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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2025 :  01:52:10  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On ties between Nimbral and Evermeet

P. Leone — 16/2/2025 7:30 AM

Good Saer @Ed Greenwood do Evermeet and Nimbral have any ties, trade or otherwise, be they magical and/or mundane?

Ed Greenwood — 17/2/2025 3:11 AM

Yes, but we haven't seen them dealt with in published lore yet. So let me just say: the armor of Nimbral came from somewhere, and mainland sages have long speculalted that there's some secret non-aggression pact or military "no go" or other agreement between the two countries...and those sages are correct. ;}
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 03 Mar 2025 :  01:29:03  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Queen Fee's favorite tarts

Juniper Churlgo — 26/2/2025 4:38 AM

What were Queen Fee's favorite tarts? Shrimp like in her final meal?

Ed Greenwood — 28/2/2025 10:55 AM

Yes. And after that, what we would call "butter tarts" but made with just a pinch of almond liqueur ("Amaretto" to us).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 09 Mar 2025 :  06:40:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On why there no deities with the trade portfolio before Waukeen

Marco Volo — 6/3/2025 5:25 PM

Hi @Ed Greenwood I'm sure it has been asked many times so sorry about that, but before Waukeen was added to the Realms, why no deity of your pantheon didn't have trade and merchants in their portfolio? Or maybe one had?

Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 1:45 AM

Before Jeff Grubb added Waukeen, no god held that portfolio; it was something clergies fought over, the churches of Chauntea, Gond, Tempus, Shaundakul, and even the dwarven smithing deities, etc. etc. vying for as much influence over it as possible. The ongoing and continuous ebb and flow of clergies fighting for influence through worship over various aspects of mortal life has always been rich "adventure hooks opportunities" territory.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 09 Mar 2025 :  06:44:10  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On updating the Pride of Amn to five coins

Zen~ — 6/3/2025 10:23 PM

Greetings Saer @Ed Greenwood, did Amn update their flag "Pride of Amn" to show five coins instead of six, when the council got smaller?

Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 1:48 AM

Some ambitious painters and pennant-weavers did, but no official change was ever made, and most existing Amnian flags still show six coins. Tradition is almost as strong a force as inertia.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 09 Mar 2025 :  06:47:22  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the dailyfare dishes of a well to do farmer in the Dalelands that likes a varied diet

Zonesylvania — 6/3/2025 10:32 PM

Dear saer @Ed Greenwood , can you tell us something of the dailyfare dishes that one might see on the table of a well to do farmer or local merchant in the Dalelands that likes a varied diet? thankee!

Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 2:08 AM

Certainly. Standard Dales fare will consist of a slightly varied roster (depending on availability) of the following: Thin-sliced and roasted medallions of parsnip, carrot, and knuckles (Brussels sprouts), seasoned with diced spring onions or shallots.

Potato shards (“home fries” to us) fried in dripping and seasoned with salt, pepper, and diced garlic. “Ground sar” (small local cabbage plants very like bok choy), boiled, cut up in large shards, then pan-fried in dripping (cooked local meat animal fat). Roast shards of fowl (grouse, pheasant, chickens, turkeys) spit-roasted and basted with dripping or broth or leftover stew.

River eel, washed and diced and then marinated in red wine.

River cress greens (a cold salad, cress mixed with various edible wildflowers akin to dandelions, often seasoned with soured cream and crushed nuts). Joints (legs and other large pieces of roast meet from local sheep, goats, and boar).

Tripe (the stomach lining of a boar, sheep, or cow, sliced into strip and fried with cut-up onions, eggs, and herbs: parsley, sage and marjoram to the fore, pinches of fennel and mint or none or more, to taste). Cauldron stew: ongoing simmered hearth-broth of all kitchen scraps and fats, in a boar or chicken-blood base.

