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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Markustay Posted - 09 May 2007 : 20:59:52
Both of these might seem trivial, but -

Isn't there a plural for genie other then 'genies'? I remember reading it somewhere, but now can't find it. Maybe it was in the Calimshan stuff? I've tried Zakhara but no luck. I think it was something like Dgen, but I can't be sure.

This one is a little tougher. Twice I came across the reference to the book that the 'Tao Chung' is based on, and I believe it at least had a name for the author as well. This is the basis for the religion known as "The Way" in Kara-Tur. Unfortunately, it is not listed under that reference (Uh Doh!), but it is 'hidden' somewhere else in the sourcebooks. The refernce could be in one of the modules, but more likely in either the Kara-Tur or Hordelands boxed sets.

EDIT: Just thought of another one - who the heck is Aosokar? I know he is the (dead) god of portals, but in what source did he appear?
Also - what else is known about him, like why is he dead?

Thanks -- Mark
26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 12 May 2007 : 08:06:17
Originally posted by Markustay
[New Question (I never stop being inquisitive): I recently read (I think here at CK) that one of the designers for LEoF had a blurb in the timeline about the Imaskari spotting a Netheril floating city "in the distance", but it was removed in editting. I can't find the passage now, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Yes. It was in the original draft but edited out.

-- George Krashos
Markustay Posted - 12 May 2007 : 04:33:22
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The second Undermountain boxed set is the Deep Levels one.


I was looking through all the booklets and they just say "Undermountain II"

I didn't think to look at the bottom of the box cover. Now to check that reference Sage gave me...

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Markustay

The passage I found was in DDGttU, and it mentions a series-portal that leads to Rauthym and an ancient temple of Lolth in Undermountain. Thanx.
Are you referring to the details in the entry for Karsoluthiyl?
Aye, that be the one.
The Sage Posted - 12 May 2007 : 00:41:45
Originally posted by Markustay

The passage I found was in DDGttU, and it mentions a series-portal that leads to Rauthym and an ancient temple of Lolth in Undermountain. Thanx.
Are you referring to the details in the entry for Karsoluthiyl?
New Question (I never stop being inquisitive): I recently read (I think here at CK) that one of the designers for LEoF had a blurb in the timeline about the Imaskari spotting a Netheril floating city "in the distance", but it was removed in editting. I can't find the passage now, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I'll have to check my archives.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 May 2007 : 21:47:41
Originally posted by Markustay


If this wasn't SO sad, it'd be funny. I have Undermountain I, Undermountain II, The Lost levels, Stardock, AND Skullport!

The only 'Undermountain' item I am missing is the Deep Levels.

No wonder I can't find it... I just can't win.

Does anyone remember the refernce I mentioned in my last post?

The second Undermountain boxed set is the Deep Levels one.
Markustay Posted - 11 May 2007 : 21:25:12

If this wasn't SO sad, it'd be funny. I have Undermountain I, Undermountain II, The Lost levels, Stardock, AND Skullport!

The only 'Undermountain' item I am missing is the Deep Levels.

No wonder I can't find it... I just can't win.

Does anyone remember the refernce I mentioned in my last post?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 May 2007 : 20:33:25
Originally posted by Skeptic

Originally posted by Kuje

If you are going to get PDF's from Paizo, I'd do it asap.... I dunno, I think they might lose the license/agreement once Dragon/Dungeon ends. :)

And a warning, quality is not perfect. I bought a PDF of Cloak & Dagger only for search purpose and it doesn't work pretty well.

Yeah, a couple of them are not good... But I've not had problems with most of them.
Skeptic Posted - 11 May 2007 : 19:57:00
Originally posted by Kuje

If you are going to get PDF's from Paizo, I'd do it asap.... I dunno, I think they might lose the license/agreement once Dragon/Dungeon ends. :)

And a warning, quality is not perfect. I bought a PDF of Cloak & Dagger only for search purpose and it doesn't work pretty well.
Markustay Posted - 11 May 2007 : 19:53:57
Originally posted by The Sage

You may be thinking of the Lolth temple that's briefly referenced in the "Muiral's Gauntlet" section of the Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels accessory.

Ah, Okay, I'll look that up now.

The passage I found was in DDGttU, and it mentions a series-portal that leads to Rauthym and an ancient temple of Lolth in Undermountain. Thanx.

New Question (I never stop being inquisitive): I recently read (I think here at CK) that one of the designers for LEoF had a blurb in the timeline about the Imaskari spotting a Netheril floating city "in the distance", but it was removed in editting. I can't find the passage now, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
The Sage Posted - 11 May 2007 : 16:18:22
You may be thinking of the Lolth temple that's briefly referenced in the "Muiral's Gauntlet" section of the Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels accessory.
Markustay Posted - 11 May 2007 : 15:39:46
Thanks for the help guys, I should be picking up some much-needed PDFs from Paizo over the weekend. Wish I could get Hallowed Ground that way...

Also, found the FR version of the plural of genie - it's Djen. It might not be correct in the RW, but that's what is used in EotSS.

