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77 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2003 : 03:00:14
hmmm...ive been debating this for some time. ive played the entire BG series and Icewind 1. now i dont know which one to buy first....some suggestions would be nice
Zaknafein Do'Urden: mentor, teacher, friend....To Zak, the one who inspired my courage. -Drizzt Do'Urden
Full plate and packing steel. |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
135 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2003 : 12:54:01
Well due to the release schedule, I bought Neverwinter Nights first, which is a game that I love.
I then played Icewind Dale 2, and albeit such a great story, the interface felt very dated and slow.
If you want a great story and will only be playing single player, then go with IWD 2 first. If you want a fun game and want to go online, and want something that is VERY expandable then get NWN.
Strahd Von Zarovich |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Alaundo and I invite fans of everything D&D to join us! |
49 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2003 : 02:10:41
and don't forget that the followup to NWN is coming out soon. |
Senior Scribe
388 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2003 : 05:23:19
Definitely NWN. IWD2 is ok, but the interface and graphics are very dated nowadays. NWN is a beter buy because they already have 1000's of modules to download for free. You'll never play the same game twice after the initial adventure. |
"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar." Yasraena T'Sarran Harper of Silverymoon |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2003 : 07:08:33
NWN definitely has more to keep you interested, plus the graphics are great for such an interactive game, the storyline is a little more solid and defined than IWD2's plot which can seem a little played at times.
The theme music I find factors in a great deal when I play either of these games, as this is where I find IWD2 the better of the two. It's soundtrack is much more in tune with the themes and style throughout the game, whereas NWN either lacks a piece of background music, or repeats the same theme over and over again.
I like both and think they are a great addition to any die-hard FR/CRPG fan, but NWN just seems to be the one I replay most.
Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
18 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2003 : 18:14:46
I bought both (NWN first) and have not regretted. It's just that you can play Icewind Dale 2 for couple of times, and then it's it. Neverwinter Nights continues expanding all the time. Still, I must confess, that I enjoyed IWD2 a lot more. So my advice is: buy both, unless you are on low in money. If you are, then buy IWD 2. It's just so little that makes IWD 2 better. |
Can we not be friends? After all, our dust shall be equal in the end. |
38 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 03:47:49
I prefer NWN. Due to the multiplayer features and you can create your own campaign and gaming world via the Aurora toolset. You can play online with other people's creation as well.
Bad thing is that it encourages minmaxers. |

77 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 05:55:38
just a lil question... are there any famous people from the Realms in any of these two games |
Zaknafein Do'Urden: mentor, teacher, friend....To Zak, the one who inspired my courage. -Drizzt Do'Urden
Full plate and packing steel. |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 07:44:04
Zaknafein said -
quote: just a lil question... are there any famous people from the Realms in any of these two games
Elaith Craulnober is in NWN, for a brief period. I don't recall any popular Realms characters being in IWD2.
Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Edain Shadowstar
Senior Scribe
455 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 17:49:03
Personally, I would say that Neverwinter Nights is likely a better buy, mainly because of the reasons listed above (i.e. newer game, constantly expanding, high replay value, online gaming, ect.). The Icewind Dale games were in my opinion, sorta and try by Bioware/Black Isle to produce another Baldur's Gate. Both game series use the same engine and very similar interfaces, and it always seemed like Icewind Dale was just sorta tacked on the leech success from the Baldur's Gate series. |
Edain Shadowstar Archwizard of Rel Astra and Waterdeep
"Mmm…pie…" - Gaius Solarian, Captain General |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
135 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 18:39:11
quote: Originally posted by KlarthAilerion
and don't forget that the followup to NWN is coming out soon.
Yes the add on to NWN will be out shortly. The story is all new and very different. It is not just another tale set in the city of Neverwinter. In fact it will take the adventure out towards Anauroch.
Check out the new site for the expansion at:-
There is also the added bonus of the toolkit with NWN to make your own modules, as well as run a DM session for other players.
All in all the best RPG game out there!
Strahd Von Zarovich |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Alaundo and I invite fans of everything D&D to join us! |

77 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 20:54:11
hmm sounds good, really leaning towards NWN, ill probably grab it this weekend |
Zaknafein Do'Urden: mentor, teacher, friend....To Zak, the one who inspired my courage. -Drizzt Do'Urden
Full plate and packing steel. |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 26 May 2003 : 07:57:58
I am not entirely sure of the source, but I remember reading somewhere about 4 weeks ago, that Bioware/Black Isle were starting production on an expansion to IWD2, much like they did with Heart of Winter. I recall this, because at the time I was thinking - 'What could they possibly base an expansion on?'.
Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Senior Scribe
428 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 23:28:04
I like the "old Black Isle" (i.e. BG/BG2/IwD/HoW) interface better than the "BioWare" (i.e. NwN) interface.
The IwD2 interface is the worst of the lot. It's very non-intuitive after getting used to the "old" Black Isle interface. NwN is probably more intuitive for someone with no exposure to any of them. |
Edited by - branmakmuffin on 05 Jun 2003 23:30:55 |
20 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jun 2003 : 18:11:53
quote: Originally posted by Yasraena
Definitely NWN. IWD2 is ok, but the interface and graphics are very dated nowadays. NWN is a beter buy because they already have 1000's of modules to download for free. You'll never play the same game twice after the initial adventure.
