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 The Avatar Dweomer Master-An epic level PrC.
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Learned Scribe

140 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2003 :  05:55:06  Show Profile  Visit Gellion's Homepage Send Gellion a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
This is an epic level Prestige Class for D&D, when i say epic level, i mean for levels 21+. I did not create this PrC, that honor goes to Silmarien Aldalome at the Wizards of The Coast boards. It is also a Human only PrC. It is also for Forgotten Realms mainly. It is also not meant to be restricted by the rules.

Avatar Dweomer Master

Humans who have an excessive burning ambition and drive towards mastery occasionally create a Destiny for themselves that surpasses all knowledge, convention, expectation and known limits. This Journey of Emergence is a profound expression of human potential - and is neither straight-forward, easy, and certainly not without great risk, and pain.

All matter of the Universe is manufactured in stars. Stars begin the creation of matter with basic elements and by way of Fusion, create heavier elements - and so planetary matter, cosmic dust, and all the building blocks of life come from stars.

An Avatar Dweomer Master has discovered and learned mastery over the very forces of matter and nature. That is, you recognise how to "manifest the energy of stardust" that is locked deeply within every human body. This mastery resides in the space between Magical Energy and the Energy of Matter. Together, these two basic forces of life are unlocked by the Avatar Dweomer Master who has learned to control these wild forces of nature.

A human being of very high level, who is protected by the highest level Abjurations known to mages, and whose very body has collided with basic forces of nature - produces a Synergy Effect that results in the Annihilation of Body and the Immersion of Mind into the very Essence of the Universe. This is a collision of Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, Transformation, Transmutation, Evocation and Abjuration, results in a giant explosion that opens a trans-temporal portal - into the Space beyond Space, and Time Beyond Time.

This experience to the human cannot be characterised by word, voice, or phrase, but the expression "to be blasted into annihilation with Mind in-tact" partially describes the process.

In the No-Sphere of No-Time and No-Space, the Human is transformed. And if she chooses, she may re-corporate and return to the material plane, but she is forever irrevocably altered.


1. Any spell caster who can cast at least 9thlevel Abjuration.
2. Wisdom of 22 or higher.
3. An outstanding experience which challenged a characters core beliefs about absolutism and black and white thinking. To even begin to glean the mysteries of the universe, a person must be able to think outside of all learned convention and learned knowledge. Thus, the Human must have had a very serious challenge to their existing belief system before they can access Avatar statsu.
4. Maturity. Characters must be out of their young adulthood.
5. At least two Wisdom based Feats.
6. At least four Metamagic Feats.

Class Skills
Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Arcana), Concentration, Spellcraft, Alchemy.

Skill Points
4+Intelligence Modifier (i.e. as per Wizard)

Class Features
Weapon & Armour Proficiency as per parent Class

At every level, the character gains spell slots as if she had gained a level in the spellcasting/ranger class she belonged to.

However, she does not gain any other benefits of the parent class that would have been gained with level advancement (feats, special abilities). If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Freewalker, she must decide which class to add the new Prestige Class to for the purposes of determining spells per day.

The following table applies, even though this is an Epic Level PrC.

Avatar Dweomer Master Statistics

code:---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Avatar Dweomer Adept
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Avatar Dweomer Principle
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Avatar Dweomer Kindler
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Avatar Dweomer Ascendant
5 +5 +4 +2 +4 Avatar Dweomer Master--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Avatar Dweomer Adept
1. At first level, you may Counter-Magic as a free action, and without need or recourse to spells. You are so in touch with Native Magical Energy that it is yours to command freely.
2. You also learn to command the basic forces of nature: air, fire, water and earth - but in Epic proportions. This enables you, for example, to create storms, deserts, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, create fires over vast areas of land, or alternatively, you may stop these same effects. Any force of nature is yours to command. There is a DC check associated with use of this function

code:---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Proportion of Event
Small effect 15
Small-Moderate effect 20
Moderate effect 25
Moderate-large effect 30
Large effect 35
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Your DM will moderate these effects, and she will determine what is "small" versus "large". But, this is a Wisdom Based ability - and involves the interaction of Existential Energy (created by the Mind) with the forces of Nature. The Avatar adds their Wisdom Bonus to dice roll, and adds 5 per PrC Level (so a Large Effect has a 50-50 chance of success at maximum PrC level on a D-20 roll unmodified by Wisdom).
3. Weaveless Casting. You may cast all your spells without drawing on the Weave.

