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 FR Short Stories in Dragon magazine

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Neo2151 Posted - 08 Sep 2005 : 12:38:51
Mae Govennan!

I didn't quite know where to post this and, indeed, don't know if it's already been covered in a past post, so here it sits.

I'm looking to expand on my reading but lately, I've been getting a little tired of reading novel after novel and want to catch up on all the lore I've missed out on in the short stories that have appeared in issues of Dragon Magazine. If someone would do me the honor, I'm looking for all the back-issues of Dragon that contain any Forgotten Realms shorts. Also, considering won't have every back-issue, could someone recommend a place to find the harder-to-find issues?

Many thanks to all the scribes,
Sweet water and light laughter 'til next...
Tal (Neo2151)
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Hemvar Posted - 23 Jan 2021 : 17:24:40
Too bad Dragon+ doesn't include fiction more often, since it's about all we've been getting with the exception of the Drizzt novels.

I recently read Another Name for Dawn, gotta love Cale.
ghilteras Posted - 04 Mar 2017 : 00:11:27
the online issue of dragon+ is garbage, the adventures published are "cute"; they write articles about painting miniatures and cats and finally they mainly do advertisement for other products like nwn and tabletop d&d, it's really sad.

they should fix the crafting system instead, and release FR lore bits maybe through comics or other media.. they are basically wasting their time instead.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Feb 2017 : 00:18:49
Originally posted by HardKano

I have read on the wiki about Dragon Magazines that the last "paper" magazine was the #359 but Wizards of the Coast relauched it as a "online magazine". Here is the issues :

here is the wiki that talk about it :

The online magazine was a poor, poor substitute for the print one. There were some good bits in it, but it went from being well over a hundred pages, and covering the wide range of RPGs, as well as books, magazines, and computer games, to being something like 40 pages of just D&D.

There was some really good fiction in the print magazine, too.
BountyHunter Posted - 26 Feb 2017 : 22:29:54
Did they ever print these stories up into an anthology paperback? I'm particularly interested in reading the one that continues the comic.
HardKano Posted - 13 Oct 2011 : 13:17:23
I have read on the wiki about Dragon Magazines that the last "paper" magazine was the #359 but Wizards of the Coast relauched it as a "online magazine". Here is the issues :

here is the wiki that talk about it :
Alisttair Posted - 26 Apr 2010 : 17:54:35
I don't see it happening anytime soon, but it would be nice.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 28 Feb 2010 : 05:02:33
Is there any chance they will ever publish again? I really miss those mags, and even if it's all 4th ed or whatever now, I'd like to have some text fluff/lore to use.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 May 2009 : 18:31:25
Originally posted by edappel

Hey... Could someone update this list?

There's nothing to update, I don't think... The list is complete, according to The DragonDex. That's all the FR fiction in the printed version of Dragon. I'm not recalling seeing any in the online version, but of course I've not paid any attention to it since the DDI went to pay-only.
edappel Posted - 22 May 2009 : 17:05:09
Hey... Could someone update this list?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 04:49:00
Originally posted by Xysma

I'm glad you were able to replace those Wooly, and at a decent price to boot!

So am I!
Xysma Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 04:00:48
I'm glad you were able to replace those Wooly, and at a decent price to boot!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Oct 2007 : 14:21:10
I just got my replacement issues of AD&D the other day... Someone had the entire run, plus the Annual, in very good condition, with a Buy It Now price of $50. I jumped all over that! And the comics turned out to be in better condition than the ones I lost.

I won another auction the other day, this time for the FR comics, with one issue missing -- again, Buy It Now, but this time, only $25. The one missing issue I immediately located and bought from another seller. So, when those comics arrive, I'll have all the DC/TSR titles set in the Realms again.

I haven't yet decided about replacing the Dragginglance and Spelljammer comics. The SJ ones were okay, but were just starting to get good when the series abruptly ended. And I enjoyed the DL ones, but I was very frustrated with the fact that they couldn't decide whether to focus on Myrella or Riva, or what timeframe to stick with.

A dark bit of irony is the fact that I specifically separated the DC/TSR titles from all my other comics. I was not sure what to do with the other comics, but I knew I wanted to keep the DC/TSR ones. I had finally gotten them all bagged and boarded, and had put them in their own box... All my other comics went into a storage unit that my stepmom has, while the DC/TSR ones went into my storage unit with all my books and toys. So those were the ones that were destroyed, while the 6 long boxes of comics that I don't care about are still safe and sound.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 27 Oct 2007 : 11:06:28
I just bought them too.... from e-bay....
Xysma Posted - 28 Aug 2007 : 20:15:12
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Thanks, I'll check there then.

