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questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2025 : 01:52:10
On ties between Nimbral and Evermeet
P. Leone — 16/2/2025 7:30 AM
Good Saer @Ed Greenwood do Evermeet and Nimbral have any ties, trade or otherwise, be they magical and/or mundane?
Ed Greenwood — 17/2/2025 3:11 AM
Yes, but we haven't seen them dealt with in published lore yet. So let me just say: the armor of Nimbral came from somewhere, and mainland sages have long speculalted that there's some secret non-aggression pact or military "no go" or other agreement between the two countries...and those sages are correct. ;} |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 03 Mar 2025 : 01:29:03
On Queen Fee's favorite tarts
Juniper Churlgo — 26/2/2025 4:38 AM
What were Queen Fee's favorite tarts? Shrimp like in her final meal?
Ed Greenwood — 28/2/2025 10:55 AM
Yes. And after that, what we would call "butter tarts" but made with just a pinch of almond liqueur ("Amaretto" to us). |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 06:40:43
On why there no deities with the trade portfolio before Waukeen
Marco Volo — 6/3/2025 5:25 PM
Hi @Ed Greenwood I'm sure it has been asked many times so sorry about that, but before Waukeen was added to the Realms, why no deity of your pantheon didn't have trade and merchants in their portfolio? Or maybe one had?
Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 1:45 AM
Before Jeff Grubb added Waukeen, no god held that portfolio; it was something clergies fought over, the churches of Chauntea, Gond, Tempus, Shaundakul, and even the dwarven smithing deities, etc. etc. vying for as much influence over it as possible. The ongoing and continuous ebb and flow of clergies fighting for influence through worship over various aspects of mortal life has always been rich "adventure hooks opportunities" territory. |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 06:44:10
On updating the Pride of Amn to five coins
Zen~ — 6/3/2025 10:23 PM
Greetings Saer @Ed Greenwood, did Amn update their flag "Pride of Amn" to show five coins instead of six, when the council got smaller?
Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 1:48 AM
Some ambitious painters and pennant-weavers did, but no official change was ever made, and most existing Amnian flags still show six coins. Tradition is almost as strong a force as inertia. |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 06:47:22
On the dailyfare dishes of a well to do farmer in the Dalelands that likes a varied diet
Zonesylvania — 6/3/2025 10:32 PM
Dear saer @Ed Greenwood , can you tell us something of the dailyfare dishes that one might see on the table of a well to do farmer or local merchant in the Dalelands that likes a varied diet? thankee!
Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 2:08 AM
Certainly. Standard Dales fare will consist of a slightly varied roster (depending on availability) of the following: Thin-sliced and roasted medallions of parsnip, carrot, and knuckles (Brussels sprouts), seasoned with diced spring onions or shallots.
Potato shards (“home fries” to us) fried in dripping and seasoned with salt, pepper, and diced garlic. “Ground sar” (small local cabbage plants very like bok choy), boiled, cut up in large shards, then pan-fried in dripping (cooked local meat animal fat). Roast shards of fowl (grouse, pheasant, chickens, turkeys) spit-roasted and basted with dripping or broth or leftover stew.
River eel, washed and diced and then marinated in red wine.
River cress greens (a cold salad, cress mixed with various edible wildflowers akin to dandelions, often seasoned with soured cream and crushed nuts). Joints (legs and other large pieces of roast meet from local sheep, goats, and boar).
Tripe (the stomach lining of a boar, sheep, or cow, sliced into strip and fried with cut-up onions, eggs, and herbs: parsley, sage and marjoram to the fore, pinches of fennel and mint or none or more, to taste). Cauldron stew: ongoing simmered hearth-broth of all kitchen scraps and fats, in a boar or chicken-blood base.
The wealthier the owner of the kitchen, the more exotic foods brought by merchant traders from afar there will be, and the less reliance on “long larder” foods like cheese and nuts. A really well-to-do diner may, if they like fish and shellfish, eat a lot of “brought from distant coasts” fare, though it may have been pickled or smoked to keep it edible during its journey. |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 06:58:19
On any major civilizations of the Harengon (rabbitfolk) people in the Realms in the 1490s DR
Vraskagamer — 6/3/2025 1:36 AM
Hi @Ed Greenwood ! I‘ve been DM’ing my first ever campaign that is set in the Realms for the last two years, and my players like a lot of the new races/classes that have come from WOTC recently. Would there be any major civilizations of the Harengon (rabbitfolk) people in the Realms in the 1490s DR? Where might they congregate, if anywhere?
Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 2:29 AM
In the 1490s DR, Harengon are numerous enough to think of themselves as a “realm” in several places across Faerûn:
The Misty Vale and adjacent Dun Hills south of the Border Kingdoms. “Daeradrun” to the harengon. The Sword Hills and adjacent Misty Forest south of Julkoun, and southwest of Secomber. “Maeruldar” to the harengon.
The High Moors just north of the Storm Horns east of Eagle Peak, and increasingly northwest of that along the Tunwash, into the Sunset Foothills. With outlyin settlements in the eastern Far Hills, close to the Fens of Tun. “Farseanan” to the harengon.
In the forests northwest of Hardcastle. “Louvraun” to the harengon.
In the forests south of Arakin and north of the Oldfangs Mountains (the Po Yul Dzayul Range) in Tabot. “Vahardar” to the harengon. |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 07:02:11
On pistols on the list of bonus equipment for the Sword Coast North
Roni — 7/3/2025 3:41 AM
@Ed Greenwood Hello Ed! I've recently chosen to integrate 3/3.5e's region system into my game, and was a bit surprised to find out that pistols are on the list of bonus equipment for the Sword Coast North, as I thought firearms were extremely rare outside of Lantan (and Wildspace I guess). Could you shed some light on the lore behind that decision? I haven't been able to find any lore about firearms being particularly prevalent in the region, but would absolutely love to hear it!
Ed Greenwood — 7/3/2025 11:05 AM
Heh. You've stumbled upon an in-joke done by a staff editor that wasn't part of my Realmslore. Said editor was amused by Jeff Grubb's swift explanation to vice-presidents of TSR that the Sword Coast North/Savage Frontier was the Realm's version of the Wild West, "only colder." So he slipped firearms into the lore because Wild West = six shooters and gunfights. Sigh. |
questing gm
Master of Realmslore
1536 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2025 : 11:14:26
On Amnians getting higher education
Zen~ — 11/3/2025 5:41 PM
I'm reading a lot of Amn lore, there is something about Amn that draws me in so I wanted to ask, dear saer @Ed Greenwood, was it common to pursue higher education in Amn? Especially in Athkatla? If there aren't many opportunities, is it common for an Amnian to travel other places to get such education?
Ed Greenwood — 14/3/2025 2:26 AM
It's very common in Athkatla, and common in the other large Amnian cities. Private tutors are everywhere, and much in use; the good ones command stellar salaries (akin to modern real-world NFL football players). Everyone is at least literate (for reading contracts and figuring out finanical margins, interest payments, and the like). |
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