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 Elfquest article in Dungeon or Dragon
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 13 May 2008 :  05:11:03  Show Profile  Visit BlackDragonKarameikos's Homepage Send BlackDragonKarameikos a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I rememeber seeing an article in one of the Dungeon or Dragon magazines.

Mind you this was probably 20+ years ago. Does anyone remember which magazine it was in and possibly what number it was in.

I seem to remember that it was a 2nd Ed. article, if I remember right the elfs in Elfquest were based off of wood elves at the time.

The reason I'm asking is that I was thinking of using them in my campaign but don't have the information for them. I have the old comics that marvel printed but I really don't want to have to go through them if I don't have to.

Can anyone remember which number it was in?

Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 13 May 2008 :  05:29:35  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nope, I don't remember. But I consulted The DragonDex, and it pointed me in the right direction.

In issue 66 of Dragon, on pages 12-14, Cutter, Skywise, Leetah, Rayek, and Picknose are given 1E stats. I would have expected those characters -- particularly Cutter -- to be a bit higher level than they made them, and I think some ranger levels should have been mixed in, instead of Cutter being a straight fighter and Skywise being a fighter/thief.

On pages 66-68 of issue 116, High Ones are described. The article discusses rules for making High One characters, but it is intended for the Elfquest RPG, not D&D.

Gods, I've not touched anything Elfquest-related in years... I still use a term I snagged from the Elfquest preservers, though: nastybad. I use it as a generic term for any malicious critter.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 13 May 2008 :  05:55:04  Show Profile  Visit BlackDragonKarameikos's Homepage Send BlackDragonKarameikos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Perhaps then Wooly Rupert I will have to stat them up myself.
Although it will take me a bit of time to do it, perhaps it will be a good idea.
Besides, if I do this I will be stating up the entire tribe not just a few of them, like they did in the magazine.

Since they do ride wolves(which is why they were called wolfriders) what kind of wolf would you use?
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 13 May 2008 :  14:50:02  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BlackDragonKarameikos

Perhaps then Wooly Rupert I will have to stat them up myself.
Although it will take me a bit of time to do it, perhaps it will be a good idea.
Besides, if I do this I will be stating up the entire tribe not just a few of them, like they did in the magazine.

Since they do ride wolves(which is why they were called wolfriders) what kind of wolf would you use?

Well, in Dragon 66, on page 14, it says:

The wolves of the Wolfriders are equal to dire wolves as per the Monster Manual
(AC 6, MV 18”, HD 3+3, D/A 2-8), but are fairly intelligent and can communicate, on a simple level, with their elf-friends.

So that's what I'd do: tweak dire wolves a bit, and use them.

I've more than once considered making some sort of evil critter based on Madcoil. Even though Madcoil's creation story was simply ridiculous, the concept of a monstrous great cat/serpent combo is a fun one. Just make it the creation of an evil wizard, and you're set.

Oh, and I've always thought the Wolfriders tribe was simply too small. I understand that they've had a lot to deal with, and I seem to recall at least one of the short stories involving a tribal split... But still, after ten generations, there's only a dozen or so people in the tribe? Even given the elves near-immortality and slow birthrate, you'd still expect the tribe to be two or three times as big.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 13 May 2008 :  15:06:55  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, and the stats that were in that article only covered the time up to the Wolfriders settling in at Sorrow's End and Rayek losing the Trial to Cutter. Obviously, the further you go with the story, the more the stats would change from what's in the article. A later version of Rayek, for example, would prolly have picked up some sorcerer levels.

For some of the odd things, like Redlance's treeshaping, you could treat it as an innate talent, like the ones discussed in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical (formerly a suppressed work , now freely available from the Wizards downloads page).

Me, personally, I'm not sure I'd try to directly bring in the Elfquest elves. I'd be more likely to create a similar group of elves, isolated for millenia from other elves, but otherwise native to the Realms. I like the Elfquest elves, but I think it would be easier, backstory-wise, to create your own versions of them, rather than import the actual elves from the World of Two Moons. They could, for example, have some distant connection to lythari.

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