Avatar Dweomer Principle
1. You may create a Weaveless Mythallar. These effects are to be moderated by your DM, but may include basic Mythallar functions, such as Float City.
2. Alter Season. You may actually shift the Plantary Axis (the Procession of the planetary orbit) to literally change the current season.
3. Deepen Seasonal Effects. You may add degrees or subtract degrees of tilt to the Planetary Axis. If 'more tilt' was introduced, you could make both summers and winters more severe. Days would lengthen and shorten between solstices and equinoxes appropriately.

Avatar Dweomer Kindler

Change Sun's Energy. This function may make change the actual colour of a sun. So, you might change a yellow sun to a hotter sun (a blue sun) or to a cooler sun (a red sun).

Avatar Dweomer Ascendent

1. Explode or Create Sun/Planet: Your power has increased to such an extent that you can actually destroy or create a sun. The former disperses the sun's elements into space, the latter coalesces matter (Hydrogen).
2. Rip Space: this is a rending of "space". The effect is to disrupt all things in the Prime Material Plane inside the area of effect. It is a rending of the actual substance of the prime material plane - and the creation of Dark Matter or Dark Energy from Space. Dark Matter cannot be seen, measured or felt and neither can Dark Energy. These "zones" are not noticed as one passes through them (after the effect). They are in Unspace or Non-Space. But this effect causes Shar to accummulate Power into the Shadow Weave and disrupts the balances between deities.
3. Create Life: You are so in tune with Life Force that you can reverse entropy and create Life from Lifelessness.
4. Shift Planetary Orbit: you learn how to shift the obit of a planet either more close to the sun, or further away.

Avatar Dweomer Master

1. Avatar Status: this spell is akin to Karsus' Avatar - it permits you to subsume another Deity into your "portfolio" thereby increasing your power. But, when you interfere with Deific boundary-space, you will attract the attention of several deities.
2. Life-Extension: you glean mastery over flesh to such extent that your body becomes Timeless.

"Paladine, you see the evil that surrounds me! You have been witness to the calamities that have been the scourge of Krynn... You must see now that this doctrine of balance will not work! I can sweep evil from this land. Destroy the ogre races. Bring the wayward humans into line! Find new homelands far away for the dwarves and the kender and the gnomes, those races not of your creation... I demand that you give me, too, the power to drive away the shadows of evil that darken the land!"- THE REIGN OF ISTAR, Tales IV

The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2003 :  13:50:51  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This seems pretty stable at first glance. I don't have time to fully digest it all now though, but I will say that I have never felt comfortable about a PrC having an ability score prerequisite.

Perhaps something else is in order...or simply drop the requirement. Your prerequisites are pretty specific as is.

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Learned Scribe

140 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2003 :  08:14:15  Show Profile  Visit Gellion's Homepage Send Gellion a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"Paladine, you see the evil that surrounds me! You have been witness to the calamities that have been the scourge of Krynn... You must see now that this doctrine of balance will not work! I can sweep evil from this land. Destroy the ogre races. Bring the wayward humans into line! Find new homelands far away for the dwarves and the kender and the gnomes, those races not of your creation... I demand that you give me, too, the power to drive away the shadows of evil that darken the land!"- THE REIGN OF ISTAR, Tales IV
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Great Reader

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Posted - 09 Oct 2003 :  04:18:09  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It seems a bit heavy-handed. Creating and snuffing out stars? This sounds like a PrC that needs a prerequisite of 'divine rank 0 or better.'

I'm not sure I like having that many physics references in it. It would be better if it were, say, using terms we wouldn't use. For instance, I've read one fantasy that referred to atoms, but called them 'smallbits.'

