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Master of Realmslore
1564 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 04:00:33
KIARANSALEE Lady of the Dead, the Revenancer, the Vengeful Banshee, the Pitiless Dowager Lesser Power of the Prime Material Plane (formerly the Abyss) Symbol Female drow hand wearing silver rings Realm Kandelspire (Material Plane/Guldor); previously Thanatos (Abyss/113th) Alignment Chaotic Evil Aliases Kiaransali (Oerth), Kiaranselee Superior Lolth Allies Blibdoolpoolp, the Blood Queen, Cador, Diinkarazan, Diirinka, the Great Mother, Gzemnid, Hoar, Ilsensine, Ilxendren, Laogzed, Maanzecorian (dead), Malar, Mellifleur, Myrkul (dead), Psilofyr, Selvetarm, Velsharoon, Vhaeraun Foes Deep Duerra, Dumathoin, Eilistraee, Kanchelsis, Kelemvor, Laduguer, Jergal, Lolth, Orcus, the Seldarine, Zinzerena Servants none Servitor Creatures apparitions, banshees, coffer corpses, crawling claws, crimson deaths, fenhounds, ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, haunts, heucuva, kiaranshee, larvae, lhiannan shee, liches of all sorts (including fallen baelnorns), maurezhi, nightmares, penangglans, phantoms, quasits, quth-maren, revenants, shadow fiends, shadows, shee, sheet ghouls, sheet phantoms, simpathetics, skeletons, skuz, slow shadows, spectres, wights, wraiths, vampires of all sorts, vargouilles, yeth hounds, zombies Manifestations a skull that rises up several feet above the ground and rapidly whirls about for several seconds, bearing the visage of a comely female dark elf that can offer cryptic advice, threatens vengeance for some insult or slight, simply utters a maniacal laugh or casts wail of the banshee; a dry, chuckling laughter tinged with madness coupled with the distinct sensation that someone has stepped on the grave of every creature hearing it; a pair of giant skeletal hands that burst forth from the ground and drag the unfortunate victim into the earth Signs of Favor chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla, epidote, irtios, ivory, king's tears, meerschaum, moonbars, samarskite, silkstone, tomb jade (favor); the discovery of skulls that split cleanly into two pieces, bones that collapse into dust when touched (disfavor) Worshipers avengers, banshees, drow and evil elven undead (especially fallen baelnorns), necromancers, slavers, the vengeful, true necromancers Cleric Alignments CE, CN, NE Specialty Priests Yathrinshee Holy Days the Graverending Important Ceremonies none Portfolio slavery, undeath, vengeance Domains Chaos, Deathbound, Domination, Drow, Envy, Evil, Pride, Retribution, Undead, Undeath Favored Weapon Cold Heart (dagger)
KIARANSALEE Female Cleric 13, Necromancer 8, Yathrinshee 10, True Necromancer 14, Mindbender 10 CE Medium Undead (Chaotic, Drow, Evil, Extraplanar) Divine Rank 6 Init +20 (+20 Dex); Senses 6-mile-radius; telepathy 100 ft.; Listen 118, Spot 75; remote sensing (5 locations), portfolio sense Aura divine aura (600 ft., Will DC 61), fear aura (60 ft.; less than 5 HD only; Will DC 55 negates); Languages can communicate with any living creature; Dark Speech ____________________________________________________________________________________________
AC 83, touch 64, flat-footed 63 (+18 deflection, +20 Dex, +6 divine, +19 natural, +10 profane) hp 1,650 (55d12 plus 990), divine shield 21/day (240 points of damage); DR 30/epic, good and silver Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, antimagic, banishment, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, electricity, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph effects unless she wishes to be affected, rebuking, sleep, sonic, stunning, transmutation, and turning; Weaknesses light blindness Resist fire 27; SR 65 Fort +61 Ref +61 Will +66 (+68 spells, spell-like abilities, and enchantment effects); +1 circumstance bonus against mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) Melee cold heart +51/+46/+41 (1d4 + 15 plus 3d6 acid plus poison [Fort DC 63]/20/x2 plus 6d6 acid) or Melee touch +46 (1d8 + 5 [Will DC 55 half] plus paralysis [Fort DC 55 negates]/20/x2) or Melee spell +46 or Ranged spell +56 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +30; Grp +46 Atk Options divine blast 21/day (6 miles, 24d12 points of damage) Special Actions alter reality, alter size, dominate 1/day (DC 40), eternal charm (CL 15th, 4 creatures, DC 35), keening 1/day (DC 37), mindread 4/day (DC 33), pride 6/day (reroll any ‘1’ and keep the new result), push the weak mind 3/day (DC 34), rebuke undead as a 45th level cleric 25/day (check +26, damage +63), strike of vengeance 6/day (deal maximum damage with a melee or ranged attack against any creature that has struck Kiaransalee), thrall, threnody 1/day (DC 38); Zone of Animation Combat Gear cold heart
