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 Sages of Realmslore
 Elven Realms of Fearie

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Senbar Flay Posted - 01 Jan 2005 : 20:05:41
Hello I have read the grand timeline of the relams and it mentioned Tintageer wich sparked my memory. I was told it was an elven kingdom on Faerie but I was wondering if ther were any other elven kingdoms in it's tim and if there are any online sources that have info on it.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 19 Feb 2020 : 16:31:51
Mr. Schend,

I thank you greatly good sir. No problem with plugging a product from my end.

Thank you for that!

Best regards,

Originally posted by Steven Schend

For those interested in another take/option on Faerie, there is a D20 option from Bastion Press y'all might want to take a look at.....

Bryon Wischstadt, long-time Realms fanatic and all-around good guy, wrote this guide to Faerie (both the realm/plane and inhabitants) and yours truly edited it alongside him. As both of us (and Jim Butler, Bastion's president, CEO, and chief cook and bottle washer) all have a deep and abiding love for the Realms, there's nothing in there that wouldn't work in terms of using Faerie as a source for ancient elves (or other more modern threats). It's a mix of old folklore and modern conceptions of Faerie and even stats up Old Man Winter, Father Time, and Father Christmas if you want such.

Who apologizes profusely for plugging a product but it seems relevant to the discussion at hand

cpthero2 Posted - 19 Feb 2020 : 16:29:26
Senior Scribe Melfius,

And that is how you get rid of a

I'd love that source if you ever managed to find it!

Best regards,

Originally posted by Melfius

You know, I honestly can't remember where I read that at. It was a LONG time ago, and it just sort of stuck in my brain.

It is a seperate Plane, with a wildly varied timespan. I think it's around 1 minute there is like a year here.

I also think it's where Rip Van Winkle disappeared to, hence his long absence.

cpthero2 Posted - 19 Feb 2020 : 16:26:56
Senior Scribe Melfius,

It kind of makes you wonder...

Could they turn back time (no, not channeling Cher, really)? What if Elves retreated back there?

That is kind of crazy to think about.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Melfius

The Realm of Faerie is a parallel world that (as the books put it) "exists for only one, long day."

Basically, it is the homeworld for all elves and fey creatures, where (again, according to my sources) it is currently mid-afternoon, telling us that it has passed the halfway point in it's long day and is currently in decline. This is why all these races are coming into the world, preparing for the eventual (in the next few millennia or so) demise of Faerie.

The Sage Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 05:24:11
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Let's cut the Sage some slack. He's a new daddy, so the lack of sleep has obviously put some brain cells on power-saver mode.

That's true. But it's still PS... I just should never have forgotten .

But anyway, enough of this. Let us get back to the Realmslore .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 03:52:43
Let's cut the Sage some slack. He's a new daddy, so the lack of sleep has obviously put some brain cells on power-saver mode.
The Sage Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 03:33:00
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by The Sage
That's the one.

I can't believe I missed that ONE ...

I know! I had to stop and stare for a moment and ask myself, "What? He forgot?! OH MY GODS! I'm boggled and my world now went aschew because of that!"

That's alright. The other day I actually forgot the names of most of the more prominent 'loths currently at work in the multiverse. When asked to provide a short listing, I actually had to look most of them up ...
Kuje Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 03:25:28
Originally posted by The Sage
That's the one.

I can't believe I missed that ONE ...

I know! I had to stop and stare for a moment and ask myself, "What? He forgot?! OH MY GODS! I'm boggled and my world now went aschew because of that!"
The Sage Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 03:21:47
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Vangelor

Well, the name Verenestra is unfamiliar to me, but the other two are from RL faerie lore.
Verenestra is the goddess of dryads, nymphs, and sylphs. She remains loyal to the Seelie Court.

Details on her can be gleaned from the 2e Monster Mythology tome. I'm sure there was another source on her, but I can't recall the tome's title at the moment.

On Hallowed Ground from Planescape has a bit in the back.

That's the one.

