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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1532 Posts

Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:16:02  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Merithian sauce

Zonesylvania — 25/1/2025 1:30 PM

Dear Saer @Ed Greenwood, you mentioned in Volo's Guide to Waterdeep about Merithian sauce, calling it equivalent to worcestershire. Could you tell us something of its creator and how it might have come to be? thankee!

Ed Greenwood — 2/2/2025 12:10 PM

Similar in taste and culinary uses to real-world Worcestershire sauce, Merithian sauce is a barrel-fermented (for at least two summers) sauce containing malt vinegar derived from barley, molasses, crushed anchovies, essence (boiled distillate) of tamarind, essence (boiled distillate) of green onions/scallions, essence (boiled distillate) of garlic, and some (secret) spices and fresh herb flavourings. It is thicker than Worcestershire sauce (closer to HP sauce or many barbeque/barbecue sauces).

Toanus Merithia of Athkatla in Amn, the owner of more than a dozen eateries in the city, of high and low station; only two of them survived his death, and they are now long gone, as his kitchen-slaving daughters wanted nothing to do with cooking, or Athkatla for that matter, and emigrated to Cormyr and Sembia) was the inventor of the sauce that now bears his name, back in 606 DR; he wanted a strong spicy sauce to adorn oysters and fish with, at the table (rather than a cooking sauce). He experimented with many sauces throughout his long life, and settled on this one when he was in his seventies.

Since his death, Merithian sauce has become increasingly popular and made (with recipe variations, of course) by many, many folk up and down the Sword Coast and throughout the Heartlands; many folk these days season baked beans with it while cooking in hearth-pots, rather than putting it on seafood at the table. It is often sold in repurposed wine and liqueur bottles, or in small glass jars. Wholesalers ship and age it in barrels to busy city shops, who rebottle it for sale.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:18:42  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Tyr's view of penalty by death

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 24/1/2025 4:16 AM

Dear @Ed Greenwood, I'm curious if in the 1490s DR what Tyr's view of penalty by death would be? Is the meting of justice via execution something that is concordant with the God's sense of justice or has that evolved by that time? I note that penalty of death is still present in places like Waterdeep (City Code) so I assume it is normalized but I am curious if there's pushback in the realms or if the Church of Tyr has anything specific to say about it.

Ed Greenwood — 2/2/2025 12:14 PM

The Church of Tyr generally supports rigorous sentencing within legal codes, but frowns upon misplaced justice, so is uneasy with mutilations (chopping off hands of thieves, for instance) and death penalties, in case the innocent are so treated, or the administration of justice is without mercy or with malice/personal bias. So the clergy of Tyr work for changes to long imprisonment and enforced servitude over ending lives.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:21:06  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Kuo-toa can impart some form of divinity

Artillery Mage — 24/1/2025 3:25 AM

Saer Greenwood, in BG3 it seems Kuo-toa can impart some form of divinity with BOOOAL being referred to as an avatar. Is this a discrepancy or is there something more to it as I imagine every mad mage would have their own fishy cult if possible?

Ed Greenwood — 2/2/2025 12:17 PM

The kuo-toa can indeed impart some form of divinity, but there is indeed a lot more too it than that, so every mad mage could have their own fishy cult but it would avail them nothing. Unless they stumble upon some deep lore that hasn’t been publicly revealed thus far. Hint, hint.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:23:08  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the original name of the Haunted Halls

Joe Chang — 20/1/2025 6:00 AM

Sirs @Ed Greenwood and @Brian Cortijo. The Haunted Halls earned its name over the centuries. But what did they call it originally, when it was a fortress for the bandit Rivior and his crew?

Ed Greenwood — 2/2/2025 12:24 PM

Rivior's Hold.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:25:59  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On different swordstyles in the Realms

Lucio — 27/1/2025 8:34 AM

@Ed Greenwood I was wondering if it was possible for a future patreon the different swordstyles in the realms. The different schools among races , maybe different countries.