I got my FR comics on Ebay, in fact I just got the Avatar trilogy comic adaptation on ebay yesterday.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jul 2006 : 03:33:57
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Where can I get these comics?

eBay, places that sell old comics... They came out around the late 80's, early 90's. There were four titles: Forgotten Realms (wandered all over the Realms), Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (mostly in and around Waterdeep), Dragonlance (all over Krynn, and backwards and forwards in time), and Spelljammer. They were published by DC and TSR. Big Al's got the information for some of them, and I know he plans on updating the site with the info for the rest of them.

I'd say more, but I have to roll out the door to Orlando. also offers some of the AD&D and FR comics for sale.

And just yesterday, I picked up the three issues I was missing from the DL series at my local comic shop.

I came aboard partway into AD&D. I'd been following Dragonlance almost from the beginning... I picked up FR when it started; ditto for Spelljammer. I tracked down all the back issues I needed... and then dumped them all at my local comic shop when I bailed on comics (the first of three times). Later, when the place was going under, I went and bought them all back.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 16 Jul 2006 : 03:54:43
Thanks, I'll check there then.
The Sage Posted - 16 Jul 2006 : 01:34:27
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Where can I get these comics?

eBay, places that sell old comics... They came out around the late 80's, early 90's. There were four titles: Forgotten Realms (wandered all over the Realms), Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (mostly in and around Waterdeep), Dragonlance (all over Krynn, and backwards and forwards in time), and Spelljammer. They were published by DC and TSR. Big Al's got the information for some of them, and I know he plans on updating the site with the info for the rest of them.

I'd say more, but I have to roll out the door to Orlando. also offers some of the AD&D and FR comics for sale.

And just yesterday, I picked up the three issues I was missing from the DL series at my local comic shop.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 15 Jul 2006 : 22:15:57
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Where can I get these comics?

eBay, places that sell old comics... They came out around the late 80's, early 90's. There were four titles: Forgotten Realms (wandered all over the Realms), Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (mostly in and around Waterdeep), Dragonlance (all over Krynn, and backwards and forwards in time), and Spelljammer. They were published by DC and TSR. Big Al's got the information for some of them, and I know he plans on updating the site with the info for the rest of them.

I'd say more, but I have to roll out the door to Orlando.

Have fun. :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jul 2006 : 22:14:04
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Where can I get these comics?

eBay, places that sell old comics... They came out around the late 80's, early 90's. There were four titles: Forgotten Realms (wandered all over the Realms), Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (mostly in and around Waterdeep), Dragonlance (all over Krynn, and backwards and forwards in time), and Spelljammer. They were published by DC and TSR. Big Al's got the information for some of them, and I know he plans on updating the site with the info for the rest of them.

I'd say more, but I have to roll out the door to Orlando.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 15 Jul 2006 : 21:43:23
Where can I get these comics?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jul 2006 : 15:47:09
Originally posted by Rauric

So they fixed Dwalimar? That's a good thing. He was pretty out of it at the end right. THat book ended on a really down note. Rags Morales was a great artist for it. That comic got me to like paladins a little as well. Having a dwarf possessed golemn in it as a main character was pretty interesting.

At least they got to end that one... Some of the other DC/TSR titles cut off mid-story, because of the way the contract betwixt them ended.

I really enjoyed the comics, myself. That's why I'm so happy whenever I see a reference to them in a sourcebook or novel.
Rauric Posted - 15 Jul 2006 : 14:37:20
So they fixed Dwalimar? That's a good thing. He was pretty out of it at the end right. THat book ended on a really down note. Rags Morales was a great artist for it. That comic got me to like paladins a little as well. Having a dwarf possessed golemn in it as a main character was pretty interesting.
Kajehase Posted - 14 Jul 2006 : 00:44:23
A trip into Dwalimar's psyche basically. Having a friend that's in good favour with a god can really help sometimes y'know
Rauric Posted - 13 Jul 2006 : 23:57:38
What was Unification or Reunification about? Spoilers needed. I liked those comics alot.
Kajehase Posted - 27 Apr 2006 : 16:15:10
Well, the first 70k would be mostly downhill
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Apr 2006 : 11:09:49
Originally posted by Kajehase

Ah... time to pester a friend/parent/brother for a ride to Gothenburg in a week or two methinks. (Adding the train-fare to the price would make the magazine rather pricy, and while I could go there by bike, I don't think I want to do a 140-kilometre ride on a bike without gears)

I'd not be eager to make that trip on a bike with gears!
Kajehase Posted - 27 Apr 2006 : 05:23:25
Ah... time to pester a friend/parent/brother for a ride to Gothenburg in a week or two methinks. (Adding the train-fare to the price would make the magazine rather pricy, and while I could go there by bike, I don't think I want to do a 140-kilometre ride on a bike without gears)
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 27 Apr 2006 : 02:48:57
The new issue of Dragon, which contains my FR story "Rivals," has hit the stores.
Kajehase Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 05:34:54
Thankies, the list has been updated.
DragonReader Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 04:35:55
In next month's Dragon Magazine (Issue #343) there will be an FR short story by Richard Lee Byers called "Rivals"

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