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Senior Scribe

544 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  17:53:14  Show Profile  Visit Ardashir's Homepage Send Ardashir a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Just in time for Valentine's Day -- have you, or any of the characters in your Realmsian campaigns, ever been RPed through a romantic relationship that was a trifle odd?

After all, in the Realms, you have song dragons, medusas, fiends, dopplegangers, lycanthropes, drow, and a horde of other unusual sorts that humans and demihumans sometimes fall for.

I was also wondering just how you think these relationships might be viewed in the setting. It's one thing for that wealthy merchant's son to bring back a girl from the bad part of town and announce their eternal love and impending marriage; it's quite another when she turns out to be a shapeshifted dragon...

The closest I ever got was a lady who told my charcter she wanted to "share something with him...", that being her (weretiger) lycanthropy. *cue leaping, snarling, and rending*

Thanks for any responses.

Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
762 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  18:10:54  Show Profile Send Kiaransalyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There are two stories I can tell here.

One is not that romantic but is funny. It concerns a brothel in the Braeryn in Menzoberranzan, where the owner used polymorphed orcs. That fact only came to light when the PC's were investigating a polymorphed Mind Flayer who was working in the same establishment.

The other odd relationship involved my favourite PC, who was a male cleric of Kiaransalee. Since she said she would not accept males, he castrated himself to prove his loyalty to her and because he could then claim not to be a male and therefore a worthy candidate for her clergy. His sacrifice amused the White Banshee and she accepted him as a cleric. However, as an evil deity she also had some cruel fun with him. She visited him nightly in erotic dreams. He was a lot of fun to role-play since he was a total emotional mess, in love with his goddess but completely unable to consummate his love. As a mere mortal he knew he had no control in the relationship. As a unique member of her clergy and distrusted by other Kiaransaleen clerics he was entirely dependent on her.

On the surface, he was cold and immune to the charms of any other mortal. On the inside, he was a torment of unrequited love, hopelessly in love with one who considered him an object of amusement.

Death is Life
Love is Hate
Revenge is Forgiveness

Ken: You from the States?
Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me.
Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass.

Edited by - Kiaransalyn on 13 Feb 2009 18:13:04
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  18:17:52  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nothing odd for me... The closest thing to any kind of non-standard is that one of my Lords of Waterdeep is a human male (he's a quarter-elven) in a relationship with two elven women.

I've been trying to decide one thing about one of my other NPCs, though: the minotaur I used to play, that I decided to drop into the Realms as an NPC. I've not yet figured out whether or not he's a happy bachelor with no apparent romantic interests, or if he likes demihuman females. The former option is easier while the latter could be physically problematic. I've not decided which way to go with him, and I know that part of the reason I like the bachelor option for him is that there aren't going to be a lot of women throwing themselves at a guy that stands over seven feet tall and literally has the face of a cow.

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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  18:24:02  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We once had a druid who had a goat for an animal companion. There were a lot of open questions about that relationship...

Other than that, I can't really think of any odd relationships in my Realms campaigns. There was the character who became unwitting party to a Sharran breeding experiment, but that was hardly a relationship.

My current character is in an odd romantic relationship, but that's in a Mystara campaign. It was already odd to have a dwarf fall in love with an elf, but when she suddenly transformed into a bronze dragon and bit the villain in half, things really got strange. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, indeed...

Erskine Fincher
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  19:03:24  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I played in a (non-D&D) RPG a LONG time ago, and one of our main players (there was like twenty people in the group!) ran a female Werewolf, who was more like a she-wolf (in personality).

Basically, the player had a great time seducing everyone else - NPCs and PCs alike (and IIRC, this wasn't really a wole lot different then the player's real personality...)

Anyhow, in this game world we didn't have a lot of social 'hang-ups' about same-sex relations (ED would have approved - I think he could have been great friends with my DM), and I also had a female character (although in my case, this was the opposite of my RW sex).

MY PC was a Voila - a Nordic 'witch', who's devotion to Odin was similar in many ways to that of a Catholic Nun - in other words, she was 'married to god', so no hanky-panky.

The other player loved to torure me by haviing her PC follow mine around and hit on her every chance she got (including trying to get her drunk). I remember one session in particular wherein I spent most of the time running around a bar trying to get the hell away from her (which everyone else present found funny as hell).

It seems the more I ran, the more determined she became.

Reminds me of real life love.

Anyway, thats the closest I've ever come IG - she never did 'have her way' - my chracter was level 21, and she would have lost ALL her abilites if she was NOT a virgin!!!

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 13 Feb 2009 19:05:01
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Senior Scribe

387 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  20:00:41  Show Profile  Visit Nerfed2Hell's Homepage Send Nerfed2Hell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Does an orc cleric of Gruumsh getting even with a paladin of Tyr for plucking out his remaining eye by claiming her virginity count? No one in my group thought that was very cool when the DM whipped that out on us.