The wealthier the owner of the kitchen, the more exotic foods brought by merchant traders from afar there will be, and the less reliance on “long larder” foods like cheese and nuts. A really well-to-do diner may, if they like fish and shellfish, eat a lot of “brought from distant coasts” fare, though it may have been pickled or smoked to keep it edible during its journey.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 09 Mar 2025 :  06:58:19  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On any major civilizations of the Harengon (rabbitfolk) people in the Realms in the 1490s DR

Vraskagamer — 6/3/2025 1:36 AM

Hi @Ed Greenwood ! I‘ve been DM’ing my first ever campaign that is set in the Realms for the last two years, and my players like a lot of the new races/classes that have come from WOTC recently. Would there be any major civilizations of the Harengon (rabbitfolk) people in the Realms in the 1490s DR? Where might they congregate, if anywhere?

Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 2:29 AM

In the 1490s DR, Harengon are numerous enough to think of themselves as a “realm” in several places across Faerûn:

The Misty Vale and adjacent Dun Hills south of the Border Kingdoms. “Daeradrun” to the harengon. The Sword Hills and adjacent Misty Forest south of Julkoun, and southwest of Secomber. “Maeruldar” to the harengon.

The High Moors just north of the Storm Horns east of Eagle Peak, and increasingly northwest of that along the Tunwash, into the Sunset Foothills. With outlyin settlements in the eastern Far Hills, close to the Fens of Tun. “Farseanan” to the harengon.

In the forests northwest of Hardcastle. “Louvraun” to the harengon.

In the forests south of Arakin and north of the Oldfangs Mountains (the Po Yul Dzayul Range) in Tabot. “Vahardar” to the harengon.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Mar 2025 :  07:02:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On pistols on the list of bonus equipment for the Sword Coast North

Roni — 7/3/2025 3:41 AM

@Ed Greenwood Hello Ed! I've recently chosen to integrate 3/3.5e's region system into my game, and was a bit surprised to find out that pistols are on the list of bonus equipment for the Sword Coast North, as I thought firearms were extremely rare outside of Lantan (and Wildspace I guess). Could you shed some light on the lore behind that decision? I haven't been able to find any lore about firearms being particularly prevalent in the region, but would absolutely love to hear it!

Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 11:05 AM

Heh. You've stumbled upon an in-joke done by a staff editor that wasn't part of my Realmslore. Said editor was amused by Jeff Grubb's swift explanation to vice-presidents of TSR that the Sword Coast North/Savage Frontier was the Realm's version of the Wild West, "only colder." So he slipped firearms into the lore because Wild West = six shooters and gunfights. Sigh.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 16 Mar 2025 :  11:14:26  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Amnians getting higher education

Zen~ — 11/3/2025 5:41 PM

I'm reading a lot of Amn lore, there is something about Amn that draws me in so I wanted to ask, dear saer @Ed Greenwood, was it common to pursue higher education in Amn? Especially in Athkatla? If there aren't many opportunities, is it common for an Amnian to travel other places to get such education?

Ed Greenwood — 14/3/2025 2:26 AM

It's very common in Athkatla, and common in the other large Amnian cities. Private tutors are everywhere, and much in use; the good ones command stellar salaries (akin to modern real-world NFL football players). Everyone is at least literate (for reading contracts and figuring out finanical margins, interest payments, and the like).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 21 Mar 2025 :  01:15:30  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Dambrath way of cooking potatoes

Juniper Churlgo — 13/3/2025 7:59 AM

a quick Q on Dambrath cooking, how do they like their taters?

Ed Greenwood — 14/3/2025 12:24 PM

Dambrath potatoes are sliced thin, raw, and fried in butterl along with sliced thin, raw turnips and diced spring onions or garlic scapes. Not mashed, so not true English (as opposed to Scottish) “neeps and tatties.” On the coast of Dambrath, they are always served spicy (powdered chilis).

Juniper Churlgo — 15/3/2025 2:53 PM

hot chilies? or sweet spices too? i expect sweet spices for that region.

Ed Greenwood — 16/3/2025 1:04 AM

Sweet spices, too: almond paste and honey are in there. But there's a reason I said on the coast: trading ships brought hot spices and locals sampled and a fad became the "standard" table fare.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Mar 2025 :  01:18:42  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On limitations of Elminster's Spell Thrust

Lucio — 16/3/2025 2:36 AM

In the Elminster's Spell Thrust, are there limitations to the spell that you basically turn into a blade and then unleash on hit?

