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 [2e] Monster Mythology Update Project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AuldDragon Posted - 12 Feb 2014 : 10:35:26
I've been a huge fan of the Faiths & Avatars format created by Julia Martin and Eric Boyd, and I always wanted a fourth book to be published, companion to Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, and Demihuman Deities. Since there's no chance now of seeing an official one, I decided to create my own, updating the deities from DMGR4 Monster Mythology, as well as some others. I write these from the point of view of 2nd Edition, incorporating primarily only that canon, and focusing on the whole 2e multiverse, so where possible, I mention canon from all 2nd Edition settings. I post the main entries on my blog, and then will update this thread.

If you’ve been enjoying these entries, please consider supporting the project on Patreon or Ko-Fi:

Bugbear (and Other) Pantheon:
Grankhul the Hunter:
Hruggek the Decapitator:
Meriadar the Patient One:
Skiggaret the Deranged One:
Stalker, the Hateful Shadow:

Goblin Pantheon:
Bargrivyek the Peacekeeper:
Khugorbaeyag the Overseer:
Maglubiyet the Mighty One:
Nomog-Geaya the General:

Kobold and Urd Pantheon:
Dakarnok the Raider:
Gaknulak the Trapmaker:
Kuraulyek the Horned Thief:
Kurtulmak the Cunning:

Orcish Pantheon:
Bahgtru the Leg-Breaker:
Gruumsh One-Eye:
Ilneval the Horde Leader:
Luthic the Cave Mother:
Shargaas the Night Lord:
Yurtrus White-Hands:

The Ordning:
Annam the All-Father:
Diancastra, the Wanton Wanderer:
Grolantor the Steading Lord:
Grond Peaksmasher:
Hiatea the Huntress:
Iallanis the Tender One:
Karontor the Deformed One:
Memnor the Deceiver:
Skoreaus Stonebones, the Living Rock:
Stronmaus the Storm Lord:
Surtr the Black:
Thrym, the King of Ice:

Gnoll Pantheon:
Gorellik the Loner:
Refnara the Moon-Biter:
Yeenoghu the Demon Prince of Gnolls:

Ogre Pantheon:
Mirklak the Orcslayer:
Vaprak the Destroyer:
Ysshara the Lorekeeper:

Interlopers on the Giant Pantheon:
Baphomet, Demon Lord of Minotaurs:
Kostchtchie, the Demon Prince of Wrath:

Draconic Pantheon (Io's Children):
Aasterinian, the Messenger of Io:
Arcanic the Learned:
Astilabor the Hoardmistress:
Bahamut the Platinum Dragon:
Chronepsis the Death Dragon:
Elemtia the Tempest:
Faluzure the Night Dragon:
Garyx the Firelord:
Hlal the Jester:
Io the Ninefold Dragon:
Kalzareinad, The Keeper of Dark Wonders:
Kereska Wonderbringer:
Lendys the Balancer:
Rais, The Cogitative One:
Sardior the Ruby Dragon:
Tamara the Merciful:
Task the Wrester:
Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon:
Zorquan the High One:

Aerial Deities:
Jazirian the Eternal Serpent:
Koriel the Vigilant:
Stillsong the Singing Sphere:

Aquatic Deities:
Anguileusis the Abiding One:
Blibdoolpoolp the Sea Mother:
Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons:
Eadro the Deliverer:
Ilxendren the Demonray:
Panzuriel the Enslaver:
Persana, Guardian of the Deep:
Sekolah the Great Shark:
Surminare the Selkie Queen:
Trishina the Waverider:
Water Lion the Sharkslayer:

Avian Deities:
Krocaa the Crimsonfeather:
Quorlinn the Filcher:
Remnis, the Great Lord of the Eagles:
Syranita, Mistress of the Aarakocra:

Reptilian and Amphibian Deities:
Laogzed the Devourer:
Merrshaulk the Serpent Lord:
Parrafaire the Naga Prince:
Ramenos the Great Frog:
Semuanya the Survivor:
Sess'innek the Emperor Lizard:
Shekinester the Three-Faced Queen:

Centaur Pantheon:
Brilros the Battle Stallion:
Chitza-Atlan, the Guardian of the Gateway to the Underworld:
Fanthros Storm-Hooves:
Kheiron the Educator:
Linroth Fleet-Hoof:
Naharra the Mother-Mare:
Skerrit the Hoofed Lord:

Lycanthrope Pantheon:
Balador the Master of Mead:
Daragor the Wolflord:
Eshebala the Vixen Queen:
Ferrix the Prowler:
Squerrik the Ratlord:

Seelie Court:
Caoimhin the Kindly:
Damh the Horned Beast:
Eachthighern the Unicorn Lord:
Emmantiensien the Treant-King:
Fionnghuala the Mistress of Swans:
Nathair Sgiathach the Prankster:
Oberon the Faerie King:
Squelaiche the Court Jester:
Tapann the Undying:
Titania the Faerie Queen:
Verenestra the Oak Princess:

Unseelie Court
The Queen of Air and Darkness:

Beholder Pantheon:
Great Mother, the Hive Spawner:
Gzemnid the Gas Giant:

