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Master of Realmslore
1548 Posts |
Posted - 07 May 2024 : 15:28:20
I've never hidden that I've never particularly liked the existing 3.5 deity stats, so with a little revising to the rules, here are some revamped gods, both old and new.
BHAAL Lord of Murder Intermediate Power of Gehenna Symbol A white, face-on human skull surrounded by a counterclockwise orbit of many streaming teardrops Realm Throne of Blood (Gehenna/Khalas) Alignment Lawful Evil Aliases Niynjushigampo (among the Gugari) Superior Bane Allies Hoar, Mask, Myrkul Foes Arvoreen, Gargauth, Chauntea, Helm, Ilmater, Lathander, Llira, Savras, Solonor Thelandira, Torm, Tyr, Yondalla Servants Loviatar, Talona; Kazgorath (dead), Shantu (dead), Thorax (dead) Servitor Creatures annihilators, baatezu (dogai), beholders, blood warriors, bodaks, bonebats, boneclaws, bonedrinkers, cloakers, corpse creatures, cursts, darkmantles, darktentacles, deathdrinkers, deathfangs, displacer beasts (fiendish), dreads, firbolgs (fiendish), glooms, grell (usually philosphers), hangman golems, harrla of hate, ironclad maulers, lurkers, lurkers above, lurking stranglers, mad slashers, mohrgs, murderjacks, owlbears (fiendish), perytons, redcaps, ropers, shadow chokers, skeletons, spectral lurkers Manifestations a pair of flying crawling claws that can point, carry or wield things, or grow or fire bone daggers from their fingertips; a flying and laughing human skull that hurtles around trailing teardrops; a sudden and uncontrollable urge to murder Signs of Favor none Worshipers assassins, murderers, bounty hunters, ritual killers, torturers, mercenaries Cleric Alignments LE, LN, NE Specialty Priests Deathstalkers Holy Days Feast of the Moon Important Ceremonies Day’s Farewell, any ritualistic act of murder Portfolio death, especially violent or ritual death, assassination, murder, violence Domains Death, Destruction, Evil, Hatred, Law, Planning, Retribution, Suffering Favored Weapon Bone Blades (dagger)
BHAAL Male Swordsage 20, Assassin 25, Soul Reaver 20 LE Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful) Divine Rank 15 Init 53, Supreme Initiative; Senses 15-mile-radius; Listen 119, Sense Motive 119, Spot 119; remote sensing (10 locations), portfolio sense; sense magic Aura divine aura (1500 ft, Will DC 73); Languages can communicate with any living creature; Dark Speech ______________________________________________________________________
AC 106, touch 88, flat-footed 106 (+1 dodge, +16 deflection, +20 Dex, +15 divine, +16 Wis, +28 natural); improved uncanny dodge; Epic Dodge, Mobility hp 1,730 (20d8 + 45d6 plus 1,300); fast healing 35; divine shield 23/day (150 hp); DR 35/epic, good and adamantine Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, antimagic, banishment, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, non-lethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, and turning Resist cold 35, sonic 35; SR 79 Fort 83 Ref 89 Will 85; discipline focus (Stone Dragon and Shadow Hand), improved evasion, save vs poison +32 ______________________________________________________________________
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) Melee Bone blades 108/108/103/98 (3d10 +67 plus 3d6 unholy plus 1 negative level vs good plus 1 Con plus 1 vile/18-20/x2 +32d6 sneak attack plus 6d6 unholy plus 2 negative levels vs good plus 2 vile plus wither limb) or Melee unarmed strike 108/108/103/98 (3d10 +67 plus 3d6 unholy plus 1 negative level vs good plus 1 Con plus 1 vile/18-20/x2 +32d6 sneak attack plus 6d6 unholy plus 2 negative levels vs good plus 2 vile) or Melee touch 94 or Ranged Bone blades 108/108/103/98 (3d10 +67 plus 3d6 unholy plus 1 negative level vs good plus 1 Con plus 1 vile/18-20/x2 +32d6 sneak attack plus 6d6 unholy plus 2 negative levels vs good plus 2 vile plus wither limb) or Ranged touch 94 Base Atk 58; Grp 72 Atk Options Bounding Assault, Dire Charge, Gloom Razor, Flying Kick, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Leap Attack, Lunging Strike, Overwhelming Assault, Power Attack, Rapid Blitz, Shock Trooper, Snap Kick, Spring Attack, Stone Power, Stunning Fist (Fort DC 60), Two Weapon Pounce, Two Weapon Rend; death touch 15/day (kill a creature with less than 65d6 hit points as a melee touch), death attack (Fort DC 67, +15 against studied targets; double death 2/day, sudden death 2/day, vampiric death 2/day; Destructive Attack, Lingering Death), discipline focus (insightful strikes – Stone Dragon and Shadow Hand), hatred 15/day (+2 profane bonus to AC, attack rolls and saves against one opponent as a free action), strike of vengeance 15/day (one attack with maximum damage against someone that that has harmed Bhaal), smite 1/day (+4 attack, +60 damage), sneak attack +32d6 (Disemboweling Strike, Maiming Strike, Painful Strike, Persistent Attacker, Staggering Strike), suffering touch 15/day (-2 to Str and Dex as a melee touch attack) Special Actions alter reality, divine blast (31d12 damage, 15 miles) 21/day, power of hate 1/day (+2 profane bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class against one opponent for 1 minute); Adaptive Style, Blinding Speed, Deflect Arrows, Exceptional Deflection, Infinite Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows Combat Gear bone blades
Divine Spell-like Abilities (CL 60th; +1 evil and law spells) At will – animate dead, antipathy (DC 49), augury, bane (DC 42), banishment (DC 47), bear’s endurance, bestow curse (DC 45), blasphemy (DC 48), cause fear (DC 42), calm emotions (DC 43), clairaudience/clairvoyance, contagion (DC 44), create greater undead, create undead, death knell (DC 43), death ward, deathwatch, desecrate, destruction (DC 48), detect scrying, dictum (DC 48), discern location, disintegrate (DC 48), dispel chaos, dispel good, doom (DC 42), earthquake, enervation, eyebite (DC 48), feeblemind (DC 46), fire shield, forbiddance (DC 47), greater scrying (DC 48), greater teleport, harm (DC 47), heroes’ feast, hold monster (DC 47), horrid wilting (DC 50), implosion (DC 50), inflict critical wounds (DC 45), inflict light wounds (DC 42), magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mark of justice, mass inflict light wounds (DC 46), order’s wrath (DC 45), plane shift (DC 46), protection from chaos, protection from good, rage, righteous might, scare (DC 43), shatter (DC 43), shield of faith, shield of law (DC 49), slay living (DC 46), speak with dead (DC 44), spell turning, status, storm of vengeance (DC 50), summon monster IX (evil or lawful creatures only), symbol of pain (DC 49), time stop, unholy aura (DC 49), unholy blight (DC 45), wail of the banshee (DC 50).
Assassin Spells Known (CL 45th or 60th vs SR; +1 evil and law spells) 9th (4/day) – energy drain, imprison soul (DC 51), mass harm (DC 51), superior invisibility. 8th (6/day) – bodak’s glare (DC 50), mass inflict critical wounds (DC 50), mind blank, screen (DC 50). 7th (6/day) – finger of death (DC 49), greater harm (DC 49), pulse of hate (DC 49), shadow walk. 6th (6/day) – arrow of bone (DC 48), illusory pit (DC 48), mislead (DC 48), spectral touch (DC 48). 5th (6/day) – choking sands (DC 47), ethereal jaunt, friend to foe (DC 47), shadow form. 4th (8/day) – heart ripper (DC 46), sniper’s eye, unseen strike, vulnerability. 3rd (8/day) – find the gap, misdirection (DC 45), nondetection, vital strike. 2nd (8/day) – darkness, pass without trace, smoke stairs, wraithstrike. 1st (8/day) – blade of blood, critical strike, ebon eyes, shadow double.
Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 42nd) Stances – assassin’s stance (3rd), blood in the water (1st), flame’s blessing (1st), leaping dragon stance (3rd), shifting defense (5th), stance of alacrity (8th) Strikes – ancient mountain hammer† (7th), bonesplitting strike (4th), bone crusher (DC 53) (3rd), bounding assault† (4th), charging minotaur† (1st), claw at the moon (2nd), colossus strike (DC 57) (7th), death in the dark (DC 49) (7th), diamond nightmare blade† (8th), emerald razor† (2nd), feral death blow (DC 59) (9th), five shadow creeping enervation strike† (9th) (DC 51), hamstring attack (DC 57) (7th), mountain tombstone strike† (9th), pouncing charge† (5th), sapphire nightmare blade† (1st), shadow blade technique (1st), shadow garrote (DC 46) (3rd), shadow noose (DC 48) (6th), swooping dragon strike (7th) Boosts – sudden leap† (1st), dancing mongoose (5th), raging mongoose† (8th) Counters – diamond defense† (8th) Other – shadow blink† (8th) Disciplines: Desert Wind, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw † Readied maneuver ______________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 50, Dex 50, Con 50, Int 42, Wis 42, Cha 42 SQ AC bonus (Wis), avatar, dual boost 3/day, discipline focus (weapon focus – Shadow Hand and Stone Dragon), divinity, hide in plain sight, immortality, poison use, quick to act +5 Feats Adaptive Style, Bounding Assault, Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech (B), Deflect Arrows, Disemboweling Strike, Dodge, Extend Spell (B), Flying Kick, Gloom Razor, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Leap Attack, Lunging Strike, Maiming Strike, Mobility, Overwhelming Assault, Painful Strike, Persistent Attacker, Power Attack, Rapid Blitz, Shadow Blade, Shock Trooper, Snatch Arrows, Snap Kick, Spring Attack, Staggering Strike, Stone Power, Stunning Fist (Fort DC 60), Telling Blow, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Pounce, Two Weapon Rend, Vile Deathstrike, Vile Martial Strike, Weapon Focus (discipline) Epic Feats Blinding Speed, Destructive Attack, Dire Charge, Epic Dodge, Exceptional Deflection, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Death Attack (x3), Infinite Deflection, Lingering Death, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Reflect Arrows, Superior Initiative Salient Divine Abilities Alter Form, Annihilating Strike (Fort DC 77 or die; destroy 15,000 cubic feet of matter), Battlesense, Dead Bones (unique salient divine ability), Divine Dodge (65%), Divine Fast Healing, Divine Inspiration (dread, 15 creatures), Divine Sneak Attack, Divine Weapon Focus (dagger), Divine Weapon Specialization (dagger), Free Move, Hand of Death (Fort DC 73 for 25d6 damage), Irresistible Blows (Fort DC 77), Instant Move, Know Death (Will DC 73), Life and Death (Fort DC 73 or die, 300 damage on a successful save), Lord of Murder (unique salient divine ability), Possess Mortal (up to ten, Will DC 73), Shapechange, Supreme Initiative Skills Balance 132, Bluff 61, Climb 123 (131 ropes), Concentration 123, Decipher Script 71, Diplomacy 71, Disable Device 80, Disguise 81 (83 acting), Escape Artist 85 (93 ropes), Gather Information 107, Heal 91, Hide 123, Intimidate 121, Jump 129, Knowledge (arcana) 66, Knowledge (geography) 76, Knowledge (history) 76, Knowledge (local) 81, Knowledge (nature) 65, Knowledge (the planes) 66, Listen 119, Martial Lore 119 (121 Shadow Hand or Stone Dragon), Move Silently 123, Open Lock 103, Search 99, Sense Motive 119, Sleight of Hand 92, Spot 119, Survival 83 (85 above ground, extraplanar, to avoid getting lost or natural hazards, 91 tracking), Swim 123, Tumble 123, Use Magic Device 99 (101 scrolls), Use Rope 123 (127 binds) Possessions bone blades
Discipline Focus (Ex) Bhaal can focus his training to take advantage of up to his disciplines’ fighting style. This focus manifests in the following ways:
Weapon Focus: Bhaal has the benefit of the Weapon Focus feat for weapons associated with the chosen discipline.
Insightful Strikes: Bhaal can add his Wisdom modifier as a bonus on damage rolls whenever he executes a strike from the Shadow Hand and Stone Dragon schools.
Defensive Stance: Bhaal gains a +2 bonus on saving throws whenever he adopts a stance from the Shadow Hand and Stone Dragon schools.
Bhaal also gains a +2 bonus on Martial Lore checks made regarding a maneuver in disciplines in which he has discipline focus.