Then there was a paladin nobleman from Cormyr who was seduced by pixie druid of Silvanus.

My personal favorite, though, was when the party rogue was polymorphed into a medusa and went seeking a fix. She found a half-demon sorcerer who agreed to restore her to human in exchange for some good lovin'... before he changed her back. Turns out he really liked snakes and her new hair was something of a turn-on.

Some people are like a slinky... not good for much, but when you push them down the stairs, it makes you smile.
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  20:19:34  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One of my characters was going out if you like with a barmaid but in truth she was a hag. he never got to find out he died in undermountain. so there may be a girl out there his child that if not careful will become a hag when the 13 rituals are performed. she is new character of mine, sorcerer level 1 she is 16 years old. I put her character sheet aside, not having a group to play with is shame... i had great plans for her. the adventure would had gone around her looking for her dad or she thought so, her mother was actually trying to prepare her for the rituals some have been performed already, the idea was that the hag would be watching her making sure she is around and etc. in the end she would discover what happen about her dad and her mum the hag. and in the end she would have to eventually kill her.

Purple you say?!

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  20:33:07  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The hag business was not planned it was just the DM at the time trying to mess up things and etc part of some sub plot, my character was the first and ever character that i had with 3 true 18's on his stats It was the best rolls i ever had. all stats were good, i made him into a warrior 18 dex, 18 str and 18 con. killing machine. but ... as things go no one is invulnerable he eventually died in Undermountain it was an accident with a encounter, loads of trolls were attacking the party so we were getting owned the previous fight was difficult and all our fire (spells etc) was out. I sacrificed my character to save the group, there was a room not far from where we were that had a some crazy contraption with a encaged fire elemental we went there the group go past the room and sealed the door and my character stayed to free the elemental when the trolls got there.

it was possible to go around from the other door to the door where the trolls were, so the party went round and sealed that door to when all trolls were inside. when that was done my character destroyed the seal on the machine.

Purple you say?!

Edited by - Portella on 13 Feb 2009 20:36:46
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  20:44:12  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Besides that I slept with the drow woman in Baldurs gate jahiera got ever so jealous when i did.

Purple you say?!

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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

4598 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  21:34:05  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was going to mention an unusual romance coming up in Downshadow, but when I think about it, most of my Realms writing has love affairs of varying degrees of oddity.

(Not sharing for the sake of spoilers, but if you've read them, you probably know what I mean. This trend will continue, I expect.)

My favorite bit of romantic comedy regards the main character of Ghostwalker, who may or may not be dead, and BOY does that complicate things for some readers!


P.S. Then there's always a bit of speculation regarding a certain apocryphal and as-yet-unpublished elf x goliath love scene . . .

Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  23:05:14  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

P.S. Then there's always a bit of speculation regarding a certain apocryphal and as-yet-unpublished elf x goliath love scene . . .

Have you been reading my notes I made for possible plot-hooks after Depths of Madness, Erik?

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
762 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  23:16:48  Show Profile Send Kiaransalyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Then there's always a bit of speculation regarding a certain apocryphal and as-yet-unpublished elf x goliath love scene . . .

Oh my!
I take it comments about the goliath being rock-hard are just too smutty and would incur the wrath of the moderators. [Psionics] So, I haven't said them, you haven't read them, we've certainly never thought them and when we have, our thoughts immediately turn to the weather and whether to take the darjeeling this afternoon. It looks like it's snowing.[/Psionics]

Death is Life
Love is Hate
Revenge is Forgiveness

Ken: You from the States?
Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me.
Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass.
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
Great Reader

7106 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  23:32:53  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've played enough of the FR/D&D CRPGs to get some rather odd romances. Haven't played Mask of the Betrayer yet, but I know the option for male PCs is a (neutral) Red Wizard, and the option for female PCs is a hagspawn.

In Hordes of the Underdark I romanced Valen, a tiefling who had some serious issues regarding his heritage (as he was the son of a cambion, he was actually 1/4 demon rather than just distantly related to one). And in one very good fan-made NWN module (not FR, btw), my PC romanced a former paladin turned druid who always wore a helmet in-game that could not be removed because his face had been heavily scarred as per his background. When the romance with him is consumated, you get a nice little cutscene where he takes the helmet off for the PC, but the camera views it all from behind so you still don't get to see his face.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)

Edited by - Rinonalyrna Fathomlin on 13 Feb 2009 23:33:20
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The Red Walker
Great Reader

3563 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  00:30:51  Show Profile Send The Red Walker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I was going to mention an unusual romance coming up in Downshadow, but when I think about it, most of my Realms writing has love affairs of varying degrees of oddity.

