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 Sages of Realmslore
 The arch devils & Faerūn

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
boddynock Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 11:52:37
I'm wondering if the arch devils from the nine hells (asmodeus, belial, Moloch, ...) have/had worshippers in the Forgotten Realms too. And which of those foul overlords have the most "popularity"?

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
boddynock Posted - 24 Apr 2007 : 14:24:02
ok thank you very much. It can take a few weeks before I can start with reading 'cause I have a lot of work to do first :-).

But I'm looking forwarts to start with it :)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 23 Apr 2007 : 22:30:18
Originally posted by boddynock

And I have hold my word. I got my own exemplar of Depths of madness now :p

Not sure it will answer all your questions, but hey, I hope you enjoy!

Any feedback you may have would be quite welcome, and I would love to answer questions you have about the book (perhaps over in the book club).

boddynock Posted - 23 Apr 2007 : 19:32:16
And I have hold my word. I got my own exemplar of Depths of madness now :p
Paj Posted - 02 Apr 2007 : 13:35:22
Theres some info about Geryons current whereabouts and why Asmodeus betrayed him in 'Tome of Magic'.
boddynock Posted - 29 Mar 2007 : 16:43:36
thanks for the information. I never found out why Asmodeus betrayed his only loyal servant, but hey .. he's the master of deception :-)
Shemmy Posted - 28 Mar 2007 : 22:34:15
Originally posted by boddynock

Another question of me is if someone knows what happened with Moloch & Geryon after the big war in hell? In a second edition adventure called a paladin in hell, geryon was summoned by asmodeus but that's all I know.

Question 2: Is there a D&D book where you can find the stats of azazel (tana'rri). I just know he is mentioned in Fiendish codex I

Moloch is currently in exile on the layer of Avernus, with little to no political power within the heirarchy of Baator. But he's in a much better situation than Geryon who is as dead as dead can be. Initially after the events of The Reckoning in Baator (which are not recent events in-game), Geryon was just stripped of power, but ultimately he was killed and devoured by Asmodeus.

And there are no stats of Azazel, and no information on him outside of the FC:I (and IIRC his name is listed somewhat randomly in the 1e MM2 along with a laundry list of archfiends that were never detailed till later editions if at all).
boddynock Posted - 23 Mar 2007 : 16:21:08
Another question of me is if someone knows what happened with Moloch & Geryon after the big war in hell? In a second edition adventure called a paladin in hell, geryon was summoned by asmodeus but that's all I know.

Question 2: Is there a D&D book where you can find the stats of azazel (tana'rri). I just know he is mentioned in Fiendish codex I
Victor_ograygor Posted - 23 Mar 2007 : 09:21:29
Are we thinking of a new lord in Waterdeep ?
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 23:45:40
Originally posted by boddynock

and about "Depths of Madness", I just made contact with my local shop to put an exemplare aside for me

I hope you enjoy!

Kuje Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 23:41:04
Originally posted by The Sage

What's always scared me though, is what Ed, Eric or Steven can *do* with a SANE Halaster!

I agree! I think I've said that on and off myself over the years. :)

The Sage Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 23:18:44
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

What happened to Halaster Blackcloak? Is he still Al: CE after Mystra removed the insanity from him?

Ed has discussed Halaster and the events that took place after that novel. It's in his replies... probably from 2004 and 2005 more then 2006 and 2007.

We know Halaster can slip back into his periods of insanity every now and then... but it's nothing compared to what he experienced before the purging of the influence from Shar.

What's always scared me though, is what Ed, Eric or Steven can *do* with a SANE Halaster!
KnightErrantJR Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 22:55:33
Or it could be why he Levistus is still alive and in charge of a Realm instead of some other, loyal, archdevils. Then again, I wouldn't picture his "madness" being very debilitating one way or the other. I just don't think a mortal's madness, even a mortal as powerful as Halaster, would make much of a dent in the Lord of the Nine.
boddynock Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 22:41:37
MMM, I'm not convicted that Mystra was able to make Asmodeus permanently insane. Maybe for a short time, but I'm sure the lord of the nine could foresee and calculate the power of mystra. He wouldn't take too much risk if he wasn't sure he could handle it. But that's my humble opinion [:). Maybe the whole thing can be a new master plan of Asmodeus himself to let Mephistoteles maka a move to make a coup. By doing this he would have to face Glasya. (or a test to see Glasya's loyalty etc....

and about "Depths of Madness", I just made contact with my local shop to put an exemplare aside for me
Kuje Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 21:31:50
Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

What happened to Halaster Blackcloak? Is he still Al: CE after Mystra removed the insanity from him?

Ed has discussed Halaster and the events that took place after that novel. It's in his replies... probably from 2004 and 2005 more then 2006 and 2007.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 18:56:42
Asmodeus's "madness" might have precipitated the Reckoning.

I rather think Wizards left that open for individual DMs to handle. Like this campaign hook: "Asmodeus was weakened by his battle with Mystra -- now's the chance for valiant heroes to defeat him!"

khorne Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 18:52:00
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by khorne

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.