Deities “missing” from Demihuman Deities:
Alathrien Druanna, the Rune Mistress:
Araleth Letheranil the Prince of Stars:
Cador the Shadow Knife:
Darahl Firecloak the Even-Tempered:
Diinkarazan, the Mad God:
Diirinka the Betrayer:
Kavor the Lord of Gravity:
Keptolo the Eager Consort:
Kirith Sotheril the Magess:
Mythrien Sarath, the Watcher over Mythals:
Naralis Analor, the Watcher of Souls:
Nebelun the Meddler:
Rellavar Danuvien, the Frost Sprite King:
Tarsellis Meunniduin the Lord of the Mountains:
Tethrin Veraldé the Shining One:
Zinzerena the Hunted:

Myconid Pantheon:
Psilofyr the Spore Lord:

Illithid Pantheon:
Ilsensine, the Great Brain:
Maanzecorian the Philosoflayer:

Undead Deities:
Kanchelsis the Lord of Vampires:
Mellifleur the Lich-Lord:
Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath:

Elemental Deities
Ben-hadar, the Prince of Good Water:
Chan, the Princess of Good Air:
Cryonax the Prince of Evil Ice:
The Elder Elemental God:
Ogremoch, the Prince of Evil Earth:
Olhydra the Princess of Evil Water:
Sunnis, the Princess of Good Earth:
Yan-C-Bin, the Prince of Evil Air:
Zaaman Rul, the Prince of Good Fire:

Miscellaneous Dark Deities:
Anthraxus the Decayed:
Cegilune the Hag Goddess:
The Dark God at the End of All Things:
Juiblex the Faceless Lord:
Piscaethces the Blood Queen:
Shami-Amourae, the Demon Princess of Eros:

Neogi Pantheon
Kil’lix the Ambitious:
Kr’tx the Flaming Master:
P'kk the Dominator:
Thrig’ki the Rapacious:
T’zen’kil the Lasher:

Insectoid and Arthropod Deities
Klikral, the Master of the Mound:
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 04 Dec 2024 : 13:17:00
Originally posted by AuldDragon

In terms of *secretly* worshipping a second god, I would either use some ideas from Bastion of Faith (where some spells are secretly granted by Hextor that corrupt the caster, but otherwise they get their other spells from their main deity), or just have a character be a priest of deity A while claiming to be following deity B. To actually worship two deities openly, I would say a priest would have to be a generic priest class (Cleric, Mystic, Monk, Crusader, or Druid).


First off, thanks for writing this one up, because honestly... until I started reading it, I hadn't really thought about how this guy or similar guys worship should "look" .... and so now I'm thinking about how it could get used. I can see this "model" being used for several similar deities, such as Tharizdun, the Queen of Air and Darkness, and maybe even some lesser deities whose focus seem to be so limited as to be hard to develop a cult around or deities who are believed dead.

Agreed on the idea that under 2nd edition rules they should not be a specialty priest and instead be a generic divine class. That actually brings up an idea that in 3.5e perhaps the best way of opening this idea up would be to create a prestige class for someone to learn the worship of the elder elemental god (or similar beings).... and actually in 3.5, that could somewhat mirror what they did with Tenebrous Apostate prestige class, as well as the various thrall of/disciple of prestige classes in the Book of Vile Darkness that oftentimes worked with multiple classes. In 5e, not sure HOW to mechanically deploy, but guessing feat would be the best way.

Mechanically, what you describe of giving access to specific spells.... yeah, that's probably better than giving a whole sphere or extra domain like what I was thinking. Maybe they gain access to some specific subset of spells specific to the elder elemental evil, and maybe they gain these as an extra spell per day. That would in theory work across editions, though the mechanics of the spell itself (level, duration, effect, etc..) might need to change. I like too the idea that the use of these spells might have a corruptive cost.

Another thing that might be a good way to represent this would be a metamagic effect that can be applied to existing spells.... I guess similar to the 3.5 stuff where you could have hellfire, etc... It could simply enhance the elemental effect (i.e. add extra fire damage to fire spells, or "unholy" damage to fire spells) OR it might CHANGE the elemental effect so that normal resistance become ineffective (i.e. you have to have both fire resistance and unholy resistance). This might be an ability that they can activate a certain number of times a day.... or maybe its limited by "harming" the caster somehow whenever they DO activate it.

Perhaps a good mechanic for all of this might be that using this ability works for a while, but after so many uses, they must return to their shrine and sacrifice in some way that's sincere (i.e. giving up experience could be one, offering a living sacrifice, destroying a magic item, finding special materials to enhance an idol to the god, etc..,).

