18 Charisma]
- Can't remember the name... that Ion Stone that gives +10% HP
- Bracers of AC 3
- Cloak of AC+2

(Although I *may* deviate from this setting this is usually my 'standard')
Level 1: [Max: 7]
-Magic Missile [x6]
-Shield [x1]
Level 2: [Max: 7]
-Mirror Image [x2]
-Knock [x1]
-Resist Fear [x2]
-Melf's Acid Arrow [x2]
Level 3: [Max: 7]
-Fireball [x3]
-Flame Arrow [x3]
-Lightning Bolt [x1]
Level 4: [Max: 7]
-Fire Shield (blue)[x2]
-Fire Shield (red) [x2]
-Stone Skin [x3]
Level 5: [Max: 7]
-Breach [x2]
-Domination [x1]
-Lower resistance [x2]
-Shadow Door [x1]
-Sunfire [x1]
Level 6: [Max: 7]
-Chain Lightning [x3]
-Flesh to Stone [x1]
-Mislead [x1]
-True Sight [x1]
-Call Wyvern [x1]
Level 7: [Max: 7]
-Finger of Death [x2]
-Project Image [x1]
-Mantle [x1]
-Spell Turning [x1]
-Spell Sequencer [x1]
-Ray of Reversal [x1]
Level 8: [Max: 7]
-Abi-Dalzim's [x3] (Love this spell)
-Pierce Shield [x2]
-Simulacrum [x1]
-Improved Mantle [x1]
Level 9: [Max: 7]
-Imprisonment [x1]
-Meteor [x1]
-Stop Time [x2]
-Improved Alcatry [x1]
-Spellstrike [x1]
-Spell Trap [x1]

And there yuo have a 'rough' description of my character.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P

Edited by - EcThelion on 19 Jan 2004 20:47:51
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  20:52:43  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Forgotten One

- Gridle of (frost?)-gigant Strenght [21 strenght]

No its Fire, and did you know taht it was posibble to get two ring of Gaxx?

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  20:55:23  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No. It's definentalyl Frost. And how do you get two rings of Gaxx?... Not that I'd use the other one, anyways, the 18 in charisma is a *must* for me.

So... how about the stats for your (BG2) character, then?

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

603 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:01:05  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dont remember my stats, but I am far to lazy too post them anyway. But his record in damage was 81 hp and he had 3 attack each round. And sorry, 21 is of course frost, but why dident you use fire instead?

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