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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 10 Oct 2009 : 17:56:41
Hi again, all! Recently, Broken Helm asked this: "Years (?) back, in this thread, Ed was asked about what he'd been reading during that week, or some short, recent time period. I've just had to move for job reasons, and am looking to buy a shelf-load of books for my reading pleasure, not to mention looking ahead to Christmas and the inevitable family presents (I like to give books). So, Ed and THO, could you oblige with some recent titles you've enjoyed? I don't need an exhaustive "here's everything I read" list, nor do the books have to be new (I buy plenty of secondhand books for me), but I'm hoping I'll discover some new interesting reads. Anything from cookbooks to politics, please, not just fantasy and sf. Though I know Ed just judged the Sunbursts, and eyeballed a LOT of fantasy and sf..." Ed replies:
Well,in this last week, I've read several things I can't talk about for legal reasons (forthcoming, that is, not "bad legal matters"), plus these: EARTH TO TABLE: Seasonal Recipes From An Organic Farm by Jeff Crump and Bettina Schormann NIGHT WATCH by Terry Pratchett (a re-read, purely for fun) THE UNSEEN ACADEMICALS by Terry Pratchett (the latest Discworld novel) THE MERMAID'S MADNESS by Jim Hines (good friedn and a superb writer of "fun" fantasy) 206 BONES by Kathy Reich SENSE AND SENSIBILITY AND SEA MONSTERS by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters THE WOMEN OF NELL GWYNNE'S by Kaje Baker (FINALLY I could get to this) THE IMPROBABLE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES edited by John Joseph Adams . . . and that's it. More next week!
So saith Ed. love to all, THO |
Edited by - The Hooded One on 10 Oct 2009 17:57:57 |
Learned Scribe
254 Posts |
Posted - 10 Oct 2009 : 21:03:11
quote: Originally posted by The Hooded One
THE UNSEEN ACADEMICALS by Terry Pratchett (the latest Discworld novel)
I will have to look out for this one (after I finish reading the War of the Spider Queen - I just started in Insurrection).
Gomez |
althen artren
Senior Scribe
780 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2009 : 00:09:40
2 questions easily answered, good sir.
I was reading in the persistant interview and a question came to mind. How in the world with over 180 books and stuff printed are you not getting massive amounts of royalties? I mean, with the popularity you have in the genre, you should be almost set for life right now. Are you not a hard negotiator?
I know that Canadian thanksgiving is coming up. Are you hosting or cooking? If so, whats on the menu? |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31798 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2009 : 01:52:31
quote: Originally posted by The Hooded One
THE UNSEEN ACADEMICALS by Terry Pratchett (the latest Discworld novel)
And what, briefly, are Ed's thoughts on Pratchett's latest DW tale? I'm curious, because I've been eagerly anticipating this release for some time, but haven't had the chance to read it, yet.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Learned Scribe
New Zealand
266 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2009 : 04:45:22
quote: Originally posted by Penknight
quote: Originally posted by Sandro
Adding (kinda) to the Waterdeep queries:
What would the prices for inns (good and bad) be like in Waterdeep? What about the price of meals? How would these prices compare to other places on the Sword Coast? How about Cormyr? Sembia? The Dales? Which of these places is regarded by travellers as being the best place to stay, from a hospitality standpoint?
You might try Volo's Guide to Waterdeep, as well as the Volo's Guide to Cormyr, the Sword Coast, and the North. It gives a good description of the inns, the quality of the rooms, food, etc. Absolutely indespensible! 
Ah, cheers for that. I do own the Volo's Guides, but I think I'll leave the question open, in case there's anything Ed wants to add that wasn't included in those books. |
"Gods, little fishes, and spells to turn the one to the other," Mordenkainen sighed. "It's started already..." |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2009 : 18:10:32
Hi again, all. A swift start to a reply for althen artren: only the very early D&D gaming products paid royalties, and fiction products only pay royalties when they're still in print. New editions using old lore rewritten and repackaged are considered "new products" and don't pay royalties even if the "old lore" did, in its earlier publication. Moreover, royalties are only paid when any advances are earned out, and some foreign publishers deduct expenses from royalties (sometimes admitting they're doing so, more often just doing it without admitting so). And Ed isn't a hard negotiator, though his current agent is - - and even that agent has experienced many instances of publishers just ignoring details of contracts and having to be firmly reminded of them. So Ed makes a living, but is by no means rich. In fact, he's like many folks: heavily in debt re. his home expenses, generous to his family and charities whenever he can be, and happy to have enough money to support his hobbies (in Ed's case, buying books and games). love, THO |
Senior Scribe
508 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2009 : 19:52:32
It occurs to me that the compilations of these responses really good use tags. Not volunteering, just ... wishing. :) |
20 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 09:39:05
Could Ed (or the lovely Hooded One) give us any more detail on the Sword Coast races held outside Baldur's Gate every year, as detailed in the Amphail entry in Volo's Guide to the North? I am particularly interested in the participants and horse owners (besides the Ilzimmer's)and whether or not there are any famous horses which often win such races c.1370's. |
Broken Helm
Learned Scribe
108 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 14:58:05
I'm blanking on where these races were mentioned, in published Realmslore. Was this in Ed's New Adventures of Volo columns in DRAGON, or in a Volo's, or - -? Help, anyone? Thanks. |
Master of Realmslore
1864 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 15:11:27
quote: Originally posted by Broken Helm
I'm blanking on where these races were mentioned, in published Realmslore. Was this in Ed's New Adventures of Volo columns in DRAGON, or in a Volo's, or - -? Help, anyone? Thanks.
