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 Sages of Realmslore
 waterdeeps "minor " imports/exports

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
realmslore2000 Posted - 29 Jul 2016 : 19:08:57
I've seen a list or two of the major imports and exports of Waterdeep but I'd like to know is what other "minor" imports/exports go into and out of Waterdeep are or would be to other cities/nations like woven rugs, weavings, pottery, books, etc.
If the list gets big enough I'll put it into my netbook of Waterdeep I'm working on.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hoondatha Posted - 29 Jul 2016 : 22:47:10
The answer is "everything."

Waterdeep is the biggest, most important port on the Sea of Swords. It has land trade routes connecting it with the northern interior. It would also be a re-supply port for ships from Luskan and Neverwinter heading south, and southern ships heading north. It has a colony in Maztica, if your timeline is advanced that far. It's the primary port for spelljammers landing in the Sea of Swords.

Put it all together, and if it can be moved by sea or land or air, it will be found in Waterdeep. Not everything all the time, of course. A spelljammer or a ship from the Shining South or Maztica or Zakhara would be rare, but it would be Waterdeep that they're heading towards.

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