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76 Posts

Posted - 25 Feb 2009 :  17:15:31  Show Profile  Visit Raith's Homepage Send Raith a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ha! Thats awesome, you posted in this thread as I was reading over the old posts and getting ready to post about Rav and Umolka.

See, Rabies' Talontar got quite pretty after she became immune to disease, and figured she should consider getting married. Was gonna settle for a little mousey Thayan hedgemage, but Curos insisted she hook up with the sexy Drow guy that had served as their go-between for the Xanathar. Turns out they hit it off really well, sharing an enthusiasm for, uh...certain kinds of botany.

After she hit level 10 in Blightlord, it turned into a Drow/Ch-ch-ch-Chia! Pet couple. He took it pretty well, though. Got her a Yellow Musk Creeper bulb as a sort of engagement ring.


"Power and dominion are taken by the Will. By divine right Hail and Kill!"
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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 25 Feb 2009 :  17:53:37  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
He'd better look out, if she starts yelling, "Feed me!"

Erskine Fincher
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17 Posts

Posted - 27 Feb 2009 :  23:43:58  Show Profile  Visit Zucrous's Homepage Send Zucrous a Private Message  Reply with Quote
in my currect realms campaign, I am a shadow dragon disciple. I am engaged to a normal waterdavian woman. She didnt know I was half dragon (I wear a special hat of disguise everywhere)... and well, it sorta came out when we were having a quiet dinner at home and I reached 9th level.... thats when your wings come in. She took it pretty well, and she is even now pregnant with my child. ^5

Another person in my campaign is a Talontar blightlord. That means she is technically a plant, sorta like a dryad, but icky, like a talontar should be. Well she is in a relationship with a drow NPC, lucky enough for her its not the weirdest thing he has done, drow get all the fun.

-I have transformed my fear and now it serves me.

Edited by - Zucrous on 27 Feb 2009 23:45:18
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  03:29:44  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Talk About a Changeling

Long ago a DM pointed out to me that his Supers character, a female human who could regenerate, was virgo intacta each and every time she had sex, which led to this real question coming up during a session of my game: if a female who has had the flower of her maidenhood plucked is thereafter given a cure light wounds or stronger healing spell, does she revert to being virgo intacta?

Given the proliferation of magic to cause barrenness in the third edition Realms, my players and I wondered if there was a business of ... ah ... replanting the flowers of ex-maidens? If this can be done, what precautions may be taken to insure that a female is not already gravid with the child of another when she marries (or otherwise presents the garden of her womanhood to a man)? In lands wherein children born out of wedlock may inherit or are otherwise rewarded for presumptively having a particular father, one might not even be required to go through the elaborate preparation which might be necessary if one were submitting a potential royal bride. If a noble or a monarch such as Azoun IV plants the royal seed prodigiously hither and thither, how could one prove that a child born on the other side of some noble or royal bed was, in fact, sired by a particular male of note, if a woman can be impregnated by another male, cured of evidence that she was other than <cough> "pure," and then placed in the path of a noble or royal lecher? If the <cough> "lady" in question was impregnated (originally) while unconscious or subject to a mind-controlling enchantment, even zone of truth and similar spells would be unable to elicit from her any hard evidence that there was anything illicit about the conception (other than the fact that it was out-of-wedlock, whose licitness is often not ill-received)? What, in brief, prevents some balor or Red Wizard or ambitious fellow of any sort from being the actual father of some future Crown Prince -- or a future Underwarden of the King's Trout Fisheries or some such thing if the quota of princes (or princesses, for that matter) is already filled?

Inquiring DMs of low (very low) sorcery games want to know!

Oh. Em. Gee. This is my 1500th post. I make no claims for quality control of any kind on my side of the computer screen....

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  04:24:52  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

Long ago a DM pointed out to me that his Supers character, a female human who could regenerate, was virgo intacta each and every time she had sex, which led to this real question coming up during a session of my game: if a female who has had the flower of her maidenhood plucked is thereafter given a cure light wounds or stronger healing spell, does she revert to being virgo intacta?

I've actually pondered the same thing about the cheerleader on Heroes.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  05:12:48  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think that she (or someone) made a sly refereence to that on the show.

