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 Sages of Realmslore
 Sages of the Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Red-Tide Posted - 11 May 2007 : 18:44:27
Hi all!

Im looking to compile a list and key info on the known sages in the realms. So far I have really only been able to find limited info and vague references.

Heres what I have so far.

Vault of Sages in Silverymoon
Harold's holdfast (I think thats what is called)

On the above sages / librarys I only have limited info. All I really know is the location and who is in charge of these places. I do own a massive 2nd edition collection and havent been able to find much about sages in the 200+ books I own. I am however missing the Sages * Specialists handbook.

So, I guess my question is do any of you have or know of another source of info on this topic? Edition doesnt matter as I can convert rules to my campaigns (All 2nd Edition).

Thanks in advance everyone.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Reefy Posted - 12 May 2007 : 11:49:50
I'm pretty sure there's some sage scattered throughout the various Volo's Guides, and page 21 of City of Splendors: Waterdeep has a useful table on who to contact for research on various things within Waterdeep.
The Sage Posted - 12 May 2007 : 00:52:12
Ed's also managed to share some details about particular sages and loremasters of note who either haven't been referenced in the Realmslore before, or those who we only knew a little about.

See his compiled reply files.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 May 2007 : 19:46:51

Red-Tide Posted - 11 May 2007 : 19:15:16
Thx Wooly, I do own the FRA hardcover and I will look up that info. As for Kuje's list of NPC's Where does one find that?

Thx for the quick reply!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 May 2007 : 18:57:15
Info on sages is generally scattered around, because the sages themselves are often scattered around. I'd recommend the old FRA hardcover; each city listing includes sages under the "Important Characters" heading.

You could also check Kuje's list of NPCs.

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