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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2023 :  12:12:23  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Maglubiyet exterminating and/or hunt heretic and apostate tribes

Oct 28, 2023


@TheEdVerse So I was gonna ask a jokey question since it seems you are partially keen to answer, but I genuinely want to ask: are goblin tribes sworn to Maglubiyet directed to exterminate and/or hunt heretic and apostate tribes by their god?


No, but they are asked to do so by some of M's clergy. There's an ongoing debate, sometimes fierce, about how much personal animosity and gain plays into such directives, as opposed to the god's wishes.

(Maglubiyet is a whimsical, capricious change-mind-often deity.)
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2023 :  12:18:34  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On specifications for a Eilistraee Paladin/cleric

Oct 28, 2023


@TheEdVerse hey Ed! I had a commission of an Eilistraee Paladin/cleric based on your specifications (Hair color was my choice). How close does it look to your mind's eye? Her name is Nightshade.




As I said in the Grotto, Eilistraeean helmets have overlapping metal-plate “skirts” out back, like flowing, unbound long hair between “behind the wearer’s ears” and a curved, hawkbeak-like protruding nose out front, with brow-ridges to match to shield the wearer’s eyes in battle. Chin-straps with gorgets, always.
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2492 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2023 :  20:00:35  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your continued updating of this topic, Questing DM.

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2023 :  10:12:10  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, basically, they wear Griffith's helmet from Berserk:

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 04 Nov 2023 :  13:44:39  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Ed's first 'storytime'

Oct 30, 2023


I have released my very first "Storytime" video!

@Papat0k and I have been experimenting with various storytelling formats lately and we hope that you will incorporate bits of these flavorful little vignettes into your campaigns! #realmslore #dnd

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 04 Nov 2023 :  13:50:50  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Bay of Chessentia based on Chesepeake Bay

Nov 3, 2023


@TheEdVerse - Hello Ed. My son and his friends adventuring party are currently up to various hijinx in the Sea of Fallen Stars, with a lot of time in Bay of Chessentia. They are convinced it must be based on the Chesepeake Bay, and asked if I would ask you.


No, I avoided all direct real-world analogues when creating the Realms, and when I made up Chessenta, bay and all, I was six and hadn't traveled anywhere into the USA except Detroit and Dearborn, Michigan. ;} Chesapeake Bay is beautiful, though!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 06 Nov 2023 :  13:45:47  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On becoming gods at will or random chance

Nov 6, 2023


What even is the logic of half these gods. At least destroy someone I don’t like or give me an amazing hat.


Bhaal is an ascended mortal… imagine what kind of Mortal becomes that kind of god #128556;


Yikes. Why not just become a constellation. Which Artemis is always doing to things.


I don’t know that becoming a constellation is an option on Toril… apotheosis is relatively common, though.


Is it all will to power or is there the randomness that makes myths pretty fun?


Wow, thatis a good question… there’s a lot of feuding, and ascension is tied in part to belief… but randomness? Now I’m really thinking about this.

I wonder if @TheEdVerse has thought about this or has an answer?


Oh, yes.

First: the game posits fallible gods (flawed, make mistakes, can't foresee, are not all-knowing). Otherwise, PCs can't be heroes, just pawns following a script (and, having no agency, lack moral responsibility, too). So the best way to view D&D gods is that they are akin to the Greek and Roman gods: superpowered humans, who behave like humans (lying, cheating, childish tantrums, etc. as well as noble and kind acts).

We have some maniacally power-hungry gods (the Dead Three), we have insane gods (Cyric), and we have selflessly generous deities (Eilistraee). We have gods who didn't want godhood (Finder) and we have gods who, yes, achieved godhood randomly (Moander). And yes, godhood or the thought of achieving it (Karsus) does funny things to the minds of mortals. We even have fusion deities (Angharradh). The idea is to provide a full array of divine minds and characters, not just alignments and portfolios, so there will be constant drama = maximum adventure opportunities.


Thanks so much for answering the question of two Catholic theologians muddling through the Realms!


