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 DDO next expansion set in Myth Drannor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demzer Posted - 12 Jan 2024 : 15:09:26
Fellow Scribes,

just an heads up that DDO has officially announced it's next game expansion will be set in Myth Drannor and will involve Red Wizards trying to gather power somehow connected to Wild Magic. Details will be under wrap until close to release (projected for the 3rd quarter of the year).

The canonicity of DDO's expansions is dubious because of the uncertain (or rather quickly shifting) definition of canon by Wizards, but most of the events in the previous Forgotten Realms related expansions and adventure packs were coordinated with stuff happening in other D&D media (drows and the Darkening in "Menace of the Underdark", Graz'zt strolling free in the Underdark in "Mines of Tethyamar" at the same time of the "Out of the Abyss" storyline, shades messing with Cormyr in "Shadowfell Conspiracy", ...).

So we might see something regarding Myth Drannor coming this year.

For any willing scribe that regularly uses Twitter/X or on patreon, could you ping Ed to ask if he had any involvement as a consultant/advisor? He already worked with DDO and did the DM narration for the entire "Halls of Eveningstar" quest pack
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Demzer Posted - 14 Jan 2024 : 11:10:06
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I had no idea DDO was still around.

It's "d00m" has been predicted many a times but it still lumbers on, with new grinds and moneygrabbing techniques.
I think it still offers the more complex character-building (in terms of options) available, reminiscent of the 3.5-era days between classes, races, enhancement trees and all the mixing and matching that can be done.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Jan 2024 : 17:02:05
I had no idea DDO was still around.

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