I'm not quite sure where to put this, so I'm posting the thread in General Chat.
Does anyone have any experience with Maptool: http://rptools.net/doku.php?id=maptool:intro or other similar free online gametables. I'm cheap as can be, and while the gametable with 4e online tools is an interesting concept, I'd honestly prefer to get something that is actively supported by a open-source group as it is more likely to be high quality with the features I want and more frequent bugfixes/updates.
Wow, I didn't now about it. Looks very clean and could be very nice. I might try it out this weekend.
I have tried OpenRPG been running a FR campaign successfully with it for nearly 3 years now. Its written in Python, Maptool seems to be using Java. Based on those facts alone I would say OpenRPG is better, Python tends to be a better language for multiplayer apps. I would prefer to see a C# or C++ program.
The party come to a town befallen by hysteria
Rogue: So what's in the general store? DM: What are you looking for? Rogue: Whatevers in the store. DM: Like what? Rogue: Everything. DM: There is a lot of stuff. Rogue: Is there a cart outside? DM: (rolls) Yes. Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good.