My pleasure!

The Realms is a giant step sideways from real-world religions in that no one has to root their belief in "faith," as they see avatars and manifestations of the deities often enough that they KNOW.

And "believe in" all the gods.

All the moral battles, however, remain.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 08 Nov 2023 :  10:05:44  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the mysteries of Veldorn: The Land of Monsters

Nov 7, 2023


Join me as I begin the unravel the mysteries of Veldorn: The Land of Monsters!

One of the things I love most about this project is having the chance to reveal the stories of some of the lesser-known areas of the Realms. :}

#dnd #realmslore

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 08 Nov 2023 :  10:11:26  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Florin Falconhand and Alura Durshavin fighting Baerem the Dread Doorwarden

Nov 8, 2023


@TheEdVerse Hi Ed! I'm having a friend do a commission piece of art for me. It will be a scene from Swords of Dragonfire. I hope he can capture Florin Falconhand and Alura Durshavin fighting Baerem the Dread Doorwarden. Any tips or things to be highlighted before he starts?thanks



Pennae: looks like a scruffier Shadowheart from BG3 (hair, eyes), all clad in well-worn, dusty-gray-faded (from original black-dyed) dark leathers, black metal throat gorget, thigh-high soft-soled boots, many daggers sheathed all over.

Florin: Unlike SPELLFIRE cover, is not a ginger, or bearded. Tousled hair, jaw and nose as in the attached photo. Always looks calm and unruffled, “in charge of himself” in any situation. A man you instinctively trust.

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2023 :  02:37:20  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Abeir with Elminster

Nov 10, 2023


I've just released a new video on my Patreon! This bit of Realmslore has been one of the most requested over the years.

Please enjoy this conversation with Elminster about Abeir. :} #realmslore #dnd #forgottenrealms

Here is the link:
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2023 :  13:46:18  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On video about Alustriel Silverhand

Nov 12, 2023


Today's video is about another of the 7 Sisters, Alustriel Silverhand, aka "Lady Hope!"

Strong, immortal, and Chosen of Mystra, which sister would you like the next video to be about? #dnd #realmslore #forgottenrealms



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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 16 Nov 2023 :  01:06:36  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the relationship between the dragonborn race native to Abeir and the Dragonborn of Bahamut

Nov 16, 2023


Please expand on this. I love the Dragonborn as Erin has written them, but I feel like this kinda steals some of their valor and makes them less special. "A dragon god did it" isn't quite like a race being made to be servants & rockin' out against their oppressors (w/out gods).

Not trying to be flippant, btw, we've chatted before and I'm a huge FR lore nerd. I'm just going a little crazy bc this tweet does a lot of heavy lifting on the wikia/fandom and casts question marks over aberian dragonborn's self-authority and self-determinism. #128532;

Ed. Please. #129402;#129402;#129402;#128591;#128591;#128591;


I'll get to this in four hours or so. Have just come from the day job to help someone to medical help, then have a library board meeting. But I'll get there!!


Okay, the medical thing took an astonishingly short time, so I JUST have time to squeeze in a lore reply before the meeting...

Here we go!

The relationship between the dragonborn race native to Abeir and the Dragonborn of Bahamut is this: Bahamut used the dragonborn of Abeir as his models for “his” dragonborn, studying willing members of the race closely to learn their body structure and what powers he could infuse them with, so as to transform the non-draconic volunteers to become “his” dragonborn (emissaries of Bahamut to mortals).

The few “very old dragons” who know about this are servants of Bahamut who served as steeds to carry the handful of willing Abeiran dragonborn individuals to Bahamut for his study, and back again.

(BTW, I’ve just covered Abeir itself in my Realmslore videos.)

None of this changes or diminishes the deeds and history of the dragonborn of Abeir (such as their rebellion).

I was trying to remain as vague as possible about this to preserve maximum author/designer freedom, but it’s in my lore notes that an ever-wider circle of creatives have seen, so I’m happy to set you at ease.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Nov 2023 :  06:42:58  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Eldritch Knight and Paladin of Ilmater with a Tressym Familiar

Nov 23, 2023


Eldritch Knight and Paladin of Ilmater with a Tressym Familiar.