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 12:52 AM

Yes. Written into the spell description are the level limits for the spell, which must match or be lower than the level of the Spell Thrust (and if you upcast the Spell Thrust with a higher level slot, the spell you impart with its hit doesn't rise with your upcasting). It must be an arcane spell the caster already knows how to cast, i.e. available to their class and level and in their spellbooks. Spell Thrust is a "one time hit," conferring the spell for maximum damage/duration/area of effect, and then Spell Thrust is done.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Mar 2025 :  01:21:22  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On yuan-ti purebloods becoming anathema

kageura necromancer wizard — 16/3/2025 1:05 AM

@Ed Greenwood can yuan ti purebloods become anathema?

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 12:55 AM

Yes, by means of a series of complicated, expensive and difficult rituals. Which are dangerous: the pureblood trying to transition can die or be permanently disfigured during several of those rituals, if things go awry. In other words, it's not something undertaken lightly.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1554 Posts

Posted - 21 Mar 2025 :  08:23:46  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Laeral, Dove and Storm sent to Myth Drannor

Kokopelli — 16/3/2025 1:32 AM

Friend @Ed Greenwood, a recent discussion in another channel brought to mind some public musings by the esteemed George Krashos. You have already confirmed one of his musings: that Laeral spent time studying magic in Myth Drannor. But there was another musing, based on your article on skyships from Dragon 124, that was not publicly confirmed. I should like to know what you can say about his thoughts, copied below. "The issue of Dove and Storm is a little different as Dragon #124 makes it clear that they were infants when they were taken from Myth Drannor to the Moonshaes. So why were they sent to Myth Drannor? The Seven Sisters accessory tells us (at p.8) that Elminster was looking after (conveniently) Laeral, Dove and Storm after the death of their mother and abandonment by Dornal Silverhand. Clearly "something" must have occurred such that he could not look after Dove and Storm for a period of time and so he elected to send them back in time to the City of Song (or perhaps Mystra decreed it "necessary"). From Myth Drannor the two took the flying ship to the Moonshaes.

The write up of the Workbook states that Flamsterd purchased the spellbook from a band of adventurers. I would hazard that they were Harpers (the first, first group of such worthies) and took the children with them. It's no coincidence that both Dove and Storm have been some of the staunchest Harpers/Harper allies in the modern Realms. They likely took the Workbook with them and gave it to Flamsterd (who I suspect is far older than the sources allude to) who looked after the girls until it was time for them to return to their present time (i.e. after a calendar year had passed)."

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 12:59 AM

Confirmed (meaning: George has it right). The reason the gals were taken to Myth Drannor was so the Srinshee could look into their minds, bolster them, cast enchantments on them, and "steer" their Gift so they were "ready" for Flamsterd (who could handle apprentices, but would have been somewhat flummoxed dealing with children who couldn't understand arcane magic or take the first steps in wielding it).

Kokopelli — 17/3/2025 1:37 AM

A follow up, if I may, good sir. Were Laeral, Storm, and Dove the only Sisters to time travel, and how much time did they spend in other eras?

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 7:07 AM

Syluné time travelled more than Laeral, Laeral more than Alustriel, Alustriel more than Storm, and Storm more than Dove. The VAST majority of their traveling were "go and see something that happened in the past, firsthand, do NOTHING" peeks, not "do something" meddlings. Mystra and Azuth both frown on temporal travel because it is truly THE can of worms.

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 17/3/2025 1:47 PM

What would be the strategy for Mystra and Azuth to manage THE can of worms should it be opened? Curious DMs with even curiouser Chronomancy wizard players desire to know!

