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Skilled Spell Strategist
11963 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 19:09:38
***************From the recent article on wizards web site********
Ironfang Keep was again occupied in -981 DR when Haask, a monstrous greathorn minotaur (Monster Manual IV), declared himself priest-king and claimed the basalt fortress as the capitol of his burgeoning new kingdom, Grong-Haap. Over the next six-hundred years Grong-Haap slowly expanded to cover the modern-day wastes of Thar, the eastern Moonsea, and northern highlands of the Vast. With only an occasional clash with the elves of Cormanthyr or the orcs of Vastar, the minotaur kingdom enjoyed a level of civilization not common among their kind. Then in the late winter months of the Year of Craven Words (-350 DR), a goblinoid horde one-hundred-thousand strong marched against Grong-Haap from the Tortured Lands in the icy north.
Issuing an utterance in a tongue not spoken on Toril since the Days of Thunder, Haask summoned forth an elder manifestation of absolute evil and sick malevolence. Hargut of the Gray Pestilence surveyed the battlefield before turning his undying gaze upon the priest-king. Speaking a powerful recitation of command, Haask then ordered the Gray Pestilence to scatter the invaders and defend the keep. Tens of thousands died that day before the walls of Ironfang Keep, their flesh fed into Hargut’s voracious maw and their souls consigned to an eternity in the Barrens of Doom and Despair.
By dusk the battle was all but won and Haask returned triumphantly to the keep to feast and rest. Inside, the priest-king was stunned to discover two grim looking humans sitting nonchalantly upon his giant-crafted throne. Before Haask could react, a third assassin appeared behind the priest-king, driving a simple iron blade through his back and into his heart. As his life energy pumped into the enchanted dagger, Haask’s form began to shift revealing his true nature as a batrachi-doppelganger. The mysterious trio later exited the keep heading upriver toward the Glacier of the White Wyrm and beyond. Grong-Haap soon collapsed, and for a time Ironfang Keep again fell out of memory.
Using a simple iron blade.... 3 individuals... -350 DR (they were killing Borem in -359)... headed North like they were trying to find the mystical place where you can become immortal? Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul?
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Master of Realmslore
1720 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 19:49:47
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas
Using a simple iron blade.... 3 individuals... -350 DR (they were killing Borem in -359)... headed North like they were trying to find the mystical place where you can become immortal? Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul?
That is interesting. I never thought of that......... but now that you put it so blundly....
To quote Brians article:
'The mysterious trio later exited the keep heading upriver toward the Glacier of the White Wyrm and beyond. '
'The dark three — a shadowy assassin, the brooding necromancer, and the dour warlord — presented an offer to the dying priest-king[...].'
And from the History of the Dead Three: 'Knucklebones, skull bowling, and the empty throne' (is this canon?):
'The trio then journeyed into the Gray Waste and sought out the Castle of Bone.[...]'
'[...] "I claim this throne of evil," shouted Bane the tyrant. "I'll destroy you before you can raise a finger," threatened Bhaal the assassin. "And I shall imprison your essence for eternity," promised Myrkul the necromancer.[...]'
"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht." |
Edited by - Ergdusch on 07 Nov 2007 20:01:21 |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36860 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 19:55:46
Well, I think this passage comfirms who it is:
quote: The dark three—a shadowy assassin, the brooding necromancer, and the dour warlord
BTW, the article is located at and you must be logged in to read it (this is for those who missed it and are wondering what we're talking about). |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Master of Realmslore
1720 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 20:02:47
quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Well, I think this passage comfirms who it is:
quote: The dark three—a shadowy assassin, the brooding necromancer, and the dour warlord
BTW, the article is located at and you must be logged in to read it (this is for those who missed it and are wondering what we're talking about).
Now, you beat me while I was editing... but good arguements can always be stated a second time, IMHO.  |
"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht." |
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
Great Reader
7106 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 20:18:28
Nice, I also enjoy learning more about the Dark Three. |
"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams." --Richard Greene (letter to Time) |
Senior Scribe
470 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2007 : 20:59:44
What makes this even more interesting is the fact that sometime later, Haask became one of the "lesser powers" that served the Great Tyrannt. So Haask apparently ended up serving one of the mortals who killed him. I find that perfectly in keeping with what we know about Bane. What a wonderful ploy - kill a diety, take a share of his divine essence, and then force him into serving you once you assend to godhood. Is it any wonder Bane makes such agood villian. |
"Over the Mountains Of the Moon Down the Valley of the Shadow, Ride, boldly ride," The shade replied, "If you seek for Eldorado!"
Edgar Allen Poe - 1849 |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Master of Realmslore
1720 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 09:25:52
I would make a great campaign - freeing Haask, Voice of Hargut and also 'resurrecting' Borem of the Lake of Boiling Mud (as was hinted at in Faiths and Patheons, p. 170). Tose two might turn against Bane and his worshippers, thereby weakening the tyrants worship in the realms significantly. Which gods clergy would benefit from such a plan and esp. follow through such a dangerous and vile plot (thinking of all the innocent suffering under the presence of Haask and Borem in the Moonsea region).
While we are at it: what powers would those tow have once freed? The powers of demigods (divine rank 0)? |
"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht." |
David E

55 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 18:01:01
Demigod would make sense, although their divine rank would be at least 1 - divine rank 0 is a quasi-deity (aka hero-deity). |
Master of Realmslore
United Kingdom
1073 Posts |
Posted - 17 Nov 2007 : 14:55:51
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas Using a simple iron blade.... 3 individuals... -350 DR (they were killing Borem in -359)... headed North like they were trying to find the mystical place where you can become immortal? Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul?
Excellent post! thanks
Damian |
So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I? Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. . shudder, love to all, THO Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005 |
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