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  05:22:41  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm a Virgo... But I lost my Intacta years ago.

As for the question... why not make love to a she-troll and find out?

Now to be serious for a moment - I think Ed may have answered this long ago, albeit somewhat indirectly. I remember a question concernong things like scars and tattoos coming up, and I believe his answer was something akin to "only those changes in the body are affected that the spell identifies as damage, that is both not natural to the organism or self-inflicted', or some-such like that. Ergo, you wouldn't lose a tattoo, and perhaps not ritual scarring, but scars recieved in a fight would fade.

I forget exactly what the subject matter was - it may not have been tatoos or other body markings - but I remember it definately had to do with what exactly gets 'healed' when a heal spell or potion is used.

The spell has to make allowances, otherwise primitive cultures that used ritual scarring (as some FR orcs do) wouldn't be able to use such magics.

Also, even it it did effect her 'virtues', I would rule (as a DM) that it would only be able to make the change back if applied within the first 24 hours, otherwise the body excepts the change and it is no longer considered damage (in other words, once something heals on its own, the magic won't effect it any more).

So if you got yourself one of those mythical virgins, you can repeat your honeymoon night over and over and over...
You got me thinking though - with our modern medical technology, just how much would healing magic 'reject'?

Things like Stents, or fake hips, or even a transplant... what about a lapband (one of those things that put around your stomach)? Would it 'pop off'? How about someone like Michael jackson... would he explode? Would silicone implants dissolve?

Like I said... chalk it up to magic. The spell/potion only works on what its supposed to work on - it's one smart spell.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 28 Feb 2009 05:26:29
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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  06:11:12  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Also, even it it did effect her 'virtues'

I think it's called a 'hymen'.

So if you got yourself one of those mythical virgins, you can repeat your honeymoon night over and over and over...

Is that really going to be as much fun when she's telling him to hurry up before the kids start banging on the door?

Erskine Fincher
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  16:51:57  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Markustay, I think you're right about Ed's comment. I'll search for it when I have some spare time.

Mercy buckets!

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  17:26:50  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say it would be somewhere in last year's Ed scroll, in the earlier part of the year (right around when I began to be a regular here). Perhaps even toward the end of the year before...

Originally posted by ErskineF

I think it's called a 'hymen'.
No silly, that would be the 'better' men in the MERPs game - the group that Aragorn is part of.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  23:28:37  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
D'oh! Earlier today I tried to send a lot of info from Ed; I'll try again to post it sometime Saturday night. In brief: in spring 2007 and spring 2008 Ed (and the THO as herself) answered some questions vis-a-vis tattoos and bodily "enhancements." If I recall correctly, Ed said that cures don't remove intentionally-inflicted bodily alterations. THO suggested that someone may want to ask the question, which is pretty much what I asked here. Bear with me for a few hours and I'll post Ed's responses.

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Senior Scribe

387 Posts

Posted - 28 Feb 2009 :  23:40:02  Show Profile  Visit Nerfed2Hell's Homepage Send Nerfed2Hell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As I see it, damage is only repaired with the various cure spells if the wound is fresh. This would allow primitive cultures or others that use tattoos and ritual scarring to engage in these practices without worrying about the marks disappearing... unless they apply the cure spells too soon. In my eyes, once scarring occurs, the scar becomes natural and cure spells can't remove it. Same thing with the hymen. Once the "wound" heals over on its own, its permanent. Now, an enterprising young lass who wants to pass herself off as "virtuous" many times over could keep a potion of healing handy for use after coitus... though I don't think the physical condition would count when considering virgin status for fulfilling prophecies or other mystical requirements because the individual in question isn't truly virginal.

Now regeneration, on the other hand, is another matter entirely. Regeneration is a perpetual healing, so the cheerleader from Heroes and other naturally regenerating beings would of course have their maidenhood seemingly restored after each loss. In the matter of trolls, however, a former DM blew my mind with this idea: how do you know troll physiology includes a hymen to begin with? Its possible that they've never had one or, as a naturally regenerative race, lost it as an evolutionary process.