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:03 AM

Both deities will use their own powers and those of their servitors (the Chosen, Weaveghosts, etc.) to keep time travelers in the past they've gone to, to live out their lives there. Travelers who pray to them or another deity for permission to return to the present may be granted their desire on a case-by-case basis, with the deities communicating via waking manifestations or dream-visions that future time travel, and all "back-and-forth shuttling" between past and present, is HIGHLY frowned upon: arcane spellcasters can use Time Stop, Temporal Stasis, and Phezult's Sleep of Ages and nothing more. Repeat offenders: locked in the past if they try to use Weave magic to return (artifacts and magic items are exceptions).

Cdawg — 17/3/2025 9:59 AM

Is there any more you can add on what other places and events they may have been witness to during their time travel excursions? And were they sent by Mystra and Azuth directly, used a time portal or artifact, or was time travel something Elminster or another Chosen did for them under Mystra’s orders. Last… were they ever dispatched to their own futures?

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:31 AM

Heh. The wheres and whens are secrets to be revealed in due time. Let’s just say their excursions are almost all “witness from a hidden state, and do NOTHING to alter history” expeditions just to see and hear EXACTLY what happened at rare key events—on Toril only. They were sent by the deities directly, using the Weave (and the Weave for the return journeys, too), and they are forbidden to time travel except by the express orders of the deities, so they don’t meddle in their own pasts or those of others (e.g. to keep loved ones alive). And NO, Mystra will never let them look or go into the future, their own in particular. The most they can do is go into the past to place a message or tiny item so that “future them” can remember and scoop it up when useful.

- Edited on 29/3/25 to add new answers

Edited by - questing gm on 29 Mar 2025 04:54:11
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Mar 2025 :  08:26:40  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how do summoned mounts smell

Firesprite — 16/3/2025 2:47 AM


I have a question for @Ed Greenwood.

Would a paladin's summoned mount smell like a normal creature to an animal? For example, would a giant elk paladin mount smell like a normal giant elk to a predator?

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 1:01 AM

Yes. Unless the paladin or his saddle and barding had a strong smell of their own, that rubbed off on the mount.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2025 :  13:38:51  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by questing gm

On Laeral, Dove and Storm sent to Myth Drannor

Kokopelli — 16/3/2025 1:32 AM

Friend @Ed Greenwood, a recent discussion in another channel brought to mind some public musings by the esteemed George Krashos. You have already confirmed one of his musings: that Laeral spent time studying magic in Myth Drannor. But there was another musing, based on your article on skyships from Dragon 124, that was not publicly confirmed. I should like to know what you can say about his thoughts, copied below. "The issue of Dove and Storm is a little different as Dragon #124 makes it clear that they were infants when they were taken from Myth Drannor to the Moonshaes. So why were they sent to Myth Drannor? The Seven Sisters accessory tells us (at p.8) that Elminster was looking after (conveniently) Laeral, Dove and Storm after the death of their mother and abandonment by Dornal Silverhand. Clearly "something" must have occurred such that he could not look after Dove and Storm for a period of time and so he elected to send them back in time to the City of Song (or perhaps Mystra decreed it "necessary"). From Myth Drannor the two took the flying ship to the Moonshaes.

The write up of the Workbook states that Flamsterd purchased the spellbook from a band of adventurers. I would hazard that they were Harpers (the first, first group of such worthies) and took the children with them. It's no coincidence that both Dove and Storm have been some of the staunchest Harpers/Harper allies in the modern Realms. They likely took the Workbook with them and gave it to Flamsterd (who I suspect is far older than the sources allude to) who looked after the girls until it was time for them to return to their present time (i.e. after a calendar year had passed)."

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 12:59 AM

Confirmed (meaning: George has it right). The reason the gals were taken to Myth Drannor was so the Srinshee could look into their minds, bolster them, cast enchantments on them, and "steer" their Gift so they were "ready" for Flamsterd (who could handle apprentices, but would have been somewhat flummoxed dealing with children who couldn't understand arcane magic or take the first steps in wielding it).

Kokopelli — 17/3/2025 1:37 AM

A follow up, if I may, good sir. Were Laeral, Storm, and Dove the only Sisters to time travel, and how much time did they spend in other eras?

