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 Sages of Realmslore
 The Far Realm and Faerun

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Sage Posted - 16 Sep 2003 : 10:18:42
This is a thread that I have created in order to carry on the discussion Cardinal Deimos, Arivia, and I started in the How many other planes connect to the Realms scroll.

Here's a recap of what I was looking for -
Basically, what I am looking for is a way (and within reason) to establish portal connections between Faerun and the Far Realm. I believe that the stone keep Xaxox may be of some use in this.


30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 28 Sep 2018 : 15:09:10
Master Sage,

It is quite serendipitous that you mentioned a living portal, since a Living Gate came about later in Untold Adventures that connected Faerun to the Far Realm from within a destroyed underdark city called Cendriane. A place that sits between the Fey Wild and Faerun, simultaneously. Makes a bit of sense.......or maybe not?

Best regards,

Originally posted by The Sage would help if I actually posted what I had wanted to talk about.

Remember this is only an quick idea whipped up between the debugging of two very large databases. Accuracy and D&D mechanic issues will no doubt be violated in this.

Most of this material is based on Daruth Winterwood, and several other fan-created topics created for the PS setting. I will be posting a more in depth discussion of this when I have more time.

- conducts early experiments into the nature of the Far Realms
- manages to open a small temporary portal to the Far Realms, visits the plane for several hours
- before leaving, Winterwood manages to obtain a small sample of a recently dead PSN creature
- returns to faerun, studys the makeup of the sample he obtained
- discovers the basics of the secrets of the chaotic power that runs through the Far Realms
- learns about the effects this power has on creatures from other planes...the absolutely chaotic 'anything is possible/complete and utter insanity' nature of the Far Realms
- first formulate plan to create a permanent portal between the two realms
- after harnessing a small portion of the slowly decaying essence of the chaotic nature of the sample, Winterwood secures the energy into a specially-crafted spell-vial
- tests and studys the effects the application of the essence has on test animals
- test animals become 'tainted' by the power of the Far Realms
- combines the essence of the 'taint' with a modified portal spell
* the gap here indicates the necessity for more information between these two periods
- plans eventual return to faerun, and the formation of a permanent link between Faerun and the Realms
- at the height of the Crown Wars, the portal to the Far Realm is opened
- before entering, Winterwood summons forth a pseudonatural creature
- creature, upon entering Faerun assumes the form of a vampire
- Winterwood takes the creature to his laboratory where he performs a number of 'magical modifications' upon the creature
- creature is 'tainted' with the result of Winterwood's experiment
- informs the creature that the next time he contacts him, from the Far Realm, the creature is to go out and target a powerful wizard, for use as an experiment
- time passes, no message from Winterwood is sent
- the effects of the Far Realms slowly begin to erode Winterwood's mind
- on a whim, Winterwood remembers his reason for originally summoning the PSN creature. Sends message to the creature on Faerun
- creature spends many months traveling Faerun in order to search for the 'perfect' target
- creature finds his target, informs Winterwood
- Winterwood tells the creature to attack the mage, and be sure to bite him, as that will begin the 'experiment'
- the creature dies shortly after the attack, having delievered the 'taint' he was carrying, to his victim
- victim at first recovers from the attack, noticing only minor effects from the 'vampire's' bite
- months pass, and the victim begins to notice physical changes to his body, and his mind becomes 'cloudly'
- victim's essence is changed, to conform to the chaotic and maddening powers of the Far Realms
- victim is transformed into a living portal to the Far Realms

The Sage Posted - 29 Dec 2003 : 13:08:21
The Nightmare Lands of Ravenloft, was something I 'borrowed' and incorporated into my FR 'The Moonshaes' campaign.

In very brief terms, the Nightmare Lands (in Ravenloft) were a unique domain were sentient beings are drawn from their bodies into a land of shadow and mist, lorded over by an enigmatic being called the Nightmare Man. It is a realm of psychological fear, where beings face their worst nightmares in a surrealistic terrain.

In the Realms, it was a 'Dreamscape' used by the Nightmare Lords, in an attempt to invade the Moonshaes. They hoped to escape their prison on the Ethereal Plane, and merge with the minds of sentient beings in the Realms.

There's more, but I'm afraid this will have to be continued in an ethereal mail discussion.

The Cardinal Posted - 28 Dec 2003 : 22:33:17
Please Explain these nightmare lands. I have only read the book " I, Strahd" and that was awhile ago. I have no other.. well actually I have NO information of the RL series or workings. Rather tragic but it cannot be helped so, any information on this as well could prove... prosperous...
The Sage Posted - 25 Dec 2003 : 14:31:31
Hmm...very interesting Cardinal. And you chose a good Dragon issue for information, especially when it also contains those nice PS Faction PrC's.

