I ran this adventure as part of a Moonsea adventure path that cobbled a bunch of free WotC adventures plus ones I bought. It started with the PCs in Glister and dealing with the adventure: The Burning Plague. After, they fought a small contingent of Zhentarim at one of their outposts before making their way to Melvaunt. They pick up the Sons of Gruumsh adventure there.
For what it's worth, it's a fun dungeon crawl through the orcs ziggurat and then finishes up with some political intrigue. They hit 6th level before leaving Melvaunt and heading towards Phlan and it's reawakened Pool of Radiance. This was going to start the Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor adventure.
I enjoyed DMing it and the players had a blast, though it is difficult and it resulted in one PC death.
It changed some Melvaunt lore, which peeved me a bit as Melvaunt was a pet project of mine over on the wiki a while ago, but I remember my mates having a blast with it when I ran it for them back in '07.
When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.