Spell-like Abilities (CL 55th or 59th for necromancy spells; +1 ability damage, ability drain, chaos, evil or level drain spells) At will – animate dead, animate objects, avascular mass (DC 42), avasculate (DC 41), awaken undead, banishment (DC 40), bear’s endurance, blade of pain and fear (DC 36), blasphemy (DC 41), cause fear (DC 35), chaos hammer (DC 38), chill of the grave, chill touch (DC 35), circle of death (DC 39), clairaudience/clairvoyance, cloak of chaos (DC 42), cloak of dark power, command (DC 35), command undead (DC 36), control undead (DC 41), create greater undead, create undead, crushing despair (DC 39), death knell, death ward, desecrate, destruction (DC 41), detect undead, dispel good (DC 39), dispel law (DC 39), discern lies (DC 38), discern location, disguise self, divine power, dominate person (DC 38), eagle’s splendor, energy drain (DC 43), enthrall (DC 36), fangs of the vampire king, fire shield, forbiddance (DC 40), gate, geas/quest, greater command (DC 39), greater heroism, greater dispelling screen, greater planar ally, greater spell immunity, greater teleport, halt undead (DC 38), heroism, hypnotism (DC 35), limited wish, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, magic jar (DC 40), mark of justice, mass charm monster (DC 43), mass reduce person (DC 39), mass suggestion (DC 41), monstrous thrall (DC 43), plane shift (DC 39), protection from good, protection from law, ray of enfeeblement, revive undead, shatter (DC 36), shield of faith, simulacrum, slay living (DC 39), speak with dead (DC 37), spell turning, spiderform, storm of vengeance (DC 43), suggestion (DC 37), summon monster IX (chaos or evil only), touch of idiocy, true dominate (DC 42), undeath to death (DC 41), unholy aura (DC 42), unholy blight (DC 38), vampiric touch, wail of the banshee (DC 43), wish, wither limb (DC 38), word of chaos (DC 41). 1/day - dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire
Cleric Spells per Day (CL 33rd, 37th for enchantment and 50th for necromancy spells; 39th vs SR, 43rd for enchantment or 56th for necromancy spells; +1 ability damage, ability drain, chaos, evil or level drain spells; 2 quickened spells per round) 20th (3+1/day) – DC 72, 73 for enchantment spells or 82 for necromancy spells 19th (3+1/day) – DC 71, 72 for enchantment spells or 81 for necromancy spells 18th (3+1/day) – DC 70, 71 for enchantment spells or 80 for necromancy spells 17th (3+1/day) – DC 69, 70 for enchantment spells or 79 for necromancy spells 16th (4+1/day) – DC 68, 69 for enchantment spells or 78 for necromancy spells 15th (4+1/day) – DC 67, 68 for enchantment spells or 77 for necromancy spells 14th (4+1/day) – DC 66, 67 for enchantment spells or 76 for necromancy spells 13th (4+1/day) – DC 65, 66 for enchantment spells or 75 for necromancy spells 12th (5+1/day) – DC 64, 65 for enchantment spells or 74 for necromancy spells 11th (5+1/day) – DC 63, 64 for enchantment spells or 73 for necromancy spells 10th (5+1/day) – DC 62, 63 for enchantment spells or 72 for necromancy spells 9th (7+1/day) – DC 61, 62 for enchantment spells or 71 for necromancy spells 8th (8+1/day) – DC 60, 61 for enchantment spells or 70 for necromancy spells 7th (8+1)/day) – DC 59, 60 for enchantment spells or 69 for necromancy spells 6th (8+1/day) – DC 58, 59 for enchantment spells or 68 for necromancy spells 5th (9+1/day) – DC 57, 58 for enchantment spells or 67 for necromancy spells 4th (10+1/day) – DC 56, 57 for enchantment spells or 66 for necromancy spells 3rd (10+1/day) – DC 55, 56 for enchantment spells or 65 for necromancy spells 2nd (10+1/day) – DC 54, 55 for enchantment spells or 64 for necromancy spells 1st (10+1/day) – DC 53, 54 for enchantment spells or 63 for necromancy spells Orisons (6/day) – DC 52, 53 for enchantment spells or 62 for necromancy spells *Kiaransalee prefers to cast her clerical spells spontaneously