I like this new and sort-of 'improved' version, and I may just develop the idea a little more and run it in my next few FR games (since the group has decided to take a two week break).

But, when it has comes to using the Land of Dreams in my FR campaign, and it's associated Dreamscapes, I've always used my own derivative of RL's Nightmare Lands.

Anyway, I'll post a few alterations and add-ons to your idea next week sometime.

The Cardinal Posted - 25 Dec 2003 : 01:24:11
Ok, Recently I was.. well dreaming. And in a waking moment of insane Genius, I remembered several things at once. First, that there is a theorectical connection between the Far Realms and the Realm of Dreams. (Dreams could infact be a barrier between Far Realms and Faerun). I recalled a Dragon article that spoke of there being Gods of this Dream Realms...Here it is Dragon#287. The three Gods of Dream of Note are Hypnatia (Greater Goddess) the LN Ruler/over Deity of the Dreamscape and mother to some thousands, all which cater to dreams large and small. the only Two of note are Phobetor (Lesser) CE Bringer of Nightmares, and Phantasia (Lesser)CG the Queen Muse, siblings to one another and both greater Children of Hypnatia. My own thoughts ran along the line of Phobetor, the Lord of Nightmares. As a god of Terror, I would assume he loves his work, however, he would be trapped, within the Dream-realms.

That would be annoying. Your in the middle of tormenting some fool then Poof!, they wake up and you less than satisfied... Kinda like being distracted from a good book (or game session). My thought's ran along the Lines of Him going from dream deity to physical deity. Or at least wanting to. Easiest way to do that is take from what is known. Even Deities Slumber.. (not willingly but look at Uliutu {?}).

So figure out a way to force to sleep/kidnap a deity (if Archdevils and Demonprinces can do it why not a deity?)... Now prayers to said deity would filter to the Dreamscape, while said Deity may not know they slumber (when does a Deity naturally dream? Never) said prayers could be a gate way for an interloper Deity to sneak in some of his minions. Of course, said deity would have to be a original deity like Sune, rather than a made one like Cyric, Kelemvor or Midnight, since mortals can recognize dreams sometimes.

I would think that a good race/minion race would be Gremlins simply because: 1) they cause terror with their anitcs., 2) they're not a stupid as goblins (who already have their own various deities), 3) like a bad dream, sunlight tends to make them go Poof!.. Besides, they are like a bad dream when it comes to Gond and Oghma worshipers...

Anyways, He could keep the Deity in a state of confusion in the Dreamscape while he wreaks havoc on the waking world... as well as the worshipers of Sune... (I picked Sune just cause she's so bloody vain and is a worthless goddess). Anyawys, this is just a rough outline. What does it have to do with the Far Realms... Do you not think that a Dream Deity escaping to the waking world may bring the influence of the Far Realms that much closer to reality... Think of a pulling effect. A dream god can't totally escape the Dream realm (where his power lies) however his avatar, while drawing on the stuff of dream pulls the barriers closer to reality...

Reality--------------------------Dream-------------------Far Realm

Reality--------------------------Dream-------------------Far Realm

See? ( You have no Idea how long it took me to get that bloody Idea there) Well like I said rought stages.... much more already mapped but got some last min wraping to do....
The Sage Posted - 18 Nov 2003 : 08:31:18
Yes, it was the first adventure designed especially for use with the new rules (back in AD&D 2e) presented in the three Player's Option books: Combat & Tactics, Skills & Powers, and Spells & Magic.

I also believe there is a NWN module of this classic adventure as well.

Ghost Posted - 17 Nov 2003 : 19:08:43
The Far Realms also features in the 2nd ed. module 'The Gates of Firestorm Peak', by Bruce Cordell.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 04 Oct 2003 : 03:15:18
Hey,Not like that!!!!!
The Sage Posted - 04 Oct 2003 : 02:20:31
Oh...gees! .

William of Waterdeep Posted - 01 Oct 2003 : 23:37:20
Thanks Sage and I have missed you being here.
The Sage Posted - 01 Oct 2003 : 05:21:38
WOW many replies to comment on. I guess I should have known better that my LotR LARP would infringe on my time here at Candlekeep.

Anyway -

William of Waterdeep said -
Sage,is that MoTP 3e?
Yes it is. I guess I should state which edition of the manual I am referring to, sorry about the confusion.