Way back when BG was new, I bought it. But I absolutely HATED the awful control system. I only kept the stupid thing a couple of hours and was so annoyed I talked the store manager into taking it back (for something else, not quite a total refund, admittedly). IWD seemed to have a different feel about it, but was so buggy on the system that I had at the time that I didn't get far with it.
I also was not pleased with Morrowind's controls, but at least with it I was so caught up in the gameplay from the start that I didn't notice it all of the time. Morrowind is one I kept, but never finished. The only disappointment, if you want to think of it that way, with NWN, is that the built-in single player campaign is somewhat short and pursues a slightly tattered & old kind of story line. Skorpia used to refer to the Maugrim and/or Morag as the "Foozle" in a game.
I missed her when she stopped writing for CGW! -
Senior Scribe
428 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 22:05:46
Way, way, way off topic, but what is CGW? |
Learned Scribe
141 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jun 2003 : 03:33:50
How did my most hated enemy Zankifien get into the libary of Candlekeep? Well no matter i will still offer advice to even renegade drow... NWN is the choice, i have IW2 and it gets very boring after a little while. NWN has online and single playing. Stick with Neverwinter... |
" The truth comes out only in bold and underlined" |
Sirendel dro ahm
United Kingdom
3 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jul 2003 : 05:37:24
nwn is very pretty and easy to use even for someone who hasn't played any of the bg/iwd series I would personally recomend IWD2 for single player and nwn for multiplay. the toolsets alone make nwn a must buy but then you really shouldn't miss IWD2 either. Sorry thats probbaly not very helpfull |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jul 2003 : 06:10:17
The only way you can make a decision here is to check which engine you like
Infinity or the 3D engine in NWN
I prefer the Infinity Engine, i dont see why when you have hit perfection you want to sully it with new ideas
But admittedly, NWN is probably the better game, simply by vitue of amount of time spent on its production. It also has an expansion which IWD2 lacks |
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
The Exile
3 Posts |
Posted - 02 Aug 2003 : 23:07:08
NWN is my prefer. |
In all the world of the drow, there is no more important word. It is the calling of their-of our-religion, the incessant pulling of hungering heartstrings. Ambition overrides good sense and compassion is thrown away in its face, all in the name of Lloth, the Spider Queen....
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 31 Aug 2003 : 13:01:54
I prefer IWD2 although I bought NWN first.I uninstalled NWN, didn't like the Aurora engine, I guess I was disappointed that NWN wasn't an infinity engine and I had hoped it would be BG3 since in BG1ToTSC Lord Foreshadow hints about both Athkatla and Neverwinter.I'm looking forward to the Icewind Gate 2 mod that Weimer is working on, it will combine BG2 with the improved infinity engine of IWD2 and 3rd. ed. rules and spells. Graphics do not make the game it has to be balanced and NWN is like playing a play station game, Mario meets Baldurs Gate! |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 08 Sep 2003 : 17:58:34
No replys to my opinion.I am surprized because I myself feel I may have been harsh with my statements but I was clearly upset with Black Isle when NWN first came out.They did a good job with it but wasn't what I had been expecting.I did enjoy IWD2 although I must confess that I am still In love with the BG series and had hoped to play on after TOB.Anyone interested in BG2 mods should check out "After the End" that Silverose is working on.:She allows BG2 to continue after TOB with the choice of good/evil charactor and travel to Waterdeep,Evermeet and possibly other places.check it out as well as Weimer's Icewind Gate2 which will combine 3e and Improved infinity engine{world map changes through dialogue} with a chance to explore the whole world in time.
(Anyway if I was rude about NWN please accept my apology.) |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Senior Scribe
388 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2003 : 05:49:58
Yasraena shakes her head in sympathy William, William, William..... You must get with the times my friend. The infinity engine has gone the way of the Dodo. It was good when it first came out, but now is really outdated, especially graphics wise. I agree that graphics alone don't make a game, but they sure contribute to it's greatness (or not so greatness). NWN uses it's graphics, music and ambient sounds to really get you into the world. Not that BG or IWD didn't. NWN just does a better job of it. Don't get me wrong, I loved Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Icewind Dale and their respective add-ons. But the Infinity engine is getting reeeaaaly long in the tooth compared to what's out there now. Given, the main story line of the first three ran circles around the main story of NWN, but where they can be played maybe two or three times (and the same story again at that) NWN has spawned sooooo many great player made modules that you never have to play the same game twice. The game will virtually never get old because of that. And, (IMO) the better graphics, music and play aspects (such as the alignment feature) just make it an overall better game.