Necromancer Spells per Day (CL 33rd, 37th for enchantment and 50th for necromancy spells; 39th vs SR, 43rd for enchantment or 56th for necromancy spells; +1 ability damage, ability drain, chaos, evil or level drain spells; 2 quickened spells per round) 21st (4/day) – DC 74, 75 for enchantment spells or 84 for necromancy spells 20th (4/day) – DC 73, 74 for enchantment spells or 83 for necromancy spells 19th (4/day) – DC 72, 73 for enchantment spells or 82 for necromancy spells 18th (4/day) – DC 71, 72 for enchantment spells or 81 for necromancy spells 17th (5/day) – DC 70, 71 for enchantment spells or 80 for necromancy spells 16th (5/day) – DC 69, 70 for enchantment spells or 79 for necromancy spells 15th (5/day) – DC 68, 69 for enchantment spells or 78 for necromancy spells 14th (5/day) – DC 67, 68 for enchantment spells or 77 for necromancy spells 13th (6/day) – DC 66, 67 for enchantment spells or 76 for necromancy spells 12th (6/day) – DC 65, 66 for enchantment spells or 75 for necromancy spells 11th (6/day) – DC 64, 65 for enchantment spells or 74 for necromancy spells 10th (6/day) – DC 63, 64 for enchantment spells or 73 for necromancy spells 9th (9/day) – DC 62, 63 for enchantment spells or 72 for necromancy spells 8th (9/day) – DC 61, 62 for enchantment spells or 71 for necromancy spells 7th (9/day) – DC 60, 61 for enchantment spells or 70 for necromancy spells 6th (9/day) – DC 59, 60 for enchantment spells or 69 for necromancy spells 5th (10/day) – DC 58, 59 for enchantment spells or 68 for necromancy spells 4th (10/day) – DC 57, 58 for enchantment spells or 67 for necromancy spells 3rd (10/day) – DC 56, 57 for enchantment spells or 66 for necromancy spells 2nd (10/day) – DC 55, 56 for enchantment spells or 65 for necromancy spells 1st (11/day) – DC 54, 55 for enchantment spells or 64 for necromancy spells Cantrips (4/day) – DC 53, 54 for enchantment spells or 63 for necromancy spells Prohibited Schools Evocation and Illusion
Epic Spells per Day 5 arcane and 5 divine up to Spellcraft DC 111, DC 96 for evocation and illusion spells and 116 for necromancy spells; Epic Spells Known animus blast, animus blizzard, create living vault, contingent resurrection, damnation, demise unseen, eclipse, enslave, epic counterspell, epic mage armor, greater ruin, horrible army of the dead, kinetic control, momento mori, mummy dust, peripety, safe time, soul domination , spell worm, superb dispelling. Kiaransalee has additionally created many new epic spells designed to enslave minds and souls, create new forms of greater undead and bring ruin to those that oppose her. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 30, Dex 50, Con -, Int 52, Wis 51, Cha 46 SQ avatar (5), curse of the revenancer, deathbound (create x3 HD of undead with spells at once), divinity, enchantment spell power +4, godly realm (500 ft. Prime Material), immortality, necromancer, necromantic prowess +4, school mastery, skill boost +5, zone of desecration (140 ft.) Feats Corpsecrafter, Craft Wondrous Item, Dark Speech (B), Destruction Retribution, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Extra Turning (B), Fell Animate, Fell Frighten, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Heighten Spell, Iron Will, Lichloved, Lightning Reflexes (B), Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Retributive Spell, Scribe Scroll (B), Song of the Dead, Spell Focus (enchantment {B}, necromancy), Undead Leadership Epic Feats Epic Spell Focus (necromancy), Epic Spellcasting (B), Forge Epic Ring, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Undead Mastery, Zone of Animation Salient Divine Abilities Arcane Mastery, Call Creatures (6 undead with 26 HD each), Control Creatures (Will DC 61; 60 undead), Divine Spell Focus (necromancy), Divine Spellcasting, Grasp of the Revenancer (unique salient divine ability), Hand of Death (Fort DC 61 or die; 16d6 damage on a successful save), Lay Curse (6 creatures/day, Will DC 61), Spontaneous Wizard Spells, Voice of the Banshee-Queen (unique salient divine ability) Skills Bluff +87, Concentration +82, Craft (alchemy, jewelry, poisonmaking) +85, Decipher Script +85, Diplomacy +80, Gather Information +55, Heal +84, Hide +59, Intimidate +83, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion, local, nobility and royalty, the planes) +85, Listen +59, Move Silently +59, Perform (sing) +49, Search +60, Sense Motive +97, Spellcraft +91 (+76 evocation and illusion epic spells, +93 necromancy spells, +95 scrolls, +96 epic necromancy spells), Spot +59, Survival +51 (+53 extraplanar, +57 extraplanar), Use Magic Device +49 (+51 scrolls), Use Rope +51; Others +5 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive; +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Possessions cold heart, mantle of nightmares, ring of the goat’s bane, ring of the lady’s call, ring of the revenancer