According to the post above yours, they are found in Volo's Guide to the North. |
Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!
Forgotten Realms fans, please sign a petition to re-release the FR Interactive Atlas
Broken Helm
Learned Scribe
108 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 15:25:36
Sorry, Icelander. I missed one word in my first post. I meant to post: "on where ELSE these races were mentioned" (that is, aside from Volo's North) because I'm darned sure they were, in something else by Ed . . . but I can't remember where. Sigh. Getting older, mind getting emptier . . .
Edited by - Broken Helm on 12 Oct 2009 15:26:22 |
Senior Scribe
804 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 15:40:46
Hi, Ed. Okay, so I was reading NIGHT WATCH - - and so were you. Just for fun, the both of us. Just curious: are we psychically connected? Don't bother to reply if you'd rather not, but I was just curious as to what brought that particular book "back to mind" for you. Full disclosure my end: I thought of it out of the blue after some years, and went and fetched it from my back bookcase.  Thanks. Again, not wanting to press if you feel this is private; just astonished at the coincidence! |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 15:44:10
Hah, * I * can answer this one for Ed, because I've already asked him about it, as it happens. He was asked to suggest a good "first fantasy book read, ever" for the husband of a friend, who is a cop, and thought of NIGHT WATCH because of its subject matter. He glanced through it to make sure he was right, then sat down to enjoy the whole tale again. So there you are. Coincidence, or psychic link, or whatever.  love, THO |
Knight of the Gate
Senior Scribe
624 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 16:42:54
I'm not in the least creeped out by the fact that I also re-read NIGHT WATCH this week... no, not at all... On topic: Re-reading Cloak and Dagger last night, I noted that in the Moonstars' entry, it is rumored that Khelben and Laeral have been using ritual magic to grant various abilities to certain agents. This got me to wondering what sort of 'powers' Ed would have the Blackstaff bestow on PC's? Not 'mission-specific' enchantments, which (I suppose) would be the most common sort of thing, but general 'you're valuable, well-placed and trusted operatives, and I want to both reward you and make you more efficient' type stuff. Also, am I right to think that it's unlikely that Khelben would give anyone these sorts of abilities without having either 1) a way to 'turn off' or nullify the power or 2) a 'backdoor' of some sort- maybe the ritual empowers the character, but it also places a mark on them through which Khelben can always find (and strike at) the bearer. Or am I misreading Khelben? From my perspective, I think Khel only trusts for a given value of 'trust', even in his nearest and dearest(given that he's seen even Laeral subverted). Thanks in advance: I'm using the Moonstars in my current campaign- though whether the PC's ever find that out, and what they think of how they've been manipulated if ever they do is another matter...
How can life be so bountiful, providing such sublime rewards for mediocrity? -Umberto Ecco |
7 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 17:52:03
Greeting to all. I've been looking for a while for any practical information about Anchorome. In my early post, in another part of the forum? I've been told that Anchorome was intended to be a joke dungeon, consisting of a series of islands, however later it was turned into lands, north of Maztica.
So my question is there any detailed information about that region(besides Flaming Fist's expedition)? What races live there besides people and elves? What about it's geography and topography? What local political forces exist in there?