I can't believe I missed that ONE ...
Kuje Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 02:55:32
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Vangelor

Well, the name Verenestra is unfamiliar to me, but the other two are from RL faerie lore.
Verenestra is the goddess of dryads, nymphs, and sylphs. She remains loyal to the Seelie Court.

Details on her can be gleaned from the 2e Monster Mythology tome. I'm sure there was another source on her, but I can't recall the tome's title at the moment.

On Hallowed Ground from Planescape has a bit in the back.
The Sage Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 02:52:23
Originally posted by Vangelor

Well, the name Verenestra is unfamiliar to me, but the other two are from RL faerie lore.
Verenestra is the goddess of dryads, nymphs, and sylphs. She remains loyal to the Seelie Court.

Details on her can be gleaned from the 2e Monster Mythology tome. I'm sure there was another source on her, but I can't recall the tome's title at the moment.
Vangelor Posted - 28 Jun 2005 : 01:43:00
Originally posted by Gray Richardson

I didn't think you would be able to use any of the D&D faerie gods from Monster Mythology, but I saw some old familiar names in there: Queen Titania, Queen of Air & Darkness, Verenestra. They have lost their godly status though, now just high-level fey NPC's but that is not really a drawback for me.

Well, the name Verenestra is unfamiliar to me, but the other two are from RL faerie lore.

As far as divine status goes, the longer and closer one studies what people do believe and have believed about fairies (bless Them), the blurrier the line gets between what is a god, a fairy or a ghost. Father Time is a great example! Cronos, banished with the Golden Age, to become Chronos and sleep through the dull march of Time...

Or Pan, who plainly has fey traits, but is a god, and (by popular report toward the end of the Classical age) is "dead".

So put their stats where you like... Myself, I could never actually assign ~numbers~ to Them. What do they do when my players encounter them? Why, whatever I want!

The Sage Posted - 17 Jan 2005 : 07:54:06
Originally posted by George Krashos

My local gaming store stocks nothing at all from Bastion Press so I'd be interested to know where you track down a copy here, Sage.

-- George Krashos

Will do .

As it is, I'm waiting to hear back from Jedko, and a number of other stores across the country.
Gray Richardson Posted - 17 Jan 2005 : 07:35:03
Faeries by Bryon Wischstadt is still in print and is available for purchase directly from I did a quick web search and found it also available on such popular online stores as amazon and barnes&noble. You will doubtless find it available on countless other web stores.

Further reading on my part leads me to recommend this book even more highly.
George Krashos Posted - 17 Jan 2005 : 06:12:21
My local gaming store stocks nothing at all from Bastion Press so I'd be interested to know where you track down a copy here, Sage.

-- George Krashos
The Sage Posted - 17 Jan 2005 : 04:33:15
Originally posted by Steven Schend

For general reference, look closely and you'll see two homages/tips of the hat to Neil Gaiman's exemplary work with this sort of story/world.

Oooh... I'll keep an eye or three out for that. I absolutely love Gaiman's work, especially the "worlds" created through The Sandman storylines.

Thanks for the tip, Mr. Schend .

Just in case you didn't see my other post...

Faeries: D20 System
by Bryon Wischstadt (Designer), Steven Schend (Editor)
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Bastion Press (April, 2003)
ISBN: 1592630014
List Price is $27.95
I did, I just felt it was more appropriate to respond to it here. Thanks for the details, Sirius . It will make my task of tracking a copy of this tome down in Australia, that much easier.
Steven Schend Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 17:33:57
Originally posted by Gray Richardson

Steven, I went out and bought Faeries today based on your recommendation. So far it looks very neat. I like the two-page map of Faerie in the middle. I suppose you could put Tintageer among the ilsands off the Southeastern coast east of the Moors of Disrepair.

I didn't think you would be able to use any of the D&D faerie gods from Monster Mythology, but I saw some old familiar names in there: Queen Titania, Queen of Air & Darkness, Verenestra. They have lost their godly status though, now just high-level fey NPC's but that is not really a drawback for me.

Some of the history and geography looks very intriguing. I haven't had time to read much of it yet, but I am very delighted so far.

Thanks for drawing my attention to this book!