Alter Reality Kiaransalee is an embodiment of divine power and reality is hers to alter as she sees fit. This effectively functions as the wish spell that costs her no XP and requires a standard action to implement. In effect, this allows Kiaransalee to duplicate any effect as long as it relates to her area of influence. For example, she can duplicate any class skill, ability or spell that relates to slavery, retribution or undeath. She can create any mind-affecting or necromantic effect and create new forms of undead. She can twist the least of slights into conflict, craft new curses, and enslave the living and the dead.
The Pitiless Dowager can create temporary, nonmagical objects, magic items or creatures for up to 6 hours, and can also create permanent nonmagical objects. She can also render a magical or supernatural effect permanent and reshape landscapes. The limits to these abilities are fully defined in Deities and Demigods.
Alter Size As a free action, Kiaransalee can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. She also can change the size of up to 600 pounds of objects she touches.
Avatar Kiaransalee can have up to five avatars at any given time. She appears as a sinuous drow female wearing only silver jewelry and black silk veils. Kiaransalee rarely manifests in the Realms, preferring to husband her personal power and work indirectly through the actions of her servants.
Curse of the Revenancer (Su) Any creature slain by Kiaransalee rises immediately as a zombie under her control.
Divine Blast Kiaransalee can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 6 miles, dealing up to 24d12 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Kiaransalee can unleash a divine blast 21 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of her divine blast as she desires. Kiaransalee’s divine blasts have no visual or sensation-based manifestations but are heralded by dry, chuckling laughter tinged with madness.
Divine Shield As a free action 21 times per day, Kiaransalee can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 160 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Kiaransalee is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Dominate (Sp) Kiaransalee is able to dominate any single living Large or smaller creature within 100 feet (as dominate monster) once per day. A successful Will save (DC 40) negates the effect. The duration is 24 hours.
Drow Traits Kiaransalee has a +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells, spell-like abilities, and enchantment effects of other sorts. She has darkvision (120 ft.) and is entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it. She also has light blindness (blinded for 1 round by abrupt exposure to bright light, -1 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light).
Enchantment Spell Power (Ex) Kiaransalee adds +4 to her caster level when casting any enchantment spell.
Eternal Charm (Sp) Kiaransalee can charm up to four Large or smaller living creatures within 100 feet (as charm monster) once per day. A successful Will save (DC 35) negates the effect. The duration is permanent; however, she can have only one creature so charmed at any given time. If she attempts to use this power on a creature while she has another so charmed, the first charm is automatically broken (regardless of the success of the second attempt). The effect is also broken if she or one of her allies injures the target. Dispel magic has no effect on an eternal charm, though break enchantment frees the victim (CL 15th).
Grasp of the Revenancer (unique salient divine ability) The Revenancer's most terrifying manifestation always comes without warning. This manifestation only occurs while the target is standing on soil at least 6 feet deep (in other words, ground that could conceivably be dug up to serve as a grave).
Six times per day as a free action, Kiaransalee can cause a pair of giant skeletal hands to burst forth from the ground and drag the unfortunate victim into the earth in the blink of an eye unless a Reflex save (DC 61) is made. If Kiaransalee is feeling generous, the effect ends after 6 rounds, and the subject is forcibly expelled from the ground. If the victim has slighted or insulted the Vengeful Banshee, however, the victim immediately begins suffocating and can only escape if they either succeed at six opposing grapple checks made against the original saving throw DC, are rescued by his or her comrades with a freedom spell that succeeds at a caster level check against a 61st level caster, or if affected by epic spells such as eternal freedom and let go of me.