New question: Found a reference to an ancient temple of Lolth in Undermountain. I know they are not talking about Skullport or the promenade; does anyone know where that might be located?
warlockco Posted - 11 May 2007 : 01:42:53
Originally posted by Kuje

If you are going to get PDF's from Paizo, I'd do it asap.... I dunno, I think they might lose the license/agreement once Dragon/Dungeon ends. :)

More Big Corporate Greed...
Kuje Posted - 11 May 2007 : 00:54:54
If you are going to get PDF's from Paizo, I'd do it asap.... I dunno, I think they might lose the license/agreement once Dragon/Dungeon ends. :)
The Sage Posted - 11 May 2007 : 00:19:32
Originally posted by Markustay

Unfortunately, I am missing that VERY important source. I wasn't buying much Planescape toward the end, there.
As I said to Wenin above... you might want to keep an eye on I've not said this anywhere else... but I actually have two copies of On Hallowed Ground -- one of which is just sitting around collecting dust, so to speak. I've arranged for it to be collected by, along with some other non-D&D material, over the next couple of months. I'll let those of you who are interested, know when it is included in the site's online catalogue.

Is a PDF available for purchase somewhere? Also, where is the best (read cheapest) place to buy PDFs?
As Wooly said, it's not available as a PDF. The best place for PDFs these days is which offers most D&D PDFs for just $4US.
warlockco Posted - 10 May 2007 : 19:25:43
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

On Hallowed Ground is not available as a pdf download. If it was, I would have bought a copy last night.

I get most of my pdfs from, for a whopping $4 a piece.

Hmm, just double-checked, I do have it, and it is about 50 megs in size.
Most likely an unanthorized copy then.
Got it from a friend along with a bunch of other PDFs.
Faraer Posted - 10 May 2007 : 19:21:32
Originally posted by Markustay
So Genii is the plural of genie? I guess I can work with that.
It's a plural. I'd use 'genies' or 'jinn'.
Reefy Posted - 10 May 2007 : 18:57:20
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I get most of my pdfs from, for a whopping $4 a piece.

Same here, I'd recommend them.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 May 2007 : 18:04:20
On Hallowed Ground is not available as a pdf download. If it was, I would have bought a copy last night.

I get most of my pdfs from, for a whopping $4 a piece.
Markustay Posted - 10 May 2007 : 17:37:24
Originally posted by The Sage

Mark, if you have a copy of On Hallowed Ground, you can learn a little more about both Aoskar, his relationship with Her Serenity... the Lady of Pain, and his connection with the City of Doors.
Unfortunately, I am missing that VERY important source. I wasn't buying much Planescape toward the end, there.

Is a PDF available for purchase somewhere? Also, where is the best (read cheapest) place to buy PDFs?

Okay, I found some online references, it appears I've been spelling it wrong - His name is actually Aoskar.

So Genii is the plural of genie? I guess I can work with that.

Still no luck finding that 'Tao Chung' reference after two days of re-reading, I really must learn to take better notes.

Thanks folks for the quick replies.
The Sage Posted - 10 May 2007 : 06:18:11
Originally posted by Wenin

stop referencing "On Hallowed Ground" =)

I'm trying to buy it on eBay and you're just sending more buyers there =P hehehe

You might want to keep an eye on in the coming weeks.

*subtle hints from the Sage*
warlockco Posted - 10 May 2007 : 05:04:57
Originally posted by Wenin

stop referencing "On Hallowed Ground" =)

I'm trying to buy it on eBay and you're just sending more buyers there =P hehehe

I think I might have that on PDF, will need to double check, I know I definately don't have a hardcopy of it
Wenin Posted - 10 May 2007 : 02:30:14
stop referencing "On Hallowed Ground" =)

I'm trying to buy it on eBay and you're just sending more buyers there =P hehehe
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 May 2007 : 02:04:23
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Markustay

EDIT: Just thought of another one - who the heck is Aosokar? I know he is the (dead) god of portals, but in what source did he appear?
Also - what else is known about him, like why is he dead?

Thanks -- Mark

He's from the Planescape material. The Lady of Pain killed him because on of her dabus started to worship him, plus she didn't want a deity of portals to have any power in her city.

Mark, if you have a copy of On Hallowed Ground, you can learn a little more about both Aoskar, his relationship with Her Serenity... the Lady of Pain, and his connection with the City of Doors.

*whimper* I'd look that up myself, but since I'm going to be moving soon, my game stuff is all packed away and ready to be put in storage maņana...
The Sage Posted - 10 May 2007 : 00:55:03
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Markustay

EDIT: Just thought of another one - who the heck is Aosokar? I know he is the (dead) god of portals, but in what source did he appear?
Also - what else is known about him, like why is he dead?

Thanks -- Mark

He's from the Planescape material. The Lady of Pain killed him because on of her dabus started to worship him, plus she didn't want a deity of portals to have any power in her city.

Mark, if you have a copy of On Hallowed Ground, you can learn a little more about both Aoskar, his relationship with Her Serenity... the Lady of Pain, and his connection with the City of Doors.
Kuje Posted - 10 May 2007 : 00:02:19
Originally posted by Markustay

EDIT: Just thought of another one - who the heck is Aosokar? I know he is the (dead) god of portals, but in what source did he appear?
Also - what else is known about him, like why is he dead?

Thanks -- Mark

He's from the Planescape material. The Lady of Pain killed him because one of her dabus started to worship him, plus she didn't want a deity of portals to have any power in her city.
Faraer Posted - 10 May 2007 : 00:01:40
Oddly, yes, because 'genie' was derived both from '(d)jinni' (pl. '(d)jinn') and 'genius' by the English translators of the Arabian Nights, hence 'genii', roundabout.
Kentinal Posted - 09 May 2007 : 21:20:44

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