Some people are like a slinky... not good for much, but when you push them down the stairs, it makes you smile.
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 01 Mar 2009 :  01:09:47  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You know, it's possible for women to be born without a hymen, or to for it to break from physical activity other than sex. Also, I have it on good authority that it is scientifically impossible to tell if a person is a "virgin"* by examining her hymen.

Also, remember that the Realms isn't a setting that considers chastity synomonous with moral virtue, at least according to everything Ed has said on the subject. For this reason, I am puzzled by the talk in here equating virginity with "purity" and such within the setting--heck, I'm puzzled by it even in the real world (I know where the ideas come from, I just don't think they're rational). I'm skeptical of the idea that most people in the Realms would care much at all about either virginity or having an intact hymen.

*Especially since the concept of "virginity" isn't particularly scientific to begin with.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)

Edited by - Rinonalyrna Fathomlin on 01 Mar 2009 01:20:54
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The Red Walker
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Posted - 01 Mar 2009 :  01:19:31  Show Profile Send The Red Walker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

You know, it's possible for women to be born without a hymen, or to for it to break from physical activity other than sex. Also, I have it on good authority that it is scientifically impossible to tell if a person is a "virgin"* by examining her hymen.

Also, remember that the Realms isn't a setting that considers chastity synomonous with moral virtue, at least according to everything Ed has said on the subject. For this reason, I am puzzled by the talk in here equating virginity with "purity" and such within the setting--heck, I'm puzzled by it even in the real world (I know where the ideas come from, I just don't think they're rational).

*Especially since the concept of "virginity" isn't particularly scientific to begin with.

That depend on what the definition of "Is" Is

A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka

"We need men who can dream of things that never were." -

John F. Kennedy, speech in Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963
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Senior Scribe

387 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2009 :  01:24:20  Show Profile  Visit Nerfed2Hell's Homepage Send Nerfed2Hell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I so want to start quoting comedian Lewis Black now...

Some people are like a slinky... not good for much, but when you push them down the stairs, it makes you smile.
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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2009 :  06:15:16  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

For this reason, I am puzzled by the talk in here equating virginity with "purity" and such within the setting--heck, I'm puzzled by it even in the real world (I know where the ideas come from, I just don't think they're rational). I'm skeptical of the idea that most people in the Realms would care much at all about either virginity or having an intact hymen.

Well, when it comes to deflowering virgins, I am myself a virgin, so I don't know what benefit lies in that experience for the male. I had always assumed it had more to do with the notion of being first, and being the one to introduce a novice to the wonderful world of sexual pleasure. The purely physical aspect of the intact hymen seemed like more of an inconvenience, and a drawback to the experience. If so, then once broken 'twere better it stayed that way. There can't be another first, and she won't stay a novice long (one hopes), so what's the point?

As for the woman, I've never known one who was so enamored of her virginity that she kept it any longer than she absolutely had to. In that, their attitude is pretty much identical to that of us males. I know I bore mine like an albatross around my neck, and celebrated with joy when the curse was finally lifted. Being the sexually liberated place it is, that's pretty much the same attitude I would expect to find in the Realms.

Erskine Fincher
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 01 Mar 2009 :  06:26:19  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, I think we've spent long enough on this particular side-topic. I've had a few complaint PMs about the content of some of the more recent posts. So let's leave it at that and return to the main focus of this scroll, eh?

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2009 :  07:11:32  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It appears as though Ed (or our Lady Hooded One) already knows the answer to my group's question, but it hasn't been posed in that exact form, so (soon) the question gets whisked to Ed's scroll. In the meantime, here is what Ed said in the Spring of '07 and Spring '08:


April 25, 2007:

Speaking of which, Ed DOES have some Realmslore to impart, this time regarding this recent query from Kuje: “Ed, do any of the races know of, or use, circumcision? If you would, also answer if there are any races/nations/etc that operate on female genitalia.... I phrased that as gently as I could think of.”

The Sage expressed his interest in hearing Ed’s reply, and Eytan Bernstein then echoed: “I apologize in advance to the squeamish.


On the same note, I have a faint recollection of reading about some sort of - how should I put it - sterilization ceremony in one of Elaine's Councilors and Kings novels. Is there any precedent for sterilization, eunuchs, castration, or similar processes, whether magical or surgical? See what kind of can we've opened up here?”

and Zandilar posted: “Heya, Heh... This is interesting stuff I have to say. I'd be interested in reading answers to these questions too.

