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 Sages of Realmslore
 Dogs in the realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fillow Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 20:46:00
Are there "canon" races of the realms ?
Does it exist official source about dogs in the realms ?

We just can read about these races :
the moorhound - one of the savage hunting dogs bred exclusively on the Moonshae Islands (Darkwalker On Moonshae).
The Mastiff - another great pet which can be found in many areas of the Realms.
Terriers are dexcribed in Port of Ravens Bluff.
The Kupuk, or walrus dog is described in The great Glacier.
So are three varieties of sled dogs : heteff, okteff, mukteff

Snake-dog from Chult and Frenzy dog from Chondalwood are not pure canine races so they wont have a place here. But you can find their description in these articles :
in the Candlekeep website : here,
or in the Wizards website : here

There is an article in Candlekeep website about Dogs in the realms. Itdeals with few peticular races of pets within realms : as Ahrnhand, Daeraman, Darovoi, Femmari,... here :
But these races are totally uncanon.

I'll be back to give more informations about those races and about other ones.

Thanks a lot from a French musher !
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fillow Posted - 20 Sep 2008 : 07:03:19
Thanks Red One.
I'll have a look at it.
The Red Walker Posted - 19 Sep 2008 : 21:21:47
There are plenty of Mutts, with one featured In Crypt of the Moaning Diamond by the lovely and talented Rosemary Jones!
Fillow Posted - 19 Sep 2008 : 21:08:41
I remade the original post.
But I still need informations.

Any news about cooshees, some dogs which are described in the MMII and climbdogs.
I'm on the track.

Read you soon.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 14:21:51
Originally posted by Xysma

Originally posted by The Sage

Aye. 'Twas the article stored here at Candlekeep and referenced earlier in this scroll.

So it was, I guess I should've actually followed the second link .

Along with this, I wonder if there are dog shows for the nobles of Waterdeep or Sembia...
Xysma Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 05:20:35
Originally posted by The Sage

Aye. 'Twas the article stored here at Candlekeep and referenced earlier in this scroll.

So it was, I guess I should've actually followed the second link .
The Sage Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 04:40:38
Aye. 'Twas the article stored here at Candlekeep and referenced earlier in this scroll.
Xysma Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 04:26:59
I just happened across an old article on WotC entiled Dogs in the Forgoten Realms. It details snake dogs of Chult and frenzy dogs of the Chondalwood.
Xysma Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 03:47:32
The climbdog from Arms and Equipment Guide, while not officially referenced in the Realms, is a good fit for the Ghostwise halflings.
Caedwyr Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 20:29:09
I think cooshees are one of the ones I haven't gotten to yet. You might also find them under 'Elven dogs'.

Also, I was looking at some 2nd Edition Planescape material the other night, and saw mention of the various animal lords of the beastlands. It had something on the dog lord (among others) that gave the current state of dogs under his purview. I'll try to post something more solid later when I can look at my books.

Edit: Nope, nothing in Kings of the Wild, which turns out to be a unofficial work that heavily references official works.
IronAngel Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 19:14:13
What of cooshees? I haven't seen references in any Realms sources, but I haven't really read that much anyway. The Elves of Evermeet mentions the Complete Book of Elves as a valuable source to use with TEoE, but there's no specific mention of the animal.
Caedwyr Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 18:42:52
Digging through my 2nd edition monster manual, I have entries for the following types of dogs, not including wolves, foxes, or other canines.

Wild Dog
War Dog
Blink Dog
Death Dog
Bog Hound
Moor Hound
Hell Hound
Moon Dog
Silver Dog
Yeth Hound

There may be more that I haven't run across yet in my project to create a massive cross-indexed .pdf version of all my assorted 2nd edition monster manuals.
Fillow Posted - 25 Oct 2007 : 04:32:21
Thank you very so much.

especially about sled dogs !
riot the outsider Posted - 25 Oct 2007 : 02:03:04
there were dogs and a winter wolf and worgs in the third book of the dark elf trilogy.
The Sage Posted - 25 Oct 2007 : 00:27:55
Originally posted by Fillow

I found several month ago an article on Candlekeep website about Dogs in the realms. It was about few peticular races of pets within realms : as Ahrnhand, Daeraman, Darovoi, Femmari,... here :
I don't believe this is canon. This is quite an old article which appeared at Candlekeep in the early days and I'm not sure if the author is still contactable. I don't immediately recall any of these dogs being referenced in the Realmslore. I'll admit, it's been quite a while since I've looked up such references, but they're not immediately ringing any bells.
Are there "canon" races of the realms ?
Does it exist official source about dogs in the realms ?

Another one has been published : which comes from WotC website.

I've read about the moorhound - one of the savage hunting dogs bred exclusively on the Moonshae Islands (Darkwalker On Moonshae).
Did anyone read about other ones ?

Thanks a lot from a French musher !
Terriers -- from Port of Ravens Bluff. From The Great Glacier, there is information on Kupuk [walrus dogs] on pg. 54, and three varieties of sled dogs [heteff, okteff, mukteff] on pg. 55. Ed's also talked a little about dogs in his replies here at Candlekeep.
Sian Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 21:18:22
try Complete Riding Dog:
Jorkens Posted - 24 Oct 2007 : 21:00:10
The moorhound (and a couple of others I think) are detailed in Races of Faerun unless my memory is really playing tricks on me. The other dogs are not canon as far as I know, but it is not a subject that has had to much written about it.

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