As far as the PS comparison, I just don't see it. I really hate console games because they're so one-dimensional. I really can't see how you can say that about NWN. True, it's more combat driven than the other three, but it reflects the 3E rules by doing so as 3E is geared more towards hack&slash than roleplaying. The only thing I wish they had put into it that was in the Infinity engine, was the ability to control up to 6 characters at a time. That was definitely one of the coolest aspects of those games and the one aspect that I really miss from them. |
"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar." Yasraena T'Sarran Harper of Silverymoon |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2003 : 18:09:40
Yasraena, I know you are totally right. Maybe I hang on too the past a little to long or maybe I hate change.Thankfully I am not the only one as you will see by visiting the links in my last post.There are also lots of mods to make the games more playable.Ultimately I will have to face it as you say and move on. I do agree with you about the party members, I think you should have been able to let 5 of the henchmen join you.It was a mistake to change that but I guess it changed to give you more experience points with the new rules.
Thank you Yasraena,I haven't tried NWN in sometime now so mabye its time I reinstall it and download the add-ons.Your wisdom is without flaw and I admit that I am often a bit too stubborn for my own good so I honestly appreciate your post.To bad you don't live closer to me, I think I would really enjoy conversations with you. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Edited by - William of Waterdeep on 09 Sep 2003 18:31:52 |
Senior Scribe
388 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 05:54:35
I really hope you weren't being facetious with that last post Will.  I have to admit that I can be just as stubborn as the next guy too, and can deal with change so long as it isn't just for the sake of change. It has to be for the better, not just to do something different. I really hope you give NWN a second look because I think you'll find it to be one of the best games you've ever played.
I agree, too bad we live so far apart. You sound like a guy I could relate to, but that's what this site is for after all. I've made a number of etheral friends here already, so count yourself as the latest. |
"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar." Yasraena T'Sarran Harper of Silverymoon |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 07:08:39
quote: Originally posted by Yasraena
I really hope you weren't being facetious with that last post Will.  I have to admit that I can be just as stubborn as the next guy too, and can deal with change so long as it isn't just for the sake of change. It has to be for the better, not just to do something different. I really hope you give NWN a second look because I think you'll find it to be one of the best games you've ever played. Yasraena,I was serious on reinstalling NWN.Just finished patching it{I love the upgrade button}but now I hate to play until I buy the latest add ons,I don't want to have to start over.LOL,I'll try to get both expansions as soon as possible.I know Shadows of Undrentide is out but what about Hordes of the Underdark? I hope its out!!
I agree, too bad we live so far apart. You sound like a guy I could relate to, but that's what this site is for after all. I've made a number of etheral friends here already, so count yourself as the latest.
Thank you,I agree that is what the site is for and I would be happy; No,I would be most honored to be counted as your latest friend. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Thais Paradox
7 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 13:41:10
NWN or IWII? The eternal quest? Personally I like a good, clear, story backing to any game I play, and IWII just confused me. Now I'm deliberating whether to get SOA for NWN or ToB for BGII. |
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we art a clumsy Drider. |
Senior Scribe
388 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 19:56:38
quote: Originally posted by Thais Paradox Now I'm deliberating whether to get SOA for NWN or ToB for BGII.
Well, I'll tell ya, I was a little dissapointed with Shadows of Undrentide. It wasn't a bad add-on, but it wasn't great either. Had I paid full price it instead of just $20, I be really upset. Considering the multitude of absolutely great player made mods that are out there, I thought that Bioware would have put more into it than they did. The one thing that I was realy dissapointed about was that they didn't take the level cap out. You're still limited to 20th level. 
There are some cool things in it, though. I really liked the story line of bringing back one of the old Netherese cities, and being made a slave before you can finish the game. They also added grenade like missiles to the game like acid flasks, Holy water and caltrops, and you can now control your henchman's inventory so you can give them better items and have them carry stuff for you. They also added a few prestige classes to the game like the Blackguard, Harper Scout and Shadowdancer.
Overall pretty decent, but I'd wait until it goes on sale. |
"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar." Yasraena T'Sarran Harper of Silverymoon |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 22:39:56
quote: Originally posted by Thais Paradox
NWN or IWII? The eternal quest? Personally I like a good, clear, story backing to any game I play, and IWII just confused me. Now I'm deliberating whether to get SOA for NWN or ToB for BGII.
warning,possible spoiler Well as you can see by our post that Yasraena is the expert of NWN as I just reinstalled it due to her wisdom but I do know ToB for BG2,Its a good add on but its different than SoA. Let me explain,In SoA you have lots of places to explore and lots of side quests that you can do if you want to. With ToB,You gain Watchers Keep But after the Hell Trials and you get your Pocket Plane,You have a few side quests but it is very few,and travel to new area is limited until main quest is completed in area you are in. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 20:34:57
Yasraena,Since we have to wait for HotU,what are some of your favorite player made mods. and do you have links.Have you tried Beneath the Spine yet and if so is it any good? I found a link to a site that has BG and NWN downloads., you may already have visited.
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Senior Scribe
388 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 01:54:55
I actually have quite a few now, but I don't want to repeat myself (or incur the wrath of out most honorable head sage by doing so) so I will direct your attentions to this scroll to see what they are. The links will take you to a great site that has literaly dozens of mods for download. Enjoy. |
"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar." Yasraena T'Sarran Harper of Silverymoon |
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