Mostly I don't like the assumption about 'dark matter' and 'dark energy.' And that, in turn, stems from my irritation with the whole subject in general. It smacks of Einstein's 'cosmological constant' -- the bit he put in his equation to fudge the results. He realized that unless there was a constant force pushing out, the universe would collapse under its own gravity. When he was shown proof of an expanding univers many years later, he called it his biggest blunder. I think that they're fudging things again; it's far more likely that we've got the math wrong, and not that the universe has all this hidden matter that we can't detect by any means. Sure, there has to be some out there, but I don't think there could be enough to account for the 'missing 90%.'

So fusion I can accept, if they call it something else. Maybe matter-melding -- I don't know. I'd have to give it some thought. But putting in something we basically know nothing about . . . that sounds too Star Trekky to me. (I still cringe at the thought of 'clouds of dark matter' and 'dark matter aliens.' Almost as bad as something being frozen about seventy degrees below absolute zero, or a 'hole' in an event horizon . . . . . )

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Silmarien Aldalome

24 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2014 :  20:13:16  Show Profile Send Silmarien Aldalome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And...after a decade, I found this was one, which was of dozens of PrCs I cut at Wizards on the Coast. I'll see if I can find some of the old stuff. Gellion was a long-standing member of the Half-Elven Foundation where we met. He loved the upper-echelon powers in the then D&D V3 and 3.5.....

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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  03:50:46  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Welcome (back) Silmarien. If I may, what exactly is the purpose of this PrC? I don't see any sane DM ever allowing it into a game unless it's meant to be the 'retiring event' for a long-lasting and well-played epic campaign.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Dark Wizard
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  06:30:10  Show Profile Send Dark Wizard a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Reviving a thread over ten years old. The Necro-posting is strong with this one. Is this a record?

Welcome back to the land of the undying.
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Great Reader

2399 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  10:28:17  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gellion

This is an epic level Prestige Class for D&D,[...] It is also not meant to be restricted by the rules.
I suspect it's redundant, but okay.
Avatar Dweomer Master
The proposed name sounds derpy already, but let's fly on.
Humans who have an excessive burning ambition and drive towards mastery occasionally create a Destiny for themselves that surpasses all knowledge, convention, expectation and known limits. This Journey of Emergence is a profound expression of human potential - and is neither straight-forward, easy, and certainly not without great risk, and pain.
The description contains an excess of inflatable words that don't really add anything. Is it to underscore "not meant to be restricted by the rules" part?
(dons a robe and wizard hat)
All matter of the Universe is manufactured in stars.
Really? These little shiny gems? I'm not saying they don't add to, say, the Weave, or navigation, but...
(hurls a stick) (stick bounces), pray tell, any matter would get out of there? This coating doesn't allow anything but light through...
(hurls a stick with cleaving spell on it) (stick passes the shield, hits the crystalline surface and gets instantly incinerated) (tells the helmsman to pull away really fast)
...which is just as well, 'cause far as we can see, it looks like the blasted thing got an exactly opposite effect on most forms of matter.
An Avatar Dweomer Master has discovered and learned mastery over the very forces of matter and nature. That is, you recognise how to "manifest the energy of stardust" that is locked deeply within every human body.
Ah. I see now. Memo to self: ask Elminster to never let musical boxes with that "Boweye" singer out of his hands ever again. Or bring them to Magefairs. Especially not to bring them to Magefairs.
This mastery resides in the space between Magical Energy and the Energy of Matter. Together, these two basic forces of life are unlocked by the Avatar Dweomer Master who has learned to control these wild forces of nature. A human being of very high level, who is protected by the highest level Abjurations known to mages, and whose very body has collided with basic forces of nature - produces a Synergy Effect that results in the Annihilation of Body and the Immersion of Mind into the very Essence of the Universe. This is a collision of Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, Transformation, Transmutation, Evocation and Abjuration, results in a giant explosion that opens a trans-temporal portal - into the Space beyond Space, and Time Beyond Time.
Especially given what sorts of drinks are often served at Magefairs. Ouch.
Avatar Dweomer Master
1. Avatar Status: this spell is akin to Karsus' Avatar - it permits you to subsume another Deity into your "portfolio" thereby increasing your power. But, when you interfere with Deific boundary-space, you will attract the attention of several deities.
Yeah, figures.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Silmarien Aldalome