Ed Greenwood — 2/2/2025 12:30 PM

Yes! Added to the list!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:29:12  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On War Wizards wearing their heraldic device

Joe Chang — 28/1/2025 5:16 AM

Dear @Ed Greenwood and @Brian Cortijo Do on-duty War Wizards wear their heraldic device, the "dragon encircled by nine stars and then a circle of chain'" ?

Ed Greenwood — 2/2/2025 12:34 PM

No. Not in the field. It's worn only for ceremonial occasions, usually when War Wizards are assembled in groups, to impress (e.g. at court). Wearing such a device openly would restrict any stealth opportunities.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:31:58  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On commoners becoming wizards in aristocratic regions

kageura necromancer wizard — 23/1/2025 12:12 AM

@Ed Greenwood i know technically anyone can be a wizard with enough studdying and practice. but since education can be pricey how hard is it for commoners and peasants to become wizards especially in aristocratic regions like cormyr?

Ed Greenwood — 3/2/2025 11:39 AM

Anyone who has the Gift (innate ability to wield the Art = arcane magic) can become a wizard. It's very hard for commoners and peasants to become wizards unless they enter apprenticeship with a willing established wizard...and in some cases, that be akin to lifelong drudge-slavery. A few apprentices become lovers or trusted friends of established wizards who eagerly guide and teach them to develop their abilities, because being a wizard is a very lonely life in many cases. Aristocrats like to sponsor "house wizards" for prestige, protection against rivals, and to enhance their house's real "on the ground" power.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:34:38  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Accumulator

DaBroni (actually a CR 0 spider) — 3/2/2025 11:40 AM

Hello lovely @Ed Greenwood! I have a question regarding the Accumulator. In the Elves of Evermeet sourcebook, it's described as a silver and stone cylinder, spanning the whole Tower of the Sun's height. But in the Evermeet novel, it was created as a holdable scepter. Is there an explanation behind this change? Or perhaps an untold story?

Ed Greenwood — 3/2/2025 11:43 AM

Yes. The Accumulator was transformed by several elven high mages working together (akin to mythal-weaving) to make it less portable, so no one could filch it.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:38:08  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Dragonchess or Three-Dragon-Ante

kageura necromancer wizard — 12/1/2025 5:11 AM

@Ed Greenwood do you or elminster ever play dragonchess or three-dragon-ante or any other faerunian game?

Ed Greenwood — 3/2/2025 11:45 AM

Oh, yes. I created most of the games played in the Realms, and playtested them with friends, family, and my gaming groups. Some are loved enough that they get played “for fun” from time to time. I’m at work on some new games now.

kageura necromancer wizard — 3/2/2025 8:24 PM

is the three dragon ante produced by wizkids the same as the one played in faerun? i ask because i bought it and it doesnt really feel like the kind of game you gamble on and instead feels more like a family game

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 10:48 AM

I’m not familiar with the Legendary Edition of THREE DRAGON ANTE published by WizKids, and how it may differ from the original Wizards of the Coast release of the game, but either version is indeed a gambling game: you wager gold on who will have the strongest “flight” of three cards, like betting on hands of cards in poker. I’m not surprised that the version you bought has a family feel to it; modern real-world consumers (and police!) would likely have a dim view of brawls erupting over a card game, and modern players are likely expecting a much faster game than what you’d find in a tavern on Toril, where the players of particular dragon cards are expected to delay the game to tell a tall tale about that dragon, for the entertainment of everyone at the table and within earshot!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:40:51  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how bard hurl spells with music

zh3ntarym9 — 3/2/2025 7:09 PM

@Ed Greenwood Well met! Just wanted to know, as a world designer, how did you explain the in-game ability of the bard to hurl spells (do magic) with music? Did you link it to Mystra, The Weave, The Art, The Gift? Thanks #128578;

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:14 AM

Bards can do spells thanks to the power of Milil, his alliance with Mystra, and the natural resonance of the Weave.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:43:25  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Myrkul becoming god of death again