Dead Bones (unique salient divine ability) Bhaal has honed his skills at torture to such a degree that he can turn his victims’ own bodies against them with a single strike, rending bone from flesh with but a thought.
Fifteen times per day, Bhaal can force up to 15 creatures to which he has dealt hit point damage to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 77) or die as their bones are violently torn out of their bodies in a spray of jagged shards. All creatures within 15 feet must succeed at a Reflex save for half damage or be rent apart by the splinters, suffering 15d6 vile damage and 15d6 piercing damage. Creatures that die from the damage suffer the same fate as the original victims.
At will, Bhaal can animate these bone splinters into a halo of 3d10 blades that orbit a point of his choice (though usually his own body) and launch them as ranged touch attacks with a range of 150 feet. He can launch up to 3 blades per round as an iterative attack, and each blade is treated as one of his bone blades as a ranged weapon. Any creature that dies suffers the effect of Dead Bones as detailed above.
Alternatively, the Lord of Murder can turn the bone splinters into a barrier of magical grinding bone that functions as a blade barrier dealing 30d6 damage, half of which is vile damage. The barrier can be attacked and otherwise has all the properties of a wall of bones. Bhaal can make the barrier permanent if he desires, and creatures that die either from the damage or from the initial effect of Dead Bones cannot be raised or resurrected until the barrier is destroyed. (CL 65th).
Divinity Bhaal is an embodiment of ancient divine power. As such, reality is his to shape as he sees fit. Alter Reality: Bhaal may alter reality within the bounds of his portfolio. This functions as a wish spell that requires no XP or material cost. The limits of this ability are fully described in Deities and Demigods. He can additionally alter his size from Fine to Colossal and may additionally alter up to 100 pounds of objects in the same manner. Avatar: Bhaal can have up to ten avatars at any given time. The Lord of Murder prefers to manifest in urban settings as the Slayer, a male, humanoid corpse with a feral face and ivory skin inset with deep lacerations that flow with black ichor. In rural areas, he manifests as the Ravager, a giant of a man over 30 feet tall, with long, tough sinews, a flowing beard and mane of hair, eyes that glow with the flames of Gehenna, a face twisted in a grimace of supernatural hatred, and two 7-foot-long curved horns protruding from his forehead. Divine Blast: Bhaal can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 15 miles, dealing up to 31d12 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Bhaal can unleash a divine blast 19 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of his divine blast as he desires. Bhaal’s divine blasts generally take the form of blasts of bloody fire carrying the whiff of brimstone. Divine Shield: As a free action 23 times per day, Bhaal can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 150 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Bhaal is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Double Death (Ex) Twice per day, Bhaal may declare one death attack to be a double death attack. When he makes the death attack, the victim must make two saving throws to survive rather than just one.
Dual Boost (Ex) Bhaal can use two boost maneuvers simultaneously. Whenever he initiates a boost maneuver, he can also initiate any other boost maneuver that he knows as a free action. Both boosts he initiates are expended normally. He can use this ability three times per day.
Lord of Murder (unique salient divine ability) Death is Bhaal’s kingdom, but assassination is his trade. Murder is his art and his gift, and he has honed his skills at murder to truly terrifying heights. This grants Bhaal the following boons:
Enhanced Spellcasting: Bhaal continues progressing his assassin spells up till 9th level, although he can only select spells from the Dread Necromancer spell list and the illusion and necromancy schools in addition to the spells allowed by his Assassin and Soulreaver levels.
Killer Instinct: 15 times per day, Bhaal can make a death attack against a foe without studying the foe beforehand. Every attack of opportunity he makes resolves as a death attack.
Profiling: Bhaal can study a target as a move or swift action. He gains a +15 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Search, Spot and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +15 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it as well as to the DCs of all Assassin and Soulreaver abilities against that target, and automatically confirms all critical threats against his studied targets. He can maintain these bonuses against 15 opponents at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or he studies a new target. When Bhaal deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action.
Trained Killer: Bhaal uses his character level to determine the effectiveness of his assassin class abilities. This also grants him 10 virtual bonus feats in addition to those already gained from his divine rank and his class levels.
Quick to Act (Ex) Bhaal has a +5 bonus on initiative checks.