Summon greater steed.

Giant Tressym.

What say you, Saer @TheEdVerse? #128513;



Oooh. A purr that can mix cocktail drinks and thicken gravies and massage aching warrior bodies!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 24 Nov 2023 :  10:23:56  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On a God taking a mortal form infected with an Illithid tadpole


@TheEdVerse I was wondering, in TFR what would happen if a God taking a mortal form would get somehow infected with an Illithid tadpole ?

Nothing ? some horrific new Illithid God ? anything else ?


It's highly unlikely, with an established God, that the tadpole could establish control over the divine brain. So, nothing: the deity would shatter the sentience of the illithid and subsume it.

However, with an insane god like Cyric, a new illithid god COULD arise.
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Great Reader

2447 Posts

Posted - 24 Nov 2023 :  11:27:54  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by questing gm

Summon greater steed.
Giant Tressym.

If it's a steed, it's not a familiar. Also, the Giant Tressym has a specific name: griffin.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Nov 2023 :  05:05:42  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Biomes of the Realms bundle

Nov 28, 2023


Sad that @dms_guild missed Amarune's Almanac for the @TheEdVerse's Forgotten Realms bundle today

So... I've dropped the price on the Biomes of the Realms bundle to 75% off until I remember to put it back!



This series is ESSENTIAL for wilderness, countryside, "what's along the way" encounters in the Realms and for any FRP world. Useful and baneful plants, beasties, and more!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 29 Nov 2023 :  05:11:04  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the faithful of Primordials sent to their 'gods' Planes in the afterlife

Nov 29, 2023


Quick lore query, @TheEdVerse! Since most Primordials (apart from Kossuth) are said to be indifferent to their human faithful, are faithful of these Primordials sent to their 'gods' Planes in the afterlife similar to petitioners of true Deities? Or just forgotten? Many thanks!

Asking because I randomly became curious about the afterlife for primordial followers since they follow no true deities. Like, do they become elementals, perhaps?



In the rare event that a mortal devoted themselves to a primordial above all other deities, they would go to the plane of that primordial (note that some primordials are on/in Toril itself). And yes, likely become elementals (retaining their memories of their mortal lives).

Otherwise, they go to the plane of the deity they most actively venerated in life (remember, every sane sentient being in the Realms “believes in” all of the gods).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 29 Nov 2023 :  05:21:26  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On roleplay tips or personality traits of Halaster pre or post madness

Nov 29, 2023


@TheEdVerse Hey Ed! I'm running Dungeon of the Mad Mage & I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to portray Halaster when the time comes. I was wondering if you could share a few roleplay tips or personality traits of his pre or post madness? Thanks for all you do!


Hi! Pre-madness, Halaster was a calm, patient listener and “gentle lecturer,” except when fools took such traits as signs of weakness—whereupon he became a cold rock of fearless obstinancy, his eyes as hard as two stones and his tone grim.

“Mad” Halaster glares silently more than he speaks, and when he does speak, is emphatic and not-quite-sneering and speaks in clipped phrases. He comes and goes in silence, often “fading out of thin air” and departing in a blink (there one moment, not there the next). #realmslore
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2023 :  15:00:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On most comprehensive look at Abeir

Dec 1, 2023


After years of requests, I've finally done it!

Please enjoy this video, my most comprehensive look at Abeir, as told by a halfling adventurer to the "Old Mage," Elminster of Shadowdale!

#realmslore #dnd #forgottenrealms #baldursgate3


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Skilled Spell Strategist

11905 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2023 :  19:37:01  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by questing gm

On most comprehensive look at Abeir

Dec 1, 2023


After years of requests, I've finally done it!

Please enjoy this video, my most comprehensive look at Abeir, as told by a halfling adventurer to the "Old Mage," Elminster of Shadowdale!