24 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  13:29:35  Show Profile Send Silmarien Aldalome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Silmarien Aldalome

And...after a decade, I found this was one, which was of dozens of PrCs I cut at Wizards on the Coast. I'll see if I can find some of the old stuff. Gellion was a long-standing member of the Half-Elven Foundation where we met. He loved the upper-echelon powers in the then D&D V3 and 3.5.....


I hear you :) Not a PrC to invite to a dinner party :) She/he might sneeze and put the planet off kilter :)

I remember cutting the PrC as a bit of fun, for an old mate, Gellion. I imagine that this'd be pretty hard to DM or to integrate into any campaign, though the PrC might serve as a kind of "dark lord" or "high lord" NPC concept. That you build into your mythology.

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Silmarien Aldalome

24 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  13:31:47  Show Profile Send Silmarien Aldalome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dark Wizard

Reviving a thread over ten years old. The Necro-posting is strong with this one. Is this a record?

Welcome back to the land of the undying.

ha ha ha :) I've got a grin on my face at all the nostalgia!

*as Yoda would say* "help you I will. The force is strong in this one. Back from the dead he is".....

It's good to be back :)

Edited by - Silmarien Aldalome on 18 Feb 2014 13:41:48
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Silmarien Aldalome

24 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  13:36:13  Show Profile Send Silmarien Aldalome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by Gellion

This is an epic level Prestige Class for D&D,[...] It is also not meant to be restricted by the rules.
I suspect it's redundant, but okay.
Avatar Dweomer Master
The proposed name sounds derpy already, but let's fly on.
Humans who have an excessive burning ambition and drive towards mastery occasionally create a Destiny for themselves that surpasses all knowledge, convention, expectation and known limits. This Journey of Emergence is a profound expression of human potential - and is neither straight-forward, easy, and certainly not without great risk, and pain.
The description contains an excess of inflatable words that don't really add anything. Is it to underscore "not meant to be restricted by the rules" part?
(dons a robe and wizard hat)
All matter of the Universe is manufactured in stars.
Really? These little shiny gems? I'm not saying they don't add to, say, the Weave, or navigation, but...
(hurls a stick) (stick bounces), pray tell, any matter would get out of there? This coating doesn't allow anything but light through...
(hurls a stick with cleaving spell on it) (stick passes the shield, hits the crystalline surface and gets instantly incinerated) (tells the helmsman to pull away really fast)
...which is just as well, 'cause far as we can see, it looks like the blasted thing got an exactly opposite effect on most forms of matter.
An Avatar Dweomer Master has discovered and learned mastery over the very forces of matter and nature. That is, you recognise how to "manifest the energy of stardust" that is locked deeply within every human body.
Ah. I see now. Memo to self: ask Elminster to never let musical boxes with that "Boweye" singer out of his hands ever again. Or bring them to Magefairs. Especially not to bring them to Magefairs.
This mastery resides in the space between Magical Energy and the Energy of Matter. Together, these two basic forces of life are unlocked by the Avatar Dweomer Master who has learned to control these wild forces of nature. A human being of very high level, who is protected by the highest level Abjurations known to mages, and whose very body has collided with basic forces of nature - produces a Synergy Effect that results in the Annihilation of Body and the Immersion of Mind into the very Essence of the Universe. This is a collision of Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, Transformation, Transmutation, Evocation and Abjuration, results in a giant explosion that opens a trans-temporal portal - into the Space beyond Space, and Time Beyond Time.
Especially given what sorts of drinks are often served at Magefairs. Ouch.
Avatar Dweomer Master
1. Avatar Status: this spell is akin to Karsus' Avatar - it permits you to subsume another Deity into your "portfolio" thereby increasing your power. But, when you interfere with Deific boundary-space, you will attract the attention of several deities.
Yeah, figures.

