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 Sages of Realmslore
 Raash of Zhentil Keep

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maelstrom58 Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 23:48:48
There is a passing mention of him in Hall of Heroes, pp 32. Has there been any more mention of him in Realmslore?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 23:20:46
Originally posted by maelstrom58

Well, I perused through Ruins last night and haven't found anything that caught my eye; however, it was rather late and I might have missed something.
No, you didn't.

I looked for the reference I thought referenced Raash and it seems I was mistaken. It's about another lesser-known NPC in Zhentil Keep.
maelstrom58 Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 22:05:30
Another scribe has informed me that Cyric sent the flight there; I stand corrected. Hmph, I really dislike Cyric.
maelstrom58 Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 22:02:57
Well, I perused through Ruins last night and haven't found anything that caught my eye; however, it was rather late and I might have missed something.

At any rate, I would posit that Raash probably survived the destruction of Zhentil Keep as well as the flight of dragons that went over there in the Godswar (that is what happened, right? I have not read the Avatar series yet, though I plan to...sometime),because his wealth would have spared him from the worst of the destruction; although, perhaps the dragons flew there specifically to kill him. Hmmm, there might be something to that--considering his reputation--now that I think of it.
The Sage Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 00:37:55
I don't believe so.

I do recall noting a sentence somewhere in the Ruins of Zhentil Keep boxed set which I originally thought may have been a reference to Raash, though I don't think he was named specifically. Nor do I remember why that particular sentence made me think of him.

I'll have to check.
Faraer Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 00:27:04
I don't think so.

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