Does anyone have this one because I have seen it in stores but I have not had a chance to see it. In a campaign I have a Daerns instant fortress and I was wondering if this book would help.
It's helpful, period. It helps you design everything from the lowliest goblin hive to the largest castle you can imagine. If your players are in the habit of acquiring land and buildings, you should buy it, because it has detailed costs for everything. You could alter the Cheap Keep example stronghold for your instant fortress.
Thanks I will probably buy it not really for the building itself but the seige and defense equipment. I eventually am going to have one of my groups take on a seige.
Some believe there is something more after death, if you really want to find out... go kill yourself and stop pestering me.
It'll definitely help. The issue of Dragon that was released that month had some amazing articles that built on the Guidebook. If you can find that issue, buy it too.