Thank you very much for any information you can provide. |
Edited by - deusex2 on 12 Oct 2009 17:54:54 |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36845 Posts |
Posted - 12 Oct 2009 : 22:38:37
quote: Originally posted by Knight of the Gate
I'm not in the least creeped out by the fact that I also re-read NIGHT WATCH this week... no, not at all... On topic: Re-reading Cloak and Dagger last night, I noted that in the Moonstars' entry, it is rumored that Khelben and Laeral have been using ritual magic to grant various abilities to certain agents. This got me to wondering what sort of 'powers' Ed would have the Blackstaff bestow on PC's? Not 'mission-specific' enchantments, which (I suppose) would be the most common sort of thing, but general 'you're valuable, well-placed and trusted operatives, and I want to both reward you and make you more efficient' type stuff. Also, am I right to think that it's unlikely that Khelben would give anyone these sorts of abilities without having either 1) a way to 'turn off' or nullify the power or 2) a 'backdoor' of some sort- maybe the ritual empowers the character, but it also places a mark on them through which Khelben can always find (and strike at) the bearer. Or am I misreading Khelben? From my perspective, I think Khel only trusts for a given value of 'trust', even in his nearest and dearest(given that he's seen even Laeral subverted). Thanks in advance: I'm using the Moonstars in my current campaign- though whether the PC's ever find that out, and what they think of how they've been manipulated if ever they do is another matter...
Steven Schend is very much the go-to guy on both Khelben and the Moonstars; you might pose these questions to them, when he ends his internet exile next month.  |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Learned Scribe
220 Posts |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31798 Posts |
Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 00:28:49
quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Steven Schend is very much the go-to guy on both Khelben and the Moonstars; you might pose these questions to them, when he ends his internet exile next month. 
I'd also search through Steven's own replies, here at Candlekeep, as he's pretty much discussed a variety of aspects of the Moonstars over the years.
And as for Steven's return, recall, as I mentioned elsewhere, that his projected return date was based on the progress of his current schedule. Thus, it could last longer than a month.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Learned Scribe
New Zealand
266 Posts |
Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 04:47:30
quote: Originally posted by freyar
Just popping by to wish Ed a happy Thanksgiving today.
Aye, I'll second that (and, while slightly late, it is still Thanksgiving in Ontario), from one Canadian to another (this one on the other side of the world, though). |
"Gods, little fishes, and spells to turn the one to the other," Mordenkainen sighed. "It's started already..." |
Senior Scribe
804 Posts |
Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 20:58:56
Hi. deusex2, the Lady THO sent you a long reply about Anchorome in the thread you started on it, already... BB |
Learned Scribe
197 Posts |
Posted - 13 Oct 2009 : 22:09:03
I had a quick question for Ed, which as usual probably means it will drag on forever......
I have to say thanks first to him for posing for a picture with me and my friend at the Pazio booth when we kinda discovered him there. Listening to him speak about porn, and stuff with the designers there was hilarious and well made the trip for me to be honest.
Anyway my question is can Ed, tell us what he designed in the new pathfinder world setting, and if any of the characters he did for that setting was inspired by things he had wanted to include in the realms but just hadn't or hadn't been allowed to by the Red Wizards of the coast (yes i gave them an appropriately evil sounding nickname). |
"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser." ---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser |
Baleful Avatar
Learned Scribe
161 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 01:37:10
Hi everybody. I've been reading the persistent interview with Ed over at loremaster (thanks to the Brothers James!), and he's just revealed some interesting lore about old Illefarn that's really worth checking out! |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 01:50:22
Hi again, all. Just received this from Ed:
Thanks for all the nice Thanksgiving wishes. I had to work at the library and so miss a big family get-together, but another arm of the family descended on me for the rest of the weekend and we did all the autumn things (gigantic turkey, picking apples at the local "Appleyard," getting winter tires put on family chariots, walking in the leaves . . .). I am now RECOVERING from all of this. ;} To VonRaventheDaring, you're very welcome. I have lots of fun teasing my gaming friends, because, hey, I only see most of them once a year and I'm delighted to see them! We're all just "somewhat normal" gamers underneath, no matter how famous or infamous we become, you know . . . As for Golarion: the only design work I should really talk about yet is the elves: I "developed" them from a few paragraphs to a lot more than would fit into the needed wordcount. Of course. :} I have done a lot more design for Golarion that the wider world hasn't seen yet, so I'll keep mum about it until the right time. Yet no, not a word of it is doing something I couldn't do in the Realms. I approach each world as a completely different playground, and this one isn't mine to even start to try to control, so like a good guest I play with the toys I'm given and ask "how far" I can go with them, and obey the boundaries. None of it is a reaction to Wizards or the published Realms. Really.
