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Learned Scribe

216 Posts

Posted - 02 Aug 2003 :  16:05:03  Show Profile  Visit Salabasha's Homepage Send Salabasha a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I noticed that the more armour and such you put on, the lower the number indicating your armour class (I think that is what it is) lowers until it eventually reaches the negatives. Once it reaches -1, -2 etc. is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Also, how come the ring or pro +1 and +2 don't work with some types of armours?

Life is like a box of chocolates. Once you eat the poisoned one you die.

Edited by - Alaundo on 03 Aug 2003 19:58:38

Master of Realmslore

1287 Posts

Posted - 02 Aug 2003 :  18:11:16  Show Profile Send Mournblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salabasha

I noticed that the more armour and such you put on, the lower the number indicating your armour class (I think that is what it is) lowers until it eventually reaches the negatives. Once it reaches -1, -2 etc. is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Also, how come the ring or pro +1 and +2 don't work with some types of armours?

The BG games were D&D 2nd edition. D&D 2nd ed was a table based system where the more negative your AC was the better it was. Also in 2nd edition, rings of protection could not be used with armour. There are going to be more confusing things in BG if you are not familiar with 2nd edition, so don't worry.

A wizard is Never late Frodo Baggins. Nor is he Early. A wizard arrives precisely when he means to...

Edited by - Mournblade on 02 Aug 2003 18:15:14
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Great Reader

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Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  00:35:35  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, I just started playing Icewind Dale, and I had a bit of trouble getting reajusted. I never really understood all the ins and outs of many things in the 2e games, but looking at them again makes me appreciate many of the adjustments that were made for the better in 3e.

Of course, I haven't played a 3e game yet. I almost bought Neverwinter Nights the other day, but couldn't. (I was a few bucks short.) My brother bought it instead, giving me IWD now that he had a new game. (Hand-me-downs. Woo. )

Oh well. I'm having fun showing him how different things were. He had no idea what a feat was, even though I'd told him about them. Plus he's one of those people who never use the rule books if they can help it. It's a good thing I was around to help him -- he was highly confused about the armor issue, too.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 24 Nov 2013 :  08:58:22  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Negative was always good in both games.

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~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."

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