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Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
673 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2025 : 02:58:22
Pretty self-explanatory. In the words of Lauri from the Hydraulic Press Channel, "so here we go!" 
Arcane Spells
Silent Steps Illusion Level: Assassin 2, Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal or Touch Target: You or a creature capable of ambulatory movement weighing no more than 100 lb/level Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
By casting this spell, you muffle the sound of the target's footsteps. The subject gains a +20 circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks for the duration of the spell. Material Component: A tuft of cotton, soft rubber or similar soft material, sized to fit in the palm of a medium-sized humanoid.
Warlock Invocations
Abyssal Howl Blast Lesser, 4th; Eldritch Essence This Eldritch Essence Invocation allows you to change your eldritch blast into an Abyssal Howl Blast.
An Abyssal Howl Blast deals sonic damage. Any creature struck by an Abyssal Howl Blast must succeed on a fortitude save or become deafened for 1 round per 5 class levels you have. For instance, a 10th-level Warlock causes a target that fails it save to be deafened for 2 rounds.
Abyssal Shock Blast Lesser, 4th; Eldritch Essence This Eldritch Essence Invocation allows you to change your eldritch blast into an Abyssal Shock Blast.
An Abyssal Shock Blast deals electricity damage. Creatures struck by an Abyssal Shock Blast must succeed on a fortitude save or become dazed. The dazed condition persists for 1 round per 5 class levels you have. For instance, a 20th-level Warlock causes a target that fails it save to be dazed for 4 rounds.
Devil's In The Details Greater, 8th This invocation allows you to deliver - and pick up - coded spoken messages. For the next 24 hours
after casting this invocation, you gain a +4 competence bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks when using those skills in spoken interaction. You also can speak every language for the duration of this invocation, but you cannot understand written languages other than ones you inherently know.
Faerie Flare Blast Lesser, 5th; Eldritch Essence This invocation causes your eldritch blast to affect the target(s) with Faerie Fire and Glitterdust.
Monster in Me Dark, 10th This invocation allows you to change for up to 10 rounds into one of the following, your choice: - Babau Demon - Chain Devil - Satyr
Speed Demon Greater; 7th This invocation causes the Warlock to become under the effect of the following spells, using their normal duration: - Haste - Blur - Displacement
Sticky Situation Dark, 10th This invocation causes a 10 foot square area of the Warlock's choosing to exhibit the following spell effects: - Entangle - Resinous Tar (PHB2) - Web Each spell effect requires saving throws as normal.
Wall of Stygia Greater; 8th This invocation creates the effect of the spell Wall of Ice, but half the damage is untyped damage. In addition, every affected target must make a fortitude save or suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity checks for 4 rounds.
Warlock's Will Dark, 10th This invocation creates the effect of the following spells at once: - Dimensional Anchor - One of the following spells, your choice upon casting: Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Circle Against Chaos, or Magic Circle Against Law - Summon Monster V (Demons or Devils only) or Summon Nature's Ally V (Fey only)
Witch's Brew Dark, 9th This invocation requires the Warlock to have a vial of plain water in hand. When cast upon the vial, it is transformed into a potion that can have three of any of the following spell effects, chosen at the time of casting: - Barkskin - Blur - Break Enchantment - Haste - Mirror Image - Neutralize Poison - Rage - Remove Disease - Restoration The potion must be consumed within 5 rounds or it reverts to plain water.
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11961 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2025 : 23:11:25
recommend lowering the circumstance bonus on the spell, as there's a lot of other things that you do when walking that cause noise. For instance, you could step on a board that creaks. Your sword on your hip might knock something off a table. However, I'd ALSO recommend making the spell last for HOURS. By that, if you gave like a +4 bonus, but it lasted say a half hour per level, this makes for a really tempting spell. It could also have another name like Cat Steps, but that's not a big deal.
Now, I could see a similar spell to what you describe giving same bonus, if you stop all sounds from yourself extending more than a foot or so, like with sound bubble. Note, I don't say "automatic success", because for instance someone with a sound bubble can still trip a trip wire with a bell hooked to it, and the bell is outside the bubble. The advantages of using sound bubble versus silence are that silence has attack potentials, whereas sound bubble should be personal but allowing you to still speak, cast spells, etc...
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Edited by - sleyvas on 05 Mar 2025 23:16:15 |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11961 Posts |
Posted - 05 Mar 2025 : 23:15:48
Oh .... LOVE faerie fire blast too. That's a great idea thematically and tactically. Now if it made the person nauseous at the same time... |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
673 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 02:34:08
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas
recommend lowering the circumstance bonus on the spell, as there's a lot of other things that you do when walking that cause noise. For instance, you could step on a board that creaks. Your sword on your hip might knock something off a table. However, I'd ALSO recommend making the spell last for HOURS. By that, if you gave like a +4 bonus, but it lasted say a half hour per level, this makes for a really tempting spell. It could also have another name like Cat Steps, but that's not a big deal.
Now, I could see a similar spell to what you describe giving same bonus, if you stop all sounds from yourself extending more than a foot or so, like with sound bubble. Note, I don't say "automatic success", because for instance someone with a sound bubble can still trip a trip wire with a bell hooked to it, and the bell is outside the bubble. The advantages of using sound bubble versus silence are that silence has attack potentials, whereas sound bubble should be personal but allowing you to still speak, cast spells, etc...