Glad you like it, Gray (and others). For general reference, look closely and you'll see two homages/tips of the hat to Neil Gaiman's exemplary work with this sort of story/world.

SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 16:47:08
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
I'm hoping to find a copy for a decent price on eBay... I know my FLGS doesn't have it...

Amazon and its marketplace vendors have some at decent prices.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 16:08:08
Originally posted by The Sage

I'd like to pick up a copy of this tome myself. Gray, can you tell me what it's actual title is, as well as who published it and the year of it's publication?

I'm hoping to find a copy for a decent price on eBay... I know my FLGS doesn't have it...
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 15:44:19
Originally posted by The Sage
I'd like to pick up a copy of this tome myself. Gray, can you tell me what it's actual title is, as well as who published it and the year of it's publication?

Just in case you didn't see my other post...

Faeries: D20 System
by Bryon Wischstadt (Designer), Steven Schend (Editor)
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Bastion Press (April, 2003)
ISBN: 1592630014
List Price is $27.95
The Sage Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 08:58:43
Originally posted by Gray Richardson

Steven, I went out and bought Faeries today based on your recommendation. So far it looks very neat. I like the two-page map of Faerie in the middle. I suppose you could put Tintageer among the ilsands off the Southeastern coast east of the Moors of Disrepair.

I didn't think you would be able to use any of the D&D faerie gods from Monster Mythology, but I saw some old familiar names in there: Queen Titania, Queen of Air & Darkness, Verenestra. They have lost their godly status though, now just high-level fey NPC's but that is not really a drawback for me.

Some of the history and geography looks very intriguing. I haven't had time to read much of it yet, but I am very delighted so far.

Thanks for drawing my attention to this book!

I'd like to pick up a copy of this tome myself. Gray, can you tell me what it's actual title is, as well as who published it and the year of it's publication?
Gray Richardson Posted - 10 Jan 2005 : 05:57:32
Steven, I went out and bought Faeries today based on your recommendation. So far it looks very neat. I like the two-page map of Faerie in the middle. I suppose you could put Tintageer among the ilsands off the Southeastern coast east of the Moors of Disrepair.

I didn't think you would be able to use any of the D&D faerie gods from Monster Mythology, but I saw some old familiar names in there: Queen Titania, Queen of Air & Darkness, Verenestra. They have lost their godly status though, now just high-level fey NPC's but that is not really a drawback for me.

Some of the history and geography looks very intriguing. I haven't had time to read much of it yet, but I am very delighted so far.

Thanks for drawing my attention to this book!
SiriusBlack Posted - 08 Jan 2005 : 15:22:28
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
I'm having a déjà vu experience, myself... I coulda sworn I just read this post!

No you aren't because these aren't the droids you're looking for...oh wait, wrong damn fiction world!
Lady Kazandra Posted - 08 Jan 2005 : 08:14:29
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

(Speaking of déjà vu, I noticed in my Expanded Psionics Handbook that the power by that name is in there twice! )

That would be about right . . . I thought mine was the only copy like that.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Jan 2005 : 00:20:06
Originally posted by kuje31

Originally posted by Steven Schend

For those interested in another take/option on Faerie, there is a D20 option from Bastion Press y'all might want to take a look at.....

Bryon Wischstadt, long-time Realms fanatic and all-around good guy, wrote this guide to Faerie (both the realm/plane and inhabitants) and yours truly edited it alongside him. As both of us (and Jim Butler, Bastion's president, CEO, and chief cook and bottle washer) all have a deep and abiding love for the Realms, there's nothing in there that wouldn't work in terms of using Faerie as a source for ancient elves (or other more modern threats). It's a mix of old folklore and modern conceptions of Faerie and even stats up Old Man Winter, Father Time, and Father Christmas if you want such.

Who apologizes profusely for plugging a product but it seems relevant to the discussion at hand

Is having deju vu experiences again. :) We just talked about this book, over on Candlekeep, about a week ago.

I'm having a déjà vu experience, myself... I coulda sworn I just read this post!