Also from a mechanics perspective, this idea in 3.5 along with the prestige class piece would open up giving certain feats for free, such as "heretic of the faith" from Powers of Faerun and "Servant of the Fallen" from Lost Empires of Faerun. So, rather than making a requirement that someone worship these deities to enter the prestige class, you could instead give say "heretic of the faith (elder elemental god)" as a free feat at the first level of a prestige class.
AuldDragon Posted - 03 Dec 2024 : 21:20:21
In terms of *secretly* worshipping a second god, I would either use some ideas from Bastion of Faith (where some spells are secretly granted by Hextor that corrupt the caster, but otherwise they get their other spells from their main deity), or just have a character be a priest of deity A while claiming to be following deity B. To actually worship two deities openly, I would say a priest would have to be a generic priest class (Cleric, Mystic, Monk, Crusader, or Druid).

sleyvas Posted - 03 Dec 2024 : 20:15:52
Originally posted by AuldDragon

The Elder Elemental God:

The final elemental power is the enigmatic Elder Elemental God. Imprisoned in times long past, it can still manifest to a degree on the Prime, which encourages its followers to try and feed it power and weaken its bonds still further in hopes of releasing it.


You know.... the first time I saw the idea proposed of a priest serving multiple gods, I was initially against it. However, THIS god would seem to be a perfect god for someone to have as a "secondary" god that they pray to rather than be solely devoted to them. Rulewise, how this affects things might vary depending on game edition (in 2nd edition, they might get some additional major/minor spheres... in 3rd edition maybe access to extra domains)

To give an example....

A human cleric of Talos who has a small shrine hidden in his temple to the elder elemental god

is allied with

a fire giant crusader of Surtr who has a small shrine hidden in his temple to the elder elemental god

is allied with

Firenewt cleric of Imix, Prince of elemental evil fire, who has a small shrine hidden to the elder elemental god

Then each of these disparate individuals may clandestinely share what little they know about the elder elemental evil. They may even join together to perform certain rites together even though they serve different gods in their primary worship. They might/likely have to hide this additional worship, as their own deities might be upset at any attempt to provide power to the elder elemental god... but the disparate worshippers serve their OWN interests in seeking power from the imprisoned being.

In 3.5e, I'd even go so far as to have the elder elemental power serving not as a divine source ONLY, but also as a vestige, such that you could have cleric/binders who might only call on his power as a vestige when it serves their interests. Warlocks too would fit.

In short, I'd make full blown cults to this god rare enough to be near or possibly non-existent, and his worship/support only seen with individuals who gain some method to "tap" him for power.
AuldDragon Posted - 02 Dec 2024 : 04:00:17
The Elder Elemental God:

The final elemental power is the enigmatic Elder Elemental God. Imprisoned in times long past, it can still manifest to a degree on the Prime, which encourages its followers to try and feed it power and weaken its bonds still further in hopes of releasing it.

sleyvas Posted - 04 Nov 2024 : 18:15:56
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Originally posted by sleyvas

Yep, you're already thinking along lines that I was with linking their gods to the seelie court. That being said, I'd also link them to the norse pantheon.

You know, one thing that occurs to me, regarding the tree goddess, what if she were RUMORED to be an almagam goddess... by that I mean a tripartite goddess who is created by other goddesses combining power. You could take Seelie goddess Verenestra-the goddess of dryads, Idun of the Norse Pantheon, and maybe Sheela Peryroyl of the halfling pantheon. Maybe it was some one time thing, and so now there's some aspect of themselves that still exists of all 3 combined, and it was this aspect that was responsible for awakening the squirrels that became the first kercpa.

My issue with that basically boils down to my desire to keep the various racial gods for their own races. I'd want Kercpa to have their own deities, rather than be an "also-worshipped-by" kinda thing. Maybe if another deity had a strong squirrel connection, I could see it, I guess. But I would want the squirrel tree-goddess to represent home and food and none of those goddesses represent that.


good point. I was looking for making "allies", but that can be done other ways. It might make better stories if the squirrel god has periodically aided "nature goddesses" of these pantheons, and thus the people's that worship them have "good relations" with kercpa. For instance, someone was trying to steal apples from Idun grove of golden apples and Rititisk showed up to run them off. Maybe Sheela Peryroyl found herself in trouble (being chased by Daragor the werewolf god) and Rititisk enticed him to chase him by hurling abuse in his direction so that she could escape. Maybe Rititisk was responsible for rescuing the seeds of Verenestra and planting them across the planes, allowing the daughters of the dryad goddess to escape some evil god that sought to turn them into his wives.

AuldDragon Posted - 03 Nov 2024 : 18:20:31
Originally posted by sleyvas

Yep, you're already thinking along lines that I was with linking their gods to the seelie court. That being said, I'd also link them to the norse pantheon.

You know, one thing that occurs to me, regarding the tree goddess, what if she were RUMORED to be an almagam goddess... by that I mean a tripartite goddess who is created by other goddesses combining power. You could take Seelie goddess Verenestra-the goddess of dryads, Idun of the Norse Pantheon, and maybe Sheela Peryroyl of the halfling pantheon. Maybe it was some one time thing, and so now there's some aspect of themselves that still exists of all 3 combined, and it was this aspect that was responsible for awakening the squirrels that became the first kercpa.

My issue with that basically boils down to my desire to keep the various racial gods for their own races. I'd want Kercpa to have their own deities, rather than be an "also-worshipped-by" kinda thing. Maybe if another deity had a strong squirrel connection, I could see it, I guess. But I would want the squirrel tree-goddess to represent home and food and none of those goddesses represent that.