However, I must say, in such a magic rich world I sincerely doubt that such proceedures would be performed wholely surgically... Magic can achieve a lot of things, and it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that most small towns or even primitive tribes might have a cleric, adept, or shaman that can use 0 or 1st level divine spells. That means access to Cure Minor Wounds (useful for stopping bleeding), and Cure Light Wounds (for more substantial injuries, like during actual casteration or sustained during an initiation rite) - if not an actual spell or minor magical ritual to circumcise, castrate, or even spay/neuter animals.


Dargoth then directed Eytan to Ed’s earlier posts (archived by Kuje): “you should find some stuff on Princess Alusair of Cormyr which mentions magical sterilization”

Ed now speaks:

Thanks, all. In the Realms, sterilization is usually accomplished magically (which has the benefit of usually being reversible, so you can let a young prince/princess or other heir/heiress “have fun” without causing unwanted bastards), or (in rural areas) by cutting out the male testes and then cauterizing the wound, sometimes as an clerical rite (either with magical or herbal pain-deadening, or not), and sometimes to create the equivalent of “eunuch harem guards” (BTW, these are as rare in the Realms as they were in real life, and as in real life, the penis is seldom removed except as a cruel punishment).

Certain priesthoods (Loviatar, for example) do use piercings, brandings, scarifications, and other ritual practices that embrace pain (salt put into wounds, for example), but aside from piercings, the female genitalia are left alone. A priestess of Loviatar wants to continue to have the ability to feel pain, not have sensation cut off forever (and her genitalia are likely to be whipped - - often with stinging nettles - - in rituals, or endure the wax of melting candles carried in a manner you can guess at, NOT be permanently scarred). There’s no cultural basis in Faerûn for female circumcision.

The basis for all such behaviour in the Realms is religious or (more rarely) locally cultural, NOT racial.

Some priesthoods cut off foreskins or introduce beads under the skin all over the male member, or even pierce the member (to hold dangling talismans normally hidden except in holy inner temple rituals). These may be isolated sects, or only practiced in some temples, or among “secret societies” of zealots within a faith - - and in any event usually mark the achievement of a certain holy rank, or augmentations (yes, more talismans) as ranks increase.

Among the Netherese diaspora there were all sorts of “odd” beliefs (held or just suggested by the various archwizards) that have since become further twisted by time and misunderstandings, into purely local practices (often coming-of-age rituals, which can be as tame as vigils or forest chases, and as severe as ceremonial deflowerings, brandings, or circumcisions.

In short, there’s nothing shameful or “disgusting” about tattoos, or brands (except obvious slave or “this person is a traitor” brands) or piercings (nipple, ear, labial, etc.) but they are more uncommon than common across Faerûn. Remember, in a polytheistic world, especially in locales (ports and capitals) where trade-travel is frequent, tolerance of “different ways” is high; the real-world small-town repression and disdain for “those who are different” is far rarer in the Realms. Having multiple races (not just humans with different skin colours) and “everybody knowing all the gods are real, not just one” will cause that, inevitably.

So, Eytan, if you need a priesthood (or a ruling noble family, or a secret society or cult) to have a circumcision ritual, feel free to add it. However, there has to be a reason why not every reader of Realms novels and game products doesn’t already know about it. In other words, it’s likely to be secretive (or at least done within a faith), and locally-based, not something that applies all across a country or continent. (I’m reminded of the old real-world joke about the village that only had one sharp knife, so the boys had to line up about half a year before they came of age...)

So saith Ed.

Who is trying to be helpful without being TOO explicit. He didn’t tell you about the priestesses of Loviatar with the frontal triangle of chains joining their, er, prominent bits, or some of the other sights that certainly made Torm of the Knights open his eyes wide and make inevitable comments...


love to all,


On March 21, 2008 THO said:- It would indeed (you naughty, naughty lads; why, if this goes on, I'll have to be commanding some of you to whip me), but to answer the question seriously: Ed ran healing thus: tissue and skin completely restored, old air expelled as ash, new hair (in condition just as before, so if it was graying or going white, it still is) starts to grow immediately. The hair grows about an inch an hour, until it reaches the length it was before affected by the fire, with two exceptions: it stops growing immediately, ending the effects of the healing magic, if any other magic is cast directly on it or the body part it's growing from, or it is cut (sheared, trimmed) with "cold iron" (iron, steel, ferrous alloys). so much I can remember quite vividly. I think I'll leave the "quite vivid" part private until some scribe happens to ask a question that would 'legitimately' reveal it.
love to all,

(I hope that wasn't too much naughtiness, Sage, but that's what ED and THO said. I shall be asking my question of Ed when I get a chance.)

