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Master of Realmslore

1018 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2020 :  00:20:19  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here is another Gargauth-related spell taken from Powers and Pantheons, page 26. Like Astaroth's Augmentation, Gargauth grants this spell to clerics of other faiths. Whether such people are pleased with the final outcome is of course a different story.

Mask of Gargauth

Transmutation [Evil,Lawful, Screwjob]
Level: Clr 4
Components: V,S,M, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Target: You (or one willing recipient; see below)
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell works as an alter self spell, except with a much longer duration. Unbeknownst to the caster, the spell causes 1 point of Charisma drain for every three days the spell is in operation. Mask of Gargauth hides the Charisma drain until the spell ends, whether by will of the recipient or involuntarily. However, the original Charisma score still applies when interacting with servants of Gargauth or Gargauth himself.

The caster must wait at least three days after Mask of Gargauth ends before casting the spell again. For each day the caster does not wait, the recasting inflicts 1 point of Charisma drain. This drain is cumulative with any Charisma drain that occurs with a spell lasting longer than three days, and is cloaked by the recast spell until it expires. The caster does not necessarily know about this detail except through bitter experience or through diligent research.

The spell also establishes a link between Gargauth and the caster that extends across planes, through antimagic fields, dead magic or wild magic zones and even effects as powerful as mind blank. Gargauth may scry on the caster at will, read thoughts and automatically succeed on Sense Motive checks. While the spell is in effect, the caster emanates an aura of law and evil as if an outsider of the caster's character level. The caster will be unable to detect either the (one-way!!) scrying link or the aura by his or her own efforts.

If the person under the spell's effect performs an action that Gargauth deems offensive, Gargauth will forcibly terminate the spell, inflicting potential Charisma drain and a bestow curse that also targets Charisma. If the caster's Charisma reaches 0, he or she immediately transforms into a lemure and his or her possessions are randomly teleported throughout Faerun. A cleric of Gargauth may cast this spell on behalf of a willing recipient. In this case, the recipient, not the caster, faces the risks of Charisma drain.

The material component of this spell is an unblessed broken horn manifested by Gargauth. The divine focus is necessary only if a cleric of Gargauth is casting the spell on behalf of another.
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Master of Realmslore

1018 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2020 :  01:03:14  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here is another Gargauth-related spell taken from Powers and Pantheons, page 26. Like Astaroth's Augmentation, Gargauth grants this spell to clerics of other faiths. Why in the Nine Hells anyone, especially a cleric of another deity, would want to get Gargauth's attention is a great question.

Call Upon Gargauth

Conjuration (Calling) [Evil,Lawful, Royal Screwjob]
Level: Clr 9
Components: V,S,M, DF
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Call Upon Gargauth enables the caster to contact Gargauth, whether he is on Toril, elsewhere in Realmspace or in the Outer Planes. The spell also establishes a link between Gargauth and the caster that extends across planes, through antimagic fields, dead magic or wild magic zones and even effects as powerful as mind blank. Gargauth may scry on the caster at will, read thoughts and automatically succeed on Sense Motive checks. While the spell is in effect, the caster emanates an aura of law and evil as if an outsider of the caster's character level. The caster will be unable to detect either the (one-way!!) scrying link or the aura by his or her own efforts.

Gargauth may answer the call if he sees fit. He is not under any compulsion, although he may try to trick the caster into believing otherwise. If using the rules from Fiendish Codex II, any non-evil spellcaster immediately gains two corruption points just for casting this spell. Keep in mind Gargauth is exceptionally crafty when making deals, even by archdevil standards.

The material component of this spell is an unblessed broken horn manifested by Gargauth. The divine focus of a god other than Gargauth is consumed as any other material component.
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Great Reader

2286 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2020 :  06:34:32  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Senior Scribe Delnyn,

I really like the hidden CHA drain. That is quite cool. Adds that awesome element of mystery to the magic behind it all. Very nice!

Best regards,

Higher Atlar
Spirit Soaring
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Master of Realmslore

1018 Posts

Posted - 18 Dec 2020 :  00:43:29  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Reader cpthero2,
Gargauth deliberately witholds much critical information about his granted spells, even from his own clerics. To others who approach a Gargauthan agent hoping to acquire some benefits, caveat emptor!

Originally posted by cpthero2

Senior Scribe Delnyn,

I really like the hidden CHA drain. That is quite cool. Adds that awesome element of mystery to the magic behind it all. Very nice!

Best regards,

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Senior Scribe

469 Posts

Posted - 18 Dec 2020 :  10:46:55  Show Profile  Visit PattPlays's Homepage Send PattPlays a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I open up this thread randomly and I am immediately met by Gargauth content.

My web of mysteries pulls me back in.. it is unavoidable..