Joe Chang — 3/2/2025 2:03 PM

Hi Ed, just to make sure you never get out of this backlog of questions: does Myrkul want to be the God of Death again, or is he satisfied with his present portfolio?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:17 AM

Myrkul wants to be the God of Death again, but not strongly enough to do anything about it. He’s waiting (likely in vain) for the portfolio to fall into his lap when Jergal overreaches in his manipulations of gods. I doubt that’s going to happen; Jergal is smarter than all of the Dead Three put together, and then some.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:46:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On reliable currency mints

kageura necromancer wizard — 4/2/2025 11:28 PM

@Ed Greenwood financial question. for a traveling merchant or adventurer what minted currency is the most reliable if deciding to use outside it's state?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:31 AM

Any minting that’s “honest” metal content and size. Waterdeep, Amn, Sembia, Baldur’s Gate, Tethyr, Cormyr, and the city of Mirabar are currently (circa 1500s DR) the most trusted.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:49:45  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On relation between Shandrath

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 25/10/2024 7:18 AM

Dear @Ed Greenwood, any relation between Shandrath the Halfling Brandy and Old Shandrath the "Wyrmhumbler?"

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:41 AM

Yes. The halfling brandy is named for Shandratha, the long-ago hin woman who perfected and sold it in larger quantities, making a fortune that enriched her family for generations. She was named by her parents for the Wyrmhumbler, because that mage saved the life of Muirmaratha, Shandratha’s mother, while she was pregnant with Shandratha (otherwise, Shandratha would never have been born).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:53:03  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Elminster watching movies

Zonesylvania — 28/10/2024 12:16 PM

Dear Saer @Ed Greenwood, has Elminster seen very many movies? if so, does he have a favorite among those he watched? thankee!

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:43 AM

Elminster is a romantic. The only movies I know for certain he's seen are those he's watched at my house (VHS tapes and later DVDs), so he's enjoyed a subset of the movies I enjoy, like THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING, THE PRINCESS BRIDE, EXCALIBUR, and so on.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:56:45  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Cormyrean first names that starts with the letter X

Jeremy Grenemyer — 5/2/2025 4:12 AM

Hello @Ed Greenwood from soon-to-be-rainy California (we need it).

My handy list of Cormyrean first names includes not one name that starts with the letter X.

Might you recall some male and/or female names that begin with this strange letter?

Me and my OCD thank you. #128521;

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:50 AM

‘X’ names aren’t common, to be sure. Here are some Cormyrean ones (wherein the “X” is pronounced like a ‘Z’):


Xander/Xandur, Xarl, Xorren/Xorrun

Female: Xastra (here, the X is pronounced like a Y), Xemmra, Xessra, Xuelna (pronounced “Zoo-ELL-nah” and usually shortened to just Xue pronounced “Zoo”)
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  14:59:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Manshoon's current love interest

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 5/2/2025 4:51 AM

@Ed Greenwood does Manshoon have any current love interests?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:52 AM

Oh, yes, but that's NDA. Future plans, you know...
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:01:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On dragon genetics

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 28/10/2024 11:48 PM

Dear Saer @Ed Greenwood, a question about dragon genetics. I understand from the Draconomicon that hybridization between dragon species is quite rare but it does happen. Do you have any guidance on effects, color, etc of the resulting offspring? Are their mules? Could a clutch have a mix of results (like cats)?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 4:55 AM

The mating? Done in the usual way (for full-grown adults, usually in midair, flying, to avoid one or the other partner being bruised or crushed). ;}

As for offspring, yes the clutch of eggs could have a mix of results, and yes, rare offspring are sterile (mules), but in most cases, the offspring favour one parent or the other, and visually look like that type of dragon (though they MIGHT have the breath weapon of the other sort!).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:03:52  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On everyday use alchemical/herbal products currently enjoying popularity

Zonesylvania — 4/2/2025 2:13 AM

dear Saer @Ed Greenwood , can you give us an example of two or three everyday use alchemical/herbal products currently enjoying popularity in say, a big city like Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate? And perhaps a snippet about the persons making and selling them? Thankee!

