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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 11 Dec 2003 : 15:22:12
Okey, to the big question. Who do you think is the coolest charackter in the hole Baldurs Gate series, that you can have in your party. I think I'l cast my vote for Tiax on first place, Hear'Dalis On second and Xzar on third. Now what do you think
Edited by - Alaundo on 11 Dec 2003 22:34:50
Learned Scribe
337 Posts |
Posted - 11 Dec 2003 : 16:08:37
never really liked the games that much but I like the one guy and the hamster. For the hamster only of course lol. |
"Madness you say! Do you fear me? Are you afraid of what I might do, of what I might say? What a fascinating reaction. Don't you find it somewhat encumbering?"
Piddles assumes a deep and resonant voice. "Space...the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...Garou. It's mission: to slay Wyrm creatures where they live and breed. To accumulate more Garou than the world's entire population. To produce metis like no one has before." - Piddles
"Aren't you people supposed to be doing something? Like, entertaining me, the fascist wizard?" - InleRah
I have the passwords to the minds of everyone and the cheat codes to the universe - Me |
Dracandos the Spellsage
Senior Scribe
466 Posts |
Posted - 11 Dec 2003 : 22:26:26
i like a lot of them, Minsc is the 1 Cult is refering 2, n i like him a lot, as well as Xzar, Korgan, Shar-Teel was pretty cool, Coran was an awesome theif, ah and Zan "Life is so hollow..." |
Death strips away the masks men don to hide their true nature - The Slayer's Guide to Undead
The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown from their passage - So Sayeth the Wise Alaundo
Whenever magic one doth weave, 'tis never ever wise to deceive - Elminster
Strength and power come from knowing and controlling what others do not, but never reveal all that you know - Vecna
I have been known to cast a blue mage spell now and again - Dracandos the Spellsage |
Arion Elenim
Senior Scribe
933 Posts |
Posted - 11 Dec 2003 : 22:33:44
I like the imp who serves you in the pocket plane: "Hmm. Slings be sucky. But maybe me make them less sucky." |
My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present. |
The Cardinal
Senior Scribe
647 Posts |
Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 01:59:46
Well let's see... Happy I am to see so many friends of our Favorite Zhent agent Xzar, So for me he takes first place, followed by Monty of course, Edwin takes third, while Korgan is fourth.... an Jan winds up at the bottom at fifth. Below him are the honorable mentions, Haer'Dalis, Yoshimo, Xan, Tiax, Boo, Minsc....
As for those that played the game, I am curious, Which romance plots was the highest on Everyone's list? (To clarify, which was the romance plot of most importance to you?) |
It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me. -Unknown |

77 Posts |
Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 03:10:38
Yoshimo was always real cool to me, and i know how to keep him |
Zaknafein Do'Urden: mentor, teacher, friend....To Zak, the one who inspired my courage. -Drizzt Do'Urden
Full plate and packing steel. |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 13:56:22
How do you keep Yosihimo then? I liked Zan pretty much to, but most for his flaming sword. He is almost to sucky to have on your theme, I mean he has 7 in constitution. I didnæt have much romances. The only one must have been between Hear'Dalis an Viconia, but that is not so weird couse them and Seravok was the only one I had on the team. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
337 Posts |
Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 14:44:07
You know I didnt have any? I only used a group of guys or a group of females. I didnt feel like putting up with mushy stuff? lol. Actually I wouldnt know. That just reminds me of a couple of gods. They were hot for each other in mortal life and still go at it in god hood all the time. Forgot which two though. |
"Madness you say! Do you fear me? Are you afraid of what I might do, of what I might say? What a fascinating reaction. Don't you find it somewhat encumbering?"
Piddles assumes a deep and resonant voice. "Space...the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...Garou. It's mission: to slay Wyrm creatures where they live and breed. To accumulate more Garou than the world's entire population. To produce metis like no one has before." - Piddles
"Aren't you people supposed to be doing something? Like, entertaining me, the fascist wizard?" - InleRah
I have the passwords to the minds of everyone and the cheat codes to the universe - Me |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 06:46:48
For pure power, there is noone to touch Sarevok. I mean stat points total to 93 or somethign, with grandmaster in two-handed sword, + his devastating attack. Hits for like 200+ damage. Awesome.