I actually found Astaroth's spell in that one magazine article and found it fascinating. I plan to include it and one of Gargauth's spells from P&P in my campaign somewhere. I wonder what would happen if someone cast Call Upon Gargauth in the Present Age.. I still am dumbfounded as to how I should interpret these spells when the Shield of the Hidden Lord is still a thing.

Senior Scribe Delnyn, "Making this a 5th or 6th level spell is totally fine with me. I used 3rd level because that was the level used in the sourcebook. For caveats, where you thinking about restrictions on acceptable sentient beings to sacrifice - such as children or a paladin?That said, keeping the spell level somewhat lower than expected as a way to spread the spell among a larger pool. Think of Gargauth as the drug pusher who gives a super cheap first fix to get you hooked."

I honestly love it as a third level spell. Nothing makes your players double-take more than something being exceedingly overpowered on the surface. One would hope it could make them suspicious. This stat boosting spell is the one I was talking about earlier in this post. I just love that, with Baldur's Gate Descent Into Avernus out for 5e D&D, we have hooks for using and abusing these classic spells in a way that can direct a party unwittingly into a whole different campaign module's territory. Still wondering about Gormauth Souldrinker..

:The world's greatest OOTA fan/critic: :"Powder kegs within powder kegs!": :Meta-Dimensional Cheese: :Why is the Wand of Orcus just back?: :We still don't know the nature of Souls and the Positive Energy Plane: :PC on profile, Aldritch Elpyptrat Maxinfield: :Helljumpers, :Rock Hard Gladiator, RIP Fluidanim, Long Live Pluto: :IRC lives:

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Master of Realmslore

1018 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2020 :  17:43:06  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Part Plays,
Going by Descent Into Avernus, I would presume Call Upon Gargauth would not work as usual. Instead, I would recommend telepathic messages being sent from Gargauth to go to some place and await further instructions.
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Senior Scribe

469 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2020 :  22:17:47  Show Profile  Visit PattPlays's Homepage Send PattPlays a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delnyn

Part Plays,
Going by Descent Into Avernus, I would presume Call Upon Gargauth would not work as usual. Instead, I would recommend telepathic messages being sent from Gargauth to go to some place and await further instructions.

Thanks for the response, though I think there is some deeper lore with the Pit of Gargauth on this. It appeared to me in my various Gargauth research here and in old tomes (still seeking Gormauth Souldrinker lore!) that both Shield Gargauth and a physical Gargauth have existed simultaneously, with one Gargauth being seen flying northward to cause a mess while the Shield's backstory is almost completely fan theory and conjecture. There is very little in the way of clear distinction between the two sides of his being. In the same edition you will have these divine calling spells and have well established lore about the grand cults of the Hidden Lord, repeatedly said to be Gargauth from inside the shield. I haven't' seen anyone able to clear this up, it's been all theory as to how he's in two places at once. Many people cite stories about his Pit beneath a certain city in the heartlands.

:The world's greatest OOTA fan/critic: :"Powder kegs within powder kegs!": :Meta-Dimensional Cheese: :Why is the Wand of Orcus just back?: :We still don't know the nature of Souls and the Positive Energy Plane: :PC on profile, Aldritch Elpyptrat Maxinfield: :Helljumpers, :Rock Hard Gladiator, RIP Fluidanim, Long Live Pluto: :IRC lives:

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Great Reader

2286 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2020 :  19:53:04  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Senior Scribe Delnyn,

You should consider posting a listing of all your Gargauth information in one post somewhere. I know you've done quite a bit of research on that! :)

Best regards,

Higher Atlar
Spirit Soaring
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Senior Scribe

469 Posts

Posted - 22 Dec 2020 :  02:58:48  Show Profile  Visit PattPlays's Homepage Send PattPlays a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by cpthero2

Senior Scribe Delnyn,

You should consider posting a listing of all your Gargauth information in one post somewhere. I know you've done quite a bit of research on that! :)

Best regards,

I posted in the Questions for Ed Greenwood thread about Gormauth Souldrinker. Until I hear more on that topic, I don't have anything. I even emailed a user here about it all and they made it clear that I wasn't asking anything specific enough of them. If I can't talk theory without sounding incomprehensible and unhelpful, then I'll just bite my tongue on that topic until I get more information.
City of Splendors just rocks my world with this throwaway Gormauth Souldrinker stuff..

EDIT: Wait- ohh... I asked Ed about the Pit of Jhaam and Ghaunadaur's Garden.

Yeah, I have to ask someone oh the old school development team about Gormauth Souldrinker. Uhg! Too much to juggle. No wonder I can't arrange a theory that makes sense. In City of Splendor there is an old shrine claiming to be an old alias of Gargauth, but it's a title that has belonged to Ghaunadaur (with no info given) since 2e. My Gargauth collection is.. far too spotty to compile yet.