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 7:07 AM

Syluné time travelled more than Laeral, Laeral more than Alustriel, Alustriel more than Storm, and Storm more than Dove. The VAST majority of their traveling were "go and see something that happened in the past, firsthand, do NOTHING" peeks, not "do something" meddlings. Mystra and Azuth both frown on temporal travel because it is truly THE can of worms.

Interesting... no mention of the Simbul or Quilue and how much they time travelled.... especially since we know that the Simbul did time travel since we saw it in the Simbul's Gift.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 22 Mar 2025 :  17:33:48  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by questing gm

On Laeral, Dove and Storm sent to Myth Drannor

Kokopelli — 16/3/2025 1:32 AM

Friend @Ed Greenwood, a recent discussion in another channel brought to mind some public musings by the esteemed George Krashos. You have already confirmed one of his musings: that Laeral spent time studying magic in Myth Drannor. But there was another musing, based on your article on skyships from Dragon 124, that was not publicly confirmed. I should like to know what you can say about his thoughts, copied below. "The issue of Dove and Storm is a little different as Dragon #124 makes it clear that they were infants when they were taken from Myth Drannor to the Moonshaes. So why were they sent to Myth Drannor? The Seven Sisters accessory tells us (at p.8) that Elminster was looking after (conveniently) Laeral, Dove and Storm after the death of their mother and abandonment by Dornal Silverhand. Clearly "something" must have occurred such that he could not look after Dove and Storm for a period of time and so he elected to send them back in time to the City of Song (or perhaps Mystra decreed it "necessary"). From Myth Drannor the two took the flying ship to the Moonshaes.

The write up of the Workbook states that Flamsterd purchased the spellbook from a band of adventurers. I would hazard that they were Harpers (the first, first group of such worthies) and took the children with them. It's no coincidence that both Dove and Storm have been some of the staunchest Harpers/Harper allies in the modern Realms. They likely took the Workbook with them and gave it to Flamsterd (who I suspect is far older than the sources allude to) who looked after the girls until it was time for them to return to their present time (i.e. after a calendar year had passed)."

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 12:59 AM

Confirmed (meaning: George has it right). The reason the gals were taken to Myth Drannor was so the Srinshee could look into their minds, bolster them, cast enchantments on them, and "steer" their Gift so they were "ready" for Flamsterd (who could handle apprentices, but would have been somewhat flummoxed dealing with children who couldn't understand arcane magic or take the first steps in wielding it).

Kokopelli — 17/3/2025 1:37 AM

A follow up, if I may, good sir. Were Laeral, Storm, and Dove the only Sisters to time travel, and how much time did they spend in other eras?

Ed Greenwood — 17/3/2025 7:07 AM

Syluné time travelled more than Laeral, Laeral more than Alustriel, Alustriel more than Storm, and Storm more than Dove. The VAST majority of their traveling were "go and see something that happened in the past, firsthand, do NOTHING" peeks, not "do something" meddlings. Mystra and Azuth both frown on temporal travel because it is truly THE can of worms.

Interesting... no mention of the Simbul or Quilue and how much they time travelled.... especially since we know that the Simbul did time travel since we saw it in the Simbul's Gift.

I would take that to mean that they time travelled much less than Dove.

I'm also happy that Ed explicitly stated that they've time travelled. For some reason, every time I've brought up some of the Sisters being in a place that fell before they were born, people have pushed back and/or tried to find some convoluted explanation that avoids time travel. I'll admit that I'm not hugely keen on the idea, myself, but the flipside is that once Ed confirmed Krash's supposition about Laeral, I considered it settled and didn't try to work around it.

I am inclined, however, to wonder if there was some mistake made somewhere with published dates, leaving time travel as the workaround.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2025 :  19:15:49  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, I would almost guarantee its some workaround to fix things, because things were published fast and furious. Not finding fault with that, as I can barely keep up with some of the things I've written, much less all of canon realms. There's so many things people talk about here and elsewhere that, if it weren't for the FR Wiki.... I'd be lost as to what they're getting at. So, knowing that the fictional people in world don't have access to that resource, one can see easily how things get lost, hidden, miscommunicated, etc..... Then of course, there are the works of the Leirans.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:10:28  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On roc livespan and training

Spellslamzer — 17/3/2025 7:48 AM

@Ed Greenwood Good day, Ed. Roughly how long do rocs live and how receptive are they to training/taming? Especially by humanoids. And could you enlighten me as to their breeding habits, when/how often they breed and at what point are they too old to?