So saith Ed. Who is telling the truth at the end, there. Ed really does believe what the Beatles sang about "life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting" He avoids fights and feuds, as much as he can - - and this is NOT a weakness or a character flaw, believe me. (Believe me; much of MY daily work consists of dealing with unsavoury people who enjoy fighting and feuding . . . and sometimes go armed and make use of that artillery and sharp edges!) love to all, THO |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 01:56:49
Hi again, all. Deusex2, Anchorome was never a "joke dungeon," nor intended to be. It is the center of a web of myths and sailors' tall tales to mainland Faerunians, yes. Some other designers than Ed created a continent north of Maztica and called it Anchorome, but that could well have been a "mainlander Faerunian" mistake or even deliberate misinformation put forward by elves of Evermeet or merchant shipcaptains of Baldur's Gate or others, to paint a false picture of "what was over the waves" for those back in Faerun. When it comes to the Realms, I'd trust Ed over all other sources. It is, after all, his creation, predating the Dungeons and Dragons game and all of its publishers, competitors, editions, and incarnations. love, THO |

52 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 11:05:22
One more question for ED:
I've been doing some research on the term Toril vs Abeir-Toril and have noticed different explanations for these two names.
One of the sources simply says it is the same thing and the prefix Abeir was added at a later date just to make it appear on top of the Realms encyclopedia. Other sources state Toril and Abeir-Toril are different things and it talks about Primordials...
Can you please clarify what is the truth behind the FR planet's name?
Thanks! |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
317 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 11:40:40
quote: Originally posted by The Hooded One (Believe me; much of MY daily work consists of dealing with unsavoury people who enjoy fighting and feuding . . . and sometimes go armed and make use of that artillery and sharp edges!) love to all, THO
Ahha! You're a sexy spy lady aren't you? |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36845 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 14:32:02
quote: Originally posted by Marek
One more question for ED:
I've been doing some research on the term Toril vs Abeir-Toril and have noticed different explanations for these two names.
One of the sources simply says it is the same thing and the prefix Abeir was added at a later date just to make it appear on top of the Realms encyclopedia. Other sources state Toril and Abeir-Toril are different things and it talks about Primordials...
Can you please clarify what is the truth behind the FR planet's name?
Ed didn't originally have a name for the world. Jeff Grubb named it Toril, and then added Abeir to shift it to the front of the alphabetical entries. Though the world was named Abeir-Toril, most references to the world's name dropped Abeir and just called it Toril.
When WotC decided to inflict 4E on us, they decided -- despite a total lack of any prior lore backing it up -- that Abeir was some sort of parallel world, where Primordials called the shots instead of deities. It was a retcon -- "retroactive continuity".
So both of your sources are technically correct. |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31798 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 15:16:29
quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
quote: Originally posted by Marek
One more question for ED:
I've been doing some research on the term Toril vs Abeir-Toril and have noticed different explanations for these two names.
One of the sources simply says it is the same thing and the prefix Abeir was added at a later date just to make it appear on top of the Realms encyclopedia. Other sources state Toril and Abeir-Toril are different things and it talks about Primordials...
Can you please clarify what is the truth behind the FR planet's name?
Ed didn't originally have a name for the world. Jeff Grubb named it Toril, and then added Abeir to shift it to the front of the alphabetical entries. Though the world was named Abeir-Toril, most references to the world's name dropped Abeir and just called it Toril.
When WotC decided to inflict 4E on us, they decided -- despite a total lack of any prior lore backing it up -- that Abeir was some sort of parallel world, where Primordials called the shots instead of deities. It was a retcon -- "retroactive continuity".
So both of your sources are technically correct.
There's actually log and detailed discussions about this, both among Ed's previous replies, and in other discussion scrolls here at Candlekeep. Marek, you should probably seek them out using the SEARCH function, if you're interested in researching this question further.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |

52 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 15:45:19
quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
quote: Originally posted by Marek
One more question for ED:
I've been doing some research on the term Toril vs Abeir-Toril and have noticed different explanations for these two names.
One of the sources simply says it is the same thing and the prefix Abeir was added at a later date just to make it appear on top of the Realms encyclopedia. Other sources state Toril and Abeir-Toril are different things and it talks about Primordials...
Can you please clarify what is the truth behind the FR planet's name?
Ed didn't originally have a name for the world. Jeff Grubb named it Toril, and then added Abeir to shift it to the front of the alphabetical entries. Though the world was named Abeir-Toril, most references to the world's name dropped Abeir and just called it Toril.
When WotC decided to inflict 4E on us, they decided -- despite a total lack of any prior lore backing it up -- that Abeir was some sort of parallel world, where Primordials called the shots instead of deities. It was a retcon -- "retroactive continuity".
So both of your sources are technically correct.
Thanks a lot Wooly, I thought I was right to ignore the second option(being that crappy 4E) and you confirmed it to me:D
Thanks The Sage, I just feel a bit too lost when I use the search function...felt like drowning! |
Edited by - Marek on 14 Oct 2009 15:47:45 |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 14 Oct 2009 : 19:10:25
Now, arry, that would be TELLING.  I'm actually a bit more "counter" than proactive, if you catch my drift. And men who can catch my drift are purrrrrfectly exciting, BTW.  love, THO |
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