In either case, after being freed the victim has a -6 penalty to spells of the necromancy school and with the [death] descriptor for up to 1 year unless affected by deific intervention, epic spells that use the Dispel or Life spell seeds, or by a miracle or wish followed by a greater restoration spell that succeeds at an opposing caster level check against a 61st level caster.
Keening (Su) Kiaransalee can keen once per day. This ability works like the wail of the banshee spell, except that it affects any number of creatures within a 30-foot-radius spread centered on her (Fort DC 37).
Mindread (Sp) Four times per day, Kiaransalee can read the surface thoughts of a living creature within 100 feet. This is a mind-affecting ability that requires a standard action to use. She must be able to see the target; a successful Will save (DC 33) negates the effect. Creatures of animal intelligence (Int 1 or 2) have only simple, instinctual thoughts. Maintaining the effect requires concentration; the maximum duration is 10 minutes. The ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Necromancer (Ex) Kiaransalee has unsurpassed power over death. When she casts spells from the school of necromancy, all her spellcaster levels stack for the purpose of determining her effective caster level.
Necromantic Prowess (Ex) When Kiaransalee rebukes undead, casts a necromancy spell, or uses a spell-like ability that mimics a necromancy spell, her effective caster level increases by +4.
Push the Weak Mind (Sp) Kiaransalee can influence the actions of a living creature of Large or smaller size three times per day. This ability functions like a suggestion spell, except that the range is 100 feet and the duration is 15 hours. She can communicate the suggested course of action telepathically if she chooses, which allows her to use the effect regardless of the target’s language. A successful Will save (DC 34) negates the effect.
Rebuke Undead Kiaransalee’s cleric, true necromancer and yathrinshee class levels stack for the purpose of determining her effective cleric level for rebuking. The bonus from her necromantic prowess ability also applies.
Skill Boost (Ex) Kiaransalee is a consummate student of manipulation, be it magical or mundane. She has a +5 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
Telepathy (Su) Kiaransalee has the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.
Thrall (Su) Kiaransalee can choose to make the duration of her dominate ability permanent, but only on one target at a time. If she chooses to dominate another creature and make that effect permanent, the previous thrall is freed from the effect.
Threnody (Su) Once per day, Kiaransalee can sing a song of lament that can unnerve opponents who are engaged in combat with an undead creature. In effect, any undead within 30 feet of the Revenancer gains a gaze attack identical to the unnerving gaze of a chain devil. Any creature that meets her eyes must make a Will save (DC 38) or take a -2 penalty on attack rolls for 1d3 rounds because it sees the faces of departed loved ones or bitter enemies. If an undead creature actually is the animated corpse of a friend or companion of her opponent, the save DC increases by 2 and the penalty is doubled (to -4).
Voice of the Banshee-Queen (unique salient divine ability) Kiaransalee sometimes manifests as a dry, chuckling laughter tinged with madness coupled with the distinct sensation that someone has stepped on the grave of every creature hearing her mad chortle. Every living creature that hears the Revenancer’s laughter must succeed at a Will save (DC 61 negates) or suffer 1d6 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and is additionally afflicted by a fear spell. Since there is no obvious threat present, however, those who hear the goddess's laughter flee in a random direction. The laughter fills a burst of up to 270 ft. radius.
In addition, Kiaransalee can choose to manifest as a skull that rises up several feet above the ground and rapidly whirls about for several seconds. When the skull stops rotating, it bears the visage of a comely female dark elf. Through this form, the goddess can communicate with her worshipers and threaten her enemies, bestow any beneficial Divination effect as she desires, or utter a wail of the banshee (Fort DC 61) that affects all creatures in a 270 ft. radius around her save those she wishes to shield against the effect. The skull immediately vanishes after wailing.
Zone of Desecration (Su) Kiaransalee is surrounded by a desecrate effect that only affects allied undead in a 140 ft. radius.