Is there any mention anywhere of what happened in the Hells after that? Mystra did make Asmodeus insane, after all, and I wonder what the big A did to Hell before his head cleared(if it has cleared).

Nope, notta. Another one of those plots that haven't been followed up on. :(

Maybe he was always insane, and this newest enchantment was just icing.


Perhaps, but there still should have been some sort of hoo-haa going on in Hell after this. Asmodeus has many enemies in the Hells, most notably Mephistopheles, and wouldn't they, being devils(and thus masters of intrigues and plots) quickly seize the chance,any chance, to strike at the Lord of the Ninth after he became noticeably less lucid. Devils are able to spot the smallest of weaknesses, after all.

Or at least, that's my opinion.
ShadezofDis Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 16:22:17
Originally posted by khorne

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.

Is there any mention anywhere of what happened in the Hells after that? Mystra did make Asmodeus insane, after all, and I wonder what the big A did to Hell before his head cleared(if it has cleared).

Ummm. . . Well, Halaster's Sharian influenced insanity really isn't even a pebble in the pond of big A.

IMO the Arch-Devils, big A in particular, are of a level with gods (I even rule them as more powerful, as big A is a part of the multiverse, where Mystra is FR specific, though inside of FR Mystra trumps big A)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 16:17:34
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by khorne

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.

Is there any mention anywhere of what happened in the Hells after that? Mystra did make Asmodeus insane, after all, and I wonder what the big A did to Hell before his head cleared(if it has cleared).

Nope, notta. Another one of those plots that haven't been followed up on. :(

Maybe he was always insane, and this newest enchantment was just icing.

Victor_ograygor Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 15:38:43
What happened to Halaster Blackcloak? Is he still Al: CE after Mystra removed the insanity from him?
Kuje Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 15:19:12
Originally posted by khorne

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.

Is there any mention anywhere of what happened in the Hells after that? Mystra did make Asmodeus insane, after all, and I wonder what the big A did to Hell before his head cleared(if it has cleared).

Nope, notta. Another one of those plots that haven't been followed up on. :(
khorne Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 12:48:36
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.

Is there any mention anywhere of what happened in the Hells after that? Mystra did make Asmodeus insane, after all, and I wonder what the big A did to Hell before his head cleared(if it has cleared).
Mournblade Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 23:27:50
I have to say:

The Fiendish COdex II was one of the most riveting rulebooks I read in a while. I have always included the Archdevils in my FR campaign.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 16:47:31
Originally posted by boddynock

And Eric, A diciple of Asmodeus in your novel sounds really cool. I'm sure I will buy it. (don't know if the novel is out in Belgium yet) But I will check it

Awesome -- I appreciate the vote of confidence.

Originally posted by jespin

Also isnt one of the character in the Everis Cale novels the son of a biggie Devil, can't wait to read the rest of those novels.

That would be Magadon, the son of Mephistophiles.

Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by ShadezofDis

Heh, nope, pretty blatent. He doesn't show up "physically" but he "speaks" to the Simbul (I think it was the Simbul anyhow *g*)

And she tosses a spell or two at him. :) It's hard to miss that he was in that book....

As I recall, Mystra herself also wove enchantments at him, or perhaps was simply "almost" going to face him.

I remember this because a friend of mine, reading about the same time I did, who is something of an Asmodeus fan (running campaigns against the lord of hell back in 1e), was ranting about that scene, saying "how could her magic even affect him, when he's in Hell. HIS Hell! I mean, only if he *let* her affect him."

Quoth I: "Dude -- she's a greater goddess."

Spake he: "Damn!"

No lie.

Kuje Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 15:20:09
Originally posted by ShadezofDis

Heh, nope, pretty blatent. He doesn't show up "physically" but he "speaks" to the Simbul (I think it was the Simbul anyhow *g*)

And she tosses a spell or two at him. :) It's hard to miss that he was in that book....
ShadezofDis Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 15:07:44
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Now, I do NOT remember that!
Was it one of those read between the lines moments?

Heh, nope, pretty blatent. He doesn't show up "physically" but he "speaks" to the Simbul (I think it was the Simbul anyhow *g*)
EytanBernstein Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 11:16:47
Glasya is also active in the same article Erik mentioned.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 06:58:02
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.

Now, I do NOT remember that!
Was it one of those read between the lines moments?
jespin Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 01:44:19
I think I saw that Glasya is mentioned to be active in Ravensbluff in one of the feinds source books. Also isnt one of the character in the Everis Cale novels the son of a biggie Devil, can't wait to read the rest of those novels.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 21 Mar 2007 : 01:35:00
Well, Asmodeus did show up in Elminster in Hell a few years ago.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 23:37:50
Originally posted by boddynock

thanks for the information

And Eric, A diciple of Asmodeus in your novel sounds really cool. I'm sure I will buy it. (don't know if the novel is out in Belgium yet) But I will check it

He meant Erik...

Nitpicking aside, I find the inclusion of Asmodeus and al. a very good 'move' for the Realms... (i.e. for completely selfish reasons of course --> see my COSMOS UNIFYING THEORY HERE... )

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