#realmslore #dnd #forgottenrealms #baldursgate3



My hat off to the sage. Though it may (or may not) conflict with some of what I had been doing with the region, I have to give the man props for not glossing here. He did try and throw a decent amount of regional names, individual names, etc... in this. By chance has anyone got a transcript of this to read rather than listen to? I'd be intrigued to see if anyone has tried to lay this out in some form of map.

Some takeaway notes that I quickly noted

Dark elves are in this world in the "Nardark" and are called the Narren Drow ... their term for underdark. Yet elves supposedly are NOT. To note as well, the worlds separated supposedly prior to the arrival of Fey in Faerun. Some of these dark elves are also said to "worship the Queen of Chaos"... which hints to god worship on Abeir despite us being told otherwise (or perhaps it might be better said "demon lord worship").

Secondarily... one thing we had wondered is if this world might not be anything like Toril ... in that it might be a world primarily inhabited by reptilian/draconic/amphibian humanoids. But most of what he seems to be describing would fit with most other worlds (i.e. humans, dwarves, halflings, limited numbers of genasi, etc...). He does say its a world of no elves, but at the same time, he mentions a group of drow in the world... so....

Some notes on "regions" that I'm making

information is thirdhand from a halfling Dhalk Marrowsar, and this information seems to be post spellplague... but possibly pre second sundering (i.e. I don't know if Dhalk came to Toril as a part of second sundering)

Four continents since Laerokand came to Toril. The boiling sea replaced Laerokand, but isn't hot.. its turbulent with whirlpools and strong currents.

Largest continent. Mountainous masses and huge sea cliffs. Roughly diamond shaped "twisted into a curve from due south around to northeast". Seems to have 13 "lines" of mountains (or 12 valleys) that seem to cross the continent like a somewhat parallel set of stripes. Dragons hunt herd beasts in the valleys and endlessly compete, plot, etc....

East of Marranth "across the arserpent sea"

long narrow north-south continent of rolling lands with fewer mountains, the main mountains being on the coast facing Marrath. Its southern two thirds is jungle and filled "with what we deem monsters", including tentacled things and snakes and "more than snakes" and beholders. Some rare genasi and some dragonborn who "live close to the land" are here as well. The northern third of Irronther, north of Vast Lake Yaeranche which is roughly kidney / bean shaped north-south, is temperate and largely forests. Forests slowing getting cleared by the halflings and humans living there ruled by various petty "wizards and armored bullies". NOTE: WIZARDS .... doesn't have the weave, but has wizards... of course.. perhaps Torilian imports? Perhaps doing magic in a different way?

Dwarves are the strongest force in this northern territory. Staundoun is the main dwarven realm ruled by it Iron Council. Ahezurt in the extreme northeast is a splinter realm and ruled by two outcast clans (Hezmur and Nornhammer). Hezmur was kicked out because it believed in a meritocracy versus "elders" ruling, and Nornhammer because they pushed for a turn to agriculture versus forging. Boldaunth is a second splinter realm to the southeast are splinter realms which broke away because they wanted to explore the world and trade versus forging and hoarding.

Below the dwarves in the "Nardark" are the "Wild Deeps" in which reside monsters and drow (called the Narren drow). Sidenote: given that they are called "Narren Drow" ... I would really like to connect these dark elves to Narathmault/Dun Tharos.... which existed prior to the dark elven forced descent to note.

Lake Yaeranche has human dominated villages along its coast, but still apparently a diverse population that is open to new ideas/new innovations (including spell experimentation). This region is often known as the Cauldron for its brewing of new ideas.

Kannath - off east coast of Irronther, archipelago range of large and small islands, filled with various races... not detailed what the races are. The seas surrounding it are the Dun Seas and are muddy in color.

East of Kannath is where Laerakond used to be and the "Cold Straits"... but now its the "boiling sea"... a dangerous area of whirlpools and currents. Few sail this region, and north of it is the "Ice Run"... a series of rocky islets that are often plagued by dangerous whales and squids that attack ships

second largest land mass... east of where Laerakond had been... which was the boiling sea during the spellplague... so in theory where Faerun is kind of.

