Can someone tell me where I could find a detailled chronology of the events following the return of the shades in the novel serie Return of the Archwizards?
: Oops, should've answered that immediately and not after reading all the other scrolls with new replies that I had opened.
"What mattered our lives now? When our world had been torn from us? Folk wept, or drank, or stood staring out over the land, wondering what new horror each dawn would bring." Elender Stormfall of Suzail
"Anyone can kill deities, cause plagues, or destroy organizations. It takes real skill to make them live on." Varl
The "Players Guide to Faerun" has that story (together with the War of the Spider Queen) over five pages: pg. 166ff. It also has a detailed timeline for the major events.
If you cant say what youre meaning, you can never mean what youre saying. - Centauri Minister of Intelligence, Babylon 5
The "Players Guide to Faerun" has that story (together with the War of the Spider Queen) over five pages: pg. 166ff. It also has a detailed timeline for the major events.
Including the events that happened in the month of Ukta!
-The one in PGtF is probably more detailed, just by virtue of it covering a much smaller span of time, and detailing just those two events, as opposed to the entire chronology.
(A Tri-Partite Arcanist Who Has Forgotten More Than Most Will Ever Know)