Yeah, I was questioning if that was a little to high for a level 2 spell. Still, I was hoping to make it seem like that plus (Improved) Invisibility (and maybe add in Non-Detection) would - for instance - make a Rogue or Assassin much harder to detect. I figured giving it the same duration as Invisibility because it fits the same purpose.
But yes, I figured knocking stuff over or the like would still produce sound. Still, what's to figure that in the case of falling objects that it couldn't be blamed on something like a cat, namely if some illusion spells (ex: Silent Image or the like) could cause a diversion?  |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
673 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 02:46:21
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas
Oh .... LOVE faerie fire blast too. That's a great idea thematically and tactically. Now if it made the person nauseous at the same time...
You mean Faire Flare Blast. 
Granted, there is an invocation that already inflicts the nauseated status (Noxious Blast from Complete Arcane og 135) so that status is spoken for.  |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11961 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 12:58:07
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas
recommend lowering the circumstance bonus on the spell, as there's a lot of other things that you do when walking that cause noise. For instance, you could step on a board that creaks. Your sword on your hip might knock something off a table. However, I'd ALSO recommend making the spell last for HOURS. By that, if you gave like a +4 bonus, but it lasted say a half hour per level, this makes for a really tempting spell. It could also have another name like Cat Steps, but that's not a big deal.
Now, I could see a similar spell to what you describe giving same bonus, if you stop all sounds from yourself extending more than a foot or so, like with sound bubble. Note, I don't say "automatic success", because for instance someone with a sound bubble can still trip a trip wire with a bell hooked to it, and the bell is outside the bubble. The advantages of using sound bubble versus silence are that silence has attack potentials, whereas sound bubble should be personal but allowing you to still speak, cast spells, etc...
Yeah, I was questioning if that was a little to high for a level 2 spell. Still, I was hoping to make it seem like that plus (Improved) Invisibility (and maybe add in Non-Detection) would - for instance - make a Rogue or Assassin much harder to detect. I figured giving it the same duration as Invisibility because it fits the same purpose.
But yes, I figured knocking stuff over or the like would still produce sound. Still, what's to figure that in the case of falling objects that it couldn't be blamed on something like a cat, namely if some illusion spells (ex: Silent Image or the like) could cause a diversion? 
Just for fun, since we're talking theory
Bear this in mind too since we're talking greater invisibility... and I'm having to stretch my mind back to 3.5e to think about things that I did in 2e mind you... and this would be for someone focusing on THIS type of roll
TECHNICALLY greater invisibility is persistible (i.e. you can apply persistent spell to greater invisibility). Now, I know the obvious response is "but that makes it a 10th level spell". There are some tricks with certain prestige classes and certain feats you can utilize to lower your metamagic costs (there was something with priests .... so with a say a theurge... where you could reduce metamagic costs... some prestige classes let you reduce metamagic costs on the fly OR with a chosen type of metamagic, etc....)
So, I think non-detection was a long term spell that you could extend to make it last even longer.
In theory, with the silent step/cat step variation I described with the lesser bonus but longer duration, if you extended even that long duration it can be an amazingly nice add..... or with the variation more closely matching what you built but maybe description/wording changed to more closely reflect sound bubble, then THAT could also be persistible.
I used to love using this sort of defensive casting... for instance, using a spell so that instead of resisting fireballs and lightning... you instead make see invisibility not work on you. Removing your sound, modifying your smell, letting loose a programmed illusion of yourself while you are actually attacking from invisibility. It made for an amazing way to do a TPK on an unsuspecting entire group. I'll never forget one convention I went to where a DM was running an ad hoc "arena" where two sides pitted themselves against each other. One side was a bunch of friends. The other side was me and a bunch of pickup players. I started out doing something like a combine darkness and rope trick in the same round, plus I think a programmed illusion of myself INSIDE the darkness doing attacks. Then while in the rope trick, I just spent like 8 rounds dumping spells on myself. I came out after my whole team had been wiped and the other team was high fiving, but they didn't even know I'd come out. Then flying, invisible, with wards up, an "illusion" of a globe of invulnerability appeared to draw their fire..... as I dumped a dome of force and a cloudkill around them all. Some got out. They eventually found me with true seeing or somesuch, but I had already place stoneskins supposedly the day prior. In the end, I wiped them all barely. But that's the strength of "you can't find me, you can't kill me".
EDIT: actually, thinking back, it was a blacklight around the rope trick. So, when I came out, I could see out, but they couldn't see in. Then I did the cloudkill /wall of force combo .... not sure if I did a three part drop with whatever the 3rd level spell was from FRA that stopped teleportation... but nothing that would reveal "source" of the effect. Then I put the illusion in the air of the globe of invulnerability.
Of course, in 5e, this is one of its chiefest weaknesses, because they absolutely destroy this style of play with their concentration rules. I get it though, this should be something that only people who really WANT to do this should be able to do, and there should be capabilities in the system to allow for abjurers who stack protections, etc.... Otherwise everyone just hurls fireballs and you lose the concept of the extremely tactical spellcaster. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Edited by - sleyvas on 06 Mar 2025 13:32:34 |
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