AuldDragon Posted - 03 Nov 2024 : 18:05:53
Originally posted by The Sage

I like this A LOT!

In my never-to-complete quest for nurturing Realmslore about music… I’ve tinkered with several unique ways to give Melira more play in the setting. It’s been fun working with what has been published for her in the past and inventing new stuff that gives her a more Realms-centric focus.

Thank you! She was a lot of fun to write up and I really like where I ended up with her as being seen by some half-elves as a half-elven deity. :)

sleyvas Posted - 02 Nov 2024 : 00:53:41
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Originally posted by sleyvas

By the way, just if you want some input... if you do Kercpa gods, recommend worshipping not just a tree goddess, but a hero god who is a kercpa.

Yeah, I definitely had considered making Rititisk into a demigod. Give them a little more flexibility. I'd also make their worship part of the Outer Circle of the Seelie Court, so that the Seelie Court powers would be there to fill out their full religious tapesty.

I may have to look into that 3e evil squirrelfolk race; having them be a corruption by the Queen of Air and Darkness could be interesting. This is the first I've heard of them, so I dunno how well this initial idea would work, though.


Yep, you're already thinking along lines that I was with linking their gods to the seelie court. That being said, I'd also link them to the norse pantheon.

You know, one thing that occurs to me, regarding the tree goddess, what if she were RUMORED to be an almagam goddess... by that I mean a tripartite goddess who is created by other goddesses combining power. You could take Seelie goddess Verenestra-the goddess of dryads, Idun of the Norse Pantheon, and maybe Sheela Peryroyl of the halfling pantheon. Maybe it was some one time thing, and so now there's some aspect of themselves that still exists of all 3 combined, and it was this aspect that was responsible for awakening the squirrels that became the first kercpa.
The Sage Posted - 01 Nov 2024 : 23:46:05
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Melira Taralen the Songstress:

The last of the elven deities published in Dragon #155 and updated in Dragon #236 is Melira Taralen, goddess of musical creation and musicians. Dragon #236 also described Melira as patron to elven minstrels (the kit from PHBR07 Complete Bard’s Handbook) and half-elven bards, which gave me an opportunity to create a sect of her belief that holds her as a true half-elven deity.


I like this A LOT!

In my never-to-complete quest for nurturing Realmslore about music… I’ve tinkered with several unique ways to give Melira more play in the setting. It’s been fun working with what has been published for her in the past and inventing new stuff that gives her a more Realms-centric focus.
AuldDragon Posted - 01 Nov 2024 : 18:00:58
Originally posted by sleyvas

By the way, just if you want some input... if you do Kercpa gods, recommend worshipping not just a tree goddess, but a hero god who is a kercpa.

Yeah, I definitely had considered making Rititisk into a demigod. Give them a little more flexibility. I'd also make their worship part of the Outer Circle of the Seelie Court, so that the Seelie Court powers would be there to fill out their full religious tapesty.

I may have to look into that 3e evil squirrelfolk race; having them be a corruption by the Queen of Air and Darkness could be interesting. This is the first I've heard of them, so I dunno how well this initial idea would work, though.

AuldDragon Posted - 01 Nov 2024 : 17:56:51
Melira Taralen the Songstress:

The last of the elven deities published in Dragon #155 and updated in Dragon #236 is Melira Taralen, goddess of musical creation and musicians. Dragon #236 also described Melira as patron to elven minstrels (the kit from PHBR07 Complete Bard’s Handbook) and half-elven bards, which gave me an opportunity to create a sect of her belief that holds her as a true half-elven deity.

sleyvas Posted - 17 Oct 2024 : 01:12:33
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Originally posted by sleyvas

You had me at Kercpa.


By the way, just if you want some input... if you do Kercpa gods, recommend worshipping not just a tree goddess, but a hero god who is a kercpa.

There's also an "evil" race of squirrel folk in 3.5e, and it would be interesting to have them be a corruption of kercpa. They were called the skiurid, and they were associated with shadow and cold. Could easily see it that the Queen of Air and Darkness may have corrupted them, but it could also be that Nidhogg the "serpent" in Niflheim (the land of the dead) may also have been involved. There were in Monster manual 4 in 3e era.

From the original article, for a kercpa god .... and of course, the norse pantheon has "Ratatosk" the squirrel who transports messages between nidhogg gnawing on the roots of yggdrasil and the eagle at its top. Picturing that Ratatosk and Rititisk are likely similar beings, though it could be something like Rititisk is a child of Ratatosk.

Faced with ethical dilemma, kercpas seek precedent in the fables of Rititisk the Clever — the mythical patriarch of the race — and try to emulate his example. Besides being entertaining stories of adventure in their own right — tales of Rititisk thwarting monstrous evil spiders, outwitting oafish giants (humans), questing to the ends of the earth for enchanted ever-striking arrows and the like — the fables contain lessons to guide the kercpas through all as of life. They are essential to every young kercpa’s education.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Oct 2024 : 02:47:41
I, too, am a fan of kercpa. Something about those little guys really appeals to me.
AuldDragon Posted - 09 Oct 2024 : 21:36:10
Originally posted by sleyvas

You had me at Kercpa.

sleyvas Posted - 09 Oct 2024 : 21:34:37
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Originally posted by Iahn Qoyllor

Hi Jeff - what's next once you complete this mammoth project considering you're almost done? Any chance you can be tempted to do some of the ancient human pantheons - Sumerian, Babylonian, Aztec etc please?