:The world's greatest OOTA fan/critic: :"Powder kegs within powder kegs!": :Meta-Dimensional Cheese: :Why is the Wand of Orcus just back?: :We still don't know the nature of Souls and the Positive Energy Plane: :PC on profile, Aldritch Elpyptrat Maxinfield: :Helljumpers, :Rock Hard Gladiator, RIP Fluidanim, Long Live Pluto: :IRC lives:


Edited by - PattPlays on 22 Dec 2020 03:19:03
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 22 Dec 2020 :  03:27:41  Show Profile  Visit PattPlays's Homepage Send PattPlays a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's something I stuck in a Netherese arcanist's tomb, thanks to 3rd edition's Fiend Folio.

Jar of Shadow Asps Wonderous, Rare, Possible to be attuned with.
This is a heavily modified and enchanted snake-charmer's jug with general proportions similar to an Alchemy Jug. It has a finely crafted metal plug that forms a releasable airtight seal on the top of the item. It exudes Conjuration and Shadow magic. The inside of the jug is always cloaked in darkness.

You can use an action to open this jug. When this jug is opened, a Giant Poisonous Snake emerges and attacks the nearest creature not attuned to the object. This snake has a striking black and gray color scheme and the poison it delivers deals strength damage. When this snake reaches zero hit points, it dissolves to ash. A Shadow is summoned immediately following this and it attempts to hide and attack creatures when as soon as the situation allows for an ambush, if it can flee the current combat. A new snake appears inside the jug in 24 hours or at the next day's dusk hour, as long as the lid is closed and sealed shut. A creature attuned to the object can use a bonus action to control the snake, which is non-hostile to them. The shadow released after the snake dies is always hostile and does not know or care who is attuned to the object.

Just a fun little thing.

:The world's greatest OOTA fan/critic: :"Powder kegs within powder kegs!": :Meta-Dimensional Cheese: :Why is the Wand of Orcus just back?: :We still don't know the nature of Souls and the Positive Energy Plane: :PC on profile, Aldritch Elpyptrat Maxinfield: :Helljumpers, :Rock Hard Gladiator, RIP Fluidanim, Long Live Pluto: :IRC lives:

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Master of Realmslore

1018 Posts

Posted - 01 Jan 2021 :  20:22:07  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Here is the last Gargauth-related spell taken from Powers and Pantheons, page 26. Unlike the other spells posted, Gargauth only grants this spell to his own clerics and does not receive the screwjob descriptor. The unwilling recipient of this spell will beg to differ with me.

Spiritual Corruption

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Evil, Lawful, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr 8
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One non-evil living creature
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Will negates (see below)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Spiritual corruption is an insidious enchant that weakens the conscience of its victim. The effects of this spell may only be prematurely ended by magic at least as powerful as limited wish, an artifact or divine intervention. Dispel magic, break enchantment or similar spells will not work. The spell has no effect on constructs, elementals, undead or any evil creature.

The target of the spell receives an initial saving throw to resist the effects entirely if spell resistance fails to stop the spell. Good creatures have a +4 circumstance bonus to the initial saving throw. Neutral creatures with respect to evil and good receive neither bonus nor penalty. The DM secretly rolls the save for non-outsiders, however, and the target is not necessarily aware he or she was ever targeted by spiritual corruption. Furthermore, the saving throw is not rolled immediately after the casting.

In the case of outsiders, however, saving throws are done immediately after the spell is cast. This alerts the victim of potentially hostile effects, whether the save succeeds or not. They may then take action to have the effect removed before the first temptation happens the next day. Native outsiders will know if they failed a save or not, if spell resistance failed or not, but not the nature of the effect. Extraplanar outsiders will recognize the spiritual corruption effect and how to remove the effect whether or not the save succeeded or failed. Gargauth does not tell his clerics about the exception with outsiders. They either learn through diligent investigative research (preferred) or through bitter-and fatal!- experience.

Within one day of the spell being cast, spiritual corruption tempts the victim with a minor moral dilemma of the DM’s making. If the saving throw fails, the victim takes the morally suspect route. There is nothing to stop the victim from voluntarily failing the saving throw if he or she learns about the spell’s effect.

If the saving throw failed on the first day, the victim will face a slightly more significant moral dilemma the following day, and the next saving throw will have a -1 penalty. If the saving throw succeeds, the victim will face a less severe moral challenge the following day with a saving throw at no penalty. If the saving throw fails, the victim will face a more severe moral challenge the following day and the next saving throw will have a -2 penalty.

This series of daily temptations fluctuates in terms of severity and penalty indefinitely until the victim makes a saving throw at no penalty or fails a saving throw at a -7 penalty. If the victim saves at no penalty, spiritual corruption ends, but the victim must still deal with the consequences of his or her immoral actions. An atonement spell with a quest assigned by casting cleric and restitution to wronged parties may be in order. If the victim fails the save at a -7 penalty, the spell ends but the victim’s alignment permanently shifts to evil. The chaotic, lawful or neutral component of alignment remains the same. The victim also feels strongly drawn to the worship of Gargauth.