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

Edited by - Jamallo Kreen on 01 Mar 2009 07:22:05
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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 04 Jan 2011 :  04:55:32  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, THIS is certainly an interesting scroll!! Well, let's see- my weirdest PC relationship? A male drow bard and a half-gold dragon Moon elf sorceress who fell in love, and are now he proud parents of 1/4 dragon half-drow twins!

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Apr 2018 :  01:33:08  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In a recent storyline in the campaign I GM, two PCs have been getting into increasingly exotic erotic adventures. It's starting to look like they may be trying to one-up each other.

I suppose it started when one PC kissed a lamia. Well, granted, he wasn't aware that she was a lamia when the kiss started. A roaming hand found strong leonine haunches instead of firm buttocks...

Actually, it may have begun slightly earlier, as the PC who kissed the lamia had just gotten up after a marathon bout of sexual athletics with an exotic dancer. Who happened to be a wereserpent. Their initial bout of lovemaking was ordinary enough, if inventive and energetic, but at some point in their ecstatic explorations, serpentine shapechanging was involved.

Let's just say that while the female party possessing amazingly flexible 'limbs' that join into serpentine tails may not appear, at first glance, all that useful in heterosexual intercourse, the male body has more than one erogenuous zone for the open minded.

Of course, with one PC falling for a snake girl while conducting tonsil diplomacy with leonine lamias, another PC felt the need to be even more open minded.

Long story short, threesome with a necromancer in her nineties and her vampire familiar. Impressively, to all appearances, the PC dominated the vampire with the power of his gaze and addicted her to the seductive taste of his blood, as his response when the vampire tried to mind-roll him. And ended by drinking her blood from the inside of her thigh, to try to recover some of the blood he'd fed her during the haze of tantric sex.

Less impressively, that same PC also had a threesome with a human priestess of Tiamat and a (male) tiefling member of the Cult of the Dragon. The PC plays for both teams, as evidenced by his introduction a long time ago, when he won over a Murghomi town with a legendary bardic performance, won a dance off against the grizzled local Atamen, convinced him to marry off a daughter to him for purposes of allegiance and the sealed their friendship by seducing his new father-in-law.

The newest developments in the exotic lovelives of the PCs are PC2 introducing himself to some incredibly powerful being calling himself the Great Dragon of the Earth, who was speaking through a Dominated behir, as "the greatest poet and lover in the Realms".

The booming voice of the Great Dragon of the Earth answered with a seductive chuckle/giggle (the gender was ambigious) that such a statement simply begged for some proof, otherwise it was just unfair teasing.

Well, long story short, PC2 is now stripped of his arms and covered in glistening scented oils, heading to prove to the Great Dragon of the Earth, whatever s/he may be, that he is the greatest lover in all the Realms.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

Forgotten Realms fans, please sign a petition to re-release the FR Interactive Atlas
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Great Reader

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Posted - 04 Apr 2018 :  12:22:38  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, there was that inn in Secomber...
The Singing Sprite: [...]
The Sprite is named for Lathiril Shrune, the long-dead wife
of its builder, the human wizard named Ganatharas. She was a
sprite who sang atop tables to the delight of patrons.
-- The North: Cities. p.64

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Apr 2018 :  15:29:36  Show Profile Send farinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is an inkeeper in Amphail who is in love with a "ghost lady" that haunts his inn. In reality the ghost is just a female mage who is trapped in the Astral Plane and can only become corporeal in the material plane during the full moons.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 05 Apr 2018 :  02:47:52  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There's a lady of the evening in Suzail who makes her living through strategic uses of the mage hand spell. She's also a secret member of the cult of the dragon.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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