I'm not sure at this point. I do want to address the human pantheons, but I also want to create some pantheons for races that sorely lack them (much like what I did with the Grav). Hurwaeti, Loxo, Grommams, Dracons, etc., as well as races that definitely have deities but no real details, such as Grippli, Grung, and Kercpa. We'll see! :D


You had me at Kercpa.
AuldDragon Posted - 09 Oct 2024 : 18:15:04
Originally posted by Iahn Qoyllor

Hi Jeff - what's next once you complete this mammoth project considering you're almost done? Any chance you can be tempted to do some of the ancient human pantheons - Sumerian, Babylonian, Aztec etc please?

I'm not sure at this point. I do want to address the human pantheons, but I also want to create some pantheons for races that sorely lack them (much like what I did with the Grav). Hurwaeti, Loxo, Grommams, Dracons, etc., as well as races that definitely have deities but no real details, such as Grippli, Grung, and Kercpa. We'll see! :D

Iahn Qoyllor Posted - 09 Oct 2024 : 08:42:11
Hi Jeff - what's next once you complete this mammoth project considering you're almost done? Any chance you can be tempted to do some of the ancient human pantheons - Sumerian, Babylonian, Aztec etc please?
sleyvas Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 18:57:58
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Originally posted by sleyvas

Jeff, just curious, the part where you talk about HOW he ascended (i.e. finding Ilsensine, asking him a question, etc..)... is that canon anywhere? If not, I just really want to tell you... I like that idea. Good work.

Thanks! It was basically inspired by the Diirinka and Diinkarazan origin, and it seemed to fit as a potential origin for a philosophical/exploration god. :D

Originally posted by sleyvas

Oh, and just to put some spin on an idea... since he was supposedly "killed" by Tenebrous with some magic word (forget the term used), and since both Tenebrous and Orcus both exist now (Orcus is free and Tenebrous is a vestige)... what if there's something similar going on with Maanzecorian. By that I mean, what if his church now also includes binders that bind an "aspect" of Maanzecorian that's still entrapped in the place where Vestiges go. Maybe the returned Maanzecorian is missing SOME of his knowledge and its held by his own vestige. Maybe there are "cleric/binders" who multiclass. Finally, maybe the vestige of Maanzecorian refuses to bind with anyone who binds with Tenebrous. I know it would be a bit confusing as hell, but its got the basis of a good story I think.

Going with this idea, whenever a binder "binds" the VESTIGE of Maanzecorian (note, should come up with another name.... maybe IT is called the Philosoflayer), it should appear within the circle, rise up appearing as a great illithid, surround the head of the binder with its own tentacles... and then disappear, like its entered their brain.

I don't really know much about vestiges and the like, it's not something that was in 2e so I haven't given it any real consideration. I'd much rather Maanzecorian be alive as he was than there be any other sort of situation. I wanted to leave it open for individual DMs to do what they wanted (including having another deity masquerade as him), but for my campaign, it's "Somehow, Maanzecorian returned." ;)

I see Tenebrous as just Orcus's name while his name was erased, and he is now an actual undead god, which basically doesn't mean anything within the rules.


So, I get that you may want to keep it simple, and that's cool. That being said, presenting an idea that can build on what you are talking about for those that may use newer rulesets. For that matter, "binders" in 5e don't so much exist, but warlocks are very similar to binders... and having Maanzecorian as a "vestige" that works like a warlock patron would also work. I actually have written up a version of warlock that functions somewhat like a binder in the early days of 5e as well.

Thinking more on this idea though from a story standpoint.. the "returned" version of Maanzecorian as a god may have ZERO knowledge of anything that happened "while he was dead". In essence, he's like a rebooted clone of Maanzecorian before he died. The vestige meanwhile may only have knowledge that it gleaned "from the place where vestiges go", and so IT knows how it managed to get itself "freed".... even if it had to leave a portion of its own psyche behind entrapped.

I'm going to think more on this, as it could be a really interesting play on a character, as he may see his purpose as being "the bridge between the two aspects of one being".
AuldDragon Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 18:31:10
Originally posted by sleyvas

Jeff, just curious, the part where you talk about HOW he ascended (i.e. finding Ilsensine, asking him a question, etc..)... is that canon anywhere? If not, I just really want to tell you... I like that idea. Good work.