If using the corruption rules in Fiendish Codex II, the victim receives a number of corruption points equal to half the save penalty (rounded down) for each action compelled from a failed save.

The material component of this spell is an unblessed broken horn manifested by Gargauth.
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Great Reader

2457 Posts

Posted - 15 Jun 2021 :  23:09:00  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How would the scribes stat this spell?

Ranting Mouth
Range: as Ventriloquism

An improved version of Ventriloquism, with added parts of Detho’s Delirium and Magic Mouth.
Like Magic Mouth, it has a buffer of 25 words and visual cantrip of moving lips (which can be adjusted to fit the illusory decoy or omitted).
A weak mind probe feeds it much like Detho’s Delirium, allowing to talk semi-autonomously as long as the caster is in range.
As such, the caster may direct it to talk on a given topic, and it will go on for a while even if the caster concentrates on another spell or is knocked out.
The primary purpose is to create a believable decoy with several spells of lower levels than Mislead or conceal spellcasting (as the caster is "still talking"), but it has many other applications such as magic items that compensate for speech defects (natural or not).

As a side effect, incoming mind probes (magical or psionic) fall into it as "the path of least resistance" and redirect "the reader".(*)
The invading probe is slowed down by the buffer if it retrieves answers in words, otherwise it receives an immediate response echoed by the mouth aloud after its current buffer runs out.
Ranting Mouth can be dismissed with a mental command, taking out the invading links (if any) with it.

The caster can change subject, notice change due to interference (before the result is spoken aloud) or dismiss unless concentrating on another spell at the moment; pause the mouth or continue on the current subject at any time.

(*) Dispel-like opposing roll? Saving throw? Hmm.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2021 :  15:43:03  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As requested by The Arcanamach, a couple demi-human spells(2e):

Forced Reverie – Drow
Level: 1
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Due to the elves widely known resistance to sleep, the drow developed this spell specifically for their surface elven cousins. The spell works in all ways like the standard sleep spell except that it only affects elves and half-elves.

Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures, but normal noise does not. Awakening requires one entire round. Magically enforced reverie opponents can be attacked with substantial bonuses (see "Modifiers to the Attack Roll" in Chapter 9: Combat).

The material component for this spell is a pinch of fine sand or a leaf from any kind of tree.

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 6-inch by 6-inch area of stone or earth
Saving Throw: None
Hearth fires, culturally, were very important to gnomes. For the times that gnomes were unable to have a real fire to provide emotional comfort, this spell was developed. It simply creates the illusion of a small fire at the location touched. The area must be free of any plant matter and can be any earth or stone area. The illusionary flame produces no heat and only provides the amount of light equal to a torch. The area touched (the material component) is not harmed in any way

Edit: fixed typos

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

My FR writeups -

Edited by - TheIriaeban on 03 Oct 2021 15:47:45
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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2021 :  00:48:31  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here are a couple more spells (2e), variations of which are probably in use at Candlekeep:

Improved Copy
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 book or scroll
Saving Throw: None
An improve copy spell enables the caster to copy an entire book or scroll to another blank book or scroll of equal size or larger.

The spell is cast with the two books/scrolls sitting next to each other. Once the casting is complete, glowing streams starts to flow from the source material into the destination. This continues at a rate of 20 pages per round until the entire book or scroll has been copied into the destination. Portions of the source object cannot be selected; all is transferred.

If at any time during the process any parts are disturbed in any manner, the spell ends immediately. When this happens, none of the information from the source will be in the destination object. You either get all or nothing of the information contained in the book or scroll.

The transfer is permanent and is a perfect duplicate of the original. The spell cannot duplicate magical writings of any sort (if the source has any spell on it that scrambles or hides text, the spell fails immediately). This spell is not able create more than a single copy of a single work at one time. If multiple copies or multiple books are desired, it will require multiple castings of the spell.

The material components for this spell are the destination book/scroll and the source material, neither of which is harmed in the process.

Trest’s Transcribed Treatise
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 book or scroll
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the improved copy spell except as noted above and that it will translate the book from one written language to another. The destination language must be known by the caster as well as a proficiency in the subject matter of the book to be translated and copied. If the caster does not have the needed proficiency, a successful skill check must be made against the destination language or else the resulting work will be nothing but a useless jumble of words in both the source and destination languages. This does not damage the source book or scroll in any way. Magical writings of any type cannot be translated or copied by this spell.