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Edain Shadowstar
Senior Scribe
455 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 20:17:56
I agree that Sarevok is awesome, as is Keldorn, especially with the Holy Avenger. Appropriately equipped they can wreck anything they come up against. Period. Jan recieve an honorable mention, since he is so funny, except that he sucks are a character. Haer'Dalis also goes up as a mention, but only because he's a Planescape tie-in, and Planescape ROCKS! Since we're talking about tie-ins, did everyone get all the tie-ins that existed in the Planar Sphere? If you did, congradulations. Viconia is easily in the top five, firstly because she's a Drow, and second because she is an awesome cleric...and you can make her good! No that's roleplaying.  |
Edain Shadowstar Archwizard of Rel Astra and Waterdeep
"Mmm…pie…" - Gaius Solarian, Captain General |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 21:14:58
Well Keldorn isn't that good. He is very good in SOA with the avenger, but in TOB all theifs and bards can use it so you realy doont need a charackter to veild the avenger. By the way, since Jan has been mensioned, has anyone here killed the Dwarf that treat Jans love and her daughter bad, I just wondered since Jan said he would kill him if he treated her bad again , but nothing has happend*
*I should maybe take that as a good sign, but I would rather have a task . |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Edain Shadowstar
Senior Scribe
455 Posts |
Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 22:00:35
The Holy Avenger is not the only reason Keldorn rocks. If you have not figured that out yet, you have not played Baldur's Gate II right. The Inquisitor kit is one of the best in the game because you get True Seeing and Dispel Magic that cast at an incredibly low casting time. If those are not priceless, what is? |
Edain Shadowstar Archwizard of Rel Astra and Waterdeep
"Mmm…pie…" - Gaius Solarian, Captain General |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 06:10:23
I would say that Keldorn can still hold his own in ToB. The inquisitor kit becomes insanely powerful at the end of the title, and the holy Avenger +6 is near peerless for raw power. It is also suited specifically to Keldorn and is on its own a worthwhile reason to have a Paladin in your party.
Since there are no Monk NPC's, A Keldorn/Minsc, and Sarevok Korgan combo can make a devastating front line. |
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 16:18:51
I have already been trough a debate aboute Paladins just reasent, and I do still not like them so much, and for gods sake, Keldorn is a old, lawful good Paladin. He is not very cool, and if you think Keldorn is worth having in your party becouse he is cool then you sould begin wondering if you have played the game right. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 16 Dec 2003 : 13:17:36
not to be pedantic Ezindir the dark: but your argument you had with someone else, somewhere else has no bearing here. Please explain why you feel the way you feel so we can all beenfit from your views 
I personally think Lawful good characters are nice to have, and have played BGII through at least 3 times with Paladins as my main character. I dont think he is worth having in my party cause he's cool. I think he is worth having in my party becuase he is the only inquisitor in the game. Dan Simpson and his colleagues who are the de fact accepted masters of BG, in their own teams, suggest having an inquisitor on mroe than one occasion. I therefore find a lot of weight in Edain's argument of pro Keldorn.
I think it is also that to say anyone is playing a game wrong is a bit unfair. Everyone plays their own way. I never play with Korgan or Viconia (until she changes anyway) and I almost always play with Aerie. Point is we all have our own preferences. |
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 16 Dec 2003 : 14:47:43
Well okay, a short resume: I think paladins are boring since they are so nice and good, they cant be evil and they cant do anything wrong with them onn your team you cant do anything wrong unless you whant them to bail you. Keldorn is also ooooolllld. And that playing right thing: he started. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe
191 Posts |
Posted - 16 Dec 2003 : 19:00:47
Minsc is da man! Really, the humor gets my vote. Cespenar was my *****, only because he'd ask if I brought home a lady imp and stuff like that. I'm soooo sorry, but I liked it. I could sit there and beat him if he got too annoying, too. |
-Space for rent- |

63 Posts |
Posted - 16 Dec 2003 : 20:05:59
MY favorite person was always me, because I was the child of a god, who knows how that came about?!? But My least favorite pERson is definitly Imoen. Shes horrible, and she whined to much. Her voice killed me and I hated her, But I as well like the Imp in the pocket plane,. Kaervok |
Master of Realmslore
1298 Posts |
Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 20:51:02
Imoen does kinda suck, but Aerie's constitution is worse. My party had me, as an assassin, Sarevok, Edwin, juss cuz hes sarcastic, Viconia, Korgan, and Haer'Dalis. He's kinda good if u know how to use him  |