Thanks! It was basically inspired by the Diirinka and Diinkarazan origin, and it seemed to fit as a potential origin for a philosophical/exploration god. :D

Originally posted by sleyvas

Oh, and just to put some spin on an idea... since he was supposedly "killed" by Tenebrous with some magic word (forget the term used), and since both Tenebrous and Orcus both exist now (Orcus is free and Tenebrous is a vestige)... what if there's something similar going on with Maanzecorian. By that I mean, what if his church now also includes binders that bind an "aspect" of Maanzecorian that's still entrapped in the place where Vestiges go. Maybe the returned Maanzecorian is missing SOME of his knowledge and its held by his own vestige. Maybe there are "cleric/binders" who multiclass. Finally, maybe the vestige of Maanzecorian refuses to bind with anyone who binds with Tenebrous. I know it would be a bit confusing as hell, but its got the basis of a good story I think.

Going with this idea, whenever a binder "binds" the VESTIGE of Maanzecorian (note, should come up with another name.... maybe IT is called the Philosoflayer), it should appear within the circle, rise up appearing as a great illithid, surround the head of the binder with its own tentacles... and then disappear, like its entered their brain.

I don't really know much about vestiges and the like, it's not something that was in 2e so I haven't given it any real consideration. I'd much rather Maanzecorian be alive as he was than there be any other sort of situation. I wanted to leave it open for individual DMs to do what they wanted (including having another deity masquerade as him), but for my campaign, it's "Somehow, Maanzecorian returned." ;)

I see Tenebrous as just Orcus's name while his name was erased, and he is now an actual undead god, which basically doesn't mean anything within the rules.

sleyvas Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 17:59:13
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Maanzecorian the Philosoflayer:

Maanzecorian always fascinated me, as a knowledge- and philosphy-loving deity of a very evil race. He always felt like the perfect patron of Estriss, the illithid in the Cloakmaster Spelljammer novel series. I was disappointed when he was unceremoniously slain in the Dead Gods adventure, so I took this opportunity to create the potential of a revival (or, for those who wish it, another deity to masquerade as him).


Jeff, just curious, the part where you talk about HOW he ascended (i.e. finding Ilsensine, asking him a question, etc..)... is that canon anywhere? If not, I just really want to tell you... I like that idea. Good work.

Oh, and just to put some spin on an idea... since he was supposedly "killed" by Tenebrous with some magic word (forget the term used), and since both Tenebrous and Orcus both exist now (Orcus is free and Tenebrous is a vestige)... what if there's something similar going on with Maanzecorian. By that I mean, what if his church now also includes binders that bind an "aspect" of Maanzecorian that's still entrapped in the place where Vestiges go. Maybe the returned Maanzecorian is missing SOME of his knowledge and its held by his own vestige. Maybe there are "clerics of Maanzecorian/binders" who multiclass, and they report that when they bind they can "hear" the whispers of the "two halves of Maanzecorian trying to talk to one another through them". Maybe the vestige of Maanzecorian refuses to bind with anyone who binds with Tenebrous. When someone binds the vestige, maybe they as well hear the whisperings of it in their brain talking to any other bound vestiges... but the binder themselves can't make out what's being said. Maybe you can even negotiate between the vestiges to allow Maanzecorian to give more abilities in return for another vestige not supplying as much (just a mechanics idea here... either extra powers or the powers be enhanced that Maanzecorian does give). I know it would be a bit confusing as hell, but its got the basis of a good story I think.

Going with this idea, whenever a binder "binds" the VESTIGE of Maanzecorian (note, should come up with another name.... maybe IT is called the Philosoflayer), it should appear within the circle, rise up appearing as a great illithid, surround the head of the binder with its own tentacles... and then disappear, like its entered their brain.

granted none of that fits in the 2e ruleset, but just figured I'd post the idea.
AuldDragon Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 16:32:44
Originally posted by Iahn Qoyllor

As always Jeff, absolutely superb work! Really enjoyed your write up.

Thank you, I appreciate it! :D

Iahn Qoyllor Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 12:33:05
As always Jeff, absolutely superb work! Really enjoyed your write up.
AuldDragon Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 01:23:10
Originally posted by The Sage

Maanzecorian has always needed more lore love. This is really a great work up!

Thank you!

The Sage Posted - 02 Oct 2024 : 00:49:30
Maanzecorian has always needed more lore love. This is really a great work up!
AuldDragon Posted - 01 Oct 2024 : 23:42:55
Maanzecorian the Philosoflayer:

Maanzecorian always fascinated me, as a knowledge- and philosphy-loving deity of a very evil race. He always felt like the perfect patron of Estriss, the illithid in the Cloakmaster Spelljammer novel series. I was disappointed when he was unceremoniously slain in the Dead Gods adventure, so I took this opportunity to create the potential of a revival (or, for those who wish it, another deity to masquerade as him).

sleyvas Posted - 05 Aug 2024 : 22:08:10
As I already discussed, I agree with your idea that using ceremorphosis works best as a "shortcut" to making illithids (and I further it by stating that letting one grow "naturally" should be more likely to produce an "enhanced" version of illithid such as a ulitharid). If you don't mind though, it might be interesting to quickly discuss an idea surrounding neothelids.