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 5:09 AM

I have some life things I must attend to, so right now I’ll provide just one:

Galart: this “secret” (now known to many alchemists) mix of plant roots and leaves (felsul tree leaves, gooseberry vine leaves, butteryfly milkweed leaves, roots of scallions/spring onions, and dandelion roots) is soaring in popularity. The ingredients are ground up in the correct proportions and mixed with the right amount of oak tree sap into a paste that when dried and crumbled again, back into a brownish-green powder, is commonly sold in palm-sized cork-stoppered glass vials, for 2 gp.

Galart acts as both a seasoning (somewhat akin to real-world “allspice”) and as a very effective pain-deadener that can quell shock and enable individuals who’ve suffered broken bones, amputations, and the like to function without limping or “favoring” their injured area for 1d4+1 hours if ingested. Onset time is 2d4 minutes if drunk in a tea or other beverage, or about half an hour if eaten with food seasoned with it, effects survive cooking unimpaired.

In Waterdeep, galart can be purchased in many shops. Here are some of the most reliable-for-galart-supply:

Castle Ward:
Vundephol’s Tastes of the World on southfront Buckle Alley, four doors east of Warrior’s Way.
Black-Eyed Goblin Tradery on eastfront The Street of Silks, four doors south of Keltarn Street.
Jalatha Maerakeltae Fine Spices And Sundries, the middle building of westfront Gothal Street between Julthoon Street and Trader’s Way.
Oebarl Selphroon Spice Merchant on northfront Cat Alley, four doors east of The Street of Bells.

Dock Ward:
Harlar Gobbyn, Half-Orc Trader To All on northfront Net Street, three doors west of The Way Of The Dragon.
Sarkil Importers And Sundries on northfront Leera’s Alley, three doors west of Gut Alley.

South Ward:
Blakkastyl’s Boundless Wares of the World on northfront Tornsar Alley, two doors east of Buckle Street.
Sornatha’s Spices And Sundries on southfront Coach Street, three doors west of The High Road.
The Happy Kitchen Outfitters on northfront Coachlamp Lane, four doors east of Carter’s Way.

Trades Ward:
Theldoun Toplamn, Gnome Apothecary on southfront Ironpost Street, three doors west of Wall Way.
Brundul’s Handy Everything Shop on eastfront Salabar Street, four doors north of the Wagonrace.
The Black Door Sundries on northfront Shesstra’s Street, three doors east of Snail Street.
The Bold Cook on northfront Selduth Street, three doors west of Wall Way.

Most Waterdhavian galart is made by “Mother” Dethra Brathcandle of Field Ward (westfront The Fanebar, five doors south of Trollkill Street), or by halfling families in Secomber, who produce it in bulk.

In Baldur’s Gate, Felver Fine Apothecary is a small shop (with three floors of rental living quarters above, including immediately above the shop, the crammed-with-coffers-of-future-ingredients rooms of the owner and alchemist Anajast Felder, a small, nervous and scurrying mouse-like man) located on northfront Loklee Street, three doors east of its moot with Stormshore Street. He makes and sells galart, and supplies the other reliable Baldur’s Gate vendor (there are many temporary galart sellers in the Upper City, who come and go with their caravans): Athos Nurartarland Seasonings on southfront Nuthkal’s Way, the third shop heading west in the third block west of Cliffgate. Athos is a tall, impressive, white-haired man rumored to have six wives (the truth is that he has six mistresses, and lives with all of them; his financial success is due to their shrewdness with coin, and has led to him owning fourteen city buildings thus far). Mraeven’s Sundries on mid-northfront Hulkael Street also has galart, when they can get it. Hulvur’s Supplies on the northwest corner of Black Eel Street and Wendserpent Street sometimes sells galart amid the salt, pepper, and dried onions, though these condiments are overlooked by most shoppers among the ropes, chains, pulleys, and casks Hulvur’s is more widely known for.