Karshimis ruled SOME of this continent (Karshaunt now... eastern most portion of Shyr). He ruled from "Soaring Mount Vore", which in theory would be where his Citadel of Burning Ice was located. Human and dragonborn inhabited. Used to be called the "Lands of the Rising Dragons" because young dragons would come here seeking to make a name for themselves. After spellplague, much of it became "The Mistlands" and were areas of hot springs, volcanos, and flowing lava.

Two thirds of the continent (the central heart of it) is "The Dragon Realms" where dragons rule over humans, dwarves, halflings, and a few dragonborn. Dragons have internally warred to great scale apparently in the past with the 1st, 2nd, and third Wyrmstrife.

Western of the dragon realms are two regions

the "Sarcoast Lands"... a swampy place where halflings live in the southern portion and "tentacled things of monstrous size" rule tiny realms over the rest of this region. The halfling section is called Narragult . The sarcoast lands are twice as wide as its northerly neibhbor of Carngor, but both are equally "long" in the north/south perspective.

Carngor is also on the other side of the dragon realms and is human ruled lands in hilly territory, with a lord loosely ruling from Harhult the Hollow Mountain. Lots of baronies. It would seem to be to the north of the Sarcoast lands, but west of the dragon realms... since the sarcoast is mentioned as bordering the Tarsark mountains... but at the same time an earlier reference to Narragult mention it as east of that land... so perhaps its "northeast" of the sarcoast lands and perhaps the sarcoast area is more trapezoid in shape... fatter at the bottom

Between the Sarcoast and Dragon realms is a "knife edged" mountain range called the Tarsark Mountains, named after a primordial who supposedly was torn apart there... and the reason that this region is inhabited by numerous "ghostlike or varied undead". Above one of the peaks is the city of Xxiphu (from the abolithic sovereignty... whom they refer to as "The Qua"). More monstrous creatures have appeared in teh Tarsark mountains of recent. Safe passes thru these mountains are Glander Pass, the Wideway, and High Vaerult. These passes link the westernmost dragon realms with the long slender hill realm of Carngor.

The southwest portion of the continent of Shyr must be Thultyl, a seacoast plateau in a higher altitude than the sarcoast lands to the east... filled with dragonborn who feud nigh endlessly, paying at least lip service to an overking named Vraelyn. The region is divided into regions ruled by local lords at ports or "High Holds" (regions farther up and off of the seacoast). They drop their feuds to hunt any dragon dumb enough to enter their territory from the Dragon Realms. Its said that Thultyl... like the Fens and Carngor .. stretch a long way north and south.

Thultyl supposedly shelters the fens/Sarcoast Lands from the "ever more frequent storms blowing off the boiling sea".


"Far to the East" ...Across the Oshlar Sea, beyond Karshaunt... or not so far west of Marranth, across the Andol Sea. Some say it stretches into the Frozen seas of the North Pole. They provide little information about this land, but it would seem to possibly have people from Toril. Also, not visited by the halfling, so all he has are unconfirmed rumors.

So, that's the words from this halfling... its possible that there were only 4 continents... but he may not have known everything that "swapped" during the spellplague. Lhoraun would seem to be the perfect place to drop in Anchorome, Maztica, Lopango, Katashaka. For all we know, Lhoraun is actually the largest "continent", because everything is skewed by what this halfling "knows" to be true. He may also be working from old data as well. If we dropped those continents in there, then the nearest other continent is Marranth.. which seems to primarily be mountains and valley hunting grounds for youngish dragons that internally feud. These dragons, if not as organized to have realms, might have been easier to turn away than say the ones in Shyr.

Hmmm, also... not sure if Ed produced anything like a map... but I threw together this to get a ROUGH... I mean ROUGH ... MAY BE WAY OFF... idea of the layout based on his conversation.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 01 Dec 2023 21:19:10
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2023 :  02:53:44  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On why is the month of Uktar also called "The Rotting"

Dec 2, 2023


Dear sage @TheEdVerse, why is the month of Uktar also called "The Rotting"?