I personally like the idea that neothelids are tadpoles that are found to be lacking mental capacity.... I guess similar to a human born with something like down syndrome... and maybe as a result of lacking mental faculties, their physical abilities are stronger. Thus, because they lack the mental capacity, they never get implanted, and they also don't form into illithids. The "official story" for them is that they would normally be eaten by the elder brain, so they have to come about as a result of the elder brain being gone, and then they have to consume a living brain to "awaken" their psionic abilities.

Where I think I'd change the neothelid story would be that the elder brain doesn't consume these "bestial" tadpoles, but rather keeps them kind of like guard dogs that it lets feed from portions of brains that are "less tasty" like the cerebellum that deals more with muscle control. These should lack the psionic abilities of the "classic" neothelid and be simple brutes. But then periodically an "awakened" neothelid comes about when one of these overgrown larvae eats the brain of a fallen illithid, and this awakens their psionic abilities and they turn against the elder brain. These awakened neothelids hate illithid society because they see that they were treated differently and are willing to attack an elder brain, which makes all illithids despise them, and the more illithid brains that they consume further enhances their abilities, if only temporarily.

With this scenario, the "guardian of the elder brain" versions could still have the acid breath weapon, tentacle attacks, and be able to swallow individuals.... they just would lack all the psionic abilities. They might also age/die much more quickly, but if they get awakened maybe they can live longer. They might also be colored differently, and this might be how illithids can tell when a neothelid "goes rogue". It would make them much more feasible for use as well since colonies might be much more willing to allow them to survive to adulthood.

As a further aside, one thing I've heard people say about children with neurological disorders is how loving they are towards the people that care for them. It occurs to me that illithids might look at the "guardian neothelids" who protect the elder brain in a similar way... they may see them as simple but "good natured" ... and they might get really pissy with people that hurt them (kind of like how someone might view a bully picking on their sibling that has a neurological disorder and might punch the bully in the face).
AuldDragon Posted - 02 Aug 2024 : 22:54:13
Originally posted by TBeholder

I mean, their origins differ, and all that, but in the end both are extensions of a deity's will in whom a lot of divine power is invested directly (therefore, valuable assets in much the same way as power keys).
Not sure if the two can be distinguished by mortals at all, unless the deity allows it.

Avatars are extensions of the deity themselves, and can be seen essentially *as* that deity. Proxies are powerful servants, and are clearly so. They are independent creatures, whereas avatars are not. Mortals might mistake a proxy for a god themselves *in service to* another deity (as is the case with a pair of Corellon's Solar proxies), but if mortals started worshiping a proxy *instead* of their master, I can't imagine the deity would let that go. It would threaten their own power. But most proxies can absolutely be distinguished from their deity, even by mortals.

Originally posted by TBeholder

I meant the leach, yes. Well, the kindori is alive, and it enters the portal first. There's just a fairly small saddle on its body.
An elven ship isn't all living starfly plant, there are various rigging parts and weapons. But the rule does not say that every part which isn't living needs to be removed and brought inside before crossing the shell, does it? The bulk of it being a living starfly plant is enough.

The material specifies ships, and whatever a Leech is mounted on, isn't the *ship.* It's an arbitrary restriction, sure, but there's tons of similar restrictions across the D&D multiverse. That's the nature of the setting.

Originally posted by TBeholder

"Should a reigar die, go insane, sink into a depression, or otherwise lose its normal mental acuity, the esthetic reflects this change in mental state by physically altering its appearance (e.g., rotting, developing spiked flanges, blades, etc.) and quite often acquiring a stronger personality of its own."

Yeah, and? That's still not wild, and there are *VERY* few of them like that anyway. Most spheres don't even have one Reigar, let alone multiples.

Originally posted by TBeholder

Why can't enter? It cannot move while in the Flow on its own power, sure. But all it takes is a small tug with proper helm(s). And nothing says explicitly that a helm cannot be installed on them directly. While in wildspace, it would probably be not only redundant, but prevented from working by the innate propulsion, but since in the Flow innate propulsion does not work anyway, why not? The whole process would be insufficiently elegant for the Reigar, sure.

No, it says they cannot move *INTO* the flow. That means they can't enter it (at the very least, under their own power). Either way, it's immaterial because an esthetic would never let anyone other than its master use it. These aren't ships that other people can use, whether they're mounting a helm on it or harnessing it or whatever.

Originally posted by TBeholder

Why should it be a "classic" mind flayer?

It's kind of hard to advocate for a change in society if it would mean a fundamental change in the whole race's biology. As it stands, advocating for being good would mean the extinction of mind flayers as a whole, because they would all (those that survive at least) become neothelids. If instead they could still become normal mind flayers, then it wouldn't be the extinction of the species, just a slower growth for new members.

Originally posted by TBeholder

Estriss ("Thought Taker") from Spelljammer novels and one adventure AFAIK was not statted, but it obviously acts LN, consistently.
Sangalor of the Secrets (priest of Oghma from Skullport) is explicitly LN.
I don't see why this cannot be only moderately odd in the Creeds that are not intrinsically aggressive or domineering (like Creatives and Thorough Biters).
But why would they go on and proselytise anything?