The material components for this spell are the destination book and the source material, neither of which is harmed in the process. This spell was researched by Trest Muaj-Gadrok, a wizard of Warder rank with the Guardian Wizards Guild of Iriaebor.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

My FR writeups -

Edited by - TheIriaeban on 04 Oct 2021 00:51:18
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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2021 :  15:43:11  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A couple of the most powerful spells(2e) I have come up with:

Alacrity IV
Level: 9
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 turns + 4 rounds/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the 3rd-level spell alacrity except as noted above and as follows: it affects spells of any level. Additionally, casting times of greater than 1 round are reduced by 80%, casting times of 1 round are reduce to a casting time of 2, casting times of 8-9 are reduced to 2, casting times of 2-7 are reduced to 1.

This spell was created by the archmage Rodushan Cablemnor.

Disjunction Injunction
(Abjuration, Enchantment)
Level: 9
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 enchanted item
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the touched magical item is protected from being disjoined or nullified. Spells or effects that remove or dispel magic that are other than a dweomerbanish, eye of Mystra, or Mordenkainen’s disjunction are completely ineffective. A dweomerbanish or Mordenkainen’s disjunction will weaken an injunction but only enough so that a second dweomerbanish or Mordenkainen’s disjunction will function normally (other magic dispelling spells are still ineffective). A disjunction injunction is completely ineffective against an eye of Mystra (no magic can protect against the Goddess of Magic).

Creatures who live on devouring magic will also have no effect on an item under the effect of a disjunction injunction. They will still detect the item as magical and may attempt to “eat” it, but they will soon realize that they get nothing from it and will move on to some other item on the next round.

The spell can be made permanent on an item. If a permanent injunction is affected by a dweomerbanish or Mordenkainen’s disjunction, the injunction’s protection is negated against a second casting of the listed spells for 2d3 rounds. After that, the injunction’s protection returns to normal unless a third casting of the listed spells is performed.

The material component is a piece of an item that used to have permanent magic on it that was affected by a dweomerbanish or Mordenkainen’s disjunction. This spell was created by the archmage Rodushan Cablemnor of Iriaebor.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

My FR writeups -
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Great Reader

2457 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2021 :  17:31:13  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Forced Reverie � Drow
[...] Due to the elves widely known resistance to sleep, the drow developed this spell specifically for their surface elven cousins.

It makes much sense, elves not sleeping the same way should lead to another move in the usual "magic arms race", rather than stop at "gosh golly what do".
Though IMHO it would be more likely to appear back before the drow, when elf-on-elf fighting was more widespread. Small raids like the drow do are not serious enough to develop specific adaptations (beyond what's necessary to offset disadvantages of a "foreign" environment, those are also useful for merchants and wizards sneaking around for fancy spell components).

I thought about another twist:
Elemental Reverie
Range: as Sleep; Save: Negates.
(or Range: Touch; Save: Negates, with penalty).
The target elf's next reverie is filled with visions of a given elemental plane. Mostly a recreational spell. Usually only minor mechanical effects (in the same cases as elementalist's adjustments): bonuses for elemental magic of the same type and maluses for the opposite. If the target has ingrained fears related to the element, the reverie is restless (like Nightmare, but without damage and backlash effect). No effect if elemental planes are inaccessible.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch

Edited by - TBeholder on 08 Oct 2021 17:41:23
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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2021 :  17:51:09  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's a good point about when the spell came about. My thought about that is that it could be true but current elves would disavow the spell in an attempt to "whitewash" their history since all surface elves are buddies and only the evil, nasty drow would have a spell that specifically targets other elves.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

My FR writeups -
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Master of Realmslore

1289 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2021 :  18:22:39  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A couple mid-level spells (2e):

Set Teleport Locus
Level: 5
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: A 5-foot by 5-foot area
Saving Throw: None
This spell enchants a specific area to act as an aid for teleportation spells. If a caster is using a teleport spell to travel to this location, the magic of this spell will guarantee that the teleport is errorless. The area to be target of this spell must be immobile (you cannot create a teleport locus on a ship or in a wagon).

The locus provides no benefit if it is the source location for a teleport and not the destination (of course, if both source and destination locations are loci then the errorless benefit does occur). It also does not affect any other spell that targets an area even if that spell is one that transports someone/something by means other than teleportation (i.e. spells that create portals or movement via another dimension like a shadow walk spell).

The material components of this spell are a brush and a jar of pigments made from octopus or squid ink and powdered diamond (2,500 gp worth).

Summon Ecalypse
(Conjuration/Summoning, Shadow)
Level: 5
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour + 4d6 turns
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Summons 1 ecalypse
Saving Throw: None
The caster of this spell summons a mount, an ecalypse (see the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome) from the Plane of Shadow. The ecalypse serves its summoner willingly. Since it is a willing to serve, it provides all the normal benefits to the summoner as if it was a permanent mount (telepathic connection, shadow walk for ecalypse and rider; see the entry for more information). A summoned ecalypse cannot be turned into a permanent mount since the rider would have to “break” the ecalypse and this can only be done if it is encountered outside of this spell.

The material components include a pinch of ground obsidian, crushed bark of the shadowbark tree, and a handful of flaked platinum worth no less than 200 gp.