(Speaking of déjà vu, I noticed in my Expanded Psionics Handbook that the power by that name is in there twice! )

Since I heard about this book, I've been trying to lay hands on a copy of it... Knowing that the esteemed Sage Schend worked on it just makes me want it more.
Kuje Posted - 07 Jan 2005 : 21:23:31
Originally posted by Steven Schend

For those interested in another take/option on Faerie, there is a D20 option from Bastion Press y'all might want to take a look at.....

Bryon Wischstadt, long-time Realms fanatic and all-around good guy, wrote this guide to Faerie (both the realm/plane and inhabitants) and yours truly edited it alongside him. As both of us (and Jim Butler, Bastion's president, CEO, and chief cook and bottle washer) all have a deep and abiding love for the Realms, there's nothing in there that wouldn't work in terms of using Faerie as a source for ancient elves (or other more modern threats). It's a mix of old folklore and modern conceptions of Faerie and even stats up Old Man Winter, Father Time, and Father Christmas if you want such.

Who apologizes profusely for plugging a product but it seems relevant to the discussion at hand

Is having deju vu experiences again. :) We just talked about this book, over on Candlekeep, about a week ago.
Kuje Posted - 07 Jan 2005 : 21:19:11
Originally posted by Steven Schend

For those interested in another take/option on Faerie, there is a D20 option from Bastion Press y'all might want to take a look at.....

Bryon Wischstadt, long-time Realms fanatic and all-around good guy, wrote this guide to Faerie (both the realm/plane and inhabitants) and yours truly edited it alongside him. As both of us (and Jim Butler, Bastion's president, CEO, and chief cook and bottle washer) all have a deep and abiding love for the Realms, there's nothing in there that wouldn't work in terms of using Faerie as a source for ancient elves (or other more modern threats). It's a mix of old folklore and modern conceptions of Faerie and even stats up Old Man Winter, Father Time, and Father Christmas if you want such.

Who apologizes profusely for plugging a product but it seems relevant to the discussion at hand

Is having deju vu experiences again. :) We just talked about this book, over on Candlekeep, about a week ago.
Steven Schend Posted - 07 Jan 2005 : 19:48:32
For those interested in another take/option on Faerie, there is a D20 option from Bastion Press y'all might want to take a look at.....

Bryon Wischstadt, long-time Realms fanatic and all-around good guy, wrote this guide to Faerie (both the realm/plane and inhabitants) and yours truly edited it alongside him. As both of us (and Jim Butler, Bastion's president, CEO, and chief cook and bottle washer) all have a deep and abiding love for the Realms, there's nothing in there that wouldn't work in terms of using Faerie as a source for ancient elves (or other more modern threats). It's a mix of old folklore and modern conceptions of Faerie and even stats up Old Man Winter, Father Time, and Father Christmas if you want such.

Who apologizes profusely for plugging a product but it seems relevant to the discussion at hand
Gray Richardson Posted - 07 Jan 2005 : 09:19:36
The Plane of Faerie is detailed in the Manual of the Planes (near the back.) It depicts Faerie to be currently in an age of constant twilight.

Tintageer was an island nation in the plane of Faerie that was populated by sun & moon elves iirc. There was a great war with an unnamed enemy. The elves of Tintageer used powerful high magic to blast the invading ships back off the island.

But the spell was too powerful. The water surrounding the island was blasted far out to see with the invading ships. A huge wall of water came crashing back in on the island like a tsunami. Less than 50 Sun & Moon elves escaped through a hastily cast portal to Faerun during the time that dragons ruled Faerun.

Races of Faerun seems to indicate that Faerun was settled by waves of Elven pioneers, a lot more than 50. So Tintageer can't be the only elven city in Faerie that elves migrated from.
Senbar Flay Posted - 05 Jan 2005 : 23:23:21
Well thanks again and now I finally now it IS a plane so I can finally move on.
Melfius Posted - 05 Jan 2005 : 03:10:50
You know, I honestly can't remember where I read that at. It was a LONG time ago, and it just sort of stuck in my brain.

It is a seperate Plane, with a wildly varied timespan. I think it's around 1 minute there is like a year here.

I also think it's where Rip Van Winkle disappeared to, hence his long absence.

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