(Not sharing for the sake of spoilers, but if you've read them, you probably know what I mean. This trend will continue, I expect.)

My favorite bit of romantic comedy regards the main character of Ghostwalker, who may or may not be dead, and BOY does that complicate things for some readers!


P.S. Then there's always a bit of speculation regarding a certain apocryphal and as-yet-unpublished elf x goliath love scene . . .

It twould be just like Fox at Twilight to turn a Goliath into a submissive

A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka

"We need men who can dream of things that never were." -

John F. Kennedy, speech in Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963
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16 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  02:05:27  Show Profile  Visit 4uk4ata's Homepage Send 4uk4ata a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I had a plan for a necromancer character who had a soft spot for liquor and (when drunk) paladins. That could be one embarassing morning after :D
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Senior Scribe

436 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  03:24:57  Show Profile Send Brynweir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aasimar married to a half-erinyes.

Her mother is not happy .

Anyone who likes to read something that's really dark and gritty and completely awesome ought to read The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. You can check out a little taste at I should probably warn you, though, that it is definitely not PG-13 :-D

He also started a new Trilogy with Black Prism, which may even surpass the Night Angel Trilogy in its awesomeness.

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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
358 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  04:51:49  Show Profile Send BlackAce a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh heck, where to begin! I'll leave out the obvious ones, though I think the Gold Dwarf who married a half-elf is worth a passing mention.

The best one though has to be a friend who had his Paladin fall in love with an elf (statuette) who'd been petrified. Much in-charater mooning ensued, culminating in him kissing the statue/elf. If that hadn't been funny enough the DM, just to tweak his nose, had the elf finally get depetrified.
Only instead of the grateful, winsome (and buxom) Coronal's daughter our paladin expected, it turned out to be one of the male guard officers who'd been disguised as her, to act as a decoy for the real daughter's escape from the BBEG's henchmen.

Edited by - BlackAce on 14 Feb 2009 04:52:23
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Pasta Fzoul

79 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  04:54:13  Show Profile Send Pasta Fzoul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Now that I think about it, yes, although it technically happened "off-stage". I once played a half-orc cleric of Deneir; his mother was the heiress of a wealthy Sembian (if I remember correctly) family, and his father was a half-orc slave on their estate. They fell in love, my character was conceived, and when the situation became apparent, he was left as an orphan in the care of a nearby temple, his father having fled the wrathful lord of the manor.
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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  06:25:38  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BlackAce

Only instead of the grateful, winsome (and buxom) Coronal's daughter our paladin expected, it turned out to be one of the male guard officers who'd been disguised as her, to act as a decoy for the real daughter's escape from the BBEG's henchmen.

Did the guard return his affections?

Erskine Fincher
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Great Reader

2950 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  09:05:27  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I remember there being a few weird combinations after we got the Complete Humanoids handbook. The kobolt, human mix is in hindsight the weirdest. especially as there were children.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  14:19:39  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You invented Dragonborn!

Albeit small ones...

Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

Then there was a paladin nobleman from Cormyr who was seduced by pixie druid of Silvanus.

The Pixie was the female, right?

Even so, that sounds incredibly... painful.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Senior Scribe

544 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  18:09:42  Show Profile  Visit Ardashir's Homepage Send Ardashir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

The other odd relationship involved my favourite PC, who was a male cleric of Kiaransalee. Since she said she would not accept males, he castrated himself to prove his loyalty to her and because he could then claim not to be a male and therefore a worthy candidate for her clergy. His sacrifice amused the White Banshee and she accepted him as a cleric. However, as an evil deity she also had some cruel fun with him. She visited him nightly in erotic dreams. He was a lot of fun to role-play since he was a total emotional mess, in love with his goddess but completely unable to consummate his love. As a mere mortal he knew he had no control in the relationship. As a unique member of her clergy and distrusted by other Kiaransaleen clerics he was entirely dependent on her.

On the surface, he was cold and immune to the charms of any other mortal. On the inside, he was a torment of unrequited love, hopelessly in love with one who considered him an object of amusement.

Okay, that's fairly dark. It sounds appropriate for a drow goddess, but, still...
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Senior Scribe

544 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  18:10:54  Show Profile  Visit Ardashir's Homepage Send Ardashir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I've not decided which way to go with him, and I know that part of the reason I like the bachelor option for him is that there aren't going to be a lot of women throwing themselves at a guy that stands over seven feet tall and literally has the face of a cow.

I've seen some of the more.. unique, World of Warcraft Tauren fan art. You might be surprised.
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Learned Scribe

147 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  18:15:34  Show Profile  Visit GoCeraf's Homepage Send GoCeraf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My planetouched mongrelfolk made things awkward.

Mortal women found him off-putting. Outsider women were attracted to him.

Cue in an unexpected meeting with Glasya, and... well...