An Ecalypse is an Ephemeral (

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Oct 2021 :  13:50:15  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Set Teleport Locus

The locus provides no benefit if it is the source location for a teleport and not the destination (of course, if both source and destination locations are loci then the errorless benefit does occur). It also does not affect any other spell that targets an area even if that spell is one that transports someone/something by means other than teleportation (i.e. spells that create portals or movement via another dimension like a shadow walk spell).

I infer that if both source and destination are loci, then two applications of the spell are necessary, one for each direction of travel. My other assumption is a loci must have been personally visited by the caster and is well known before the spell is cast. Are these assumptions reasonable?

I love this spell and am adjusting for conversion to 3.5/PF1e rules. Examples of adjustment: Duration 1 day/caster level or 1 use/caster level, whichever comes first. Permanency affects the former, not usage limits.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Oct 2021 :  17:21:06  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delnyn

Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Set Teleport Locus

The locus provides no benefit if it is the source location for a teleport and not the destination (of course, if both source and destination locations are loci then the errorless benefit does occur). It also does not affect any other spell that targets an area even if that spell is one that transports someone/something by means other than teleportation (i.e. spells that create portals or movement via another dimension like a shadow walk spell).

I infer that if both source and destination are loci, then two applications of the spell are necessary, one for each direction of travel. My other assumption is a loci must have been personally visited by the caster and is well known before the spell is cast. Are these assumptions reasonable?

I love this spell and am adjusting for conversion to 3.5/PF1e rules. Examples of adjustment: Duration 1 day/caster level or 1 use/caster level, whichever comes first. Permanency affects the former, not usage limits.

Yes, if both ends has the spell on it, it would take two casting.

Using the table in the 2e version of Teleport, the target must have been at least "viewed once" so yes they would have had to have been there. If they have never been there, they wouldn't have a "feel" for the location enough to really target exactly where the locus is at.

Adjust how you see fit for your campaign. This spell (2e) was designed in this way: Teleport is level 5. Teleport without error is level 7. The difference is 2 spell levels. Therefore, taking the 2 spell level difference and adding 1 spell level for the base energy for a spell gave it as roughly a 3rd level spell to enhance the accuracy of a teleport. Add two levels to make it permanent (this is one of my rules for spell design), you have a 5th level spell to enhance teleports with a permanent duration (and corresponding more expensive material components).

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Oct 2021 :  18:21:40  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here are a couple spells(2e) for those creating magic items:

Object Permanency
Level: 6
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: One object
Saving Throw: None
This is basically the same as the eighth level spell permanency except for the fact that it only affects objects that have had an enchant an item or awaken spell cast upon them. This limits the spell as being useful only for the creation of magic items. This spell was created by Mardallin.

Improved Veladar’s Vambrace
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One item no larger in volume than the caster’s body volume
Saving Throw: None
Except as noted, this spell is identical to the 5th level spell Veladar’s vambrace (found in VGtaTM). The major change is that this can affect both organic and inorganic substances and that the object uses the most advantageous of the material tables when it has to make a saving throw against damage. It also receives a +5 bonus to all saving throws.

The material components of this spell are a whole diamond of not less than 3,000 gp value and a sliver or chunk of ironwood of the same size or larger than the diamond.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Oct 2021 :  13:20:00  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Do you have more of those homebrew metamagic spells such as alacrity IV? Is there some rule you have for assigning spell levels for different metamagic effects? I am totally stealing these spells for my own campaigns.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Oct 2021 :  15:22:31  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There were already baseline versions of these spells. I just created "improved" versions using one of my rules for spell design: you can improve one aspect of a spell (duration/area of affect/etc or spell affects) for an increase of spell level by one. That is how the level was set for these.

Here are the remaining Alacrity spells(2e):

Alacrity II
Level: 5
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 turns + 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the 3rd-level spell alacrity except as noted above and as follows: it affects spells of 7th level and lower. Additionally, the casting times of greater than 1 round are reduced by 40%, casting times of 1 round are reduce to a casting time of 6, casting times of 9 are reduced to 5, casting times of 7-8 are reduced by 3, casting times of 3-6 are reduced by 2, and casting times of 2 are reduced to 1.

This spell was created by Rodushan Cablemnor of Iriaebor.

Alacrity III
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 turns + 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the 3rd-level spell alacrity except as noted above and as follows: it affects spells of any level. Additionally, the casting times of greater than 1 round are reduced by 60%, casting times of 1 round are reduce to a casting time of 4, casting times of 9 are reduced to 4, casting times of 7-8 are reduced to 3, casting times of 4-6 are reduced to 2, and casting times of 2-3 are reduced to 1.

This spell was created by Rodushan Cablemnor of Iriaebor.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Oct 2021 :  15:39:32  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Far Reaching I through III is in the 2e Tome of Magic. I used the same pattern shown in these spells to create higher level versions.