William also said -
What do I need next?I am thinking of downloading anything that I can
from SVgames.What do you think of the downloads as compared to the
books themselves.I like the ones for FR,but haven't used them for PS.
The listing I provided in the other thread (remember that one ) is a listing of the 'essential' PS products. I think I did mention that there were other 'lesser essential' tomes, so I'll compose a listing of them tonight when I get home (and have the materials in front of me, since I am hopeless when it comes to remembering names sometimes) and either post it here or email it out to you.

As for download PDF comparisons, with hardcopy products, I would say that I don't have a particular preference. Sometimes the 'hardcopies' are good when referencing particular points, or in gaming sessions (since I have a continuous PS 2e campaign running [still] from 1999). The PDF products are also good for referencing, and also for easy portability to different places, for example the Planewalker's Handbook is a regular desktop item on my workstation at work. When I get some free time, I refer to it to work on some PS material that I may be composing for an upcoming campaign or whatever.

And finally William stated -
Oh,Sage,I left out a manual that I had.Its an important one too!
I may get more soon but thats all I have for now.
(6)the Planewalkers Handbook
That it is. One of my more favorite PS tomes, it ties everything nicely together.

That's it for now...Oh...and William, I'll see about that listing.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 30 Sep 2003 : 15:45:38
Oh,Sage,I left out a manual that I had.Its an important one too!
I may get more soon but thats all I have for now.
(6)the Planewalkers Handbook
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 06:03:18
Okay,I know about shipping costs...Sheesh,get a 1 dollar item and cost
5 dollars or more to ship.
Arivia Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 05:58:45
I'd love more books, except for the shipping costs. Don't worry about it.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 05:57:15
Originally posted by Arivia

Can't help you there, as I'm looking for FR and Planescape essentials myself.

Thanks Arivia,I understand.Anything in particular that you are looking for in PS,I ended up with two of some.
Arivia Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 05:47:34
Can't help you there, as I'm looking for FR and Planescape essentials myself.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 05:44:48
Originally posted by Arivia

If you're not planning to play 3e, don't buy the 3e Manual of the Planes. It won't really add anything to what you know, will confuse you, and will be generally useless. If you are planning to play 3e, then it will be a resource for monsters, spells and other game mechanics. You'll still find yourself referencing the 2e supplements for most of your information, however.

Thanks for the advice,sounds like good advice at that!!! Your an
experienced DM too ,I know.
I still was hoping for a list of the essentials that I should try to get.
Arivia Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 05:31:07
If you're not planning to play 3e, don't buy the 3e Manual of the Planes. It won't really add anything to what you know, will confuse you, and will be generally useless. If you are planning to play 3e, then it will be a resource for monsters, spells and other game mechanics. You'll still find yourself referencing the 2e supplements for most of your information, however.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Sep 2003 : 05:14:17
Sage,is that MoTP 3e? I've gotten a few more resources now.
I know I need more and all I have is 2e.This is what I have.
(1)PSCs2e,w/monstrous supp.,sigil&beyond,both DM & player GttP,maps.
(2)A players Primer the outlands.
(3)On hallowed Ground.
(4)Well of Worlds.
(5)PoL Mechanus
{These are all books and manuals,no pdf.}

What do I need next?I am thinking of downloading anything that I can
from SVgames.What do you think of the downloads as compared to the
books themselves.I like the ones for FR,but haven't used them for PS.
The Cardinal Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 09:44:27
Yes, sage I believe that Creature is the veritable embodiment of the far realms and could some see that creature then I'm sure other would be as driven as we. I'm working totally out of my mind and manual of the PLanes. I had Tome and Blood ( I belive that was the Wizards 3e book) but some one stole it OH well though such is life. Anyways, let me know what you've come up with for the gap when you have it done and have a moment. Also ( on a vain little side note), Sage you should check out the Grounds of Candlekeep. You'd bearly recognize them. I've planted a rather beautiful garden and am currently useing some... errr... friends to construct a shrine to a deity of magic that is currently lacking in the keep. I can't wait till I'm done though.... umm when you actually get that 'living portal' spell done could you put it up for sale in your magic shop? I could use it for... errr... something... I'll even show you how to make a very special dagger I've been working on for sometime... ... 'Trust me...'
The Sage Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 16:24:58
Okay, time for some new journal entries -

Daruth, Day Forty, year 114.

The eye appeared in the area near the figures. I set up some defenses, but I don't know if it will help. It is even more horrifying in real.

Daruth, Day Forty-Two, year 114.

The eye ignores all of my defenses, and started to leech the figure that represents the future. I predict I have days. Maybe.

The Sage Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 16:21:51
There is some interesting material there Cardinal. I am going to work with your idea about the Crown Wars, since it works well. Also I may have the material for the gap in the outline ready soon, so we will see what comes from that.