It's the month in which winter-killed outdoor wild plants (underbrush) have rotted everywhere, and boughs/cut plants laid atop farm beds to protect plants beneath through the winter have also that part of the Realms where the creator of the calendar dwelt.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 17 Dec 2023 :  00:36:28  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how the Red Wizards would react to an adult sorcerer moving to Thay if the husband is a Red Wizard


Hi Ed! A question: I had a character who's backstory is that she ran away with a young red wizard from Calimshan and at the closing of her adventures (campaign end) she married said red wizard. How would the red wizards react to an adult sorcerer moving to Thay if hubby is a RW?

Clarification: She was born a noble in Memnon. Her dad was an archmage pasha there (nasty Cyric worshipper) & RWs were at trade war with him, trying to move to Memnon and he kept killing RW agents. She sided with an RW against her abusive dad out of spite & help young RW survive.


The Probity Corps (for "grunt" tailing in the streets) and senior Red Wizards would keep a close watch over her. Always.

They'd be watching for any signs she's an agent of a foreign power...or "outcast" Red Wizards living outside the realm.


Wow, thanks! I was thinking they would kill her, force her under their umbrella in a way, rob her of her powers or something of the sort.


Like everyone else, the Red Wizards are looking for assets (allies or dupes they can use), so if she isn't working against them, perhaps she can be manipulated into working for them, and if she grows in power, she can be a REAL asset. So they'll wait and see...
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 17 Dec 2023 :  00:41:03  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how Sembian meatbread spiced


Hi @TheEdVerse, do you think Sembian meatbread would be savory mildly spiced, hot spiced, or sweetly-spiced? A pressing #Realmslore question #128579;


Savory mildly spiced: dill, old sharp cheese, leeks.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 17 Dec 2023 :  00:44:17  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On worship of Vandria in the Realms

Dec 13, 2023


Hello, @TheEdVerse! If I may ask (for accuracy purposes for a campaign), do you know if Vandria (elven goddess of grief) is worshiped in the Realms? Thank you in advance, you're awesome! #128513;


Yes, she is. Not by many, for her most devout worshippers in the Realms are those driven by grief (i.e. a drive to avenge a lost loved one, or kin, dominates their lives). One such is Rauvor Mreldryn, whose entire town was wiped out; he's hunting down every attacker.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 17 Dec 2023 :  00:49:10  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how to justify the players playing regular, ungifted spellcasters of any kind

Dec 13, 2023


@TheEdVerse Hi there mister Greenwood! I call upon your knowledge because I'd like to do a "level 0" campaign with PCs which are just common folks without any innate gift that are kinda forced into adventures and shenanigans, and I have encountered a problem with spellcasters 1/2

2/2 According to you, all spellcasters need a very rare "Gift" to be able to cast even the most basic cantrip, but since the campaign is focused on just regular, ungifted people, I don't know how to justify the players playing spellcasters of any kind.


Many "regular" folks have hidden "wild talents" for magic; their Gift gets revealed when they contact magic (touch an item, get hit by a spell, step into a ward, etc.)

Others can't cast spells, but can "twist" and aim powers unleashed by items into what they want.


Related question: do Giftless scholars of the arcane exist in Faerun? And can they achieve anything besides being the assistant/servant of a proper wizard?


There are many, including some of the Avowed (monks) of Candlekeep, and many clergy of Deneir and Oghma. They are the best cataloguers and recordkeepers of magical diaries and workbooks (notes on “how I crafted this spell, or modified it into a new variant”) that wizards write. Some mages use such folk as their personal librarians, to kee[p backup copies of spells and magical notes “offsite” and so (relatively) safe.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Dec 2023 :  04:30:16  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Shadowsil

Dec 19, 2023


People have been wondering about the this character since 1987's release of SPELLFIRE, but it's finally time! ;}

After more than 30 years I unravel the mystery behind The Shadowsil, who is well known by both Elminster and Manshoon

#dnd #realmslore

LINK #128071;

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 24 Dec 2023 :  06:55:08  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the things Ed's campaign has done

Dec 24, 2023

@ThePiazzaForum Forgotten Realms fans: Are you interested in @TheEdVerse's personal Forgotten Realms campaign?:

Doc Necrotic wants to know if anyone has listed or compiled the things Ed's campaign has done.