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:23 AM

Rocs have lifespans (assuming no early demises by violence, violent natural element conditions, or diseases) of 150-600 years, with rare individuals reaching as many as eight hundred years. They are intelligent enough to be trained, but fiercely independent, so getting one to submit to training is NOT easy (and so, very rare). Most rocs serve as one-shot or very temporary steeds (think: Tolkien’s eagles in LOTR and The Hobbit) on their own terms, assisting those they want to assist. Most rocs court and settle on one preferred mate, but don’t form formal unions or families, and will take others if desires arise. They mate on the wing, in midair above sparsely-settled wilderland areas (often mountain valleys or hilly terrain), and roc females internally control their own fertility, deciding if a particular mating will fertilize her carried-with-the-body eggs, and when those eggs will start to develop, so she can nest and tend eggs at ideal times (spring and early summer) and places (plentiful food, few predators). Roc females will usually prefer to lay eggs (always fertilized and “good” to hatch) once every three or four warm seasons, in clutches of one or two eggs (usually one), which they sit on, tend (feed), and escort (to train) for about three months before abandoning their young to live their own lives. The mother will usually look after their young in a spot that the young can come to consider their own territory (rocs need large feeding areas to support themselves, and are territorial).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:16:41  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On zebranaurs

Juniper Churlgo — 19/3/2025 1:12 AM

A pedantic question on species @Ed Greenwood . Are Zebranaurs from 2e and centaurs with zebra behinds in 3e shining south book - meant to be the same species, despite their destination gender norms?

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:33 AM

They began as the same species, but are "growing apart" over generations, with increasing differences.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:19:24  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On writings of Besilmer's history

Prism — 19/3/2025 6:19 AM

Mr @Ed Greenwood, I have questions concerning Besilmer as it is referenced in Princes of the Apocalypse, which the credits tell me you had a direct hand in! In my version of the campaign's story, I want to touch more deeply on the history of Besilmer and why it fell, tying back to themes I am focused on. Are there any substantive existing writings on Besilmer's history? If not, I have an important question as it concerns my campaign. What were the primary or fundamental beliefs or tenets of Besilmer as a society? As in, which gods did they favor and what what did they believe was important?

Eric L. Boyd — 19/3/2025 6:59 AM

I have a long history on Besilmer written up.

I'll post it in the Sword Coast channel later tonight.

Eric L. Boyd — 20/3/2025 1:53 AM

Eric L. Boyd — 20/3/2025 1:53 AM

Posted to Sword Coast channel.

Eric L. Boyd — 22/3/2025 1:24 AM


Forgot part of the Besilmer write-up.

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:34 AM

And Eric has your back! YES!!!

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:05 AM

Thank you! I LOVE having you as a Lore Lord and a friend!
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:22:36  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Mystra's true name when she dies

stormer454 — 20/3/2025 10:06 AM

Since mystra dies so much does that mean her True name would change every time?

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:39 AM

No. Her truename is in the Weave, and she is restored (in part by drawing her divine power from the mortals who hold it) through use of the truename as a she;s "returns" with the same truename.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:25:37  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On experiencing Maztica returning to Toril during the Second Sundering

Moon On The Horizon Etherdell — 21/3/2025 9:12 PM

@Ed Greenwood, sorry for a second question so soon after my first, but what would the experience be like to have been on Maztica when it was returned to Toril after the Second Sundering? I have a Tabaxi character who's timeline I have been mapping out, and I just realised that the it wasn't as long ago as I thought, and that my character lived through it. I know Tabaxi do not speak of it, but I was curious.