Wizards trained in Blackstaff Tower know how to use galart as the sole material component of a hold person spell, in place of iron.

Zonesylvania — 5/2/2025 5:11 AM

this is so much more than I expected, thank you so much!

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 5:11 AM

My pleasure. More in a few days, when a blizzard of things I must deal with are past me.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:12:58  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how does the Church of Malar in Suzail celebrate the Feast of the Stags

Malarite — 16/12/2023 10:58 PM

How does the Church of Malar in Suzail celebrate the feast of the stags?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 10:07 AM

They choose needy elderly and infirm citizens, widows and orphans ahead of time (sometimes without those individuals knowing they’ve been selected) and then apply to the Royal Court for a license to hunt in the King’s Forest, traditionally west of the Way of the Dragon. This license is always granted to Malarites who hunt with a cleric of Malar leading their party. They emerge with their kills, present them to Purple Dragon patrols for inspection and an escort back to the city, are then formally thanked by any Obarskyr royal who’s present in the city at the time, or the Steward of the Court failing that, then cook the kills in the street (the Promenade) for all to see. Clerics of Malar then lead parties of devout (and witnesses from among the general public) to the needy, to present them with their feast, and wait upon them to serve them and give them wine as if they were royalty or nobility. (And pledge to feed them throughout the coming winter, and sooner if they are too ill or poor to feed themselves; some unfortunate folk become permanent “wards of the table” until their deaths, in this way.)

After the needy are fed, the cooking fires are quenched, and from around their ashes the clergy of Malar serve forth “the Wine of the Beastlord,” which is a strong-flavoured, hearty red wine usually made near Pros (vineyards and wineries along the Turnstone Road) that incorporates the blood of wild stags, to anyone interested. Thanks to some past drunken brawls in the city, imbibing of this is now limited to three large goblets per person.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:16:16  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On good-aligned beholders in cities on the Sword Coast

Lord of Eat — 17/12/2023 2:24 AM

@Ed Greenwood We have curiosity to sate... Are there any known, good-aligned beholders living in any of the cities on the Sword Coast?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 10:22 AM

Yes. Very well hidden, though. The beholder mage Blouthcaladra lairs in extensive cellars under the Scepter District of Athkatla, commanding a gang of doppelgangers and using its magic on their behalf. They fetch and steal for it, and it experiments with spells to increase its powers. Through its doppelgangers, Blouthcaladra steals from the rich to give to the poor, making certain that the poorest and neediest in the city get surprise handfuls of coins to tide them over to the next tenday. Blouthcaladra believes that humans are resourceful, malleable, and adapt swiftly, and that many races dwelling together in human cities are the best way to make better lives (and less waste and pollution) for everyone, as the centuries pass. Elminster and other Chosen have been instructed by Mystra and Azuth to leave certain spellbooks and scrolls for Blouthcaladra to “find.”

Lord of Eat — 5/2/2025 2:15 PM

Some might say a reply in 2025 to a question asked in 2023 is "late", but we'd say it was perfectly on time, since we did not have a time constraint on getting a reply.

It was most interesting to learn of Blouthcaladra. Shows yet again how much depth there is to the Realms. Thanks for the great reply, Saer Greenwood.

Ed Greenwood — 6/2/2025 8:40 AM

Heh. I get to them when I can. I think I answered four 2023 replies yesterday, but there are older ones. I'll get to them eventually. Time is the greatest treasure.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:19:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Cormyrean nobles or the Crown's approach to chartered adventurers

LukasJP — 17/12/2023 5:42 PM

Cormyr question! Do nobles or the Crown tend to approach chartered adventurers in a specific, or perhaps different ways? Essentially, I am wondering if they prefer their patronage be incognito, so to speak, whether or not they work through middlemen or other third parties, and to what degree the nature of the task at hand influences the way they approach/hire adventurers.