Thanx for the feedback. Gotta good hearty chuckle outa me :) When I read the PrC my retinas burned with the concepts. I really can't see any way to apply the PrC in any kind of low level or even epic level campaign. Maybe some of the mythology bits and pieces are usable in a NPC kind of way.

Yours Derpily :) (Mystra won't be at all happy with the PrC)


[edit]I just re-read your response and went from guffaws to a lot of LoLs and haven't had a good laugh about D&D stuff like that for years. :) It was the 'gems' comments that gets me going....hahaha...[/edit]

Edited by - Silmarien Aldalome on 18 Feb 2014 13:40:13
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Silmarien Aldalome

24 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  14:08:03  Show Profile Send Silmarien Aldalome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Avatar Sun-Sage Master

Humans who have an burning ambition and are driven towards mastery occasionally create opportunities for themselves with results not predited by the creator Ao in the destiny for humans. In moments of great desperation, awe and inspiration, humans have the potential to excel boundaries of knowledge and convention, and break the limits imposed by Mystra upon human magical advancement. To do so, the person needs to draw on additional metaphysical energy, beyond that bounded by Mystra's Weave or Shar's Shadow Weave. The attempt is a great risk and brings certain pain.

It is from the essence of matter, not of the magic of the Weave that the Sun-Sage Master draws together metaphysics, magic with the laws of matter and energy. The physical Universe is manufactured in stars. Stars begin the creation of matter with basic elements and by way of fusion, create heavier elements - and so planetary matter, cosmic dust, and all the building blocks of life come from stars.

A Sun-Sage Master has discovered and learned mastery over the forces of matter and nature. They recognise that the corporeal body is, basically, an organised, biological form of matter that is stardust. The available energy of this sub-molecular structure is vast, and tapping into it fortifies magical expression. To master this dimension of matter and energy, the Sun-Sage Master develops lore in an appreciation of how to blend energy from the Weave.

A master of the Shadow Weave may also become a Sun-Sage Master, but provided Shar is in possession of the Karstone, in order to grant 9th level spells to her Wizards. However, the term for such a person is Dark Sun-Sage Master. Such a person draws on dark energy and dark matter in the alternative form of the prestige class.

A human being of very high level, and who is protected by the highest level Abjurations known to mages, and who structures those protections properly, can create a kind of metaphysical shielding that will protect the human body from the exposures to energy equivalent to that of fusion. It is the synergy effect that results that annihilates the corporeal body. The energy of the corporeal body is harnessed by the Sun-Sage Master in order to form a metaphysical shield to protect the mind during the immersion of mind, into magical power and with the latent energy in the matter of the universe. This is also collision of Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, Transformation, Transmutation, Evocation and Abjuration, which results in a giant explosion that opens a trans-temporal portal. The living mind, now shielded metaphysically, is propelled out of the 3 dimensional universe, beyond space and beyond time and beyond a universe defined by laws of physics. This process transforms the human, permaently altering the fundamental organisation of their mind. She or he may assume a corporeal body, when required, and when interacting in the material universe.


1. Any spell caster who can cast at least 9th level Abjuration.
2. Wisdom of 22 or higher.
3. An outstanding experience which required a desperate act during a moment of otherwise certain doom for the person. Without the visceral threat to their existence, there is no means to excel boundaries of knowing, body and self.

4. Maturity combined with reckless ambition. This is a recognised duality and unreconciled schism of their basic personality. The synnergy effect required in the transformation requires that the Sun-Sage Master draw together seemingly irreconcilable concepts in order to be transformed into a being that excels their original human form.
5. At least two Wisdom based Feats.
6. At least four Metamagic Feats.

Class Skills
Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Arcana), Concentration, Spellcraft, Alchemy.

Skill Points
4+Intelligence Modifier (i.e. as per Wizard)

Class Features
Weapon & Armour Proficiency as per parent Class

At every level, the character gains spell slots as if she had gained a level in the spellcasting/ranger class she belonged to.