How much do you know about?



My home campaign has been going since 1978, and is dominated by subplots, PC sideline activities and diplomacy and investments (not combats or dungeon crawls). The full extent has never been compiled, and likely never will be. It would fill 70+ full-length novels.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Dec 2023 :  12:54:15  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On who invented the concept of 'the Underdark' in D&D

Dec 27, 2023


Question for D&D historians (@DaddyRolleda1 et al): who invented the concept of 'the Underdark' in D&D? Gygax? @TheEdVerse? Someone else?


Drow were in the original Monster Manual, with mentions of living underground iirc.

They existed in Greyhawk before Faerun was published, as did mentions of the Underdark.

I’m sure @TheEdVerse and @LGosumba will be able to provide greater detail.


Thank you! It's specifically the term 'Underdark' I'm intrigued by. I think Gygax referred to Underoerth and early Monster Manuals used 'underground'; for some reason I have it in my head that UnderDARK is #Realmslore.


Please check D1 - D3, for the original Underdark trilogy in #greyhawk #DnD. D3, Vault of the Drow, is really a setting based adventure for Dark Elves in the Greyhawk setting. Plus I have done talk shows with @TheEdVerse on this subject.


Knew one if you would have the answer. I did think it was referred to as the Underdark in those modules but thought it better to get confirmation from direct sources.


Can confirm.

"The Underdark" appears in games set in Greyhawk before the Realms was an official D&D setting. (The Realms was first published before D&D , as a fiction setting, but I called the subterranean settings "the underways" or more formally "the World Below."
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Jan 2024 :  15:32:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On closeness to vision to a priestesses of Eilistraee

Dec 29, 2023


@TheEdVerse how close to your vision is this priestesses of Eilistraee?



Wow, that's good. Spot on, I'd say.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Jan 2024 :  15:35:10  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On magic being comparable with arithmetic

Jan 2, 2024


@TheEdVerse I was surprised to read that Elminster isn't very good at math. Does that mean magic isn't really comparable to arithmetic in how one actually learns and practices it? I see it compared to programming a lot. Is there a more accurate comparison to draw in your view?


Elminster, like most powerful wizards, has become VERY good at focusing his attention (concentration, bringing will to bear). He can count readily into the hundreds (basic arithmetic) and do basic geometry. However, he knows nothing of equations, quadratics, and the like, as such things have never been developed in the Realms as we have in the "real world." Realms engineers (dwarves, gnomes, et al) focus on strengths of materials, stresses and strains, buttresses and support props, not "the imaginary language of 3) mathematics."

I see comparisons between magic and programming asfolks (who of course can't wield magic, in real life) trying to equate them in terms of concentration, and visualizing concepts in the mind. Success at both requires both, but they aren't the same thing.


I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous, Ed! Even the ancient Greeks and Chinese and other cultures from 2,000 years ago had mathematics beyond that. Surely, with how well-traveled El is and how long his life has been, he would've taken the time to learn?

Moreover, how could Toril possibly be at the level of development that it's at without higher math? At the barest minimum, merchants would know more than basic algebra and arithmetic- wouldn't he have had to deliberately ignore that knowledge? Perhaps I'm missing something here.


Yes, you're missing that Toril has DIFFERENT math from our real world (math is a language, not an absolute), and that El has never had to learn it. ;} Merchants deal in weight and volume and margins and return, none of which requires "our" specific algebra.


It's a fallacy to view "progress" as something inevitable or always in one direction or one rate, from the old to the new. Or that a different world 'must' advance as we did. That's where the worldbuilding "think outside real-world Earth" comes in.

Edited by - questing gm on 05 Jan 2024 11:44:12
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