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 10:30 AM

That depends very much on what they’re hiring the adventurers for. If it’s legally shady, there’s no way they’ll approach in public, or using their household envoys or “factors” (trade agents). They will instead use their customary “shadow speakers,” who are negotiators hired by the factors to be a deniable-plausibility step removed from the noble or royal family themselves.

There have also always been maverick individual nobles and royals who go to low, shady places on their own and negotiate on their own behalf. ;}

However, if the engagement is for as wedding honour guard or travel escort, it will be a public approach, by an official envoy.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:25:23  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Giftless gaining the Gift later in life

valethehowl — 4/2/2025 12:55 AM

@Ed Greenwood Greetings, o wise Ed Greewood! I have a question regarding the Gift, and more specifically about those born without it who still wish to practice the Art. Is there a way for someone born Giftless to gain the Gift later in life, barring direct intervention from Mystra? And if that's not possible, what is the best alternative that those Giftless wishing to be Wizards could pursue to get as close as possible to their ideal calling?

Ed Greenwood — 5/2/2025 10:40 AM

Direct intervention from Mystra or Azuth (or another deity desiring to implant spellcasting abilities in a mortal for their own reasons) is the usual way in which someone gains the Gift. So is direct flesh-to-item contact with certain artifacts, decaying mythals, or “hung” spells.

However, many more folk have an innate Gift they don’t know about, because it’s inactive and entirely undetectable—that gets triggered by something later in their lives that awakens the Gift, sometimes explosively and astonishing them.

Magic is everywhere on Toril, and infuses almost everything.

Someone who is truly Giftless can still become a sage of magecraft, collecting and copying tomes about magic (not scrolls or actual spells, but detailed descriptions of processes and components and the like), material components, and mage lore (what sigil belongs to which mage, and so on). If they’re not a monk of Mystra (or at a place like Candlekeep), they will most likely run a “magic shop” in a large city like Waterdeep, or even serve on the staff of a wizard’s club (a house-like lounge where paying members who are wizards can dine, relax and chat, drink and make contacts with each other, and so on). Some such clubs have staff members who are akin to our real-world “groupies”—they collect signatures or old shoes or worn-out garments from wizards, or even try to take such mages to bed (the only companionship some of these wary loners ever get!).

valethehowl — 5/2/2025 2:47 PM

Thank you so much for the answer! You really cleared things up for me! So there is hope, however small, for people who are born truly Giftless to still gain the Gift later in life, although this seems to be completely based on luck (much like being born with the Gift is also entirely up to luck). Personally I'd love for hard work and passion to play a bigger part, but maybe these Giftless wizard "groupies" would have a better chance than most to gain the Gift, as they would constantly put themselves in contact with magic (perhaps with the secret hope to gain the Gift themselves). That'd be a great way to reward perseverance against all odds, which is something I've always loved in fantasy stories!

Ed Greenwood — 6/2/2025 8:38 AM

You're very welcome. Many of the busiest wizards in the Realms have acquired Giftless sidekicks and business associates who make solid careers for themselves as "material component procurers" to those wizards. The mages usually equip the sidekicks with rings and other wearable magic items that store and can unleash spells, such as Magic Missiles.

valethehowl — 6/2/2025 4:54 PM

Thank you very much again! I also have a quick about the items that the Wizard give their sidekicks: going by 5e rules, most spell-storing items technically require Attunement, and you stated elsewhere that Giftless people can't attune to magic items. Do Wizard specifically craft items that do not require attunement or perhaps can they Attune the items to their Giftless sidekick, even if the latter can't attune by themselves (much like an Axe of Dwarvish Lords require attunement by a Dwarf, even if it can be used by non-dwarves)?

