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 Vandria Gilmadrith: Lady of Grief

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
varyar Posted - 21 May 2024 : 12:26:38
Hello all! I've got a new book out on the DM's Guild, this one focusing on Vandria Gilmadrith, elvish goddess of grief and vengeance. Please give it a look!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zeromaru X Posted - 23 May 2024 : 02:03:34
Originally posted by TBeholder

Why suddenly grief and vengeance? Did the brain trust of 4e "One, two... too many" fame merge her with Shevarash, or something?

That girl wasn't even mentioned in 4e, while Shevarash was, so dunno.
varyar Posted - 21 May 2024 : 23:22:45
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by varyar

The text itself is truer to the lore.

Speaking of the (official) lore. I was under impression that she was made just for Races of the Wild, left behind with no demand for yet another obscure Seldarine, and that was that.
I looked at FR wikia now, it appears there were also 2 mentions in generic 5e books (from 4e drudges) and grand total of 1 (one) tweet from Greenwood (the same as quoted here) linking in to FR.
It this all?
Also, the tweet went with "grief" only, did "elven Red Knight" idea wither in 5e?

Yes, Vandria is poorly represented in the lore. That's one reason I picked her to write about (the other, more important one is that she's the patron goddess of one of my old FR PCs from 3E so I've always liked her).

As for "elven Red Knight", no, that's still part of her concept. From Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes:

Province (aka Portfolio): War, grief, justice, vigilance.
Domains: Grave, War
TBeholder Posted - 21 May 2024 : 22:02:33
Originally posted by varyar

The text itself is truer to the lore.

Speaking of the (official) lore. I was under impression that she was made just for Races of the Wild, left behind with no demand for yet another obscure Seldarine, and that was that.
I looked at FR wikia now, it appears there were also 2 mentions in generic 5e books (from 4e drudges) and grand total of 1 (one) tweet from Greenwood (the same as quoted here) linking in to FR.
It this all?
Also, the tweet went with "grief" only, did "elven Red Knight" idea wither in 5e?
varyar Posted - 21 May 2024 : 15:38:41
That's a bit of poor phrasing in my description, I admit. I'll adjust the product page.

The text itself is truer to the lore.
TBeholder Posted - 21 May 2024 : 13:54:39
Why suddenly grief and vengeance? Did the brain trust of 4e "One, two... too many" fame merge her with Shevarash, or something?

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