Anyway, I have spent the past few hours thinking about some of the creatures that inhabit the Far Realms. From the description in MotP, there isn't much to go on, unless you use the Psuedonatural template. What I am really hoping to craft is a few creatures (maybe one or two) that personify the Far Realms itself. The illustration given for a creature in the Far Realms is where I am working from.

I have a few draft ideas here, but nothing in posting form yet. I'll see how time goes tonight in order to work on them.

The Cardinal Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 12:33:02
Of COurse!!! how foolish of us ( and rather ignorant of myself for not doing more research on the timetime further). I knew what the crown Wars were but remained blindly focused on our task at hand rather than how to use the past Crown Wars as not only a foundation but as a formulae! Around -11000 and -10000 is what I would assume is the height of the Crown Wars and then the end of them. -10450 is the time the Ilythiir's ( Ancient Drow) blatent used of Evil Deity powers. But move back 50 years further and you discover ( Surprise, surprise) The Dark Disaster, the Destruction of the elven Kingdom of Miyeritar, and the formation of the High Moor. Now then, I will move, if I may, the height of the Crown Wars sometime before the gap in your timeline. Since we are dealing with powerful magic ( most likely High Elven magic as well) I will assume that Daruth is a High member of Miyeritar ( an advisor or something so that he could carry out his work without bothersome distraction). So when the Crown Wars hit Miyeritar, Daruth's need to enter/complete his experiments in the Far Realms become more desprate/more of a need ( the term I am looking for eludes me right now). As the Wars crest into Miyeritar, he seeks aid from the Far Realms, he attempts to force a premature a portal open. The Result is the Dark Disaster, the Creation of the High Moor, and Daruth's unintentional exhile in the Far Realms, thus the lack of contact from the Test Portal Creature and Daruth. Bada Bing! And the Crowd goes wild! * HUURRRAAAAHHHH!!!!* Thank you, thank you.
The Cardinal Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 12:06:33
Great work so far Sage!
If anyone could pull this off it's you. I'm still hung up on what could be used as filler so I'm going to read over our notes again to see if there's anything I missed. Several other beasts are flitting through my mind but I'll try to stay focused. Anyways looking over notes now, reply in a bit if I have a moment of clarity.
The Sage Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 06:41:32
Daruth, Day Thirty, year 114.

I have discovered that I don't need much sleep lately, which is good. I've been having troubling nightmares lately. My research is going well, I have improved myself on many fronts. I have discovered that I can even transport knowledge directly from books, via special reading devices, into the mind figure. I have read half my library in less than a month, a feat that would take me years. Only side effect is that it leaves me a bit dizzy. I'll have to work on that.

Daruth, Day Thirty-Third, year 114.

I didn't sleep at all tonight. That eye was watching me intensely every time I closed my eyes.

The Sage Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 06:39:32
I am going to be putting together a number of 'journal' entries, penned directly by Daruth himself. They will deal with his experiences during the first few of his vists to the Far Realms, which would work well with the outline I posted earlier.

Daruth, Day Eighteen, year 113

I visited the plane again; this time armed with a number of divination spells. I was determined to learn more. This time, I saw another figure - it was directly behind me. I could only glimpse it from the corner of my eye, because every time I tried to turn, everything would turn with me. The figure seemed to decompose all the time.

I started to cast spells, and I wish I had more time. When I returned back to the lab, I knew more about those figures - they represented me! Each was an abstract aspect of me. One represented my material body, the other was my intellect and/or mind, four of them represented my ties with concepts of good, evil, law, and chaos. The last two were my past and future. As if all of the planes of existence met at this point. Or was it because it was out of existance?

I set off to research some spells to experiment some more on those figures.

Arivia Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 01:53:37
Manual of the Planes: Original writeup of the Far Realms for 3.0, pseudonatural creature template 1*
Tome and Blood: Alienist prestige class, pseudonatural creature template 1*
Epic Level Handbook: Uvuudaum, Pseudonatural creature template 2*
Fiend Folio: Kaorti, Skybleeder
*There are two different versions of the pseudonatural creature template. It isn't just different errata or spellings, but the two are distinctly individual templates, each of which does different things to the creature it enhances.
Cyric Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 23:01:47
I have never heard abut any of these thingd wich books do you find these things ?????
Arivia Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 18:16:09
The kaorti are humanoids native to the Far Realms. They're from the Fiend Folio, which also presents some supplementary information on them.
The Cardinal Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 17:41:18
Hey, NP sage, umm what exactly are the Kaorti? I have yet to hear of them.. ....
* gets up on soapbox*
* Get's down*
Thank you

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