Ed Greenwood — 10/2/2025 2:01 AM

Most magic items created before the Time of Troubles (and the changeover in "who's Mystra" that happened then) don't require attunement (as opposed to artifacts, some of which do). Note that many artifacts AND magic items benefit from practice using them, even if there's no formal attunement. Toril is full of older magic items that don't require attunement. Newer ones (created post-Time of Troubles) usually do require attunement, but there are exceptions even then. Just one more thing that keeps magic use "chancy."
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questing gm
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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:30:45  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On policing the use of psionics in Waterdeep

Juniper Churlgo — 6/2/2025 6:11 AM

Passing along a Q for Ed. Is the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors the ones in charge of policing the use of psionics in Waterdeep?

Ed Greenwood — 6/2/2025 8:41 AM

No. Officically it's the City Watch, but it's really Elminster, these days, as they "call him in" (at Laeral's standing request) when such troubles arise (the rest of the time, he's head of her "secret police," of whom Mirt is one–who aren't police at all, but extra-legal secret agents).
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questing gm
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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:35:02  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Lord Chess being part of the Zhentarim

Joe Chang — 11/2/2025 6:30 AM

Hi @Ed Greenwood, though Lord Chess was Manshoon's rival in Zhentil Keep, they started out as friends and partners in crime. Was Lord Chess ever part of the Zhentarim?

Ed Greenwood — 11/2/2025 7:52 AM

No. He voted with Manshoon and future Zhentarim in assembly at Zhentil Keep, but was never a member. One of my earliest Realms tales, "The Long Sword," describes Manshoon and Chess and Manshoon's brother on an adventure, and "So High A Price" (published by TSR in REALMS OF VILLAINY) provides a glimpse of Manshoon gaining power in Zhentil Keep; the voting therein is the same voting Chess participated in.
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questing gm
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Posted - 16 Feb 2025 :  15:40:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On equivalents to donuts in the Realms

Zonesylvania — 13/2/2025 10:33 AM

Good saer @Ed Greenwood , are there any equivalents to donuts in the Realms? I assume skulls from Chessenta and Hangmans' nooses from Halruaa are similar, but are there any such that are found in the Sword Coast and Heartlands? thankee!

Ed Greenwood — 14/2/2025 1:23 AM

If by equivalents you mean ring-shaped pastries, the closest thing is the barlumbra (“barr-LUMM-brah;” singular and plural are the same word) found in Tethyr and Calimshan, a flattened ovoid fritter about the same size as many adult human hands. Usually savory, they always have a hole at one end for hanging on hooks in shops or a kitchen or cottage wall. Barlumbra are very similar to Native North American frybread in our world, but are never sweetened. They are often brushed with egg before frying to get a golden brown (pretzel-like) surface, and everyone has their own seasonings for the dough, often incorporating leek, garlic, onion or scallion, and various herbs.

If you mean sweet pastries like donuts that don’t have holes in them, there are many, a few of which have been described in past-published Realmslore, but steadily gaining popularity on the Sword Coast and spreading along the Heartlands trade routes are tarram (“TAR-ram;” again, singular and plural are the same word), which are flattened ovoid diced-cherries fritters (sometimes diced sour cherries, dried apricots, or gooseberries are used, but honey is added when the main fruit isn’t sweet). Some cooks add crushed walnuts or blueberries to their dough. (Betty Crocker has an online recipe for Sour Cherry Fritters that uses dried sour cherries).
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questing gm
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Posted - 17 Feb 2025 :  00:52:05  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On airship travel becoming mundane

*I couldn't find the question that this is the answer to. Would appreciate if anyone could find that out*

Ed Greenwood — 14/2/2025 1:52 AM

Airship travel isn’t the “daily mundane thing” it might have developed into if there weren’t frequent wind gusts in some areas and too-frequent dragon attacks in others (wyrmlings, young dragons seeking their own new territories, tend to be rashly convinced of their own invulnerability, like too many teenagers of many species, and look upon airships as fun and easy targets). That plus such elements as the wards of Candlekeep and Waterdeep, and other surface-to-air defenses (sometimes as simple as paranoid lone wizards) has kept airship travel fairly rare, and secretive when it comes to ground docking and transshipment (see my Realms vid about airship dockings near Waterdeep).
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questing gm
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Posted - 17 Feb 2025 :  00:58:36  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On attitude in Sembia and Chondath that Cormyrians were once "their kind of people"

Joe Chang — 19/8/2023 9:09 AM

Hi @Ed Greenwood was there ever an attitude in Sembia and Chondath that Cormyrians were once "their kind of people" until subversion by the conniving elves of Cormanthor?