Sense Magic (Su) Bhaal can spend 10 minutes focusing upon a weapon or suit of armor. If he succeeds on a level check (DC 10 + the caster level of the weapon or armor), he can identify the properties of that item, including its enhancement bonus and special abilities. This ability does not reveal the properties of artifacts or legacy weapons, though it does indicate that such items are significantly powerful.
Sudden Death (Ex) Twice per day, Bhaal can draw on unholy energies to strike with blinding speed with a death attack. This death attack is a full-round action, but it does not require him to spend 3 rounds studying his victim; the attack must still be a sneak attack, however.
Vampiric Death (Su) Bhaal may declare a single death attack to be a vampiric death attack, up to twice per day. If the death attack successfully slays the victim, he absorbs a tiny portion of the departing soul's life energies and gains a +6 profane bonus to his Strength and Constitution and +6d6 temporary hit points for the next hour. This cannot be combined with the double death ability.
Bhaal wields the bone blades, a set of bone daggers he can conjure at will as melee weapons or as ranged weapons. The bone blades are +10 ghost strike keen speed wounding daggers of ki focus, martial discipline and unholy power when wielded as melee weapons and +10 ghost strike keen speed wounding daggers of distant shot, triple throwing and unholy power as ranged weapons. On a critical strike, the victim is afflicted with wither limb. Bhaal’s weapons are extensions of his being and thus are treated as unarmed strikes when it would be most advantageous and confer their weapon bonuses and special abilities to his unarmed strikes. (CL 65th)
Other Divine Powers As an intermediate deity, Bhaal automatically receives a die roll of 20 on any check. He treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal. Senses Bhaal can see (using normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 15 miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to ten locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours. Portfolio Sense Bhaal can sense any act of assassination or murder the instant it happens and is aware of any act of murder or assassination, as well as any death, 15 weeks before the event occurs. He is likewise aware of any act of ritualistic killing or bounty hunting. Automatic Actions Bhaal can use any skill related to death and murder as a free action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower. He can perform up to 10 such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Bhaal can any kind of magic item that facilitates assassination or death, as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 200,000 gp.
Edited by - LordofBones on 20 May 2024 13:56:13
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
645 Posts |
Posted - 07 May 2024 : 20:09:47
Interesting take. Outside of Tome of Battle, I would have likely given him 20 levels in both Rogue and Fighter as well as 10 levels each in Assassin and Blackguard, and adjusted his divine abilities accordingly. Granted, that's my take on it. |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Master of Realmslore
1548 Posts |
Posted - 08 May 2024 : 01:07:14
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Interesting take. Outside of Tome of Battle, I would have likely given him 20 levels in both Rogue and Fighter as well as 10 levels each in Assassin and Blackguard, and adjusted his divine abilities accordingly. Granted, that's my take on it.
While that's a logical take based on his avatar in Faiths and Avatars, I based mine off on the Avatar series where Bhaal is an unarmed melee machine. While monk fit him skill-wise, it didn't really match up flavor-wise, while Bhaal himself never actually does any roguish things.
As for his levels, I figured that the god of assassins not being an epic assassin would have been pretty odd. |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
645 Posts |
Posted - 08 May 2024 : 01:27:48
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Interesting take. Outside of Tome of Battle, I would have likely given him 20 levels in both Rogue and Fighter as well as 10 levels each in Assassin and Blackguard, and adjusted his divine abilities accordingly. Granted, that's my take on it.
While that's a logical take based on his avatar in Faiths and Avatars, I based mine off on the Avatar series where Bhaal is an unarmed melee machine. While monk fit him skill-wise, it didn't really match up flavor-wise, while Bhaal himself never actually does any roguish things.
As for his levels, I figured that the god of assassins not being an epic assassin would have been pretty odd.
Well, I haven't read that series past Tantras due to time/schedule constraints (my past job, college, family, etc) so I'll take your word on it. Don't forget, that was the form Bhaal took during the ToT, so he may not have had access to his trademark bone daggers, for one, and his stealth powers may have been diminished. Also, don't forget that it was written by an author who didn't make the original source material on Bhaal (whoever that was). |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
645 Posts |
Posted - 08 May 2024 : 01:38:51
On a side note, where would Bhaal's Throne of Blood likely be in the 3.X planes? I was guessing the Barrens of Doom and Despair. |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Master of Realmslore
1548 Posts |
Posted - 08 May 2024 : 13:09:03
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
On a side note, where would Bhaal's Throne of Blood likely be in the 3.X planes? I was guessing the Barrens of Doom and Despair.