Far Reaching IV
Level: 6
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Affects next cast spell
Saving Throw: None
This spell operates exactly like the 3rd-level far reaching I spell except that the range of any spell of levels 1-3 is increased by 200% (3x range); the range of any 4th- or 5th-level spell is increased by 100% (2x range); the range of any 6th-level spell is increased by 50%. The spell to be affected must be cast on the round immediately following the far reaching IV spell or the latter is wasted. A wizard can use this spell only to affect his own dweomers. It does not affect spells with range 0 or touch. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

Far Reaching V
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Affects next cast spell
Saving Throw: None
This spell operates exactly like the 3rd-level far reaching I spell except that the range of any spell of levels 1-4 is increased by 200% (3x range); the range of any 5th- or 6th-level spell is increased by 100% (2x range); the range of any 7th-level spell is increased by 50%. The spell to be affected must be cast on the round immediately following the far reaching V spell or the latter is wasted. A wizard can use this spell only to affect his own dweomers. It does not affect spells with range 0 or touch. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

Far Reaching VI
Level: 8
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Affects next cast spell
Saving Throw: None
This spell operates exactly like the 3rd-level far reaching I spell except that the range of any spell of levels 1-5 is increased by 200% (3x range); the range of any 6th- or 7th-level spell is increased by 100% (2x range); the range of any 8th-level spell is increased by 50%. The spell to be affected must be cast on the round immediately following the far reaching VI spell or the latter is wasted. A wizard can use this spell only to affect his own dweomers. It does not affect spells with range 0 or touch. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

Far Reaching VII
Level: 9
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Affects next cast spell
Saving Throw: None
This spell operates exactly like the 3rd-level far reaching I spell except that the range of any spell of levels 1-3 is increased by 300% (4x range); the range of any spells of levels 4-6 is increased by 200% (3x range); the range of any 7th- or 8th-level spell is increased by 100% (2x range); the range of any 9th-level spell is increased by 50%. The spell to be affected must be cast on the round immediately following the far reaching VI spell or the latter is wasted. A wizard can use this spell only to affect his own dweomers. It does not affect spells with range 0 or touch. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Oct 2021 :  15:48:52  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Extension I though III is in the PHB(2e). I followed the same pattern for the higher level ones.

Extension IV
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the extension I spell, except that it will extend 1st- through 4th-level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 5th- or 6th-level spell by 50%. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

Extension V
Level: 8
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the extension I spell, except that it will extend 1st- through 3rd-level spells to triple duration, 4th- and 5th-level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 6th- or 7th-level spell by 50%. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

Extension VI
Level: 9
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the extension I spell, except that it will extend 1st- through 5th-level spells to triple duration, 6th- and 7th-level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 8th-level spell by 50%. This spell was created by Lerin Lightlimb of Highmoon.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 10 Oct 2021 :  16:06:29  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dilation I and II are in the Tome of Magic(2e). I just used the same pattern for the final spell in the series. Finally, here is a magic item that ties them all together.

Dilation III
Level: 8
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: As spell affected
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Next spell cast
Saving Throw: None
This spell functions exactly like the 4th-level dilation I spell, except that the area of effect of a 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell is doubled or the area of effect of a 4th- or 5th-level spell is extended by 50%. Alternatively, the wizard can extend the area of effect of one 6th-or 7th-level spell by 25%. Fractional measurements are dropped.
The dilation III spell must be cast immediately prior to the spell to be affected; if a complete round or more elapses, the dilation spell is wasted. The dilation spell affects only spells that have areas of effect defined in feet or yards (numbers of creatures cannot be increased). The dilation affects only spells cast by the same wizard. This spell was created by Rodushan Cablemnor of Iriaebor.

Girdle of Spell Mastery: This broad, hardened leather belt is typically embossed with a repeating pattern of staves surrounded in fire (similar to the surrounding fire seen in the god Azuth’s symbol) that has been outlined in gold and silver thread. It bears enchantments that keep it from rotting or growing molds and is immune to purely magical damage (spells that do non-elemental damage) as well as physical force. For elemental type damage, the girdle saves as the best material for that damage type with a +5 to the saving throw.

The girdle provides arcane spell casters with a continuous improvement to one aspect of their spell casting: area of effect, casting speed, duration, or range. The wearer chooses which aspect of their casting is enhanced and it will stay that way until the caster, by mental command, selects a different aspect to enhance. This change will take a full round so that the newly selected aspect will not be in place until the beginning of the next round (the old one fades slowly so it is still in effect until the next round). Additionally, up to three times per day, the wearer can have all four aspects boosted for 3 continuous rounds.

There are minor (3,500 xp) and major (6,000 xp) versions of the girdle. Only 10% of these girdles are of the major version.