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 5:47 AM

The return of that area was six tendays or so (it varied by a few days, shorter in the southwest, and longer in the northeast) of utter chaos. Gravity was locally varied, rising and falling in waves in intensity (how heavy you felt, how fast objects fell) and in just where “down” was. Trees and rocks phased in and out of solidity and drifted in precise location, mists and dustclouds were everywhere and sporadic light hailstorms were frequent, and so on. Every mortal felt nauseous and unbalanced, as if afflicted by vertigo, so hunting and all activities requiring deftness were slow and difficult. Precarious things often toppled, minor avalanches and mudslides were common, and so on.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:30:21  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On why Azoun didn't marry Tessaril

Joe Chang — 23/3/2025 5:57 AM

Dear sirs @Ed Greenwood and @Brian Cortijo Azoun IV and Tessaril Winter seemed to have a close and loving relationship, as we saw in Ed's novel Hand of Fire. The two knew each other since their days in the adventuring group The King's Men, which I'm guessing preceded Azoun meeting Filfaeril. Why didn't Azoun marry Tessaril instead of Filfaeril?

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:00 AM

Both Azoun and Tessaril knew they wouldn't be good lifemates/everyday partners; they'd fight too much, and both be unhappy. Yet they were loyal sword-companions and adventuring buddies, and were kind and enthusiastic lovers. So they became the best sort of lasting, supportive, easygoing friends: the sort we all need to collect in life, but only manage to if we're both lucky and behave the right way. Tessaril would give her life for Azoun. And she and Fee understand each other like sisters, and there's no jealousy at all between them. In fact, in the home Realms campaign, we had an instance of Fee using magic to tell Tessaril "Az is headed your way, and he's tired and angry and frustrated; please give him a good ride and bolster him for the days ahead."
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:37:04  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On collecting dwarven funeral runestones (and selling them)

Zonesylvania — 23/3/2025 11:21 AM

Dear saer @Ed Greenwood , are there folks in the realms that collect dwarven funeral runestones, and if so, what would they typically be worth to such collectors, ornamentation depending? thankee!

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:04 AM

Such folk will not live long if a dwarf sees their collection! Even less so, if a dwarf discovers someone trying to sell such stones. So they'd be worth several thousand gp in good condition, due to rarity on the market, but not more because it is a niche interest. There have been instances in Dambrath of unscrupulous Crinti merchants trying to pass off runestones as arcane magic items with imbued internal powers.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:42:57  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Velsharoon becoming more active

PurpleProseLady — 25/3/2025 8:45 AM

Dear Saer @Ed Greenwood, a friend has raised the troubling question: is Velsharoon becoming more active across Faerun after the Spellplague (or Second Sundering)? And, if so, what kind of impact/significance is he having on various locations and environments? Thank you and enjoy GaryCon!!! #128156; #128156; #128156;

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:07 AM

A proper reply will take me a week or more, but the answer to your first sentence is: Yes, he is.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  05:46:53  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Silvaereene Tuchazssa

Melody — 27/3/2025 5:32 AM

@Ed Greenwood While we were at GaryCon recently, you mentioned the existence of a character that never made it past the cutting room floor for the Forgotten Realms. Her name was Silvareen/Silvarene (sp?), a concubine of a Pasha of Calimshan. However, she was no mere concubine of the Pasha of Calimshan—she was a living, sentient portal!

As I recall you saying, whenever the Pasha determined that a rival or upstart had gotten too big for their britches, the offender was summoned and granted a night with this "special concubine." Since the Pasha knew her real name, he/she/they could command her; she was essentially a prisoner if I'm not misremembering. Whenever she opened her arms to embrace an individual, the poor victim found themselves suddenly transported to the Desert of Desolation, Raurin and had to trek across miles and miles of barren desert to survive the experience!