In a varied and diverse society, there should be those advocating for a wide range of different lifestyles or goals, and I think it makes for a more interesting illithid culture, and also means there are more illithids that outside people can work with or negotiate with. Maybe they get killed or pushed out of an evil society, but that variety creates a more real society and tons of adventure hooks.

Originally posted by TBeholder

Why should not it be difficult, and why would it not be difficult anyway?

I'm not sure what you're saying exactly. Any illithid who wishes to be good essentially has the death of an innocent sentient creature on their conscience, and to propagate their species, they have to kill another innocent. How can they square that? That's why it is "difficult."

I'm not telling you to change your view, I'm just expressing what *my* view is. You're welcome to disagree with it, but I'm not particularly interested in arguing about it.

TBeholder Posted - 02 Aug 2024 : 07:06:40
Originally posted by AuldDragon

Depending on what? A proxy *is* completely different from an avatar.

I mean, their origins differ, and all that, but in the end both are extensions of a deity's will in whom a lot of divine power is invested directly (therefore, valuable assets in much the same way as power keys).
Not sure if the two can be distinguished by mortals at all, unless the deity allows it.

A howdah attached to a kindori isn't alive. The Kindori is, yes, but the *howdah* is the ship, so it would not be able to leave. See the Neogi leech for an example; the Leech itself is the ship, not what it is using to power it.

I meant the leach, yes. Well, the kindori is alive, and it enters the portal first. There's just a fairly small saddle on its body.
An elven ship isn't all living starfly plant, there are various rigging parts and weapons. But the rule does not say that every part which isn't living needs to be removed and brought inside before crossing the shell, does it? The bulk of it being a living starfly plant is enough.

There are no "wild esthetics"

"Should a reigar die, go insane, sink into a depression, or otherwise lose its normal mental acuity, the esthetic reflects this change in mental state by physically altering its appearance (e.g., rotting, developing spiked flanges, blades, etc.) and quite often acquiring a stronger personality of its own."

and even if there were, they can't enter the Flow.
Why can't enter? It cannot move while in the Flow on its own power, sure. But all it takes is a small tug with proper helm(s). And nothing says explicitly that a helm cannot be installed on them directly. While in wildspace, it would probably be not only redundant, but prevented from working by the innate propulsion, but since in the Flow innate propulsion does not work anyway, why not? The whole process would be insufficiently elegant for the Reigar, sure.

It means you don't *need* ceremorphosis to get a classic mind flayer. That's a pretty significant difference.

Why should it be a "classic" mind flayer?

Illithids are a really interesting race. They love knowledge and philosophy. I think there would be some who would advocate for a non-evil lifestyle,

Estriss ("Thought Taker") from Spelljammer novels and one adventure AFAIK was not statted, but it obviously acts LN, consistently.
Sangalor of the Secrets (priest of Oghma from Skullport) is explicitly LN.
I don't see why this cannot be only moderately odd in the Creeds that are not intrinsically aggressive or domineering (like Creatives and Thorough Biters).
But why would they go on and proselytise anything?
and that's difficult to do if your very birth is an evil act.

Why should not it be difficult, and why would it not be difficult anyway?
AuldDragon Posted - 01 Aug 2024 : 22:12:24
Originally posted by TBeholder

A proxy may be little different from an avatar, depending.

Depending on what? A proxy *is* completely different from an avatar.

Originally posted by TBeholder

Illithids have other options, and if these all are not great, they would be able to e.g. maintain contact with that Astromundi sphere without risking Githyanki encounters, but not used regularly.
The most obvious is a giant howdah with long-range propulsion attached to a kindori or another large critter, even the neogi can do this. A better one is to capture several wild esthetics and breed them as needed, it will just need a small tug in the Flow. If backed with enough of telepathy (thrall "puppets" to do the talking, etc), nobody will know these belong to the illithids at all.

A howdah attached to a kindori isn't alive. The Kindori is, yes, but the *howdah* is the ship, so it would not be able to leave. See the Neogi leech for an example; the Leech itself is the ship, not what it is using to power it.

There are no "wild esthetics" and even if there were, they can't enter the Flow.

Originally posted by TBeholder

How does this even differ from canon except in phrasing? It never needed to be anything more than "one hungry illithid tadpole accidentally swam into a lone swimmer's ear, and now there are humanoid illithids". May even have started with various lizard folk (those ceremorphs are not great, but sapient, and then they could just go on a quest for better hosts).
Also, consider that qualities of the Neothelids may greatly depend on the available diet.

It means you don't *need* ceremorphosis to get a classic mind flayer. That's a pretty significant difference.

Originally posted by TBeholder

Why do you want an "illithid Drizzt" style madness to start?

Illithids are a really interesting race. They love knowledge and philosophy. I think there would be some who would advocate for a non-evil lifestyle, and that's difficult to do if your very birth is an evil act.

AuldDragon Posted - 01 Aug 2024 : 21:38:13
Anthraxus the Decayed:

Another near-power, and one of the famous old-school lower planar entities, Anthraxus is one of the few Yugoloths with a cult. He was once the Oinoloth and strives to become so again, and uses his cult not to propel him to godhood but simply to advance his many agendas.


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