The Chosen of Vhaeraun "Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri. |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 21:10:27
I used Haer'Dalis, Aeriee and Viconia and myself I was and elven Kensai so my party was really a kind of freaky elvens, you know Viconia, drow, Haer'Dalis, Thiefling, and Aerie, X bevinged elf . Cool or what   |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2004 : 21:42:55
My Party Consisted of: Myself - Ecthelion Level 8 Fighter / Mage+++ (Human. Dual-Class) - - Minsc The master of odd comments. Equipped him with a bad-ass Two-handed Warblade +4, and gave 'im that +10% HP Ion Stone - - Vyalgar "Minsc... have you seen professional care...? I just find it disturbing that one that fights so well has so little left of his bearings..." He was using his family Blade, and the Celestial Fury. I also equipped him, like all my characters, with a decent Missile Weapon, for those embarrasing times when you'd rather stand a bit back. - - Keldorn Simply 'cuz hes the only one that could use the +5 Sword that rocks, and for his True Seeing Ability. - - Aerie Although her annoying "My wings, my wings!!!" comments got on my nerves I still kept her around. She is a Mage, something wich I like. And She is a Cleirc, something wich enables her to heal my party, from time to time. (Alto, really) - - Imoen Why... err.... she's me sister? She's a Mage? She's Got good Lockpicking ability, so that I don't have to waste 1 level 2 spell on Knock? I don't really know why I kept her. Probably to keep my party all Good-aligmented.
The Cooles Character: MINSC!!!!! (& Boo) "Buttkicking for GOODNESS!!!" |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2004 : 21:56:51
It seemes to me that you are answering on all the topics I have made, this signs well . And I must remind you about Jan and Hear'Dalis who also could use the holy avanger if they get the use all item abilites. And heres a presantation of my party: Myself: Z'en Z'ar: Started as true nutral but ended up as lawful evil, elf(of course) kenai. He did sick much damage in the end, he took like 80 hp in a good critical hit, and that was without any belts of strength Aerie: Shes a good spellcaster and with crom feayr she gets okey in fighting, and she was perfect in my elven party Hear'Dalis: To cool to miss, and I needed one that could handle the avanger. And again he fittet perfectly in to my elven party Viconia: The only Cleric cool enough for my party, and I needed one that could use the flail of ages. and she fittet perfectly in to my elven party.  
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2004 : 22:58:30
Vionica has got 10 in strength... a little weak for the Flail I'd say. Then agin... you might have given her a belt.
As for answering all your threads... they were, oddly enough, one only ones I found to be immediately interesting.
Thsi does not bode well... not well at all... Just kidding  |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 16:09:39
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
I used Haer'Dalis, Aeriee and Viconia and myself I was and elven Kensai so my party was really a kind of freaky elvens, you know Viconia, drow, Haer'Dalis, Thiefling, and Aerie, X bevinged elf . Cool or what  
A tiefling is not an elf 
Anyways I liked Viconia best. |
A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..." |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 16:21:24
In baldurs gate it seems that it is. If you speak with Hear'Dalis before you make him join your party you can ask him about his history, he tells you that his mother was a elf and that his father was somthing he not would like to talk about. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 16:35:49
Well, in DnD and Forgotten Realms a Tiefling is actually half human and half something else from the planes, it's not an elf. The elf version is called a Fey'ri. So a tiefling is not an elf. Besides I wouldn't put too much in the info BG2 gives. It cane be somewhat incorrect  |
A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..." |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 16:53:38
Okey I wont from now, but then its wrong in IWD 2 as well. There they say that a tiefling is a human that has demon blood in his veins, and that thye often have small horns or lightning eyeies. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest

69 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2004 : 17:17:48
Well met
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
Okey I wont from now, but then its wrong in IWD 2 as well. There they say that a tiefling is a human that has demon blood in his veins, and that thye often have small horns or lightning eyeies.
Besides, I wouldn't put to much in the information IWD gives. It can be somewhat incorrect. 
If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was. |
5 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jan 2004 : 18:14:29
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
How do you keep Yosihimo then?
Simply put, I cheated. When Yoshimo breathed his last, I simply used the cheat commands to create a new Yoshimo. I then levelled him up to the level at which his dear-departed clone departed. Then I simply carried on as normal. In essence, I activated Yoshim-O-SOA 2. |
Topic  |