The minor version offers the following benefits for the selected aspect:
Aspect Affect on spellcasting
Area of Effect The area of effect of 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spells are extended by 50%. The area of effect of 4th-or 5th-level spells is increased by 25%. Fractional measurements are dropped.
Casting speed For spells up to level 5, casting times of 2-5 are reduced by 1; casting times of 6-9 are reduced by 2; and a casting time of one round is reduced to a casting time of 8. Casting times for spells that require more than 1 round are reduced by 20%
Duration Extends 1st- through 3rd-level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 4th- or 5th-level spell by 50%. It does not affect spells with a duration of instantaneous.
Range The range of any spell of levels 1-3 is increased by 150%; the range of any 4th- or 5th-level spell is increased by 50%. It does not affect spells with range 0 or touch.

The major version offers the following benefits for the selected aspect:
Aspect Affect on spellcasting
Area of Effect The area of effect of 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spells are doubled. The area of effect of 4th- or 5th-level spells is extended by 50%. The area of effect of 6th-or 7th-level spells are increased by 25%. Fractional measurements are dropped.
Casting speed For all spell levels, casting times of 2-7 are reduced to 1; casting times of 8-9 are reduced to 2; and a casting time of one round is reduced to a casting time of 2. Casting times for spells that require more than 1 round are reduced by 80%
Duration Extends 1st- through 5th-level spells to triple duration, 6th- and 7th-level spells to double duration and will extend the duration of 8th-level spells by 50%. It does not affect spells with a duration of instantaneous.
Range The range of any spell of levels 1-3 is increased by 300% (4x range); the range of any spells of levels 4-6 is increased by 200% (3x range); the range of any 7th- or 8th-level spell is increased by 100% (2x range); the range of any 9th-level spell is increased by 50%. It does not affect spells with range 0 or touch.

Edit: fixed typo.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Edited by - TheIriaeban on 10 Oct 2021 16:17:46
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The Arcanamach
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Posted - 12 Oct 2021 :  21:16:20  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Insert MORE! meme

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Oct 2021 :  22:54:27  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A couple spells (2e) that show that there is nothing more fun than messing with someone's mind:

Kendrick’s Chaos
Level: 1
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level in a 60-foot cube
Saving Throw: Negates
Very similar to charm person except that on a failed saving throw, the person affected will not agree with any action, choice, or decision made by anyone else. The more members of a group that are affected, the more likely that the entire group will only stand around arguing about a course of action (50% + 10%/person affected).

The alignment of the individuals will determine their individual actions. Good or lawful beings will tend to discuss things while evil or chaotic beings may resort to violence to get their point across (the chance of violence would vary widely based on the situation so it is up to the DM to decide if the argument goes that far). Neutral beings have a 50% chance of either.

The spell was created by Kendrick Woglegstrom of the Shoon Empire.

(Enchantment/Charm, Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 1
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is similar to the charm person spell with one difference: instead of making the target like the caster, it makes the target think that he is better than everyone else. He is the best looking, most powerful individual there ever was. Anything the target does is easy for him and requires next to no effort. Others are weaker and not as smart as he obviously is. People who are familiar with the target will realize almost immediately that something is wrong with the individual, very likely as soon as they open their mouth to make some kind of grand statement about themselves.

In game terms, this is expressed by a -2/-10% modifier to all saves or checks including saving throws, attack rolls, Armor Class, damage rolls (to a minimum of 1), ability checks, etc. Any damage the individual takes is “a mere scratch” and will even look better in his eyes due to the illusion portion of the spell.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 13 Oct 2021 :  00:40:56  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This spell is veering perilously close to Monty Python's Black Knight. So if the target who fails a save gets a limb amputated via sword of sharpness, does that mean he or she will merely say "just a flesh wound"? Or even worse, "I'm invincible!" ?

Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Any damage the individual takes is “a mere scratch” and will even look better in his eyes due to the illusion portion of the spell.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 13 Oct 2021 :  00:55:32  Show Profile Send TheIriaeban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delnyn

This spell is veering perilously close to Monty Python's Black Knight. So if the target who fails a save gets a limb amputated via sword of sharpness, does that mean he or she will merely say "just a flesh wound"? Or even worse, "I'm invincible!" ?

Originally posted by TheIriaeban

Any damage the individual takes is “a mere scratch” and will even look better in his eyes due to the illusion portion of the spell.

Who knows? Maybe that guy got the mighty wizard Tim mad at him and he was the first recipient of the spell?

That spell is mostly there for the role playing possibilities. Image that Black Knight is your friend and you have to make sure he doesn't get himself dismembered or killed all while probably wanting to kill him yourself.

Or, you need to influence a group of people but their leader is too popular. Turn him into a loud-mouth braggard and see if his followers still listen to him.

"Iriaebor is a fine city. So what if you can have violence between merchant groups break out at any moment. Not every city can offer dinner AND a show."

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