Possessions Kiaransalee carries cold heart, a curved +5 acidic blast dagger of venom that functions as a combined rod of nightmares and a rod of restless death (save DC 53 plus spell level or 59 plus spell level for necromancy spells). Cold heart inflicts its venom property at will (DC 63). (CL 55th)
Kiaransalee also wears the mantle of nightmares, a cloak of rattling bones that forces any living creature that hears it to succeed at a Will save (DC 61) or be paralyzed with fear as though struck by a lich’s touch. The Lady of the Dead sometimes loans the mantle to favored worshipers for short periods of time. When worn by Kiaransalee, the mantle of nightmares confers a +10 profane bonus to armor class and saving throws and additionally bestows a constant freedom of movement effect upon her. (CL 55th)
The Lady of the Dead also wears a multitude of silver rings on each of her fingers save her thumbs. While most are priceless but non-magical, she has three of note. The ring of the goat’s bane was crafted in anticipation of Orcus’s wrath and confers a +6 bonus to her armor class, caster level, and saving throws against the Demon Prince of the Undead and his servants. The ring of the lady’s call allows Kiaransalee to animate any undead allowed by the create undead or create greater undead spells when using her Zone of Animation feat. Finally, the ring of the revenancer grants her a +4 bonus to the caster level and saving throw DCs of her necromancy spells and additionally allows her to cast an extra quickened spell each round as though she had the Multispell feat. (CL 55th)
Other Divine Powers As a lesser power, Kiaransalee may take 10 on any check. Kiaransalee treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. She is immortal. Senses Kiaransalee can see (using normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of six miles. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within six miles of her worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to five locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for six hours. Portfolio Sense Kiaransalee senses any act of revenge or oath of vengeance taken by a drow or any act of enslavement involving drow as long as the event in question affects at least five hundred people. She is similarly aware of the creation of undead by drow and any act taken by an evil elven undead if the event is of equivalent magnitude. Automatic Actions Kiaransalee can use any skill associated with her portfolio as a free action whether or not she has ranks in it, as long as the DC for the task is 20 or lower. Kiaransalee cannot do anything as a free action if the task would be a move action or part of a move action. She can perform up to five such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Kiaransalee can create any kind of magic item that involves creation of the undead, affects minds or involves curses as long as the item's market price does not exceed 30,000 gp.
Edited by - LordofBones on 07 Mar 2025 01:32:13
6 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 14:50:35
Amazing! Any plans for other Drow deities like Vhaeraun, perhaps the Spider Queen herself? |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
673 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 21:16:41
The Pitiless Dowager? Never heard that title for her. The others, yes.
The class levels, though, are about where I'd expect her to be, though the levels in Mindbender I didn't expect.  |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Master of Realmslore
1564 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 22:59:10
quote: Originally posted by eldritchq
Amazing! Any plans for other Drow deities like Vhaeraun, perhaps the Spider Queen herself?
They're on the list.
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
The Pitiless Dowager? Never heard that title for her. The others, yes.
The class levels, though, are about where I'd expect her to be, though the levels in Mindbender I didn't expect. 
Dragon 298. Kiaransalee is worshipped more as a deity of slavery and undeath in Oerth.
Mindbender is there because she's a slavery goddess, her avatar in Demihuman Deities had mind control powers, and it evened out her arcane caster levels. |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
673 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 23:13:54
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones Dragon 298. Kiaransalee is worshipped more as a deity of slavery and undeath in Oerth.
Mindbender is there because she's a slavery goddess, her avatar in Demihuman Deities had mind control powers, and it evened out her arcane caster levels.
Do you mean "more as of slavery and undeath" or "more as a deity of slavery than undeath"? |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Master of Realmslore
1564 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 23:45:09
Slavery and undeath. Oerth's Kiaransalee is all about making sure her products have a lifetime warranty. |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
673 Posts |
Posted - 07 Mar 2025 : 00:12:00
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
Slavery and undeath. Oerth's Kiaransalee is all about making sure her products have a lifetime warranty.
Okay. If memory serves, her Realms incarnation was more about vengeance than slavery, but definitely focused on undeath (and rather icky actions with such I'd rather not address because the mention/thought of it makes me want to throw up at times... ). |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Master of Realmslore
1564 Posts |
Posted - 07 Mar 2025 : 01:33:42
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
Slavery and undeath. Oerth's Kiaransalee is all about making sure her products have a lifetime warranty.
Okay. If memory serves, her Realms incarnation was more about vengeance than slavery, but definitely focused on undeath (and rather icky actions with such I'd rather not address because the mention/thought of it makes me want to throw up at times... ).
The flavor text for the Lichloved feat was rewritten in Elder Evils, so those icky actions appear to have been retconned out.
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