However, she does not gain any other benefits of the parent class that would have been gained with level advancement (feats, special abilities). If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Freewalker, she must decide which class to add the new Prestige Class to for the purposes of determining spells per day.

The following table applies, even though this is an Epic Level PrC.

Sun-Sage Master Statistics

LvlBAB Fort Ref Will
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Sun-Sage Adept
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Sun-Sage Principle
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Sun-Sage Kindler
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Sun-Sage Ascendant
5 +5 +4 +2 +4 Sun-Sage Master

Sun-Sage Adept
1. At first level, you may Counter-Magic as a free action, and without need or recourse to spells. You are so in touch with Native Magical Energy that it is yours to command freely.
2. You also learn to command the basic forces of nature: air, fire, water and earth - but in Epic proportions. This enables you, for example, to create storms, deserts, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, create fires over vast areas of land, or alternatively, you may stop these same effects. Any force of nature is yours to command. There is a DC check associated with use of this function

Proportion of Event
Small effect 15
Small-Moderate effect 20
Moderate effect 25
Moderate-large effect 30
Large effect 35

Your DM will moderate these effects, and she will determine what is "small" versus "large". But, this is a Wisdom Based ability - and involves the interaction of Existential Energy (created by the Mind) with the forces of Nature. The Avatar adds their Wisdom Bonus to dice roll, and adds 5 per PrC Level (so a Large Effect has a 50-50 chance of success at maximum PrC level on a D-20 roll unmodified by Wisdom).
3. Weaveless Casting. You may cast all your spells without drawing on the Weave.

Sun-Sage Principle
1. You may create a Weaveless Mythallar. These effects are to be moderated by your DM, but may include basic Mythallar functions, such as Float City.
2. Alter Season. You may actually shift the Plantary Axis (the Procession of the planetary orbit) to literally change the current season.
3. Deepen Seasonal Effects. You may add degrees or subtract degrees of tilt to the Planetary Axis. If 'more tilt' was introduced, you could make both summers and winters more severe. Days would lengthen and shorten between solstices and equinoxes appropriately.

Sun-Sage Kindler

Change Sun's Energy. This function may make change the actual colour of a sun. So, you might change a yellow sun to a hotter sun (a blue sun) or to a cooler sun (a red sun).

Sun-Sage Ascendent

1. Explode or Create Sun/Planet: Your power has increased to such an extent that you can actually destroy or create a sun. The former disperses the sun's elements into space, the latter coalesces matter (Hydrogen).
2. Rip Space: this is a rending of "space". The effect is to disrupt all things in the Prime Material Plane inside the area of effect. It is a rending of the actual substance of the prime material plane - and the creation of Dark Matter or Dark Energy from Space. Dark Matter cannot be seen, measured or felt and neither can Dark Energy. These "zones" are not noticed as one passes through them (after the effect). They are in Unspace or Non-Space. But this effect causes Shar to accummulate Power into the Shadow Weave and disrupts the balances between deities.
3. Create Life: You are so in tune with Life Force that you can reverse entropy and create Life from Lifelessness.
4. Shift Planetary Orbit: you learn how to shift the obit of a planet either more close to the sun, or further away.

Sun-Sage Master

1. Avatar Status: this spell is akin to Karsus' Avatar. I
t permits you to subsume another Deity into your "portfolio" thereby increasing your power. But, when you interfere with Deific boundary-space, you will attract the attention of several deities.
2. Life-Extension: you glean mastery over flesh to such extent that your body becomes Timeless.

Edited by - Silmarien Aldalome on 18 Feb 2014 14:26:55
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Silmarien Aldalome

24 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2014 :  14:09:29  Show Profile Send Silmarien Aldalome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Revised. I saw the problem with the language. Too flowery and nonsensically verbose.

I also renamed the PrC. And I want to create a variation of the PrC powers for Shadow Weave users. I'd like them to do stuff with dark energy and dark matter, rather than with suns and so on....


Edited by - Silmarien Aldalome on 18 Feb 2014 14:29:58
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