I have a number of questions about this mysterious "Portal Concubine" and was curious if you'd be willing to do an entire Realms video on her, or otherwise answer the questions here!
  • How did she come to be?
  • Where did the Pasha find her?
  • Which Pasha found her?
  • Does the Pasha make her do anything other than be a concubine?
  • What are her desires, her wishes, her dreams and personality?
  • What does she look like and wear?
  • What does she do in her free time?
  • Has she ever disobeyed the Pasha or otherwise refused to use her portal ability to exile people?
  • Does she possess any other powers?
  • How old is she?
  • What would it take to free her?
  • What would she do to the Pasha if she was ever freed?
  • And anything else about her you care to mention!
She seems an incredibly alluring, exotic individual. I had never heard of a living portal like her before and can't help but want to know more!

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:12 AM

I shall do a video on Silvaereene Tuchazssa in the next round of recordings with Ivan! And answer all of your questions, promise, as I agree that living portals are a Realms element that needs proper coverage!
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  06:19:53  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Kelemvor's Lyonsbane clan from Cormyr

Joe Chang — 19/3/2025 8:24 AM

Dear sirs @Ed Greenwood and @Brian Cortijo, were Kelemvor and his Lyonsbane clan Cormyrean? The lore is awfully vague about where they were situated in the Realms. Kelemvor was in Arabel at the start of the Avatar Trilogy, and he knew the way to Kilgrave Castle, which is why I'm guessing he has a link to Cormyr.

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:19 AM

The Lyonsbanes hail from Murghôm, and over time scattered into Mulhorand and Unther (where they died out), Thay and Thesk and Impiltur (where they died out), then the Vast and the easternmost coastal (Dragonreach) Dales, then into Sembia and southeastern Cormyr. When he arrived in Arabel, Kelemvor had a sister in Marsember, and cousins in Selgaunt and Saerloon.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Mar 2025 :  06:28:08  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On tea blends in Waterdeep

Moon On The Horizon Etherdell — 19/3/2025 6:24 PM

Hail and well met @Ed Greenwood. Once you are back from GaryCon (I wish I could go) I'm wondering what sort of tea blends are found in Waterdeep, as I have a character from there who really loves his tea, and it would be nice to have some tea blend names so I can stop just adding place names before irl tea blends.

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 6:32 AM

Waterdeep is a cosmopolitan trading crossroads with individuals “from everywhere” among its inhabitants, so the short answer is: ALL sorts of teas can be purchased there.

However, as of 1499 or 1500 DR, the following tea blends are most popular and can readily be purchased in the Deep:

“Dragonwing” (a light tea, rather like real-world Orange Pekoe, dominated by the flavours of mangoes, tangerines, and oranges)
“Dzarrta” (a cinammon-dominated dark brown tea)
“Evemmla” (an apple-dominated dark brown tea)
“Licoriceroot” (a thick black tea that, yes, tastes of unsweetened licorice; those liking it less bitter stir honey into it, once it’s made and hot)
“Taethur” (a vanilla-dominated dark brown tea)

Moon On The Horizon Etherdell — 27/3/2025 7:31 AM

Thank you for your insight, saer Greenwood

Ed Greenwood — 27/3/2025 8:49 AM

My pleasure!!!
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questing gm
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Posted - 30 Mar 2025 :  14:05:21  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the utilized humor tropes of walking in a bar in the Realms

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 27/3/2025 10:09 AM

Well Met, Saer @Ed Greenwood! I hope the con circuit has treated you well and you return healthy and hale.

I'm wondering if there are any well known and utilized humor tropes in the Realms such as the joke template "a gnome, a priest and @Eric L. Boyd walk into a bar..."

Ed Greenwood — 28/3/2025 4:58 AM

Certainly. The Realms equivalent of deeming some group of people of a particular locale, realm, or heritage as simpletons or country bumpkins/yokels is of course to compare whatever's being discussed as "the latest style from Ambral Isle" or otherwise evoke Ambral Isle.

The Torilian equivalent of the three disparates walking into a bar is: "an elf, a dwarf, and a hin step over drunken humans to infest a tavern, and–"

Dwarves tell the equivalent of Till Eulenspiegel yarns by relating exploits of "Albrekhet Amend-All," a dwarf of prodigious nose, stout shortness, and long, tread-upon-his-own red beard.

And so on...
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