Being sarcastic can be more telling than simply telling.

Edited by - GoCeraf on 14 Feb 2009 18:16:58
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Senior Scribe

544 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  18:17:09  Show Profile  Visit Ardashir's Homepage Send Ardashir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

Does an orc cleric of Gruumsh getting even with a paladin of Tyr for plucking out his remaining eye by claiming her virginity count? No one in my group thought that was very cool when the DM whipped that out on us. [quote]

I agree with them. Rape-as-comedy definitely hits my "Dude, not funny" button.

[quote]Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell
My personal favorite, though, was when the party rogue was polymorphed into a medusa and went seeking a fix. She found a half-demon sorcerer who agreed to restore her to human in exchange for some good lovin'... before he changed her back. Turns out he really liked snakes and her new hair was something of a turn-on.

Now that I can see to some extent. I've seen some sexy medusa art. Just so long as she can be taught to keep her petrifying stare under control, she might even become a great aid to the party.

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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  19:12:12  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ardashir

I've seen some of the more.. unique, World of Warcraft Tauren fan art. You might be surprised.

A beautiful girl falling for a beast? Who would ever believe that?

Erskine Fincher
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Senior Scribe

387 Posts

Posted - 14 Feb 2009 :  21:20:44  Show Profile  Visit Nerfed2Hell's Homepage Send Nerfed2Hell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

Then there was a paladin nobleman from Cormyr who was seduced by pixie druid of Silvanus.

The Pixie was the female, right?

Even so, that sounds incredibly... painful.

I believe there was polymorph or other shapechanging magic involved to grant the pixie an medium-sized elven form for special occasions.

Originally posted by Ardashir

Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

Does an orc cleric of Gruumsh getting even with a paladin of Tyr for plucking out his remaining eye by claiming her virginity count? No one in my group thought that was very cool when the DM whipped that out on us.

I agree with them. Rape-as-comedy definitely hits my "Dude, not funny" button.

Well, it wasn't plated as comedy... more of a vengeance thing. I kind of tossed it out there with the other examples in a way that may have made it seem lighter than it was, but only because I still find the whole thing rather awkward to discuss. And its been like 10 years since we played with that DM.

[quote]Originally posted by Ardashir

[quote]Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell
My personal favorite, though, was when the party rogue was polymorphed into a medusa and went seeking a fix. She found a half-demon sorcerer who agreed to restore her to human in exchange for some good lovin'... before he changed her back. Turns out he really liked snakes and her new hair was something of a turn-on.

Now that I can see to some extent. I've seen some sexy medusa art. Just so long as she can be taught to keep her petrifying stare under control, she might even become a great aid to the party.

Yeah, except the rogue was an especially attractive human to begin with and was roleplayed as having freaked out over the change to hideous snake-haired woman whose stare can turn people to stone. There were some long range plans for the spawn of the one-time union that restored her form, too... though we never got to see them come to fruition, so I don't know all the details. In short, the half-demon in question was supposedly from a special bloodline... the child could have been a fun tiefling to meet.

Some people are like a slinky... not good for much, but when you push them down the stairs, it makes you smile.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
358 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2009 :  06:54:46  Show Profile Send BlackAce a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ErskineF

Originally posted by BlackAce

Only instead of the grateful, winsome (and buxom) Coronal's daughter our paladin expected, it turned out to be one of the male guard officers who'd been disguised as her, to act as a decoy for the real daughter's escape from the BBEG's henchmen.

Did the guard return his affections?

No, he put the character into homophobe and utter denial mode. Much fun was had watching him play the paladin as deeply embarrased and desperate to find out wether the guard captain was aware of what he'd been doing while the latter was a large lump of basalt.

Edited by - BlackAce on 15 Feb 2009 06:55:51
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Senior Scribe

544 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2009 :  21:28:03  Show Profile  Visit Ardashir's Homepage Send Ardashir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ErskineF

Originally posted by Ardashir

I've seen some of the more.. unique, World of Warcraft Tauren fan art. You might be surprised.

A beautiful girl falling for a beast? Who would ever believe that?

For me as with so many men, hope springs eternal!
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Learned Scribe

235 Posts

Posted - 25 Feb 2009 :  09:26:23  Show Profile Send see a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After being reincarnated as a wemic, then zapped with a Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity, is there really any relationship the character can be in that isn't weird?
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93 Posts

Posted - 25 Feb 2009 :  15:39:37  Show Profile  Visit Rabiesbunny's Homepage Send Rabiesbunny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My, erm, plant creature is in love with a drow. I guess compared to others that isn't so odd.

Don't worry, he doesn't have purple eyes and isn't CG.

"Then I was right. Jobe has all his children killed, and Michael Bay gets to keep making his movies. There is no god."
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