Given that the Barrens map to Gehenna, that's likely where it was in the 3e FRCS cosmology. |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
645 Posts |
Posted - 08 May 2024 : 16:14:48
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
On a side note, where would Bhaal's Throne of Blood likely be in the 3.X planes? I was guessing the Barrens of Doom and Despair.
Given that the Barrens map to Gehenna, that's likely where it was in the 3e FRCS cosmology.
Ha! Called it. |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Senior Scribe
526 Posts |
Posted - 21 May 2024 : 13:09:54
I'm unfamiliar with the Soul Reaver PrC, is it homebrew?
I had always liked the idea of revisiting older "characters" and rebuilding them appropriately to their CR level but using all the classes and feats available at the end of 3.5, the NPCs always seemed under powered. Never considered doing it with gods because I tend to run them as beyond reach of mortals but it is cool having abilities you can dip into when they manifest. |
The party come to a town befallen by hysteria
Rogue: So what's in the general store? DM: What are you looking for? Rogue: Whatevers in the store. DM: Like what? Rogue: Everything. DM: There is a lot of stuff. Rogue: Is there a cart outside? DM: (rolls) Yes. Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good. |
Senior Scribe
986 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2024 : 01:00:33
quote: Originally posted by Gelcur
I'm unfamiliar with the Soul Reaver PrC, is it homebrew?
I had always liked the idea of revisiting older "characters" and rebuilding them appropriately to their CR level but using all the classes and feats available at the end of 3.5, the NPCs always seemed under powered. Never considered doing it with gods because I tend to run them as beyond reach of mortals but it is cool having abilities you can dip into when they manifest.
Soul Reaver is an epic prestige class that appeared in Dragon Magazine $297. |
Master of Realmslore
1548 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2024 : 01:12:03
Yup, it's basically a souped-up assassin. |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
645 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2024 : 02:54:42
With all that said and done (Fine job overall, BTW ), any plans to cover other deities? I was especially curious if you planned to cover the following: - Torm* - Uthgar* - Deep Duerra* - Kelemvor - Malar - Auppenser
Note: * = revealed to have been formerly mortal in more recent lore. Kelemvor, of course, was known to be previously mortal since back in 2nd Edition. |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Senior Scribe
526 Posts |
Posted - 24 May 2024 : 15:06:13
Many thanks. I'll need to read up on the PrC might be useful in some of my builds. |
The party come to a town befallen by hysteria
Rogue: So what's in the general store? DM: What are you looking for? Rogue: Whatevers in the store. DM: Like what? Rogue: Everything. DM: There is a lot of stuff. Rogue: Is there a cart outside? DM: (rolls) Yes. Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good. |
Master of Realmslore
1548 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2024 : 06:58:07
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
With all that said and done (Fine job overall, BTW ), any plans to cover other deities? I was especially curious if you planned to cover the following: - Torm* - Uthgar* - Deep Duerra* - Kelemvor - Malar - Auppenser
Note: * = revealed to have been formerly mortal in more recent lore. Kelemvor, of course, was known to be previously mortal since back in 2nd Edition.
In time, probably. I already have a build in mind for Torm and Malar, Kelemvor's going to require some thought. |
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
645 Posts |
Posted - 26 May 2024 : 03:54:28
quote: Originally posted by LordofBones
In time, probably. I already have a build in mind for Torm and Malar, Kelemvor's going to require some thought.
In the case of Malar, I was trying to build it (but he's far from done; too little time these days and so much involved). The main difference (besides changes in hit dice between 3rd and 3.5 for classes like the Ranger) is that I gave him all 10 levels in the Beastmaster prestige class (Complete Adventurer) in lieu of those 10 Druid levels he has in Faiths & Pantheons. I felt that made more sense. Granted, deities appear to able to bend some of the rules of classes somewhat, but it just sounds unfair if you ask me. |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
Edited by - Galuf the Dwarf on 27 Aug 2024 21:30:21 |
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