Ed Greenwood — 14/2/2025 1:57 AM

No. At least, not at more than a few scattered individuals holding such views level. Most in Chondath “forgot about” those who left for Cormyr, and most in Sembia have always viewed Cormyreans as “different in their heads than us” rivals.
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questing gm
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Posted - 17 Feb 2025 :  01:03:20  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On a Realmsian version of the Porta-Potty for the likes of concerts and bardic Battle of the Bands

Maq "Dethjezter" MacPherson — 20/8/2023 1:23 AM

@Ed Greenwood just finished watching Sanitation in the Realms and it had me wondering if there is a Realmsian version of the Porta-Potty for the likes of concerts and bardic Battle of the Bands etc?

Ed Greenwood — 14/2/2025 2:06 AM

Yes. Temples often stock and even rent out lots of these. Caravan outfitting shops sell them, under the name “thunderthrones” or more delicately, “returnars.” You need a temporarily-waterproofed sack (usually heavy canvas with a brushed-on rubber coating). This gets tied up and tossed for rotting back into the environment after heavy use; when employed by caravans on the move, the sacks get rinsed out (or snow-rinsed, in the shoulder seasons) and reused until the end of the trip. The seats get immersed in vinegar and then scrubbed clean.

The sacks get threaded through wooden toilet seats that have wooden clamps (like the “braces” traditionally used to protect badminton rackets) affixed to them, to hold the sacks in place under the hole. These seats have fold-out legs (traditionally a stour tripod, for dealing with uneven ground), and the user travels with sacks of supple leaves for wiping, and flat stones for putting under the seat legs on soft ground. Rig one of these up in a private location (a tarp-on-sticks screen can furnish a little privacy, if naught else is available) and there you have it: one traveling toilet. (Don’t lean back, or over you go.)
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questing gm
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Posted - 19 Feb 2025 :  01:42:09  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On elven words for 'angel' or "Female Angel"

Ninjanurse29 — 16/2/2025 3:46 AM

@Ed Greenwood what's the elven word(s) for "angel" or "Female Angel"?

Ed Greenwood — 17/2/2025 3:06 AM

In the list that follows, Elvish uses the same word for both singular and plural forms

So movanic devas are “braela” as a group, and if you meet just one, it’s “a braela.”

Celestials are “ara” (pronounced “Arr-ah”)
light aasimon are “ivaera” (pronounced “eye-VAIR-ah”)
Movanic Devas are “braela” (pronounced “Bur-AY-lah”)
Monadic devas are “sheear” (pronounced “SHE-arr”)
Astral devas are “ararren” (pronounced “Ar-AR-ren”)
Planetars are “lusar” (pronounced “LOO-zar”)
Solars are “coronar” (pronounced “CORE-oh-nar”)
Agathia (warrior angels) are “tharital” (pronounced “THAR-ih-tall”)
Mystryl’s agathia were specifically called “faerital” (pronounced “FAIR-ih-tall”)
Archons are collectively “tharivae” (pronounced “THAR-ih-vay”)
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questing gm
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Posted - 19 Feb 2025 :  01:45:41  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On 'a place weirdly different than Faerûn' in Stormlight

Joe Chang — 16/2/2025 5:51 AM

Dear @Ed Greenwood, in your novel Stormlight, while Storm rummages around the mind of her great foe she discovers: (spoilers to follow) "This fear tasted like the tang of iron in blood, but came from a place weirdly different than Faerûn. The mortal who had become Bane, so long ago, had come from … somewhere else" Have we seen this place in print yet?

Ed Greenwood — 17/2/2025 3:07 AM

No, not yet. ;}
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